School-Bus Driver ~ Took Fatal Chance I ~Yv> Itit as the kind of dazzling,, wNbter day that às Coorado at Its best ---the csky pale--blue an lfeathered ith cirrus: the temi- perature a dyund ivgrtn 10 degrees, an the fertilefrml- ing district af Auburni, somne 50 miles northeiast of Denvýer,, the »tun giittered on a fresb snowfall that covered thbe sugar-beet fields; but the roadý fromi the prosper- eus Auburn facrms to the schaols ai Greeley, seven miles distant, was plawei clear In such timulating weather, mý,d with oniy three classinoom days leftbefrc)e christmaus vaïca- tion, tbe 37 children in the school bus from Auburn ,to Greeiey were at Ctheý, ir mosteubrn - joking, aghnshouting,caai intg. The cheerful d1in was enough to cut off sounids from- outside the bus, just as tbe lmois- ture CofPthe chuiidre's hreaths faogged the e windCowAs. WhýI-en 23yearold MDue Harms; the school-bus' driv-er (since last September) approacbed the Un- in Pacific grade crossing j ust southwesýt(ofAuburn, uaked by warning flashes, lie was en- joyting -the cildreni's nmeriiment. And lbe knew n io schedu1edtri passe thee beween6:15 an and 10:30 am. lit was thien 7:59 Crurelly, whaLHrrnis did flot knlow was týhatfrom Chicago (-)ail tbe wyws the train th-at sboud hae pasedat 6:15 a.m. -ii Uno cfi' stramlne tbonfutbei r-ind fue ie bind shduebCC-euse .ofthe vouelofChrîstmas ai it wasý picking u Lp. By the time[the tra,,in approchedtbe Auburn Mgrade ossng that m rnngHebert F'. Scommerýý, an engine2er for '22 of Ois 64years,*had bis giant diesel m nigacross the prairie at 79 iles -per hiour. Sommirerà a nd bis f irem an, Melvin C. wnso , 4,swthe bus Cleýarly as they 7bore dowvn an tbe intersecion. "T sure 1iope lie stýops," Swan- son sai. 'There are chidren in that us." SomerDblw [three ,Îarnliiing basts on bis aui horn und slammned onj the train's cem- Lovable Dolis Juaf a airtof man'issck 'qfewscraps of fabrijc, mohile these cufeat jama dlla!Bouys ndgis-i l cîidren love fhemi. Patteral 736": patterai for, 12- knch cdoils,pja snggon pattera of faces. Dua mde of xnaa's Size 12 socks,sca. Send THIrTýY -F ET in(stainps cannot lie acccjeted lise postailot for safety) for 'thia pattera ta-)Laura Welr Box 1, 123 Eigh-teenfh Sf., Nýew Toronto. Print pDlainlyv PATTERN, N'TJMBER, yu NAIME and AD- FOR THE FIRýST TIMEý Over -200 designs -iii. our ncw, 1962 Needlecraft Caog - byggst ever! Pages, pages, pages of feali- jois, lame -accessories Ita ka-i, Crochet, sew, weave, emnbroiier, qýLui.1t, See jmoki is lts mpreada, foys, linensafghane plus ifreeatenSend 25e. Ontariù c~d nsutInld l e _s Tai f or each- CATA- LOG odre.There is rn(o eile tax on the poa trne NEW CIVIL DEFENSE WRINKLE -- Leslie Palmer, civil'defense director of Waukesha County, WAis , scurries out of the way after setting off a small aerial bomb as a civil defense signal. Palmrer suggests usîng firewurks býombs te warn pairents their children are being sent home l'rom school because of an emrergency, Bombs can be heard three miles, their smoke seen farther. Palmer consicters his planl instant mass communication. ergency brakes. "The bus slow- ed diown like it wýas going ta stop-' le saidl after.ward. "I guess if siwed ta about 5 miles an bour. Then ie u stepped on the The Cifyý of Denver sliced the bus ams in haif, shunting the front offý to its ieft, dragging tersetion for a quarter of a mieL t sfewed the riglit-of- way w,ýith the brokenu bodies of children and