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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1962, p. 1

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Parent So~ttrs The nleed( for S on1iiety,,pe of Par -,.lts :Informaýiýtion ýGroup for 'tih ~Parents c tdn'in grad-es sevei- -1.nd e'ight waS clearn l demonstrate, -'ta. a iceein in the Orono0puicî :7c(hool lastThursjiay, Whlen thirty ÎiŽve parents of th-ýse chilciven gathi erd oflrna group, 10 alud3r the lmplem-entation , f the new secon- 4ýary schol educational prograin. .The nxeeing was çaled iby th Gi b~r i i e, in, e tgges, ' -)n by rlhe principal, Mr. ~. ,Qeeat ~te annual scihool MI. Jacl f4chaired the rmeet- ,tig. »r, rfMee was .asked to re peat, his., proDsal,. at the opening of the meeting. Hie claimed th lere ýyasa, great neecl~ for parents to study tih',s new: program. Heex ptressed the view that parents were -n a bItter position 10 know their child's skills and aptitudes, this hie !suggestced, alfon~g ritli the guidauIMEe teaehling -in tlIe elemen1tary seholq, wvould hielp the parent makethu- timate choice in guidling lte cî2ld's tuture. The parent therefor haid le -be informied of the euainlfc i?ities availablé ni te area anid the býest way of directing and idn their cih4cren~ii'utuire. Thisifr,- ation ediuldbe SGughit iilailoBan ized group such as he proposed. NIr. Witherspoon, principal of the( OCrono High, School, was asked,1 fori his cormients on the scco)ndary -ciool educvationial program nr lIte new plan. In his opening ne- marks, he shiowed hlow the decisioni te build thle co1po)site schlool Was decided. Whein an area has a pupil population in secondary sehools_ of that some sort of practical vocýation1- i school can b fitted ite th'e,ý over- ailedato1 needas of the comn- munity. And as the Durham District Hig SeoolArea wasin thiscte goxy such 'a. school was feasible. The sehool is being financýed 75% ,by the fedleral governnment anId5 b the provincial government, provid-1 injg it is completed by 1963. 1 Mr. Witherspoon expressed some,, -oncern (also expressedl at the ne- çent Secondary School Teachier's Fedenation meigtlý'at thene seeoidany school educatiQIial plan was being impleme>ntet1 witliout uc cons ltat ion with those responsible for putting it in practice. He feit there would be some diffiulties in fitting the students int a course of study best suited for their future educational pattern. Mr. Witherspoon then showedi how, in this new -secondaiiry s(11oo0 edu_,cation)al program, education was ê1ided mb three main edc1'Atonai s treams; a Bu1sinless and Comec Course; an Arts and Sciences Course" and an Engineering, Tech- niology,ý and Trades Course. Each of these streams hie said, were, di- vided into three levels Of ediucationl-! ai adahicvement; a five year cus 0f study; a four year course; and a two year coreMe continued, by e2niar ging on tIhe questions involved(1 in fiting students into tItis pro-I grain. He conluded hlis nemarks by suggcstýinqg that as he wudbe more dlirect]l' concerned with the(- arsaldscir ecore o tudy in lte clanke Selhool, that thepret >~he4d avesimilar meeingis w ~hosewho wuldne concernied dir- ectly vitl lte th-er courjýses of cd- Folowig hs emanks 7Mn1 Mn.Witersoonfaced a braeo qetosfor nanyan hurand a Thje question Ldicat-ied tsat par- econsidter thleincide'sftr r vvaio ere hungry for ifn ationanteyaian aretd sire te initelligently guidle theirl %lrnnMeeting i cooperatiion wihthIle ec le 'ian qa uthjojtie,. 