E-riec FalisC oucis First DuhmCounty Federation Agricutureiel'd ils first 'regul, Dreebrs eeting of 1962 on Thur d"ay evening, Jan.uary 4Ith, at ti Ofm e Mr- and Mrs. Eric Fali R.R. 3, IMi1lbrook. MNl. Harvey Ma _olm, Who has guided the orgau -zItW'n over smthl waters for ta -,7ftw eairs thanIked ail the di -cNn-i for thieir, support and c e~rr U(iinig his tenure of o iad asked that it bho continue 'n lus suesso,. lHe then ask ClrneAlin, secretary fieldnai te onduct theleeleètion of offire. Sr19. The following officer -.tere, electedl: President, Erie Fallii 3t~ilbreo , R 3; lst Vice Pres den, oward Quantriln, R.R. Camnpbellcr(4t; 2nd Vice Pt-es., Di ton orrilNesietn, .R. 2; 3r Vic Prs.,Donald Staples, Nev casti R R 1; Ldy Drector-, Mr Kýathleen Dorreil, Nestietoni, R.R. Dire-tors-at-Large Eric Fallis an Ralph Larmer.* Eric Fallis, new President, in a ',uiliig Jhsis ew duties thanked th fllrectors tft- their conýfidence i îlim- and pledg-ed hiiis;elf to do hl "est during the coming year. Clarence Alunr was again appoi ted Sc-ilmn Mrs. Kattý,ee Dorrell was appointeti Assistai, Sceayto relieve hhm duifrng pneriod of Winter monthis when Il expected to again be travelling 1 warmer clinuates. Mr. DoGugla Kemp was ag-ain appointed Treaý Ù,rer. A letter was receiveti froin Cavan Township farmer outlinin cornplaints regarding the operatio tcf some new machlnery which l h had purchased. These complaint supported the need for, a Fat-i Machinery Act in Ontario. Thi letter was given te Bruce Taylor t present to a Mernbers mneetingo O.F.A. iii suppoIrt of ils request fo a Farml Machnery Act.- A request wa eceivedl from thi Oshawa & District Labour Counci inviting the Fedleration te appoin a director to represent it on tih Council. The invitation was receivei and deferred to the Februar: meeting for further considerati>n. The Secretary outlined the ai rangements wltich had been mad, for the ASSES'SMENT & TAXI/ TION Meeting to be held in th, Orono Town Hall on Monday even ing, January l5th, when -Mr. Donat( -Middleton, Director ef Propertie, for O.F.A. will discuss these prob lems fully. It was pOinted out tha Mmî. Middieton hias ltad w'ide ex perience in these matters and thiý meeting wiil gîve fat-mers anc others an opportunity to ask ques tions and acquaint themiselves wvitl ail phases of this very pertineni prcblem of today. Mr. Garnie Shields, County Assessor, will aisc tend assistànce in the discilsion The directors weme urged to publi. cize this meeting andi eaeh britga car Joad of neighbours. For a numbet- of years Durhamr Federation i-as been sending one or more delegates te attend the On- tarie Rural Leadership Forum. This has proven very valuable in train- ing ani promoting leadership in the county. President Eric Fallis was appointed to attend the Leadlership Forum titis year which is being held in Niagara Falls, February 4 - 11 inclusive. Discussion took place regamding a place te hold directors meetings during the wintet xuýinths. It was decided a central locdton whichi would always be accessible would KONTINENTALS Rod & Custom Club MODEL CAR et 'Ir .5- al- ni- he r- If- rs s, al- Cs. 2; .i d ls- L-n in a te l i-s n ts -t le 'y be1 desirous, and it was deecded to BIRTH hoild the meetings for the iiext Borin to 'Mr. anti Mrs. A. lVlcGee, three months at THE TRADING a son, Mathew Ainsley Grahamn, POST. located on highway 115, 7 lbs. 3 oz. Fridjay, January 5th rnorth of Kirby. 1962, in the M(-morial Ifospitai, Bawm1anville. a-p A request for financial assistance to the county Fat-m Safety Couricil >as discussed and it was clecided CARD 0F THANKS to) defer decision in this regard for We wvislk to extend out- sinere :,ne mnonth and ask the Federation thanjks andc appreciation for ail the representative to the Çouncil te t-e- loel-ifts that wev(re received at p)A*t to this meeting outlining thec the Rest Homne for the p)atients Council's projects as to how the oe h oias - ,r oniey h eset Ethel and Marshall Keast M rs. Fallis. assisted by Mrs. H1arv-ey Malcolni, served a most e- COUPLE'S CLUB PARTY licioeus lunichi and was suitably TIhe O rono1 Couple's Club are thanked by Howard Malcolm. The holding1-, a To>boggan Party on Mon- meetinig adjournied with everyonel tay, Janu,,ary lSth. Everyone wel- sa]tisfied] that the Federation Was comre. Bring your Tobog-gan and well started on its way for another mneet at the Orono United Church sucýcessful year in 1962. at 8.00 o'clock. 