ORONO WEEKLY TIM ' S Authorized as Second lass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawi Established ini 1938 by R. A. Forrester itoy C. Forrester -- Editlor and Manager Subscription payable in advance Pý blished eeyThursday anî Irtbfoffice of publicatlo The Last AýdvertiÏsemerit An im-iaginativ-e writer has piîctured the cond(itions whlich wm.ould estafter the Last advertisemient ,wa)s printed. You hiave cut it out and put ýs aa to show your gadhlrn Withi it aý day 0if living as you kneiw it, hats passed oeer To-nîight you will want to see a miovie. Pull up Io one - saw it Iast week. At another -- but no, you donit like it. So-and-so's acting. Let's go home. It's too mnuch gas and timie to waste on a show. Next mnonth h1alf of thetheatrs will close. Poor aittenidanice. To-miorrow you will want some groceries. You will go to the nearest grocery store and buy some. Rib roast perhaps, and limai beans. Yo wo'thea until t-orwnighit at dhe bridge party 'chat the store just next door was having a "special" on nib roast and lima keans. Pretty soon your husbandl will wonder why the food bills are so higli. The ls advértisemient w,ýas printed yesterday. Next monith is Aunt Janre's b)irthdayp. Well if you thînik 1 an going to spend a day tramping fýromi store to store looing for a gift that 1 u"sedto0 find by, turrrý a ag cant afford gifts anyw-ý,ay. We are spending roe likze V1ead living like -poor folks. Old car's wearing out. CantL afford a new one. . . Chevies and Fords are bthi $3,500. . dlernand f allen off . . . they've had to up prices to meet plant ex.penses. Most of the others have closed down.. elo't knw ow the governiment will feel about a1 Ilehe ew unempI-ýloy- ment. Fellow in Montreal is 'inventing colour television to seli 'or $50. No one will bear of it. You \wîl;l neyer see it. Wbat is colour Lelevision aya.The last advertisement was -prinited yesterday. A contemporary suggests that advertising has brought us many thing-s- finer cars, b)etter bornes, silly fads and wonderfuil nventions that have made life easier, and longer. Advertising s %10t an unmixedi blessing but it lias lielped give Canada a standard .0f living f ew Couni- tries can match. That standard of living should persist as long as people have wvants to fil1 and mnoney t0 spend ,and eyes with whicli to readl. It will persist onlly as long as the newspaper presses kzeep) rolling; and they woulid soon ,cease to roll if draîned of their if e blood, the advertisîng To a Large exý-tenjt our standard of living to-day reSults irorn thle slin owrofhe advertising dollar. Horticultural Society Honours Mr. William E. Daveyý His subject wvas Gardening. His m-etli- Tlie Orono Hortîcultural Society met Tuesday evening in the Oddfel- low's Hall,wil about one liundred andi twenty-five miembers present., The annual meeting started at sevenl Q'clock wýith a Pot.Lucki Supper. Rev. D. Long offujee grace and delicious dishes of varlous food supplied 'l temptý),ing meal. The tables were dec-ý orated ,ilih1rti>Sti[c bouquets of yel-ý 10)w anrd wite baby mnims, theseý had been arranged by Mrs. Fair-ý brother. The President, Mr. W. J. Caldwell, spoke a few wý,ord]s of welcome 10 the auience, this was followed by a good 'JI I 41'ÂtP 0Si llg l5 Ni . .2iV odl 0f presentation of bis subject was taling and demnonstrating on the black board. He stressed keeping the larger sized evergreens at the ends and at the back of the house and planting Japanese Yews in front of lie blouse and undler the frot n iows. The Mahoniia (Canadian Holly), he said was a very fine ornameat for nt bed plantings liaving good Coi-. trast. For the centre of the front iw, soesuggestions, by the %akr cr'e the Mounta'n Ash, Oaa- dÏinShad1C Bushi, Flowering Plumi or, V~lowerinig Almond. His miotto was iîplicityv, (sim-ple display), Propor- tion (scale), Harmnony and Personal- i ty. Yeo assisted at the piano and Mrs.ý Mr. Norman Allia thankied Prof. ay ndCliapmian directed: Weall for bis miost interesting talk. Mn. Michael Blythe of Guelphlialso, Mrs. C. Billings, Secretary, read lie aissýisted with the music and sang ainue f h as ua etin few' solos. and Mrs. Normnan Allin, gaveth Mn. William Davey, an honoured Treasurer's report. Mrs. Fairbrte member was presented with a Dip- gave a report 0f ilie Junior Horticul- loma0f ent y M. E.J. amm tural Society which showed great en- on behaîf 0f the Orono Horticultural tbusiasmi on the children'k; part. S~ocety, in appreciation of lus serv- ices lie bas rendered tbrougbout the, lyears -so Willingly. Mlr. Davey tbanked the Society for Ibis ionour and stated the Diplomiaý would bavt\e an bonoured place in bisý home.1 After miaking the presentation, Mnr. Hamm iwelcomied 1th le meetin- ,voý of the first Presidents of the Hortiul. .tunal Society in Orono, whichi started for-ty yearjjs ago, Mrs. O. W. Roîpli and MrS. Fed'amiblyn. Mr. Calwell then introduced tlie speatker, Pr-of. John A., Weall of the ODntaýîo Agnricultur.al College, Guelph. Mrs. Stevens, district directon, gave ain interesting report on somne 0f the work being done in different parts of Onitarîo. Thene slate of officers fo r the year 1962 was read by Mr. Norman Allun. They are as follows: President, Mr. John Caldwell- îstý Vice President, Mr. Carl Billings; 2.d Vice Presîdent, Mn. Norman Allia; S'ecretary, Mrs. C. Billings; Treasun- er, Mrls. N. Allia. At the close of the mneeting bou- quets of munis were presented to the1 following honoured miembers: Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mr. W.Davey and MrIis. E. J. 1i9.mii'î. HOW MANT KEEP THEIR SAVJ ,GS IN A BANK? Probably ail of thew/There are 10 million savings deposit accounts in the chartered banks, by far the most popular type. They are used. by ail sorts of people -wage-earners, bus,~inessmen, housewIves, tarmers, students - who know their money is safe, earns good interest, and is available whexiever needed. And they llke the efflciency and courtesy of the men and women who serve them/Your nearest branch is the place for your savings - and the onte place you can do ail your banking. