i f>re whidh killcd sixteen Pa- tients, visitors, and liospital emi- playes. One attack upon hospital safe- ty regulations camre mat imonth from the Newý York City fine commnissianer, Edward F. Cav- anagh infr, who studied the scýene of 'tle Hartford blaze white local poliece guanded the smiok- ing lhospital corridDr for pos- sible niew outbneaka. E v e n, though, tîle cause of that fire us stili uincertain, Cavanagh pin- pointed one wveakness in lis own city's liospitals. "Elgît out of tonl (hos;pitall) fines, . . ýanc caused by carielessmnoking,," lie aaid, as lie demandied tigliter smoking negriations. The National Fine Prevenition Assoiation in Boston estimated tînt in 1960 there were 11,500 firesi the U.&. natian's 6,8.6 hospitals, accaunting fan $1.5 m-il- lion in damage. A 'recent study of 600 fines in haspitals, icà NEPA said, slhowed that only 20.-9pe cent wore cnuaed by careleas smoking. Amonig the ether causes: Defective wiring, electrical appiapnces, and static electnicity, 23 per cent; mishanid- Iing of oxygen and aneathetîca. 7.4 per cent. "More important tan the cause of a fire la finding out why~ isprend so fan so fast," the N snid. One reason for the Hartford dianster, the associa- tîan's engincers said, was that a janiton fought the blaze for haif an houn before turning- in an ailarmr. The fine roaned up a waste chute and fcd on -ceiling tule made of highiy comibustible mugarcane. "We tell our employes not to be embarmased ta turn in a fire lam"a Jolins Hopkins Haspi- ta] offi ciai pointed out. "We'd rather answer 50 false alarmes than be an hour l.ate for a. fine." Fine habards in a, hospital in- eluide the usual onies found in any home, restau'rant, or hotel, end the unusual onea resultinge from îlhe use of highly combus.. ible gases anid hemnicais in operating rna sand aba. An- eng the fine precautions taken i many of thse lest hospitals are: Smoking: "If we outlawed it, patients would -be . sneaking. amokea and we wvold't have c ntnol aven thery»," thc Uiv\er- sity of California Hospital ip, San Francisco reportcd. Like moat hospitals, UC allowa patients tai snmoke when not under-sedntives or oxy gen therapy. Waste Chuites: "Fines can stant trami cigarette butta dropped in waste containers, then dum-ped clown waste chutes," a spokes- man for Passavant Meniral Hoptlin Chicago pointcd ont. 'We senlcd up our chutes long Openating rooms: "Staticeldec- tricity -- which could spark an explosian of anesthetic gases- îsn't a problem in aur anea of hiili huniidity," said an officia] at Charîty Hqspital lu New Orleans, "but we take tle routine precautions anyhaow. We don't permit wýooliin., or nylons in th,- ûpcrating room. Everyore wears t hoca with composition sales, end we ground îtne aneathesialo- gist."* "The Hartford fine was tragic," idPency Bugbce, genenal mian-i ager of 'the National Fine Pro- tectian Association, "but it m iay have onc good resuit. Lt is torceful remrinder .. that any hosapital, no matten how safe, msust be examîned again and rgain f'or fine hazards." -Frein NEWSWEELIK Obey the traffîc signs -te i.re placed thene far Y O U ÉA FETY. MERRY MENAGERIE "Livingý in a nedwoad tree, you cetalnly imct E-saineIunusull Proves A Kiler To Prom Far-Off Isliand EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Tristan refuget is tauIght how to give hano signais while riding c) bicycle. By TOMI A. CULLEN iiudr.Ail threeamonia Newspapier Enterprise victims, for examuple, died with.. Association in 24 hours af being admitted ta. the hospital. LONDON - (NEA) - Warîn- Deeply concerned, the British hearted lBitons are sadly begin- Medical Researchi Couincil lias