ORON WEELY TM~$ THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1562 I COR S 'S-TORE HOURS ~ Opn Frday îli - lose Satrdaya* Effetivelib Wee ofJanuary 22 EiN -UllhIA(O * a reference tibrary designed to meet the needs of * A every school age youllgste<r *A brand new world of knowledgoe e Everýy page in glorious color e.15 years in the making 6 qt63e Silnkist - Large Size LEMONS dozen49 Gol4)den] Hour Poppinig COI-1 16-oz.1e Suprelle Pure Black Pepper, 4-oz 37e Supremne Baby Lima Beans, 12-oz. 23e Supîremle Soup Mixture, 12-oz. cello 15c B QO 1-A -WE E KSitTeSa,5l.g Sunispun Ice Cream. pint 29e 25e Ikr 63 Genleral ls-Cero 1012 (oZ; Wheaties 12-oz.; FroMsYO'S 9V2 OZ. CE REA LSZ Libby's Mixe-d Frozeni - Save 9t, - 2 lb. poly bags V5 GE TA BL ES pkgs8 3 c .2 for 89C.. *The ing of RoiaNt-, - PRedf or BIine Value Cheek'd Standing RI,'P hr e I L 15 A olxià , L ÎÎ chef ,style lu 'ou COINAION DEAL MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS SAUSAGE 1 lb tray i MAPLIE LEAF SKINLESS WEINERiS Big Eight cello al MAPLE LEAF SLICED BOLOGNA 12 oz Saran pkg for BOU 3ET U Pretswood's Qulality Piece or Sliced BOLOGNA $ 0 Fos, Eeonomy "Boneless ILolled plate" Beef (Ideal for Cold Weather Meals) Pot Rocast lb 49c Speeially Blended "For Meat'Loaves" Ground Beef Chuck lb 49c Ideal for Bakmng (By the Piece) Peameai Back Bacon lb 69c it E de 0 b ti c 0 a ad O YOU CAN BEGIN-ro 8CAREER TRAINING, o AT ANY TIME fThe Oshawa Business Collegeg S is open ail year and our. method of individual 8Diiy-Sýchlool Courses from_____ to R wvhich to choose f fi EVENING CLASSES g TUESDAY and THURSOAY f fi7:00 to 9:00 p.mn. 0 Choice of Subjects ~ Special Classes for ~Iouewivs -Shiftwo(-rksrs c f' Teen-Age Typists [ F'REE LITERATURE AVAILABLE4 10 Sim-coe Street North fi Dial RA. 5-3375; with'c2-rising YOur eSn al fuarnaco te automatic oil heatlne wih rqýiinI ltl trouble or «penseo. ne Vortex OU1 Burfirfis rghtlnwher. the. grate lanow. It ai vesyou Unexcelled om fort wlth lowest fuel cost, and wleh.ue the dirt and botiior et bUd flring. DxcumvirIo u rmma >automatio controls tua 1 he furnac off your mimd, d"y sud ,,ighdtutu your ieuejutea havesoe wlnter cocofor.Pono us today w bu b. eatlns g aw. ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Ltd. ORONO TiNSHOPII NOW is the time to brighien yo,-ur home with B-H Permna-Fatiln Latex Paint . E.LOGAINt Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Outarjo GSAVE CASH AT RED AND WHITE KLEENEX rg rcub 7 for $100 IIIEiP 13jJJ~,Crisp Juicy REL YOR CII)D SPYAPPLES a- 'N N M 's 'N 'N 'N 'N M M 'N N 's 4 's -s N k N M -s' 'N 's ORONO, ONTARIO B.uy A Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario 7 7 c- ROAST ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ý 1 ei zl 3 nc nË ýri loi h ir U( casualties in Victoria, 15 in Halibur- simîilar damage then the overaïli cot DA L N Eton, 13 in Peterborough Counity and 7T of repairs would total in the vicùinïy inA EW Northumberland County. of $6,200. The idde o Jauarylia coie. Information on estimated damages In addition,' 2 mnoose cisualttea aT>e middleedof 33noutrof as 4corIe. were recorded in Haliburton CouLnty, Wh at a ty of weaither wehave was obdainedaon thout 0f then46 lu varie y we stances when cars were involved in 1 i rom rwigadthte ncL 'oe r endrdas the ca"se m'ay these mishaps. Dam-ages rangedJ from lision with a car (damage $350.00,e. T'he frus undfay we, o)ntHe Sixthi ne aakneLo the flas'hes of blue $5.