,an 0f i gh Scliool Bdz, Volumlie 2,Numbl'er 71- Thursday, January l8th, 1L962, Orono, Ontario laýst wo at a board meeting held in ho", h gbi schiool at Port Hope. He had r,,ieviously been vice-chairman. Reiigchairman J. r. IMcoreery fPort Hope presented the new chair- nian ia gavel in recognition of the 4positio and wishied himi success in the fot-oigterra of office. BertParerof Bowuaniville was .~mdvice-chairman. Thie local cominittees off the fivel wcnos oing under the jurisdiction oýf tlie board are to annouince their airmïen at a later date. > Reresetingthe indcivkialscol ar: ort Hope, J. T. MCerR mniýviîle, Alan Stxrike, Alex- Mcouregor and ertParkr; ourtceForbes Clarke, Carlos Ta!mblyn, IwnCovwili Il . Carm-lan amd MUrray Paterson: Dlhbo , D. J. W. W itanRe Fallis. The generalcommIitttee harn iand; tasottoCarroîfl Iichols -wer'e namned as follows: Managemaent, and GClane Alun and vocailadvis- ory, W. E. Trammerl. Mn. Trammer was formlenly public school board representative chosen frnm Port Hope but this appoîntinent ln 1962 wl be made b)y Bowmianville publice chools in view 0of their having the largee3t averalge daily attendanceý in the Durham Gonty ýin 1961. The board uai~syappointedý M.Trammer anindiustrial imanag-e- ment miember of its 12 mme eýational advisry comittee. 11w h pe i ddress to the board, r.Tamblyn remar-keýd on thie grOvwth Of the ba _-nrcntyas n x pesdhigh hopes for its iucssl thle coming year-s. He prai-sed Dr. Mcreyohisý pat ear's work and on thereut ltat had been acopihdunder bisi lifprincipals 0f high sloooLs report tthe boacidj o onthe qa ote f tah ers under their suipervision Who arei teacingon green contracts, thIIe teatchers in.volved mnust be notified Iiný wr7iiting three dýays prior to, glving thle report, P. J. Bigelow, principal of the' Port Hope Higb School explaineýdto, the Durham Cou,_nty Distic(t HBigh Scbool Boardat their rlecent meeting. mebrAlan 1Stike to the fet h, b-oard Should be? informed on the cqui- ite ftachiers On green cnrcs Gren cntrcteare good for, one yeýar- nyanarreevieed achyar.As teachrs w ioffvarious subjecýt, hhey c an evntullyquliïf yfor \,witeý otacsor praetcontracts. Mr.Biglowpointed out the rles as laijd dowvn by fthe departmî-entwhh state rio report mwil! be given Lto a board Conc ýerning a teachen On a green contract wMthout wotifying lm- in witin 0f he contns cf thene ~The principal explamned tlis was: prtetonforLhe teacher from princ-! iiple urnngun-favourable reports forý pesoansons. D.J. T. McCreery was Lin favour of Mïr. Strike's idea and insisted thatt ,since cthe boadwas pying the salar- ies of these teachers it h-ad a rigt to knov w what serviceýs lhcýyweeg- ting in r -ur.He ah favra rprt ather thn a wriWteà epr bcul h g 1e1w-hut thencest of otfiatonto thietechi .Mr.i% elo sad averbal reqport hol ave onýe. It wsdcie oaskthe col n a Idlte mate illbi dsuse ThIe Orn uinesmen whQhavýe b"een etaing open iSturiiday eehg came týo an ag*reenment on Monday taia stores ini Orono will be closel] on Snturday eveings. This w.11 be in ýcovdanee with othier iMutnicilitieSI he~ave adoped tis smePnocedl- At this ie it is unIderstOtl tt the Pced & 'Wite and theý IGA stores il- Orono wttl be open this Saturday ev- ening bu t will close the fllowing Sat- urday at six ococ.AIl other stor'es, wil close tIis Saturday in Orono, it SI mnderstood, CARLOS