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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1962, p. 4

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THURSDAY,.dJANlUARY 18, 196% Libby's Bans &Pork '5>z 6for 4Gold Seal Sockeye Sa'mon ý'tin 2 for Campbell's 2 for 37e -Variety Fancy .Soup"oz 6 fo r Evaporate I IGA MILK Aylmer Fancy - 20 oz. Tins TOMATO JUICE Cudney Choice - 28 oz. Tins FRUIT COCKTAIL Uhoice Hlalves - 15 oz. Tins AYLMER PEACHES Greeni Giant Fà,ncy - Il oz. Tins NII3LET CORN in Tomato Sauce - 15 oz.'uis HEINZ SPAGHETTI 8 for $1 3 for $1 6 for $1 6 for $1 6 for $1 IGA MARGARINE lb pkg 5 for $1 tali S for* Dr. Ballard's - 2c off Champion. reg. - chicken . liver DOG FOOD 15 oz tin 9 for $1l COFFEE IGA INSTANT 10 oz jar $1 Monarch Pouich Pak - Assorted Varleties CAKE MIXES 91 oz pkg 8 for $1 Pceek Frean - 6 Varieties BISCUITS 8 oz pkg 5 for $1 Kraft Canadian -CHEESE SLICES 16 oz 2 for $1 puritanl - 11 2 lb. Tins BEEF STEW 3 tins for $ 1 Libby's Frozenl PEAS -or CORN 12 oz-bag 6 for $1 TABLE1UTE - Canada's Finest Red or Bline Bra.nd Beefo 0 Purchiased iioly froni Federal Guvernment Ilispected Packing.."'-. Houses, an~d ail Uncontdîtionally Cuaraniteed. ~ Ô RERHOUTSE. SIRLOIN - WING- BONELESS ROUND ROWAW» 0SLICED PORK iVER. lb 29C COMiBINATION OFFEÈ. 2/ lb). TABLERITE Siced Side Bacon a ~ 1 11b. TABLERITE WEINERS - Callo Wrapped f ~ i[ 0/1 lb. Pkçg. TABLERITE Sausage - pure porkfo0 EXTRA A Total $301-00 ln1;:rs RECEIVE $6.00 INT BONUS TAPES WITH IGA FANCY APPLEI SAUCE - 7 15-oz. Tins .. $1.00 IGA CHOICE PEAS - 8 iS-oz. Tins .............. $1.00 WESTINGHOUSE V.ULBS - 25w- 40W - 60W 6 for $1.0) KLEENEX - Regular or Chubby 6 for.....$1.00 BECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH SLICED COOKED HM - Tablerite Vae.-sealed 6-oz. FREINCH GREEN BEANS - Birdseye Fr'ozen - 10-oz. MeINTOPSU APPLES - Fancy Grade - 3-1b. Cello Bag Round About Us IROBBED 15 TIES IN EAIHT MONTHS icnetn the coîlborne telepe-ïi1 Ehderly bachielor farmers, Fred anidsse to diail oean a a cst î, Fonitaine Mabee of' Bewdley bave ab s $30 0. beenrobed ive timies in eigiti monthis. Thecy blame their, latest o,-lo osrcin0 a modtem i :i Iearly a week ago last TuesdayOlbidn will begin this isumminer witb too muich talk about what the robbers cýomlpletion scheduled for- next fail missed on their previous visit. Then, the complex task of installim4- Fired, 83, and Fontain, 79 live in a billtop house and famm about 100 acres near, Bewdley, 18 miles ýSouth of Some of the wilder local gossip about their wealth has it that the walls of the old red brick bouse are stuffed with money because the old mn d on't turst banks. Fred and Font say tbe four masked mien wbo kiclked in the- side door and robbecl themr early Tuesday weme tbe samne youthful quartet Wbho made oft with about $50 last Friday. This time tbey trussed up Font witb a halter rope, barricaded Fred in bis bedroom and ransacked tbe bouse for ,a $100 bill, $15 in baîf-dollar coins, fouir watcbies, tLhree shotguns qnd a rifle. Font figures the foursomie read in the papers that thley missed tbe $100 bill Friday "so tbey camne back for CENERAL FOODS TO EXPAND FACTORY Construction of five new buildings at the General Foods, Ltd. plant site in Cobourg to improve customner ser- vice and operatîng efficiency was an- nouinced recently by L. A. Miller, president. The building program will include a tbree-storey cereal processing plant, anl Ontario distribution ware- house, a new office building and en- larged machine sbop and lunchroomn facilities to add 17,000 square feet 0fl spac),eütohte existing facilities. equipment in it will begin. While this part of the projecýt is be- ing carried out, Bell crews will be at work throughout the exehange aýres. renovating and extending the pot,, -,ire and cable network. Asoailte- phones will eitber be replaced o modîfiedi for use under the dialsy stem. NINE MUNICIPALITIES WVILL VOTE FEB. 7 0N ýA"NARASEA CONSEBIVATION EXTENSION Couincils in the area received fi- ial notice recently that the Minister rit Lands and Forests has called a meetý ing for February 7th. in the Pr Hope tLown hall, at wihich represent. atives 0f nine miunicipalities will vt on extension of the boundaries of the,- Gatnariaska Conservation Authority. The meeting (li-mes as a result