ù0 to $159.00, and the total damage Three bears were killed in Peter- ghting an th beut 0fglas îounedto $1,445.00. If the remiai- borough County when hit by cars but es.Thre hdropoes ereon heng crde accidents resulted i the totaldmg i o xed$5O ground act the Sixth line sclioolA nd on the side road north of it. relephone __________ ___________________ *vue boke. Amt h n, da a mn ppole ding rpi D o tredv s t a wokWin ourwarmhoes0d fot envy thiem, their tpsk in Januaryv. YetI hlow depýendent we are on thleir, ser- 1 ,r(eC vices. Some wer th'out Water', oth- Crswîhot eat. Some r-îegretted fthe 1 fct tat tihey took another forty IIA SC AF , UTOMATIC, ELECTRIC winks then h-ad to do the milkcngbVI h1and. The chnidr-en miissecidith'tle-A JI UY u r rn l vision. » IJ' Then tescn Sunday in Januar-y Yfmqf L f 'Uliiu ri1 what1 change. It felt like a Clay iti April. The icy roadts turnetý- o,31USh1. The boy scouts camne from Orono in Fifli Gallon -Op)erates 10 - 12 H-ours several cr to toboggan on thlehis souith of the sehool, ledi by Mr. "Bud", jManniing., On Moday a gentie rain N L was1ý fafIling to fi the cisterals. Birthdays add initerest1 m$ homies. Mrs. C. Thomipson celebrated jone on January the eighth, while Mr. Chas. Cooper celeb)rated. hlis îwilhis famlily on Ja1nuary the tenth. 2 o Vaporize FliudYa Our United Church Women met at 79elLLa o r1. the home of AMrs. W. H. Poster on Januarcy the tenth. The devotional was taken by -Mrs. Reg Elliott and the ustoms was given by Mrs. A. Low.EE 2 Letters were read from those receiv-&%a I0 ing Chiristm-ae oxs The presiderj, Stutt's Pharm Cic Mrs. Stapleton, spoke on the new out- look of Lthe United Ohureh Womnen. PHONE 168J ORONO, ONTARIO In the past thie W.A. hiad done -the - ______ work of furnishing 'the ehurch, par- sonage etc and because it \vas seen many liked to belong to thie W.A. The- W.M.S. worked hard te, send money toteforeign fieldl. This burde a care by a salgrýoup. It was feit that ail thie womren of the churchý shudsupport our missîionary en- clavur o thje týo societies' have now býecom-e 'The United Chureh Wo- menvi". The Rev. Rý. C. White carrieïd onut thle oag r l e v c f "The o . UntdChur'chwon'o n Sunday, and the dedication the new execu- D ;s en an Bi ea Qt Wagstaffes - with Added Peetin - Raspberry or Straw erry JA save lOc 24cà TEA BGS pkof6 Qulick olr Instant.- save 6e 7 < ' QUA OATSibkg43 Save 21(. - 18c off packp DEEJI TOLL CONTINUES Onceaai motor vehicles were re- sponis;ble for more deer kils than al other causes combined of deer killed by means other than legal hunting Li he Lindsay Forest District in 1961. Of 741 known deer casualties 46 were miet their fate at the hands (or fangs) cillecl by cars, il wvere poached, 8 of maraudling dogs, and 9 died fromn a variety of miscellaneous causes fences, drowning, etc.) Durham Countny again led the par- ade with 20 dead deer, followed by 19 PHONE' 14816,