TAMBLYN' iO DCHAIRMEN .I]EIVE GAVELS Ail past chairmen of the Durham Coûunty- District High School Board were presented witb g-avels wvith en- gnavlýings of thir names and dates of their, terms of office. Al but one were present to receive their gavels. H. R. S. Ryan who was chairman in 1952, and is now living in ~30 Aom s N zc ~a le. Due to the lagoume f boys -who are turning out for Atom Hockeyr, ~over thirty at tîmes, a- haiha been made in this grouping the Orono rink. The boys baqve been divi- lie 1 jtc- two Fi ýup-s and will practtçs ~atdiferut~imisin rdir that t!ha MISSION BAND A week ago hast Wednesday the On- no United Church Mission Band met i the Sunday School with twenty- six members present. The minutes of e previous meeting were read by the secretary Dale Challice with the [collection being taken up by Davici Mann.Tie song of dedication was Orono Couples Club Elects Officers For Yi SMrs. ilarry Fi aser boys whIll get more ice time an-d more The death of Mrs. Harry Fraser, coaching. Doretta Challice read the scrip1tureS aged 3 ocreda MmnalHs andailrepate th Lod'sPraer.pital, Bowmianville, on Saturday, Dec- A peiod fromn 5:30-- 6:00 hias been The miembers sanig the new bymn emnber 16, 1961, following a few allotted for team. B on Tuesday night"Or - uch, oc Lngthn la- ontiis' illiness. with teain A following a)t 6:00 o'c -cl a piano solo for- the group. The former Charlotte Elizabeth Team B practices every Saturday Brewntedcad sthdug- mor01ning at 9:00 o'clock wileteam A' Mrs. McýLaren pr-esented ,a-story of the dee Iaelewanedaught-aa 1er0,f1the late Isabehee and Willia continues at the regular 10:30 -erid. OurChurc"outiningthelaankn 300r(*lf the ci3urc-I hwblh the children fol- 1rw.Sewsbr nCak The Midgetss willnwstr hOrI ih a discussion of the subject Tonsip and attended New Park Saturay moningpractice at 8:09 eho rather than 8:30. The meeting losed in the usual On Decemiber 26, 1912 thie deceased FRDYNIH IOKI anner. marr1îed Harry Franklin Fraser who ThsFtiday ening anOCErti Elaine Forrester predeceased ber in February, 1957. ngmade for two hockcey aes Following their maige te flirst is to start at 6:30 and will feature following Friday the Orono Pee Wees farmned in the Long Sault district. the Orono Mtoins. This gamne will be and Bantamis wiîî arrange gaines witli Jpon retirement in 1948, they nioved followved by the Orono Midgets. The outside teams. to Orono. The late Mrs. Fraser was ______________________________________________ i_ a emiber of the United Church in1 Orono., Seek More~ Attracdions For First Day0OrÔno Falir Kingston, was unable to attend. The Annual mieeting 0f the Durhai, to make every effort to provide a The past chairmnen to recelve the, Central Agricultural Society ws eld fuller programn than was offered this gave prsenatins ad teirresec-ii the Township Hall, Orono on Sat- year. The Black and White Show was tive emen0f officeadtre as olow urday afternoon whlen thinty-five hield on Friday of the past fair along W- erndeof1951, H.ar. as. Ryans:, memnbers were present. with hanness racing. It was the feeling 92D.A. iMlcGnegor, 1953; R.ead M, Ar. George Carsoni, who holds al of those at the meeting that more Bude, 95; W R.Renols,1955;to year, term of office, 1961 and 1962, ltvtiswn needed to extend the G. N Strng,1956; H. Bruce Tink, as pre»1sidten-t, chaired th-,e