11 t i. Wias eciedat ,he concl'u sio if Iil ch meeting te con tilue thlee b 1 Altq and study etng.E netDent was ohlosenl as chair-ma, ~f ou paenstwo women and twc 4qen 1 plan tiio.tiler m-eeting. AI - isuceedlgmeetings >othon rparents wilI be çhlosenl frein the group te ;~ranc lurtlher meetings. Mrs. t Ruth Allun,, Mns. Campbell, j Mn1 o9ace-se anid AMn.Jack Arnolt - z -1 La DiuoSibîe for the rpexi I-s Lgfoýr fCImmeilts about te 'acefY fr~mmen-iers' f the ie imnvtc e tlise ere thie opiniotus Didn' reaize tere as s'i mucli 0 !çPow%". "Shouid be coirntiued." *Leanned a great depl bu-t much s tingi and infoirmi ve." "Could sup- ty othen, in fo0rmaiit i on includling cthings as SLoasisand eviecancers and Ocptea ilformiatioýn iMoniographs.,." "Meet- ings should be kept inthiate %vithi )le nty uf discussion." "Should be ield iii the school and avoid the arge publjic meeting state." Drarna Group rilmeeting of the Bwavli rmaWorkshop was hield a thie I!n's Centre on Thiursday, January '1!h, 1962 at 8 The mneeting op- enied withl Mrs. Edward Samuel -ýling fthe imembers a Hlappy New '-"aid then aicuiicing the pro- tuc tofwo or pcss;i'bly three one etpasin the spring under the leconof Mirs. Winifred Wonna-- :mt ad S. Frencbhman. A thieatre trip 10 Toronto by the 'rop as d'îsc.ussedl. It wvas decided find wa productions were in 1ý offîng there and make a final uAecion at the next mieetin. jThien a1lilie membership activeiy iaricpa.edin the continuation of Vir-, Joln $choemnaker's very com- rhsiecourse on thie theatre. ?h i artiular session was Con- eýrne witsage movemenit and enitdof instruction in the cr 'ecut te-_chn]iques used when walkin.g,1 urnn~,kneligSquatting ,and st4ming in th profession. The ~orecontinues at the next meet-I rtg wich wilI. be on Thursday, Jan-' ,mary l8th at the Lion's Centre. N,ývw me-mbers are aiwrays wel- 'on.If you are initerested in anyý a4spect of the thieatre, please corne lenand sit in on one of our meet- ng-s or write or teehn Mrs. Ed1 ward Samuel at Orono 227 for de- aie nformation. Orono Trust, The', onoPolice Tute met on Vloniday evening whien they openedi applcatonsfor the position of Sec- (-tarýy for the Board which was va- aint due't to the rýes,inationl of Mr. T. E, AMilîson. ')y te Bord bingý,Mrs. Rae West imlo.Th pliainof Mn. G v-np inws aceted10fuilthe ilacy<ss ecretary cf thle Oro)oý "oieTrustees and t eOrmo E- madeers +hichte chairmnan feUt so lx-b attended te beýfore the 1~ i i i I Voue23,- Number 46e) W. Roughley, 1 Cri 0 f 5, Robbea' Mnr. Wlfred Roughley, a driver for Canada Bread, Osiawa, was one S >ffive drivers whfi on "S-aturday;Sld enigwas ondered 1ah gun pôint to The C eýmpty his money poiièh i the 'Ce- the Oron pany's. building,- in '0 shawva. The Januany gun seriously .vounded. Ihe ~1peViorina tusilé after oi'dernn- thew sli:< hlmi Ie open the sale. the club a lie n.R giey, %whoclbar th Ite M. wgas open lormerly lived in Orono and now fo give ic o;f s;hawa, was tl-ýllyiing his d'aiîy prtn receipts with five other Canada oporu Bread drivers. Aflen shooting thé ing came' superviser the gunm-an ordered Mn. TI-c li, Roughiey te open te sale but thi.s par k in N wvas nol possible as the doubp1e lock impressmi svstecm requines a key carried oy scelies (ce th'e, Brinks Express guard. Îrpy The gumnman made off in an eiiý- glaphy.W pleyeves car alter laking around 'fth $300.00 and aller erdering those in bylnh the building , into a wvashrooin.bylnh $30,000, remnaîned in the ôffice sale 2Mr. Tc; ýFi re Out Before Department Arrives A fine cail was reoeive-d by the Olrono Fine Deparn-ment on Satur- laïy evening about 5:45. TIte , aIl (,aie froni lte home of Mr. 