Ionie Very Odd Ways Of Proposing Thie volcan 'ic devastation .Of eny Tristan. da Cunha bias nat feant* that the unique commun- ity from the lsland will be split p.Some of the refugees imay 91oseo live on a' Scottish is- land, andi thei r unusuai dia-1ect lftd customns mayý stay intact for manly yeart. The island's courtship cus-tom, which died out oinly a i ew years ag1o, was onc 0f the world'sý 4tranigest. It waý,s described by a olergymran vho knew the peopie *"When a n ,.begins Lta bave a ïeeling for a gir lihe goes ta bler house andi sits on a bencb in, the kitchen. Ho wýill probaqbly- sit there for hours, loaking very sby and hardly saing a word," he wV'rote. "This procedure goes on, for mronths. The lad's ncxt move is to nmake a Pair afi moccasins for lus beioved. T-he girl then askÏS the boy's mothier for permission ta do bis wcshiing. "'But if is nof until the pair begin ta walk out tagether on Sundc afteroYnsthafthe Is- landers knoaw the wcdding is a gafebt" But in othier parts ai the world ïhock tactics can samretimes be more successfuI than miontbs ai patient wooig. Lorenzo Dowv, an ë .ccentric AMc t bIlo0d i s t ministLer praved this. Sbartly after bis iirst wife's_, dcatb he anucdtao bis con- aregetion: "I arn a C,,Icnidate for, mnatrimouy. IF anyiomenluhis cbuArch desires ta marry mne, let ber risc." Two wamcnr stoodi up. Dow Surveye-d bathi candidates for a, iroment, then, said: "i think the ,tce "ncercst mie rase first. At any rate, 1 wii hiav,,e ber for moy wle"And he did! Love at first igbt S",te Mry anId the strange G.I. sitting op- posite bier in the trausý-cantinen- tal express as if steemied out o San Francisco. But for the first 500 miljes tý he pair were toc, shy even ta speak. rbey wenit ta their rsetv eleePers that nigb1t, but wece b~ack in the samj-e seats thle uex,ýt xmarning. The GI spoke first. "I'm Flyd," hesaid, sly. <"mMay, she replied, coýyly. "'Lct's get marricd wbcn thýe brain gets fa Chicago," sa-îd ",Why wait ail thlat time?" brcathed Mary._ So thcy got of£falet the very ne1xt .gtop and signed an the 'datted linoe. An "ýexpress" cour11tshlip ln tact! Even strner wa the case of the Californien fearmer who ýas fiying South in is owu rplane,. The planedcelpdenginie trouble and1be haud ta baie Out, HIis par'achu-ýte set hlm gentiy dawn an tbe beck a ewthet wtýaS Lbeing mii!}red by an extremne- iv attractive ,youingmiss. Hie instantiy1 proposed - andi wvas acceptcd!F Jusf as ucueninlwaste mr'eeting et a siming po1lai)a eeancdian bLusiness man and e pretty ,twent-oe-ea-odTor- onrto girl. Btht dived et the seme. momnent, but tram .ithe ý,oppoit aides ai the pool. They met for the firsf timeý - very forcib-,Wý_ heed-on undjer weter. Bth w vere taken ta osptal-jth conicus- elon and Éthere tbcy puit thepir heads together more gcntly and decided to get marricd without delay. Cupi's dart can bc a paper one, A Birmningbamn (Alabama) gsirl was in jail on a minor ch-arge. In temporary custÉody ini the opposite celi was a band- somne 3yung man, The girl smiled ai-d Ihe siled back. But prison rules forbade conversation and the werder was aroutnd maost of the time. Then the man had an idea. He scribbied a note a9king-ber name, folded it into' a dart and flippeà it ?,cross the corridor inta ber Back camne an "ar mail" reply and the treffic in airborne notesý increascd as the day wore on. His lest note read: "Ev-elyn, dairling, '~ wil1 you marry me?" Witbout a moment's besitation ber "yes" came gliding., back, and tbe pair were wed. as sooni as they were rcleascd. A girl out ta get ber reluc- tant m-an can be a dengerous creaturc, writes Trevor Hollo- way in "Tit-Bits". Frencaîs Blanc wavFs a profes-' sional gembler. For a long time be evcded the attentions of Char- lotte Henscil, a German ýgirl who was madiy In. love with him. But Charlotte got ber man- at revolver point! She stormed into bis office anc miorniing wev- ing an automratic, and threaten- cd ta shoot hlmi on the spot if he refised to merry bier at once. Francois hastily ecceptcd ber "ýrpsL Hle did well on the deal, for Charlotte was a shrew%ýd business wamaniLii and she proved tbe peýrfect partner when hbe ac- quireci the geaming, rightis of the caioat Monte Caria. Betwvecn them ntcy made a fortune. 