niing ta realize that kindness may rushed a team, of doctors and sci- somnetimes be a killer. entists to the ar.my camp, includ- The, lesson isa being taught ing an expert on human races, them by the exNperiences of the specialists on bload, bacteriology 262 refUgees from the volcano- and chest ailmnents. wreced slad o Trsta da Viruses are flot thei only worry Cunha who lanided here this fali. where the Tristans are concerni- The býiown-eyed, brown-skin- ed. There is hwoI problemn ned Tristans are incredibly innol- of teaching themn how to live in cent Io the wvays of the world. the 2th Century. Until their South Atlantic isl1and The island c-hi1dren are being was destroyed on Oct. 10 , onl y given road safety demionstrations, qciglt of thlen- had seen the out- which include hand sig-nais for side world. The rest had neyer those learning how ta ride aÀ sýeen an automobile, tellevision or bicycle. Both chldren and aduits ai telephone. must learn how to cope wt The British quickly took themn pou-nds, shillings and pence. to their bsoin. The Womnen's There are other, sadder lessons Valuntieer Service, the Red Cross . to bL,ýearned.- The Tri!stans are, and local 'school chuîdren have by nature, trusting. They neyer done their best to brigliten witli beforê had locks on their doors. curtains, rugs and flowers the Explains their chaplain,, Father wvooden barraeks in which the Charles JewelI: Tristans have been housed at an "Now we miust teacli them not army camp near Mierstham, Sur- to be too trusting. They miust rey.. learni that there is such a thing But the sweet-tempered and as dishonesty in the wur1d.'" likable Tristans have a terrible Not mruch is lknowni about thie weakness. Innocent of' the me-1 early hiistory of Trista-n da chanical mairvels of industrial 1Cunha, which la located about civilîzation, they also have no 2,000 miles fromr Brazil, but there resistanice ta its diseases. They was a British gacrr'isonl there until are vulinerable iota th firat virus 1817. that cornes alang. Whýen the gairrisoni was evac- Sa far three of them have1 uated, one of the sol!dier-s, Wil- dîed of pneurnonia, despite anti- liam Glass, stayeý,d Lbehind. 11e biotics and, every other miedical and a hanciful of other Euro- aïid. The first death in exile -- peans, mnost of them sailors wh,,1o that of Johnny Green, a 64-year- had jumped slip, mnarried nia- old fisherman-plunged the coin- tive wonmen and foundled the pre- -munity into gloom. t wsfol- sentu colo n y. lowed bY two othier deahi i A return ta Tristan da-,Cunha quický succession. appears ta be out of the question, Three mare Tristans are soni- but as the Christmnas decorations ously il] it pneumionia, while were going up in the drab wood- another hundred refugees hiave en huts which are the Tristaus! sev-ere_ casýes of influcaza. Thiere l tenîpiorary. homes,, Will.y Repetto, are also cases of infecfiaus jaun- the-ir leader,1 said: dice neportdï. "Lt was an unhappy day f or What surprises medical experts uis wherl we left, Trisýtan, and La the suddeniness and violence there wîll nieyer be real happi- witlh which viruses attack ýthe neis again. until we g-o back.'" One Americain View 0f Canada's Problem Prime Minister Diefenb'akerý's admirnnistrati'on is bcginninig ta face up ta thc prospect that the United Kîngdo-riMmay7join tîle Cammon Manket. The Canadian Prime Ministei îs ual finding this prospect easy to livewth H1elias made a great ef'fort, with nat tao match pnogny'ss, ta shIIft mnore 0f Cauada's tradetoad the iý2nited Kndo [ilswhl orientation has been taward tic Commonwýealth and the moîhorj c-Ouutny. Naw lho is being tald by FernrMajest *y's governinent ibat the tJnited Kirgdom mtýay move ln tle opposite'directioni. Present esiirnts of ihow Ca- naidiant] ado lclwill ho înfluened by Bnîtain'sutY mioathe Coin-m mon Mne are vague. 