meeig. ýfir noafi w as 95--Carol Nichols, 1958; A. H. B., opening th-,e meting be exPreSsed lisý Stke 959; aknd Reg. Fallis 1960. thanks to the members and dinectorsj The (Guernsey Show which was held fo hi okdrngteps eIr for a first time at the Onono Fair last Messrs, Ryan, Budge and Stnong1 o enwr uigteps er er will return again this year to Ibe werve Port Hope rýepresentatives. MJNr. The treasune's report was present- held on the second day. It was also Ncosrepresented Hope Township etohem tig and is reprinted in . iate itht the obacoshow will be o ýn thýe board. its entirity in this issue of the -paper.agi repeated. Tegaeswere presented by retir- Te local Agnîcultunal Society, on 1n chaýirm.-an J. T. McCreery of PortSaudy pptd a request fnom Oeadionhsardy ena- ote1 oite hta h nulnne for the finst dlay of the fair, Ho,'pe. Be in tunwas presented with, mLeetoite btatteana agavxel by new-ý chairm-anl Carlos n1eing they support a motion to seek bat heig t'le 4-H Sheep Show. Thtis anl extenision 0Df Provincial granits to has f late been held in July but will Tamnblyn'. boîster pize xnoney for theWoea in 1962 ýtake place on the openin-g (day Division, Art Division and the Scbool 0f the faîl fair at Orono. Divsions. A coite f trewsapit Craihrn.e Reeve 'The committee chairmien 0f die vanr-t,0k fe h are~rcs ous'departmn-ents 0f the fiair th b en Msne ac peidi, Junior ~ ar en.poted with satisfaction be-,ing ex-1 Wetiad Dr. R. J. Taggart. pneesed i the majonity 0f cases. Mn. M.Gerald Plips of Crahme W. E. Watson, dîd Lhowever, recoin- I wasde th emen theatefo TownhipNontumbeland Counityl mènd that pize mioney for the ligit h oit a osttert o wselected vwarden 0 f the Unlited horses he ex-ten1ded to iniclude ah 'en- ommerialiespînys WI p entingth fir _ounties on usa f thiis we.The t r es as exists for, thecattîe.auittteewodbestfrhn ncw Wanden was elected'on-te fifth1 The woV1men eIýxpr)essed appreciationthbyawofteScty balo wthfour cotsigtewr'or the display tables which hiad. been i v new, dir-ectons.,werýe added to dshpthers in the race were:M.bul and ueed in the past fair, adn h or being Mn. Bruce Tink of arwBighiton Tow-nshiJp; Mn. Free I gratly to thieir exhihbits. SliaadM.W .Ri fOoo 0fCmblfoc rd and MnT. MMse ndiscuissing the first day 0f ihl-l ~e Aseociate directors directons,7 o~~~~~~~ If MuryTwsi. w- ar FiateSciety I Sqece.Ry Dickson, Orono, Williamn I FrrwNewcastle and R. Mundlay, Beef R*n 'Z S c.cumrbs To New Mode 0f Livin4 Our rm6de 0 f presen-,tday liing bas brought about many chaý'nges and ini the f al 0f 1961 this anea wlinssed a othe chngewhene o-ur habits 0f to day do not fstrthe operation 0of an enterrise.startd forthis areilara- rato.t ontrmnly ~nce190 clsed tes opertto tus asi f a i c hre ns, to store quarters 0f beef bas cut jat tn usfuiese0fthlebefring, e.,f schan ente(rpnise. fin recent year itbas eenfound mo111re diffi- cult okeepthe Beeý-fRignop- în de to the lack 40fitestwtl '~h reuittha it opratonceasedi the faitof!961. Mr. Chapmlan eaî"d that the Beef Rigfor tueaneawas n of eht -If a igstairted in Bwavlepnioi o' 190 a1900 thelo Lca l area Beef Rigvas formed with thle ana metng)eji-g Ibeid every yeax' in the CrySehiool Bouse. [uin lte oper- ation of the- rvinlg in Bwavlesuchi faiisas dhe Rtefod n m7maobe er ie amoniget its mý,nenier. Thocse parnticipating 1 I-te local rinlaeiier years