1\. Bastien, sonl of a wealtby Frencbmran, wvas anather yaunig man denicd tbc advantagc aif the courtýsbip period. Whien his father dicd ln 1889, bec stipulatcd thet, if bis son wîsbi- cd taý inherit bis huge fortune hie must marry anc or other ai six girls nam-ed in bis will. To com- plicate miatters, oine clause di- rcctcd that the choice be madie blindfolded -- and ail tire six girls were camnplete stranigers ta young ,,Bastien! Ater loking,; in vain for laap- haole,,le agrccd ta camnply with the terms of tLhewil Before a fewý witncsses and theexutr their strange drame was cnacted' in the librarY of the faii]y man- sion. The lawycr nmarshellcd 'lie six girls into a unie and the-n led the blindfoldcd Bastien inta the roomf. He advanced nt il bis out- sfrctched band taucbed anc ai the girls. Hlis luck was in. She was the miost attractive af tbcm ail,'and their mearriage lasted f arty yeers. If nothing, else wxill, win the girl, sheer persistence sometimes pay',s off, A yung 'Brooklyngains courtsbip wais risfiring_ and bis proposais fell an deaf cars, In desperation he phoned the girl ,nd begged bler ta be bis. She r-efused and rang olff. He rang agýain - and aanand mcany marc times tbrïough tbc night. And, just as d 'gedl, she kept saying"n" After an eleven- bour battle of words thie girl cep- itulated at the scventictbi cail- probebiy fromn sheer exheustion! SNOB - A mean who looks ut the worid with a monocle In h1b ln' ee ÂPING THE MASTERS -- Something about thisý finger-paint- inlg CciUght ithe discernir-g eye of '"Manïdy," ta chimrpanýzee oC t-he zoo iný Son Antonlo,. Tex No -wonder - its the creation tif feliwchmp "Bty/ he simnion arist who set the act worid agog with ber boýld primitive technique. -the Betiy ore- ýiginai wos drýonated to tezoby a hum-an art lover. JUST TMREE MANNEQUINS? - Not quite. Take a doser ,look ut the figure at loft It's a f lesh-ond-btaod mode! Ikeeping a pair of fashion maonnequiniscomrpany in ai Rome store win- dow The girl deceives, passersby by remaining rnotionless like the durnmies, a pubticîty stunt to cai attention t>o the fashion designis of Rome couturier Alberto Mosconi, autý Cbristmnas and New YVear celebrations but îsn't if wonder- ful whcn al the exciteme-,ut is over and we realiy settie down fa enjoy aieppreciateteb- giuning ofai aother yer? Of course we look bckta the aid year; if if wes not particuia lrly g-ood then we naturally hop-e that. 1962 will ho- better. if, onrh oýther hand, the jojys of the aid year ou-wigcdte sorraws then we have reasan ta be thanck- ful. Top Fashion lit £4<ot.Wk(e Hetas thiat fl attLer everyane. Thcy. are such easy crochet and cast littie fa meke, besîdesý. Crocbctcd bats are top fasnioa. These take on]ly'T4 ounces of fini- gering yarni. Us:e 3 srusfor the filuffy laaps. Petteru 869. di- rections ta fit ai]l beadsizes. Send THliR>TY-FIVE CENT S (stcmps cno be ecccpted, use postel note for sefetyý) for thiis pattern ta Laura Wbeeler, 'Box 1, 123 Eightccnthl St,, New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAâT- TEItN NM R, your N A 'M E ando ADDRESS. FOR THE FlIRST TIME! Over 20designis in o-ur newv,ï1962 Neediecreit Ctlge- big- gest ever!ý Pages, pag-es, pag5es of feas hion s, home ac ceýs so r ies t knli, croc2het, sew, weave, em- briequlît, Se. jumba-Irnit bits, cloth,3, spreeds, toýys,. linens, afghans plus freec patterus, Scnd 2 6 C OntarIo r id n ýs ust ude 1(, Sales Tax for each C-ATAt- LOG ordered. There la no sales. lix on 1. atera The NewÀ YeuraIalo brings with if e fewsocs Our first sbock came whben -,,e fund ouf we bcd ove-r-drewn aour banikeccaunit! We tookl care of that littie matter inl a hUrry - wifb tb [Ie bip of t wo lichques thaf hed cijusf came Yu Sbocik No. ' thedicvr ai wvhat cen beppen wben c cock- tail pýarfy gets out f abnd! We didn't bave a party but we did go ta a few -- anLd the punch, tao s'y [!le lesf-ý, wa(s somlewhat pa- tent. Social cdrinkinig