0f toýtal exporta taý the UJnited Kinýgdoa'n !i 1960, amo)unting ta $915 mil- lion, some 76 Pei, cent wold h adversely nffected] by the losâ of preferr:ed. status, by new tariff banniers on by bath Hardesc lit would be. agnicultural and fish- ery pra-,ducts. The preaideni of the Canadian- Exportera' Asso- ciat-ion recently estimiated tînat these migît be eut, to as littie as$100 million, uiess new ar- rangemrents are made for their benefit. Thse exportera' spokes- man foresaw the !oss of aimit haif of Canadi's total exporta to the United Kinigdomi and s]îmn profits on the remnainder. Conjectures like these explain the intense concenis of Canadians HIP CATS - Charles Boving- don, 4, of Twyford, Berkshire, England converts his tricycle into a taxi for two friends. macle by the Brii hl. 'Tiey must nevertheles lie seen ili pe rec- tive, even assuming tIhat the figuires are not exaggerïated. as ,-Lesses bocnnof apprehen.sioni sometîmos are. Canada's eýxp(cnts ta thie United Kingdom account for only 17 pen, cent of lier total e-xports. 'Tley are about 2½ý per cent of Canadaý's grass nationýal product. Annual fluctuations in Cana--da's exponts ofton have been of thne order of "se verai huudic'rodc million dollars, and the ioss of trade nesultin.g froru thé ComLmon M a r ket presýumabiy would le spread over a period of perhap,- teIn years.Cnda. moreo0ver, lias already taken ac- tion to strenglthen hier exporta and lier balance of payntsLý by depreciating t he Canadian 'dollar by cvor 5 per cenit. In an emergency thî,s device could be uised agaîn, althouigh at a cost ta the rest of the Canaýdian ecomy as weil as ta the sta- bility of international finianciaql relations. in assessing the cousequeuces of the Commion Market for Ca- nada and others, there is a dani- ger-, to0, of concentrating9 too0 narrowly or nimmodiate eift'ects of tariff changes. The tata] econamîic consequences need tao be oxamined, the advantages as w e 1l as the disadvanta;ges. Gnaowth of the BiaIeconoios4 will accelerate. The political stnength of the West will be en- hanced. Canada and the reat 0f the world are bound ta reap compeusatary advantages. -Washingtion Post Wrong Signal - But It Did Save Lives The nîglit was black and rain- swept, and w,ýhen sevoral dcer bounded- into the path of hîis headlights, David J. Ma1rris awerved t00 far ta the riglit. The car- tappled aven an unguarded shaulder into a deep (120-foot), wooded ravine in B e 1le vu e , Wash., a sylvan neidential c'am- muni.ty just acrosa Lake Wash- ington from Seattle. When theý somensaulting car crashed ta rest, Mdrrîa's wife, Etm, 34, lay helplesa on the sogny gnouind nearby, with a brain concussion andI a bacli lnjuny, and in critical shock. Morris, an, insunance unîderwriter, RlSO 134, was trapped halfway out of tIc right-hand doorthug which Mrs. Morris had been h url- ed, the weight of the over-turned car crushing dClwn on lis dheat and abdomen. With agyon-izing effor~t, Morris founidlhe could reach the aru., What happened next, as the Principals reconstr-ucted it lasI month, vwas this: c Gerajd A. Poîzin, 37, a robuszt. ecw-cut security guard from the Boeing Ca., and lis wvife, Jupe, were readingl in bed itheir ho)me about a m ile froîn the accident scene, when a strange, buzzing sound disturbed themn. "Lt sounds like somiething ulec- trical," Mrs. Paîzin said Po)Izin turned off the light, thining pa faulty cannection mriiglitbe re- spansible, but the noise persisted. Then. he opened thec wý,indowv., and heard the faint butý unmistakïe bic sounid of an autom-obile hom, heeping ouÉ a signal: Dait. . daoi.. dali; dit, dut, dit; dali . . . cdah dali. "It's an SOS from samýewlierýe!" Paizin said, dredging tronm île mpurk of hsnimr a smatterîing of Morse code, absor-bed nearly îtwenty years before as an airmani in World War 2.