'and r/5RvTenant at 'the inonith 601 the village. On. airiving at th- house lit was fouind that the f'ire had been bI'eught under control by the ocetipatIs 1,d the services of the deparliiièo &ere net needed. The cause of lte tlarmi was a fine in the chimney. Nnbéi Ihip Of' 134 The-.negttlar monillly dweetfr- g of te directona-te of the Ororno and Distiict Credit Union was hel on Tu'e,,dy, December 26 in thle Board Root ef te Co-o~p Bu-tilding O0rono. The report of te treasurer-inan- ager, Mr. A. Loucks, sbuwed aà mnembership of 1341 with 39 ber- -rowers. The assiets are over $2000O. Thiere' were 3 bans granted during Uic ,previous mentIt. Plans were made for the annual meeting on Februiany 26, at which a pot luck supper will be served. Orono Badminto-n Hosts Newcastle The Orono Badminton Club were liosIte lIthe Newcastle Badminton 'hon Wednesday evenïng of tItis week when thirtyfive players from lte(- two Villages meet for an enter- laining and Social evening at the Orono Cerrmmnity Centre. TIte two clubs entlered in competli- tien in lhree divisions rnixed, lad- ies' andc men's doujbles. In the lat- ter, division Newcastle had a decid- ,cd cedge winning ail the gaines. In te ladies divis'ioin Orono sitar- e d welTIte rixed doubles saw a, sligbt edge ho Newcastle.- - m 0Mbes eki is Thul-sday, January llth, 1962, Orono, Ontario rier. -aClub ~wExcellent es 0f Acaidia >rno Camera Club miet !i )n Community Centre on 3nd -wilh twelv>e present te le'cs shewn by Mnr. Tozer of Lwa Camera Club. The local ranged the meeting, whioh Il ho the ýpuiblic, as an effort ocal camera enthusiasts ani ity te view somie outstand- era artistny. Local RecreationSetn Up New Items 0f Interest Assessment Meeting To Be HeldId b The assessment and taxation naeelinig in Durham county Wîll be Monday, January 15 at 8 p.m. in dices were of the Acadia ýUooTw al Siova Scotia and wvere mnost Clanenice Ailin, secretary of the ve showing extraordinaryý county Federation- reports invita- Oupled with excellent photo- lions have been sent te the muni- Discussion of the photo- cipal couincil and to tthé public gen- was an itenesting feature erally I10 attend thiis meeting at Ieeting which was followed which the speaker will. 6e Don Mid- dltoL supervisor of th'e property, departinent of OFA. ûzer -was accompanied] by GatWlae OAfedBr her Oshawa~ Camera Club Grn alc, F il r vices, arranged for the serles 0of HFro mnèm a k er s Met In Orono On Salurday last the Durhami County 4-H Homremaki.ig Club h'eld their annual Achievement Day in the Orono Oddielloiw"s Hall. The disp1ay was most impressive with the themne being "Separates for Summer.Y The prograin censisted of a fash- ion panade of s1u-mner separales, çomiments on Club exlhits, demon- strations, skits and 1'esentation of certificates anid speons. Entries were on . dîsiplay froin Eethany. Cavait, Elizabetliville, Gai-den Hill, Rossmount, Solina and Tyrone. The certificate wtinners were Lois Ash'ton, 15, of Soli-a, Gwen Glaspel 15, Lynne Shainton and Esther Rose- vear ail of TyrQne. Horticulture IIanning Animal Gel-To-Cellier, On Wednesday evenýing of last week the executave Of th"e Oroo loilicthural Soc iety me-.t ath1e hojnme of iMrs. Carl Billings where they made plans for the annual meeting which