scatferedc among tbmthe Chlrisfmias presents they planneduc to exchanrge, their scbooibags -and llunch boxes, th-' eir books - one entiiiitled "Roads ta' Ever-ywbee, I li hc ihtaihaftermath of the tragedy, grîzzled state cops wepf as tbey picked up the sulent dead and the -wailir1g injured, and motchers anýd fathers grew bysterical as they studied the amishattered features and recognized 'Che faces, of thieir children. Wben the toli of thewrt vehlirular disastcr in Coioradlo's. history (and one of the wors",i1 the natÀoi's) finaily wascune it wvas: Twventy childrepn dead; thirteen seriousiy injured. -Five escaped wt minor injuries, four- cbUldren- and driver Duane Harms. After twa days of hearings; and investigation, Harms was charg- ed at the weekenid uwÉih invol- untary imansliauglite,a imisde- mneanor that, is punishabie by a year in laul. Under inten'sive questioninig, lie finaIly had ad- mitted thaf.: (1) H-Ie mghufot bave brought the bus ta a ful stop at the crossing; (2) be mgi not have opened his door ta look out; (3) the visibility was poor because of fogged windoinis. Harsin palpablemsey said:* "I sbuid have gotten clear ou!I, because it's atLsuIch anliangle tbere , . . becýaus:e in order to see anýytbihng at al,ý a fellow really should get out oft he bus . Joe Brantner, wbtos suiga- beet f arm i.--,baif a mile from the crassing, w-as one of the fir-st ta arrive at the sce-ne,serin for tbe two of bis eight chidren wvho bad boarded. $lhe bus n- utes beore - Kty ,and M,,ark, 6. "1 founcthy right awaýy," lie said dibly. "I knewv she was ded. i couWl' find Mark . . . I looked and looked, but 1 couidn't find hlm-r. Thlen I wenit fori ywieand when wýe got back 1 found hlim riglitawy He was tare up so bad 1I hadn'it recognizied hlm at first."ý Alles, just kept repeating 0f his, 1-ye(ar-oiddaulteL i In dia: "Si-e was going to~ decorafe. the -Frofn-IN\EWSWEEK eTil let you iknow whIi fusth Dootorsays o eau ote Que er,"o the sound of a vc con ake you back years and y'ears. I turned on tHec radio SaÉitucly mrigin time ta bear Dr. John on - secretary of thle Ontario Fruit and Výeefable Growers' Association. 1 baven't seeni or spoken f0 John for years but lie and aur son Bob were gî-eat friends when they were boys. They us-,,ed ta -have a mar- vellaus. timie, mastiy at John's home, because up there fbey lad lovely woods for campling, and an evecr-running sfrieam fii tat could lie- dammed up in places fa make a swiming halnoe. And for years John's moflier and I' weýre closely associafed in W.1i. work-ight p ta filiefime we sold flie farm. Mý rs. Broýwn is stili aciein t1fIe sam Inc stitufeý 1 aiways fhinkc of fthe Browvn' s in connection wvith strawbPerries. We always got aur beirnes tHere anid fheý, were the besýt ln tieditct Now fa passz on ta otheir suli- jecta. Just recenfly' when flie fem.ý perafure dropped fa five ahove 1 thaugît if w-âs time ta) gef my fur coaft oufl of siorage.Tihaf wos cieosirsaid thon done. -Do -you- know if took 1me f V\o doys1a-gt tht'ough ta the depatmlent store wbere cI litstre! AI]i on c- counrt of thýe Christasrush. I1 finaly gýot firiougIlione, moring, al 8:30. Then Partnier asked me ta order him someliitwgh woollen underwear which could oniy lie bouglit in ane paýritilar store and if wasn'f the anc where my coat wos ila sto)rage. Sa 1 sfarfed phoning again. This fime ail I got waýs Santa Clous, Wlien lie gof througil "Ho-lio-ing" flien I got o busy signal. I was almoaf