wene e uc!l familis as Isaac T. Chapmn, Ceci] oesJamnes, Lyceiýta A. J. Bigelo, Jl. J. nd S. D. Souch and mianly Žthes. The lbeef were bthre nthe arme of Art iPcwere (now thlllllie Ot bank farm) and Jam-es Lycett inl ean- R R 1, Rowmanville, were ~he Associate Board. added-to EdIA henIed Surviving are two daughters, Mar- ion (Mrs. Herman Webb) of Ponty- pool and Jessie (Mrs. Lawrence Ad- ams ) of Bowmianvllle. Five grand. children also survive. Evîdence of the esteem in which the deceased was held w ere tbe xnany lovely floral tributes from relative.s, fiiends and tieîEhboý..rs. ¶ he funeral senvce vwab held on Tu.ýsday, Dc ,,i . n Orono lUn- ited Chiurch and was cnnducted ')y Rev. BaIsîl Long.- Interînent was in the, family plot in Orono Cemreteny. Palîbearers, aIl nephews, were Messrs. Lance Plain, George Brown,' Howard McRoberts, Clayton Brown.! Donald Plain and Gordon Baker. The Orono Couples Club met oti Monday evening ini the Orono United Church with sixteen couples present~. The evening had prevloýusiiy planneci to be a toboggan party but the weath-~ ermnan greeted the idea with a drizz- ling rain tbus necessitating the cau- celling of the trip to the hilîs north t the Village. The gathering enjoyed opening cer- emnonies in the nature of a roujsing, sing song ,vith Donald Stajiles and. MagrtPowell 1leading th'le group and Stella Morton plroviding tae rhythm on the piano. Following the sing-sonig the election. 0fo officers was beld with Ainslee Mc- Gee acting as ehairman. Thbe followi- ing were elected to office: IHonorarv President, Rev. and m,. B. Long; President, Donald and Jean Staples; Vice President, Ainslee and Mary Loui MeGee; Secretary, Charleaý ,and Kathy Armstrong; Treasurer1, Bruce and Kay Quster; Social Coni- mittee, Orville and Betty Chatterton,. Leslie and Gladys Aslett; Lunch Coi- mhittee, Bill and June Armstrong, Gary and Marilyn Hancock. While lunch was being prepared, Charades was played by the groupi; It is the Intention of the group to hold the Toboggan Party in February, th13 date of wbich will be annonuced. Many of those present on Mondav at the meeting ex-ýpressed the desirýý and need for such a group in Or-ono. The mneetings will be held the first ce eýacb mionth. ýWeddinig 0f Local Interest Solemnized In Enlglanci A wed O f local interest tool Mvr. Michael Smith- \ w best iuam. pJlace iin England on Deceniber 30, The reception wvas heldià the hoiae 191in A-il Saint's Churlllch, Maiýden, of the brides parents at 7 East Road, Lwd erkshire, whlen June, only Castie Hill. The bride's mother rve dagtrOf M.and Mrs. Kernneth ceived in a sheathdrs of green fig- \eon vas united lin mlarriage to urecl wool jersey, mthn accessor- Dnald El gin Capan son of -rjs and a corsage of bronize r- 'eesias., andMm RymndChapmlan of Or- The grooms mnother assisted in a goid on.The cerem,,ony w as pefome wrcae jacket dress, brownaceor 0m1 asetn 0 ligýhted Christmas les and a corsage 0f bronze freezias. tree an lage askes 0 xnms u IBefore changing to lbei going away di'- histor o l church Iby the minister debieadgon rv thle Re.McalWare. csue h rd n ro rv oudto Slough andColnbokt i TCli d "Iiven in marr,ýiage by ber Ithe brideus gran-dparents vho %Were -Lathei, was lovely in a floor lengtIi unable to attendic the weddlÏng-. gown 0f mbroidered wieorganza! mad onprices lies ithanEliz- Fo tavelling