reguests from four mnunicipalitien, that part or ail of tbeir territory,no currently within the autbority's are!s. )e încluded. Name of the, enlarged àutbority. if approved, will be Ganaraska Reg- ion Conservation Authority. Additions are cýontemiplated to tb--e west and east, and will be votedi on separately at the meeting. Thle eastern addition extends eaýst- ward from the present boundary to include the watersheds of ail streamns that enter, Lake Ontario in Hamilton township and ail s.treamns draining into Rice Lake from tbe nortbern aný7, jwestern boundamies of lHamilton to thie The company currently produces eastern boundary of Hamilton. Thiae Jeu1-O desserts, Gaines dog foods and, addition would include al of Hamil1- other products at tbe 50-acre Cobourg ton Towvnsbîp and about ten squame8 planit site. Construction- of the ilew miles of Haldimand townsbip as Wl facilities,. will get Linderway tbis as small parts of Hope and Alnwivck spring. townships. The move will mean the closing of the co-,mpaniy's Windsor cereal plant The western addition wouldi includle in 1963. Mr. Miller said the Windsor watersheds of ail streamns draining,ý plnt hwose buildings date as far into La-ke Ontario botween the west.- back as 1909, was no longer suitable erni bouindary of Clarke Townsbip ami; for, the flexible and efficient type of the present western boundary of itheý ceeloperatioti required by tbe de- auitbority. This addition would includ-e- miands of today'smarket, nearly -al 0f Clarke Townsbip, ail cf Being m noved to Cobsoumg in addition to thec Post Cereals wvill be tbe lpro- d1uctiJon of 'Minute pre-cooked rice, Swains Down cake flour and-Calumet bakýing -powder. DIAL TELEPHONE COMING TO C OLBOUNE IN 1962 S. R. Van Dusen, Bell Telephone mnanager for the region, said recently that planls are well underway for I rono INigh- bY Mary Jane Brougb BRIDGCE CiLUB Last y ear a bridge club wý-'as started and being succ(,essfuil, it was decided[ to fr one this year. This card game is veiy popular iin our social if e and manystuent sbwedinterost in tbe clu.1r. Withorspoon is thie lnstruc-i torI. The students w'ill m-eet overy day at twelve-tbirty tili tbey bave learned thie fundamientals 0f bridge. Trheîr, first m-ieetiing was oni Tuesdlay, Janu-< amy 16. SCHOOL VEAR BOOK Being tbis is the last year, for Omono Higbi Scbool, as next year tbe new Clarke School will be open, tbe stul- dent council passed a motion to spon- sor a school year book. 1This m7ill be a souvenir for tbe students to rememn- ber tbe good days in Orono Higb. Last week a committee 0f Margery Tyrreli, Suzie Major and Mary Jane Brough, representing the students' council met witb the two English teacbers, Mrs. Dippehil and Mr. Lau-1 z7on and Principal Mr. Witberspoon, to set up the officers for the magazine The nominations were as follows: Editor, Suzie Major; Assistant Editor, Margery Tyrreli; Business Manager, Robert Robinson and a committee consisting of Vicki Cotter, Lynn Bail- ey, Catberine Wilson, Mary Jane Brougb and Wayne Miller'. SADIE HAWKINS DANCE The twisting craze bit the istudents 0f Orono 111gb at tbe hast dance, Fr1. day, January 12 in the Oddfel1ow'o tiope township-flot otherwise iacluded, and smnall parts of Manversý and Dar- lington townships. Newo, member miunicipalities wouhid be Cobjourg, Newcastle and ali mnand townsbip. Presenit member municipalirUes are Port Hope and the townships of Hope, Hamilton, Clarke, M-anvmar and Cavan.1 Sehool Ne wsI Hall. Duriýng h1ast w,,eek the boys wr oin their -oest bhvirso that ;somoý lucky girj Oluld ask hL im to eSCourt ber to the S-adieHaksdnc p- sored h1 'y the irls Atlic Societv- Students en oyed the music from the-i latst ecodsand participated indf. ferent danices suc(h ars owas Paul Jonies, TefhStreetO Rag ad fo course, the Twist whvlichi is onie d3ie l(atest dne.A delicious lunc was served maingil the danýce a v sucuoss;ful and enijoyab-lo etývent. 'COULID BETERAC! i UNEATN n' 2"- SWEET & JUICY Fine Eating quality MEXICAIN ORA% nGdeSl 3 dozen 3 good sie qew No. 1 Grade - Tender Green EmIperor - Calfrnia's Fineet Table Cabbage 2 for 29c vaHety Grapes 2 lb 39c No. 1 Grade - oGarden Fresh Green - So Cxood so mnany ways No. 1- Gr. Lettuce 2 for 25c Peppers 3 for 25c 1. b

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