tearing imy hair 4iefore 1 wos flirough w-ývifh those twa lttle jobs. And 1 stiil l aven't got my coat. Safuirday mnnoii!g .Igof arid dow,ýn fowýýn -wifh Ia IneiglibourL anid did a bit of at iminute Èhop- pin,. We were in Simpson's at fine o'clock and flirougli in less thon two haurs. Sa if poïi ta go earlJy. And oh! sucli lovely thinga ta loak al. I could have been' carrie(l awoy a dozen times but all 1 bouigltitla obig way' vwas a godpair ocf snlow-boots, By tlhe tîmefheywerepaid for th(ýe wantmuell left in imy p urse. Unfofunael-yI cot war -cheop irerboots-bu Icetny wantprepared ta pay $20 for tlinm! lsn't ftha- ferrific pr1ce?ý After lunch Partner andi1 got ourselves dressed and wen)t ta "Open louse" ofalihehomre of flieclgetleman w\0o0gof la for cmunci, 0f the last Township elect ion. 11e bas a beautiful estate - 65 acres - wifb a bvi bouse [thai overlooka flic ravine wilthe Credif River running thirougb ift. 1 won'f lie sat sfied unlesa I coni fake a look at ifli the spring. 1 arn sure fhe view m.uat be brcafh-takiagn. Well', fan-mail letters and cards have ýbecn comintgin, Somneli cannot answer because there was no address but 1 do tlank -ou one and ail for your good wîshes end your continued finfercaf in my colum-n. Youi know 1 off en think about the variet W.d GONE TO HIS HEAD --This chimpanzee seemns ta beak ing the su;ccess of his breren who are sucCceýssfuLari'sts too seriously Nam-ned "en e Mon Jim," he hos free ru n of Southampton Zoo, 1Englaind. homes into whijcli this colun goes - ricli andc poor., big and smanli. 1I wish 1imkew rmare abiouit you l-y.our homnes, your en- becauise as you know everyvone lias problems. Rigliht around r it 1ohe -bs jusf ivenbirth to a) baby fter bingthree rmontbqs la ositl.Today bier neiglibourl acos te rood also hoýd apab giln ûgt ItaIllh ospitol with oly f ifteen minu tes ta spore! a leter fromi a niepbiew in Eng- land Mwoe wif isfpc i er fouirtli in Februaýry-. I am bo(ping if will li a boy as Desmn od c bis we son Roemre thýe lasf of the ne in] aur 1brach ofth Fit-Gealdfailiy asn another, boy ill improve thfl chnce 0f faiysurvivai. Thnof course thiere are letters cocrigthe othier side af thýe iedger - people passing away or going into hiospita] du-e ta illness or, accidents. Too bad ,vhen tbe neestdrises but oni the othei hand haw won(iderýful thaLt w have suli 900d Ibospitais to care for ifhemn. One letter gave me quite a scoiding. lItsadFo a per- son who la supposed ta take if easy I am wondlering, if you know vthe lmeaing of thîe wr! You and rmy dctor too, Mrs. M. Eut tIejýnyo know the saying -"If is better ta wear out thanjr ruist ouit." Look at Grandma Mo1ses-see whot a fui] lfte she hoid. She star-ted poininrg 0f t he ag e be a lot of elderl ,y people spend mast of their time nursing their aches aind pains - wbich doni't bcamle lesa byv receiving undue attention. And there are oth-er kinds of worries-problemi cbil1dren, uincongenial in - laws, biouses yau want ta sel and can,'t, and ather financial problemis. Eve a usiesstransfer creates a problem--maving ta a district wbere you dan't know a soul. Anywa ,'y here's hoping all's well that emis well-in 1962, "lie never smokes, drinks, swears, plays cards, he's neyer married. He's going to celebrate his 8t itdy""o? U..S.Hooluýms One thing the 87t1h Cangres can really blow ifsý trumipet about - ad threarme few enough Ithjngs -- is the legisia-. tion it enacted ta belp bust big- time crimre. There