is to be helci on TuXes- daJaniuary l6th at 6:20 p.m, in the forni of a Pot Luck Stipper. Professor Jo1h'n Weal of the Ont- ario Agricuitural College Gu~elph, will be the speaker and everyone is invited to attend. Your membership ticket will be your admission and for those who have flot àlteaily se- cured them, may be purclvased ý,t the door, m'eetings in Vicetoria, Nortuinber- land, Peterborough -and Durham, as a means of informning rural citizens of changes affectlng farni proper- lies espe0lily in assessmen4t af- fairs. Qarnet Shields, c3unty assesso r, is expected to be present at Oronoý. This is an informa] mee-ting, and. everyone atteniding wil have1 an epportunlty of. asking questions. Ne'i4 losp'lal Wing Td Open: January 26 The offlicial- opening of te new wing of Memonial Hospital will be heid at 7:30 o'clock on Friclay even- ing-, January 26t. This was decided at the meeting of the Board of Dmr- eclors ef Memorial Hospital heldI recently. Present were the chiairman, Gleni holme Hughes; Ivan Hohhs, James Stutt, Harry Jose. Newcastle; 1Ws Lawrence C. Mason, president o lte Women's Hospital Auxiliany; Harry V. Cryderman' A. M. TItemp- son, Mrs. Charles Warren, Darling- ton; Mrs. Harold Gibson, Clarke; IKeih Jaksn and Rex Walters. The vice-'president of teWemen's Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. S. G. Mc- M\urter, Ray DiIIi,'ng, the seenetary- tre'asurer of the board, and Bernard [Helden, e hospital adminisînalor, aise) attended the meeting. Mn. -ugheis reported for the OeigDay Commnittee. TItere wvill be conducted tours of lte new wving f olloring lte official opening on Fnîday evening-, Janu4$y 26tiî. Thene wîll aise be conducted tours of the new addition te thhspital on the next day, Saturdlay, lrom *twe te four p.m., aIse on Sunday alternoon frQrm two ho four 'c-lock Harvey Partner, Pres. Oroi Following lliree heurs ef $adin- Mn. Harvey Partnier Was elected ton lunch was served of sandwiches te the office of president Of the cookies, tea and coffee. Orono Chamber of Comimerce on The Onono Club lias been invited Thunsday evening of lasI week te Neweastle during thie first week when the Chamben held their an- ,f Febnuary when a retunn tour- nual meeting-. The annual mneeting- nament wilI 6e hield in te New- was h'cýld at te Ontario Trading castie Conimunity Hall. Posl:. Nîneteen pensons wene pres- cit for- the meeting. TIte nominal- ing comimit tee presentedi the siate 9 f off icers which was accepted hy eles îAhc meeting Other off icens and direclons who will support M.Pantner during 1lIte - ~ r~ a ~y crs o 1962 are Leslie AsiettI, vice- :)n Il, J ia lr p)resîd1ent; Bob Hazeldlon, secretany; Chanles Arumstrong, treasurer; dir-, egarmeeting on clite fourth Mon- etn Wm. Recd P. M. Lunni,, Gor- day of the m-onthl. In thlese il was dlon Wýatsen, Dane Found, Hlerb Du-ý decidied te h-ave the sert r rte vajlI, S. B. Ruthecrforl, and A.Mc the Depalîmet uit Muicipal Af- Lanen.g fas asking for a c(opy of a djraftý Duing the coumrse of the mleetn by-law 'whic 11coldbu nctdfor,.,i(le ntiiiing president A. MLrn thef remnoval cf snow from 1Side- wcLcomcd MI nF. Ray Dickson, nana-i iwaljks of enr of propentie's in (l(-ege of lIeIpna ak c .Co Vilg.Thesrlaywa is e ece, te flItu eeig writelte hfirm of MrIal ak anfnnel oitlite P lin and Menaghan te ae uiCa mbnseeknon anknghora île rîap r'epaned as nequestcd by Mnr. Desn ttd1httIi)a tIte Municipal Board in cnete jethdb(eelnumade te hlead officei,1 stldthat nething funthen oldruivdfor Iis offiuce bl ore any te the Beard. neohurs. no CIiarnIer 1 Mr. MecLaren Informed the meet- ing- that werk is 6aeing conducted in 1an effort te obtain a dentist te prac- Lice in Orono. Nothing however, of a definite nature lias develeped te *date. The treasurer, C. Armstrong, re- ported that the total receipts fer ltbe year for tIte Chamber of Com- merce had totalled a suni of $4261.