(That was juat About îlhe sanie ti-ne that Morris bad been exposed to Morse as an Anmy Engineers sergeant.) Pojziîn s quîirminEl into hie clothoes, sîîatchedc up a flashlgî-t and his car ke.ys, and rushed off ta Iocate thie distresa signial. Onice the sound grew falot, and lie turne(d and hoaded in the oppo- site direction. Finallv. he tounid SUFIED ABVERTISINS BABY CHICKS FOR early egg prodciLction, Bray bas Aines an(] other gond pullet varietijes, 6-18 week aid now available. Dayolde, hatchiug ta ardJer. Bookt your next ba,-tch of brollers iow. Sec local agent, or wýrite Bray-f4atcheey, 120 Jolan N, Mamiltonl, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERV saud dry gonds store, 1 nin. free try, befare you buïy. Appl'y 't Waws General Store, Waiwa, Ont, DON'T buy stock lu veudlng! Bulld ocp vautirnwn, comipany! Ambitiauîs and fi> nancialfy respansibie men can get lto veudlng now on a fulI-th-me oi part-limne basis A once-in-a.ifetimeL opportunity ta earn a gond incomne and get a gnad retuirn on vaur investineut. Let us start vn0 in a business tailnred tw vour needa Send details ta "Tailared lu. etmns 200 Ba;y St., Laronta, Suite1 103 or phone 239 7:178. MOTEL,. maderu, '18 units. eacb 1con. iaining 1W, rad10,in, hone, bath und shnwer. Selliug price inc1Ludea 2 wlnter, ized! cottages aud conmpletely modern 3-bedranin bungalow. Locateà lu Pem-. bmakýe 2 rmites drive ta centre to)wn. occupancy rate about 7W', Triple A rating 11gb net prift. $75.00 dnwn P. J Brennani, Reaitor; 30,1 Pemýbrmoke St W_. Pemibioke, Ontarin, DOGS FOR SALE BORDER Calle Pups fromi goodI par enta, ic.'iy marked, Maies $1000, Fe- mnaies $800. Police cross Cnllie femnaleR $801No papers. Anson Hoover, Wal- leusteInOurn1.y,ý FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS WE have the best value lnu meu's, boy;s' and ladies hnsiery lu Canada Nnw ýse affer sensational value ilu meu's shirts. Flaunelette plaid sport or vvork shirts, assnrted olours, $1 98 or 3 for $5,69l. White db esc shirts $2,99 or 3 for $8 69. Work sacks 75ý per pair. Faucy stretchy nyl1on socks 60c per pair. Ladiles ny lon hase 79(, per pair. Boys' catton and] ny- lon socks 591t per pair. Postage Pald. Gonds satisfactory or mnney refunded. pre illustrated catajoguie wlhhui- dreds of item,-s. TIWEDDL -E MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS il ONTARIO GUNS FOR SALE MODERN OR AýNTIQUJE POUJGET --SOLD EXCIIANGED EXPERT' RFPAIRS--PARTS SERVICE Poly-Choke Instailltions TRADE DISCOUNTS MONTI4LY CATALOGUE 25e The Modern Gun Shop "CAINADA'S GUIN HOUSEe5 3006 DANFORTI4 AVE., e. TORONTO jack forced its burden up. "Better. M/ove It one more "Just one more niotchi." "He said that, six tî,imes," Poizin re-Called. "I knew ho-w fhe feit but 1 said: 'I'm afraid it might roL off the jack'."e Ha-iling a passijng car wiVth -his flashiglit, P o z J i n ultimately summoned police, who ci.alled a wreeker. Later, as both Morriýses wr recovering satisfactûrily inOe- ,lkýe Hsiti Uorris said of Poizin: "if lie hadn't arr*iVedý, we wauld have had it. . There just aren't wo,-rds to tel] howI feel.. Poizini said of Morris: "H1e was copéatve H1e did haïl the work. Then he sent flowers ta mie. Imnaginie."