rio PDarks In 1962 on- and a(il 'ippers haVýe urged more Son the canerots gs to pli't th1p11( m irge nuntiibers of people, '1l] forpublic e (duca- Iditionial staiffs fou patrol1 The Minhicter was referring to alpoîtea ut suggestion tMat the parks should have latmdromai.s, shcwers, elvec- Heinted thatthie parkatedac triciy and waste drains foruriers. AiS eir a reordi of 6,15,300 visi tors)o th;79 arksopentIlte pub- "Athug te veiulpossibil- , "ereet oethrYf thce en jty of these has flot teae eiminated tir1pop linof Cnd. ?said, "ur thinkig ibto retain ~ seblace o tre capin at J 'l an eseCillypleared , 1esaid, d.oubt Ithe v itrjor[rty of pr s henmes0fcmes- upo ers h.ik aing iiee uns. e mst narl fity pr cnt ver astyea j il cntinu to b faitasthe- pop"'- elictîblepeakFThesaime appliesý mn' ripes nour igger ~~-rii by 2 prcnt ve Tis yar Pog it!e Fi and W'ildl e De acd- this yar anLong Point Par. Pheasan huntihg f *0Bun tiskin o i r' lepasfoblli i le Men's and Boy's Leather Slippers : , several styles. Regular values to $2.50 For $1.55 Children's Slippers, various styles ,or boys and girls. Younr Choice 89c. 'rs Store Open Monday UNEMPL.OYMENT IGURES DECLINE FRON LAST YEA1R ÎSSAIiïEWSThe unemployr-nent ~figures forý - )ée enber 1961 are less than they, NwYears Day guests with Mrh. were at this tim-e last ye-ar accord- cid Ma .Aex Watsn we: Ah. ing te A-). Cooper, manager of Che (" us.Gerge Cole, Mr. Jack i7 iourg offie of She National Uni- V' ,Mrs. RweaShe1rry, Miss -emplymi entcomsso. nDee sosSherryv, Po-rt Hope; Aïr, apd 'er cf1960 the overail figure forý Mus Carl Bilings MissAudreyl "Oanur, Port Hoe and surrondi- Biligs Ms.Neil Porter, Muis. «n twn, p was, 238). This Dec-ý Hleber- Souch, Mliss CÏl Little, ember thiere were 1,117, This is ai Mur. laye BieMus. Haruy 'rie f 121ý aiieyand Lna owevs er hefigures are iup com- yaud wMth ovembe.In Ota Mxs. Chas1W(id wre Mr andMrs ~'~alesand Jmewa st land s 'Jr.1 7loy i3arraball N~w Year dinnerguestsookth Mr R. J. odgso, Mr.and Ms Dand HodsonM. and Ms. Glen Hod son, Dar ad Paul, r an Mss. tor Rjhinon and Yoeu. Mr.sandrM w.thoMr. and Mrs.eW A.c Sons spBarara esd oAuthur, and Mlr. aÀd MrslIoad okand M1, is oMlb ily rmToot peThe hioliday eeSka-dlubt arer awand Musd ona dtiosand gfam i alo.Mr.a nderMus. TWar firw oYear's ouDy vistrsla u Sos sxpettNoe Yers Dy wotbMr.- anptd "'s Huh'aple i t andfa- giy, Naeatonin civteso vnTe sýtlathe Orono FiueS ating lub Ae ther proasdmolilndwbuther irsve tn tine ould be 1 Pusa bu dajuy fti Coboing wee. tyis also xpetedthl arundsty wolltae gaurn tkeprt Hope.The arileo thi loalcluvith th er-as eah win(-te ste artteOrn rna As car wase demosdtop theCo driver and drthe pahenger tesc te injry k fioorg reoentmilhe tHOwEsthudOW~yrsr Mr Sitxs carNstaldo h trcsa e wls h ead ot 0o- bourgto Pr Hoe. e cr ale to~~~~~~~~ st1 nd wt ix ¶gw g redyrniNg 0 e appoadh of UNITED CHU RCIt Orano Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1962 Leskard -1:45 p.m. Kirby - 3 p.m. SUNDAV SCHOOL Orono -- 10 a.m-. Leskaud - 1:.15 p.m. Kiiiby -- 2 p.m. 11 ontn tne total was 834 whficf is n fernc f 2>3. In Cobourg the total femalesai maies regýiste-red as eut of wr has limetif rom 317 in Nvme to 59"2 li December. TIhe mýaIe divi- sio shwsa climh of 2541. The Dec- mhrtta is 461. The femalès havedropedby ineif at 1,37. in Port Hope thoý total is up only- 38ý at 525. Thie maie division *is 375 ascmprdte 330. The femrale' grou ba drppcd by seven iiat15J'. The total aies in both twn asdtof work is 839 Ls compred o 54. Te tota l feima diiinis dwn16 at 278. Bowavrile Thurs. at 7:30 U.NTiL SATURDAY, J.AN. 6 - -Fri. and Sat. at,7anid 9:15 SUN., MON. and TUES., JANUARY 7 - 9 one Show at 7.'30 P.m. COL.OR by IDE LUXE Check These Savinfg Suggestions Balloons, package of 10. Regular 25c. fOr .. There is a lot of play value in these balloons. 19cý.1 Aluminum Cookie Sheets, Reguïlar- 49c. for ... 45c. See our 20 percent DISCOUNT TABLE Jiaif Price Chiocolate Coated Marshmallow, Trees, Santas, etc. Regular 5e. Clearing 2 for 5e, 6 for 14ce Large Candy Canies, Regular 10c. for only ...5c. Giant value - Box M6 Pencils -with erasers for 88c. Children's Bunnmy Slîpprs, coors pinký or bitie, sizes 4 to 10. Regular $1.69 f or now. ....$12 Plastic Boot Trays for, only.............. 75e.ý Ladies' Nylon and M'ool Ghoves, 55 percent Nylon for long wear, 5,14 percent w\ýool for warmth. Regular pair 75e. This week only...... pair 69e. Rubber Overshoes, Childrien's with Fleece lining, shearling cuff and felt insoles, sizes 6 to 3. Pr. $2.99 CO-MING SOON - JANUARY. SALE ORO-rNO5c, T0 $1.OO STUR OPEN FIIIDAY EVENINGS fromt t 4-o TEX-ADEsheets-a type for every sleeper stock up now-ut "WHITE SALE" prices I SHETSmode RI"H..he-re in Canada DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY ,LMIT-ED, 19)50 SHER13ROOKESTW, MONTREAL FALL AND WINTER DRESS CLEARANCE Clearing ail aur Fali and Winter Dresses. These dresses are New" materials and styles. Your ohoice for 25% off. Youir Chtoice 25 percent OFF LADIES' WINTER CAR COATS 25%ýc off ayy of our Car Coats including Suede with Orlon pile liffinq - Corduray or ail Wool. Size 12 -18. LADIES' SKIRTS. Pleated and Slimi styles in ail wool. Variaus shades, greatly redu ed in price. SNOW BOOTS AND GOLO$HES WOMEN, CHILDREN and BOYS Now is the timne ta save on your Winter Footwear. Pull-on style for womnen and chilclren. Regular $3.25 - $3.95 For $2.49 lnsulateci boots for children regular $4.95- $5.95 For $3,29 ýM, Ladies rubber and Nylon lined Goloshes with fur trim. Regular $6.50-$.9 For $4.45 Boy's Rubber Goloshes with zipper, black only. Reg. $5.95 For $3.95 Bay's Zippered Goloshes, shearling luned, browvn only, Reg. $7.50 For $4.95 Ladies' HOUSE SLIPPERS Broken sizes in good quality House r Slippers. Different styles to choose fron Regular $3.75 ta $4.50 For only $2.79 ere Ladies Slippers in leather, emibroid Your Choce 99c. a pair Op