ORONO WEEKLYý TIMES Solidi Pack - 7 oz. Ti PANTRY SHELF BONITA TUNA 24 oz. Jar Raymond Siced PICKL.-ED BEETS 8 oz. Pkg PEAK FREAN BISCUITS 19C 19e 19C Fresh Oven Reac&y wïth Dressjing Boneless Pork S'eîHOUULDER ROAST lb 39c FreshOvenReacly with Dressing Boneless Pork (T T ROA ST r lb 49c- Tasty and Well Trimmedi Frqsli B ut t POR KTCHOrPS lb 55c Tablerite lindiess Sliced Side Bacon' Freshly Grounci Minced Beef lb 69c lb 39c -J ____________________ - I EXTRA A Total $ 60flhBu of eVU Tapes RECEiVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH PEAS and GARROTS IGA Choice 4-15 oz. Tins BEANS & PORK Aylmier Boston~ Browvn - 4 15. oz. Tins DELSEY TISSU ES- 2 Twin Packs Aqua, Lavender, Pink, Yellow, White RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUJS TAPES WITI- MONARCH MARGARINE- 2 1-lb. Pkgs. FARMHOUJSE PIES Frqzen Blueberry, Apple, Cherry - 8-oz. Pies 'w SMALL LINK SAUSAGE Royal Guest- Pure Pork 1 lb. Pkg. GARROTS- No. 1 Grade - 3-Ib. Celdo Bag PE"-FACHES Devn halves A 15" oz622 PEARS Devon Bartiert"" tins FC 18C Off SURF giant size DETERGEMT 62c Lushus JEL"LY ail f lavours 7I POWDERS ' pgs 62 QUA-,ýKER QATS 5 lb pkg 62c c CIE SI Soz 45c Minute Maid ORANGE JUICE 6 2oz 057c A Hearty Energy Food 9501hI89M Florida A Goidmine of Vitamin "C" -Size 252's ORAGES3 lozS$1.00 Garden Fresh I A8BAGE 2 for 29c I.LETTUCE 2 sze 24'. 35c PO I Nl6eTTI A __________ AsaCias plant, poins_,tti a etD h has few eoquals. Yet few plants cnB el t Advanhags adi as qguic kly", Once thle holiday se'a- sois luoversSrsd yO Horircltriss wththe Ontarioi IDepeamenof Arcluesaiy that Aset bit can greatiy 'edl ymi anSet six guod wveeks out of c.arur hances of serions injury C yourpoisetiasif you folow this traffEu acrcident, according te t ajvc.Keep the plant i a bright,"(MOnaroMotor League, which urt gosnny loion; nvoid dafts or hot- înotor!'sts i Ontario tf0 have SL avrregstes (encettmas need beitsinstal4edin their cars and1 steady emperatures); watcr as! them. soo asthe sou'[ peaýrs dry'. Temertur Y the imnportart ThOL quotedI an Ind(iana stu ifbot 0 F. and a nighttm ý,-pera- that 47l per cent of persons kill turcEofy)Oito650 F. are mnaitained. ,jwereeetd truHite cdeor vouro\laltswill thr.ive 1tlhrough hý "",h~7~IfhV anti foLais.me timeiiafter Cheristmas. if' the lwrbvstr elw wilt a nd dopbla1-dy soitu land Plnt iSsttedjý, wt eling Cof the to leaves, a itrgndflec is pobythe, cause. Afect'rile plantiis iare etbise it's a good ideaf0 eedthe evry wowes wVIthaIcopletf (' ti Iizer. If 5yot wanit tocarplnsoe for anthryahr' htt o After th' lwrn period, re'si thiem In a cool spot and ]et thIe'soil dr-y(out. Clit the plantits back part way.- -Then ilplace tUeri la large pots~ waegive lots of 1 lit and765tf 70te npera t tres. Thien they are on the way to Chiristmas blooming. Don't let Ponsettias hiave any el-j ctVIic liiht aftcr the first of Sep- te-mbler, or flowering- may suifer. i VOUR 41OUSE PLANTrS AND LIGHT EVen 1thorgh. wîter15 ere yoû, cajn still gardeni; there is a lt o satisi:actinigrowving plants indjoors. They will really brighteni up the hous 1al give you a lot of eniroy. mient, if you f olloiw a few SIMPle rut'les surggestedi by hortîeulturîsts wilith te Ontario Departmient of Hlave yeu ever noficed how a, planti on a wind'ow sili becomes twisted and one-sided as if grows toward thie !lit? This phenemenoniý called phiototropismn, is direct piroof of hlow important lght is f0 your plants. To prevent this uneven rotgîve the pots a quarter "lattracting", effect of the liglit Mii tura every day or two. Then the be evýenly distributed Iii the winter, with its short day- lighit period, thiere is littie likell-1 hood of tono much sun. You can your plants in the brigbjtest spot la the house. If you are short of brigh'ýt spots, some foliage plants such as dracaiena, philodendron, r-ubber plant ai sansevieiiia, wvill tolerate, Spartial shadre. If y-Our plants ar&ý at any window wlthout storni windows, be sure the foliage does not touch the glass.1 r Remember the frost on thie \window panie will cause frost injury to theý folage. If you cani, avoid thiis type ýof unprotecýte-d window.ý HINTS FOR I-OMEMAKERS Study thle labels of canriet f oods, advises the Footis Department of Macdonald Instifute, Guelph. Food value dloes not decrease with, thie grades. Compare the prices. "Stan- dard" grade shoulti be cheape-r thani either "Chioice" or "Fancey". Choose "Fancy" quality for ispec- imli purposes, such as salads, where- the shape and unfornrity of the pieces couat. Contents of can )aibeI- edi "'Chice" are 'high' lainf laver and tendcerniess, but are not as uniformi la size and color. Fruits labeled "Stand(ard" save you mone we used for puddings f rozen desserts,j orgeai dishes, where the appear-1 anice of whole fruit is flot important1 Vegetables of This quality can bei used cla soups, ln geljatin salads, and [in scalloped dishes. L :be ~ j ~ lid ge neit preent hisdanger aswlla thep possibijlitýy of boling thrown a-~ antthe(in- MidOr othier nný iedigObjeets in the car ".SeaLt belts are espe,(cially efe tiein c-rashe-s at modeýrateseea salid thle OML, - and it is important Onote that 4 per cent of ail fatal trafficcidntsoccutr at speed's under 40 MP-!IH. The efciees0 seaý-t beits at high speeds is mr doubtful. But, even if a person IJs driving at a high speed when a crasli appears imminent, hie Ire- quetly reduces his speed subsuin- tially befere the collision ooýcurs Quoting acdüident records in 22 states, th'e OMvL said t'hat seat beilts were responsible for one-third to two-thirds fewer injuries and up ù0 fourd-'ifthis f ewýer deaflis. In addition te the srafety factor, the OIVIL said seat belts greatly add to the cm fort ati drivî-ngý effieiency of the, motorist. A seat beit helps to ho,ýld the( drivýer in placýe on turns, in ovetakngand passing, and On roughl roads, said the OML. It ýýlU also redluoe driver fatigue, Tha OML opposeslgsitn r making seat beits mandatory, but commeiined i(cauto manufacturers È<cor thieir decision týo install suitable seýat beit ajnchoring devices in future niodels. WE SELL RUBBER STAMP O RO0NO0 W EE K LYVAT iE r'- New - No.l1'Grade . Tender g- 1 Phone -1,09' ORONO 1