wvas, as At- torniey General Kennedy re- minded ev er yo n e (recently) moar e fresh 'legisiatian qgainst major, crime pa-ssed by Congreoss this year. than at any t'imle s1nce the era of Public Eniemy ,No. 1 John Dillinger, wbidb means about 1934. Aliready the . eff[ecf is b e i n g feit. The atfarney genreral daîms gýamblers thraughout thev nation ha ve been cuirtailing their ilie- gai activities so fbey wiii lie es tion. Hoodflumrs are recported 'by the Royal Canadian Mlounted Palice tao be fieeing ta Canada. "T'he new Iawýs are wveIi ikno-wn ta fhe hoodlumrs and rýacketeers ia tbis countLry, if nat fa the genýeral1 public," Kennedyý said, Neariy ail the new laws tLoucli la same way or another. on inter- state asýpects of racketeeriag - crassing staf e nes ta estabisb illegal "business enterprises" involving gamr.blinig, liquoûr, nar- e otïic s, pottta;infersfate- wire ýommu-,nications for gambl- ing, interafate shimpenf of fire- arms, and 50 on. The point the attorney general bas miade is that mrudl of obis igim crime can be stopped -if the puýbirc wanf s it sto(-p- ped. The puLblic got tired of Appalachiin mobsters o p eonLi !y flouting the law, and tbe autcry hielpedc bring about these new lawsv. Jus.ýt as the otr in the mnurky- 'Thirties bogi a new vigar ta a enforcemnent thirty,, years ago. WVe hbave no idea. how long it wiil b.e before the $2 bot is ef- fectîvely outiawed, but Moln enougpli people get mad einoîgh ta raîsýe the roof abot that, to w,ýe .aboli seeý some even mare radical cage.Forifi is the liittie peoýple, firesml rackets, tih bme s" gamble that pro- videtfeIe bse on whicbdeflcbg rackýets are, built. That so-rt 0f ataigbgn riglit brin auraw com - ities - not ir~ bnoDC By Anne Ashle'y Q. I hve beeninvi eteI bridi sowinlahonoýwr of a gooüd friend, but I ave a pre-vi0Us commimentthatwihIprevent ny atfending. Should I Send a gift ta the shower? A. jThis i fheproper and flagliffuil thîng ta oo Q. Are orodne cards eonsderema bgood taste? A -Yes; aild they are]eryPop- uILr for heshotinformai type of misT e t is becmngmore and morecutmy for men and wo- Menl to uise thlese cards, b-c,- they are flot acceptable for anlv ýirîctL- ]y formiai correspondence, Q. ow vdoes One intrOdtUc-n onie's children ta other perSeG!- -- A. You introduce yo.urch ta your -friends, "Hellen, tis miy daugbter, Susan," and then ta Susan, "Mrs. Cartelr." Only if yourdaltr is miarried do vou give ber !,,ias am as, "Mr. Fox this is myv dautghter, Susan Tle mpl1e." Gaiy Ch ange-A bouts PRINTED PATTERN' 4991 2-10O è fwa outfifs in one fora lif l'e girl achoolfoios Cobn pld Pr inted paýItte-ran .4991: Cli1ïi1- dreýn's Size-, 2--, 4, G, '3, 10. Size 6 ouf fit tksl yrs35-loch plaid fbi;5 yard platin, Sei-d CiFT CENTS(sap canniot lebcceted, se postiF nocte for saet) ortis ptea Please pr iint pinly S ZE NAMF, ÎADDR ES, S ýTYýLE Sendm order ta ANNE ADAMýS, Box 11,12Eihenh St., New FALL'S 100 BEST FASHIONS -~eparotes, deas, suifs, en- sembles, il sizes, al lanaur ,new Patte2ra Cafalog in color. S e W for yourseif, famiily, 35é. Onfanlo residents muai incIudeê le Sales Tax for cadih CATýA- LOG ordered Thiere is no sa!e3 fax on.the patteras. TOAD HALL-I--nspired by the ancest'ral ocf îMr. T[oad in the ch*idren's classîc, "The Wind inflcWlos"apl Way ýDuilt his own vesin f Tocid1HacllIhe 6'5 yeo-r old widower chose ai huge cedori hollow/ed ouf by f ire and carn- structed his mnountaini tree house near Snoquc.lrnie.