- '30 with expenditures ameounling te $4190.11 thus leaving a balance ()f $70.89 on the ycar's operatien. Ti)- present ban-k balance at te tîma, of thie meeting rested at $1,39923. Il was pointed eut ltat the Santa Cians prýomotion had costth Chamber a sum of $165.00 which pceinlclude I the cost cf a Santa; suit. MnI. McLaren 1in bis clesing c-, mrsthanked thie secncýta7y 'a-Ld thieChiambl-er as -a whiole for tIeli support dnigthe yea-r. 11(e aise asked for, support ollthe in(oml-ing president 'a1]d1his efficers. MnU. Pnnron taking vn . chIair as tlu, newv president, sae lItaIthde Chamber could do better if thIey ail work ogth.He lu- ihcred hîis remanks by statingltaI, lintended b osec that a ni-oe f emmîtees ere or-medat Ite jtswhiich Ite w ould hope he vîUl j c orîï ie~e during lIte yean. I'coîp malien cen:' um 1er dis- 'us~m i w U Il 'a rLj~dl Vînt a rnp- tien tias passed in xvhich lIte Onona Chamber is te as-a e e ai lu arn- J ~es~nt on r \ iexVs . n luis malter. dThe Clarke Township Recreation. Commission are presently sponsor- in~g or promoting a number of pro- jects in the Village and area. The fonms of entertainnient include Square Dancing Camera Cuby, Seniior Citizens Club and a Better Boating Course. S;ome of these aet- ivities -are underway and proving interesting and sueoessful white others are in the planning stage. SQUARE DANCING It has 1,,en annouinced thlat the- SqaeDancýe classes will be in fuil ~swi~ toigh,. Jnsa 111lh. in theý Oddfhlou M Hl, rono at 8 p.M. Frollowt-ng this the classe,,s will bà hield i the Hall every Vwo weekQ- on the Thursday night. CAMERA CLUB The local Camnera Club at,-"hoI,- fïig a "How 10 Operate a Camera"~ etc. Niglit on January 17l. William Lairdf of the, Oshawa Camiera-;Club Wili be guest speaker. .I Tinie: 8 p.m. upstairsA n thre-Mun- icipal Building. Persons interesteê mray stili join this Club whiic'li .il 6eè both înstructional and entertain- i ng. SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Steps are now being ta:ken for the formation of Senior Citizens Club to operate in Orono, Kendal and SJeiwtonville. Jack Eillbeck of the omltnity Programîmes Branch, Toronto, wllt be in Orotio January 23rd at 8 p.m,, ;o discuss this and other nattets of nterest with the Recreation Coin- inittee. BETTER BOATING COURSE A Better Boating Course wlll be offered in thijs area by the Recrea- ion Com-mittee in the next few w'eeks. Authorized by theý Ontario Safety ..eague. 'This course wlll include:, *The language of boating. *Governing laws and enforce- ment. *Boat llcensing and regist'ratio)n. *Maximum load and horse power * ~e~sed and rionedd *Signaliing- and manoevernng *Regulations, offences, penýalties. * God bot handling prac-tices. *~ ~ ~~~~1, -1 a ntsio ihemnand * ae ips fo)r trailering. * Re~uiat irs adgc rcie for water skiers. A Betler Boatinig Ce-rtf icajte wilI >e issued by the Ontarlo Saifety Leagiue Outdoo)r RecrealLa iviso o ail those ateln h erlc unes and si~aJlycr itn the tss credit'union Has

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