ý twa some days after-the dra1matic, long-shot r ,escue that Poizin and Morris camnezta re- alize that they werc-proLvde.n- dtially - 'equially7 rusty on t'heir Morse. Dah ..,dali.. dai, dit dit, dlit; dah .,.dali. .dah stands for OSO. ThtsSOS spelled t inside out. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q.low can 1 keep the bottoms of my mietai garbage and trash containers fromn rusting out? A. Heat t.he btosof these containers, then dro.p in apic of paruaff;lin or candie, The w7ax will mneit and coat the bottlom o ýf the container so it will not ruat - and also, I ilbe casier te keep cdean. Truth is the hardest miîssile one can be pclted with. -George Eliot. MEDICA1. POSTes ECZEMA SALVE BANIS11 the rTienit a dyeczema? rashe-s an(] weeping sUntrcoubles. Post'r, Lezema 'Salve wJifl ldisappainit 1yau [ tchlng, ecaiding anci burning ecze- fia aene risigwoùrm, pimýples and foo't eczrma vill respond readiiy ta tseý 1tines, dorless oibtment regardieseý aih& sub o as opeless they seeem. Sent Posi Free on Receipt of Pcrke PRiCE $3 50 FER ïAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865ý St Clizr Avenue Eacf TORONTO IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL L ýSULTS AFTER TAKING D1XON,'S ,iEAEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEUýRITIS. MUNRO'S DUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Clee i mONY o a A imrv n and nd Bu-sins n sr debts curnsoiated, aret rcucd E(!uipme1ntnoerenned annvt in yaur1£ business,iacveprnshp basis Al -Canada. Symntn ed57 Blaar St W., Trno Ai42 LEARN ta playý the piano in 6 weeOks wvith Symprovised Musie ý De-t;1ilsFrne write P O. Box 1173, o. raQe NURSING HOMtES BLUE Lodge Nujrsiiug Homcie Kindiy trained nursing. Good tod icensed. 265 Bay St., Hamilton, Ontý JA 72652. GOLDEN YEARS Resi om 104 Brant Ave. Brantford. Memrber Associated -Nursing Homnes. Kind omrpetent care for your ioved ones. Mtodeýrate rates, PH. 752-5059. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND O OMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN CANADAIS LEAOiNG SCHOOL Great potnt Learn Hidesn Plcasant cdiguiified roesingood wages Thouelsands of ueeîu Marvel Gradustes. Amierica's GreateatSsci fllustratedCatloueFr W,'rite or Cail MARVEL HAIRORESSING SCHOOI, 358 Sloor St W.. Toronto Branches: K4 ing St W'., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electrie ,-(I(Iiig ard Argan courses. Canada Wlln.C' non andi Balsaam N., Hamoiltank, sb* 1LI. -1!284. Res. LI. 5-62,3 SWINE FOR skALE (-,OVERNMENTasp p rae dü(1YrksL,, bare. Law feed can8tumýption, 1094 Dacon type. Alsa Youg Sowssn! 2a6ars. Apply ta Maris ,W. Sheilard, R à, cGa1t, Ont. VACUJUM CLEANERS BANKRUPT STOCK Vacunû cleaners, $14195. Comiplete with hase, rads and attacimeînts. 2 brush lloor poRcshers, $11.95 each.ý 3 brusis pQ1oliere, 5.395 each, lie supply. .-1S.A. appraved. Mastly new, s few used as demionatrators. Every Item ý ý,kd beon e hlpping. Guaranteed. en inyorder, we p&y postage. Dis- vcu.nt Sales, 988 Quieen Eïast, Toronto. ISSUE I1-1962 BORING JOB -- These metail heads are important training nids in Bonn, West Germany. When f itted witlh arti'licïaÊ teeth, the heads perimit dentW, students to practice, without paiîn, on ao willing patient. FULLY SECURED 74'%oRI% PAYABLE MONTHLY 4 gLinton Credit Corporation Limne fes uuuu a1Ivestment opportunity to th,* email investor. We pguy î1tfs rate-734% c j, citheplan-and sýcu1ru your cýapital wsth mortgagea cci L elec-ted real estate. You hold ail legal docuente j. rgstered in your nazme. WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE *> EGLINTON CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 97 Eglinton A&ve. E., Toronto 1 2, Ontario, Ccinada IWMý, WV