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMU14ITY Province of Ontario, reguLan ...................$ 1229.00 Province of Ontario, Field Crop..........75.00 Province 0f Ontario, Comm. Feature.............. 60.00 Province of Ontario, Black and White............ 73.20 Province 0f Ontario -4-H Clubs................... 159.00 United Counties.................431,00 Township of Darlington.................... 100.00 Township of Clarlie............ ................. 200.00 Hoî.stein Fresian Association.,....... ..............00.00 Guernsey Breeders Association.......... ....... 104.00 DONATIONS- Heathier Rebekali Lodge......... ............... 7.00 Kirby Beef Ring...........................4A2.00 Orono Business Men ........................6(0.00 Hamilton Insurance Service............. ....... 20.00 M. J. Tambhlyn.-.. ............................ 48.00 Newcastle Lioniettes........ .............. ...... 5.00 Ogilvie Flour Miilîls........................ 6.00 Rickaby's ULt]. ý............ ....... :.........5.00 Mary Maxim Lýtd.............................. 10.00 Curvply Wood Plroduicts ................. ...... 10.00 Vanstone Flour Milîs........................... 5.00 Kramp Furniture Store Ltd. ,................... 3.00 Mr. Owen Nichiols ............................. 2.00 Mr. Kay Lycett............................... 5.00 Dr. W. udel............ .....................5.00 MrIls. A. F. McKenzie.............................. 5.00 Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn.............. .............. 3.00 %Ir. Dane Found ............ ..............5.00 Mr.R. Waddell............................. 3.00 Vipond Farm Equipmieat.....................5.00 Morr1isý' Funenal Chlapel..... ............. 5.00 Dr. J. Werry...................50 Mýils SrieStation.........................4.00 Miwy.......................... 200.00 Mem.nbershikp fees paid ia 1961....... ..... .... 113,00 Memibership fees paid for 1962 ..... .........140 Entry fees fnom exhibitors........... ........335.10 Entny fees frorn races ........ .............7.00 Entry fees from stakýe events ........... ........ 100.00 Gate receipts .......... ........ ......2505,63 Grnsad................ .............. 296.25 Dne...........................75.00 Draa estva...........-........ ......201.25 Sp'ace rentai, to Com-mercial Exhiibitors .......... 392.00 RePvenue from rentais................... ... 378.90 Sale of advertising la pnize list................. 523.00 Sale 0of programs.......................... 54>70 D)ept. Lands and Forests....................... 93.75 Micelaeus........... ............ ...... 8.00 Balance for 1960 .............................. EXPENDITURES PRIMES PAID- Field Cn-op.................................. . Heavy Horses ..................... ....... Light Honses ............................. Beef Cattle_'..................... _......... Diry Catte .,................ ...... ........ HosenCaIlfle ....... ....... ................ ursyCattie........................... Poultry................................ Tobacco........................... Grain and Seeds........... 1........ .......... Rools :andCIVegetables.................... Fruit -ý.................................. Foes............................ Art..........,,.......... ...._............. neier uat.................. ....... DomelusticScene........................ Junir De aen.................... 4-Hlubs.....ees... ....... ........... DonaetaoFetiva......................... Affiliaion.Fee............................ Convtio expýensues...................... Judges. ag................................ GRANDSTAND Entertainer................ Band ...................... Horse Slioe Pitching ......... Tobacco Queen.............. Go Cart Races.............. Antique Cars ............... PRIZE EXPENDITURES-Ribbons ........... Antique car plaques .......... Miscellaneous............... SERVICES-Audltors....................... Secretary Treasurer ......... Police...................... Watchman and Caretaker Insurance................... Gate....................... Hydro ..................... Telephone................... OPERATING EXPE-N8ÈlS- Water Servie. Hall rental.................. Prlzxtig and stationery .. Adveltising ........... Repaira .......... ......... Postage ......, ......... Bank charges i........... Tickets.................. ILSÇeUlancoup ............. Bank Overdrafi ...........1................. $150.00 607.00 683.00 401.00 156.00 366.00) 468,00) 59.75 112.00 65.00 44-.45 144.50 127.59 109.75) 70.00 25.50 105.00 50.00 10.00 15.50 48.00 250.00 13.9 17.90 20.00 300.00 53.M0 215.25 24.10 58.84 32.77 36.56 111.08 567.5 297.73 8 74. -, 104,5.0 253.5n 167.'23 a,, N N SIlSaS Som.8 BOAl BEATTY WASHER A SUPERLINE W'ASHER WITH PUMNP low price of $95 You get a deep-cleani perma smooth agitator, pressure release l wrlger no-spashporcelain tub and automiatie drain pumnp. TAKE ADVANTAGE O01-R OFFER NOWV - 1 IN STOCK PARTNER Plumbin'g &Heating PHONE 1,82, ORONO, ONT. DURHAM CNTA RICULTURAL SOCIETY FINANCIAL STATE-MENT 1961 RECEUPTS <-i 1