'b-c Assessment Meetingg aauspices g a DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATION g 0F AGRICULTURE 0 ORONO TOWN HALL 0 MONDAY, JANUARY,- lStk 8 P.g GUEST SPEAKERg Mrw Donald Middlzton g Property Director of O.F.A.g Mr. Garnet Shieldsg County Assessor S This Meeting wiII deal with aIl phases of Farm Assesernent O and Taxation. Corne prepared ta ask questions and take Part i discussion. Everyone welcomne. Please consider this your invita- tin. a-c AUCTION SALE DislTrac-tor, 'hay-baler, Milking m hnfilUne of Modern farm machiinery. hay, grain etc., the, Ioroperty of Gerald Lacroix; Lots 23-24, Con. 8, Clarke Township, 4 miles north of Orüno on the east side of highway 115. Selling on S turLav, January 13. Sale te com- mience at 1 p.m., Jack Reid, Auctioneer. WALTER FRANK D. W. McQUAY o R'-ALTOR 1- Church St f Bowmanville MA. 3-339,3 ORONO CEMETERY COMPANY ANNUAL MEETING The reguaanual meetinig of lot holders in this company ,vill be hieid in the Town Hall, Orono, on MnyJanuar.v l5th at 2:00 p.m. E. J. Hamm, president. b-c RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Mieeting, of the ,Orono Red Cross will be held on Thursday afternoon, January 18fh at 3:00o o'clock at'Mrs. W. E. Armstrong's home. Everýyone \velcome.. a-c ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting* of the Dur- ham Central Agricultural Society will be heldi Saturdav, January l3th at 1:30 o'clock in t-.e Orono Town' Hall. a-c COMING EVENT The Newcastle Lions Club are sponsoring a Minstrel Show, pre- sented by the Oshawa Barber Shop- group at Newcastle Oommulity Hall, on Saturday, February 3rd at 8:00' o'clock. a-c FOR SALE One pair of girls figure skates, size 12. Phone 1031. a-c O n p i r W A N T E D _ _ _ _ _ On arof boys skates, size 8, chlid's. Plhone 1031.a- WATER HAULAGE r* oc c =0 c =) For, water haulage phone Cliff e Cooper, Omette 14411. b-p FO b- ,, O PAITING itiiu. I~BUILDING -CUPBOA RDSg REPAIR AND FINISH 0a FURNITUREg DOU si M PSONlui a Poe1413, Orono rg W I TE ' rville Chattertoni S 1 0 if ~ ~ElectriMalContractingi - UI1 IIJV* g ~ EIectric Ileating a O! and Servicei I FOR HPhone 1031 g O i Orono, Ontario g Remodelling, Decorating g repaira & maintenance work. Feddewua Real Estate g BOWMANVILLE g9( acres, 10 roometi house, gas g urnace, bath'-, barn 40'x65', garage, gMen and materials are available now a never-failing stmeamn, excellent le- a cation. Price $25.000. Down $3.000. J)3,g 1 Acres, rolling land, snl 0a streamn, nice view, near scheool.t 0 Pice $5,000. Down $2,000. a:-WHY WAIT ITIL SPRING? gban-,. 2Are&7 rn0ace s ýrab1e $14,0000(0. Termsl O 157 Acres. 8 roomed brick house - 2,nP' Nwatl.PAcdt CALL YOUR LOCALo modemi, ail cenveniences. Highfway grcdt el 6 roomred house, 2 bat-ns, 5 acre.. gus Ner Orono. $6000.00. Tcrms. NATI 11O Orono. 8 t-eemed brick heuse -10 oMany ether listings thriouighouit OFFICE Durh:i andi Second Mortgages ar- g ~~a raged. ýM Gl g314 Sinmcoe St. S._ Oshawa Phone 728-4631o A.J.M Gl 0 Phone 1407, Orono - - - - - - Locasl RPprnoi-tra Y -- ___ - - - -~ STA FFORD BROS. Monumelital Work,,, Phono Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E, Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsom., dig- nified monument ovor the rest- ing place of yeur Ioved one. Its net expensive. And uesing this fast tribut. wiII Vive Yeu endless comfort. lia mutous a Insurance Service insurance in ai[ its Branchesu Auta, Package and Composite0 p Polio les, Fire, Farm, Life, Surglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wind, Boiter, Fidelity Bond, Etc.a Sadie Hamilton Phone Orono 1R16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANSp - ~ t ' - PHONE 1471 - O DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 LUGÂL Lawrence C. Mason,ý B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonos: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5451" W.* KIY LYCETT, BA. Darrter - Solicitor In the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telephoue 138 Orone L. J. SKMF Chartereti Accoitataut BY APPOINTMVENTS Lycett's liPsurance Office P.O. Box 68, Orono Phone 12510 INSURANÇE Ceneral & Life S EE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res., 1171/â JACKtRID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Parm and« Furniture Sales Conguit me for ternis and dates Phone 5r 18 -Orome TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuat<>r Coducts Auction Sales of &Hl $hma and at reasdhabl, rate. Communicate with him et Part Peny5 Ontario.- Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nathing ta be desired Ask the person who bought f rom u& a neighbour, friend or relaÏivs The RIJTTER GRAINITE CONIPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE '"Largest Dîsplay in Southern Ontario" PHONE 129 I CONTRACTORS FOR I FARM ýlard HOTJSE IW WIRING Free Estimates I~>'ANCE SA~LES Prompt and Guaranteed! Repairs to aIl kin-ds cf Eleotrical Eqipmenlt and Appliances Such at Metors- Water Heaters T.V. - Radiios Stoves - Irons Building a House? or rermodelinà- your present anc then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono 1 . PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Touupkins Phone Newtonville 4721 Orofio, OW&