the bride chlose Ca abeu Jtan necli:ne and long sleeves. maui Lve wool dress with pleatedî skirit, i1cr bouffant shoulder îength veil %vas 7' gre ,en w\oo)l coat adbakacs -1.ld iin place by a pearl tîira and she sories. cared a bouquet 0f red roses antA'eeasot onymonte youn BunaBuckinghiamshire. He idsmid is Esmne Davis, eide live'd in 0Or:ooseveral w.ore a et length dr"ess of olive yersbefore mioving bacýLk to England green satin with full skir't *,, Ihnc-. ihrprns n16 n S Pres- lion rereand on the fan 0fM. [.T i inRiithvein Bnpqe Township uean ong eleeves. Shie wewhite ently Lemployed at the SlcnoghTrading Stales i ater yeare and natil' l amewa ecnîyeîced -sai es, white gpoves and a ZEstate. The groom nwent oversea<s waeclsedon ths ali calwcaima free1962 0f teprovin hadnesof apnicot and yellow early in 1961 and is emrployed iat - Mn Chapman aid it was neessary Vegeable arkeýting Boar-d. To the-_ owes t ac o ooa fyl nevlsPout t, Mie. 10 havefonty emabrs in the ring ui-offce ho brougut a vast range of 0w " Ocse and apnicot carnations. hcaci. one ht il ould be oeae.This koldeaind epeiecein tho Cali- past few yean~~~s it had been necessay olouf zon., teMrktn 10 go faýi1îten afied for mlemibers anid lar orie M et ý-Leighý,'t yeare. 7Zone were obainor iDaligton and Hope7 uconiPrtSfhe Countes oNothuni-pý n ~onhpalong with that of Clanke. j elni uhnVicý,toria and. On- e 1cu Theorgialpurpïose o0f the 1Beef îjrio. Mg was 0suppy fresh beefttaoSce Aun; n eo of qi mveg who wee memb r 0 te ring. t iàetpoep -distriCot tout o" coil [o~~~lu beudesoo ha the eanly ~apnpisquash.1,Elima beans, p f900e there as no10 euclh tux-,Uny as el- aiiiLiae,Ucarrots, green amd yellw niCP e .cticiy 1o openate non-xisting ap- I vxbeansand long g oea ucmb plince suu s nfniorton on ar haadled by Che Board, W ieoi feezrs.Loal utcersha tino~tîaesagreemontdi andprcs5 dpnion ice 10 k> ep their Imeat 900 localgrowons, îah lIteood no i-oh qis ingti n htcsos. idoabl cntrbuion ora btt h novýne, if was eetabl) ish ed ap-ý upply cf resieale for the faner.c- pnxmtlUighen eîsao The lcal ee'f ing pntdîebaqu r i aitn Cih twenty shaneswhoch could ho Mn.iRuhven. wh% s5 iaie dividoc lie il Dah u gingf oraon a 150ae ann in ~hremehr roidda beef frtp onhp io an acvage 01rc iiutcheing eveny yean whch wtxs to'0autû00das work ever ycyar on ne- Mssou iat 400us., which menant tht gotiaing jhee hnning orop agre- ~wony bof wuidho utchred Th <ene aci nices. Ble bas seeni- befwol 'h ul as 1 a chant set up ,creased efforts as MIe nmber of locl sn 2eaesnddivixe migs nwn decine(d fnm 2,700 10 the ho membensof tho rinig. The ring op)- ieen10, uig h as ie e Lratd fo twety weeks wih the first1 %'n a cumul- of cdistict roeso rntheiagtaingplceini ho .last coe ierplants. In MIis areai ~eek of Ay. nswnecoe y Canadian Can- * On1 disbaniiag thie local beLef ring, l-, Gaham Foods and York Farme Showu beaeAnadpDn v, enehHrntonul f( th!e memibers divided tho ssts 0 T o n oaning b procese local n have are Mn. and110nanDon-eMns. Kennetu Benoncfsominoy 0f On 8400 be1 mtwoven the KryChuchad roeare Campbell Soupe, IMackon- adCainnfloigterrcn n n h ro h o fM the urhni entagrý,1icUltunal Son ieCa)nnonrs, okl-a Caiip, and marnageoi Maidenltead, England. and Mrvs. Raymlond Chailýpman 0i f Or- th DrhmCetrlTlhe bride is the diaughter of AMn. rnd on(), lety. Gnraham Foode. M Turnes 1