beiug whef if is, if is no wrrnclc'r the pic considered spot-cbiecking aicr and driver nieccssary duriug the, holiday r fe stiv i ti es. Neigbbioui- hood cocktail paruties, mhien ke:pf within limiits, cean be fi-un. Iftî ia'goad way ta introduce uev~cornrsti a district ta their ne igbbj )o urs. But i don't like iwba bappens in some areas. Men goý visîting from b-ouse ta hanse, pckng up drins t eacb lace. It secems otue ike a mod- cru version Aipbcaln. t'hat usc(d ta be vcery popuier years ;ga. Shock No. 3. was the time it takes ta ceat up cold thùrkcy! That was Dee's lamnent wben i was fa!king ta beri this marning,.I suggestecd different ways ai usinig the turkey but tino aichem ap- peaIed fa hber. Tbe reel trouble is that she hasn't cducatcd ber family ta lîking made-over disbes. 1 told bier fa freeze tbe meet until nc-xt tm they cameiý out hereý andi we ,,ould soon makýe usýe ûait if her is no end. ta the apet)2ising disýhes Itat cen be maade - ith the aidai a ineat chopper, or casserole dfish. Shock No. 4-wa1 ' a sbock ta mebut it was ta Perer! I gat hlm into my rOûýo neru- ing and pointed 1ont cll tthe tbiugs I weunted ta be maved lu order ta reerrange myni bed-sit- tiug-room-dcni. Anýd mast of you women kuiow haw ea man bates having e room chanýged eraun1d. However, Pertuer mnusf have been lu an amiable maaod as, ta my surDrise, he wag most co- operative. 1I wýanted to mnake a change because 1 suddenly real- ised I was expecting too mnuch from one roomn. Office and sew- ing-roomn are not a good combmi- ation - dress cuittings, carres- pondence, and typing, material get sort of 'nixed up together and the resuit is chaos. So the first thing to go out was rny cabinet That went into the guest roomr. When theý, room iýsn'tL occupied i can shut the door on my sewýing un- tii 1 amn ready to go back to it. When We have guests I wouid't be sewing anyway. In which case the shut-up cabinet will mnake a nice piece- of extra fur- niture. With mny machine out of the road that gave me a chance to bring mny radio, record - player out into the open - that is, next to my bed. It was previouLslyý sbovcd away in a cupboard and bardly ev-er used because if wias too much trouble to reacb in and change the records. It is a second- hand' machine I bought severa] years aga. It bas a beautifu-l tone and automiatically piays a stack of six records. Also, by the turn of a button I can get the iatest news. Withi a few other minor changes 1 now have a room that is more practical. and easy ta 1keep tidy. Which is just as weli becau-se 1i cm supposed toalae more use of my bed than 1 have been 'doing up to the present. Partner' said 1 should have a portable TV to complete the ar- rangement - and 1 know just where it could Sit - but a new TV and an over'-draw,,n bank ac- count are hardly ýornpatib1e'! This is ouir son*s birthday. W2 ph-on-ed, in aur best wishes but I tald hift- his birthdcy didn't officially beg-in uintil three-thirty this affernoon. I rememiber the day as if it were yesterday. Thiirty'-six-5 hours of suifferinýg and uncer-tainty in a MQoose Jaw pýri- vate nursing homne ant-d thlen et last a long, lhin babjy, practically' skin and banc, whom wýýe %were casatyin fear ai losing until he wa"s nearlyv a year aid. Now the \v, eaklin)g baby is a strg, heaIthy man with two !lavely littie boys of his oDwn, It is a goad thought with,- which to start the New Year. A5s I loolk back 1 cen- nat be anything but thankfu] that we are stili aà complete femn- ily affer, comling truhsom)e pretty rougb tim-es, surviving, the depre3ssion and a numlber of physicali sI and operations. I do hop1-e most of m1y readers hiavebe equally fortunate 'al- thoughl i realise we ail must have aur up)s and downs. However, I, hope i1962 will beyour best year ye-t. But oh dear, it's a cold, cold start for thosje who live in soutfh- west En)glanid' GETTING 'HIS MESSAGE ACROSS It was a wéel before. Christ- masnd Johinny wassaying his prayers luiî- a very loud-voice. "Please send m, lie shouted "a scooter, a Mýeccanio set, a . . "Whet are you shouting for?" his niother askcd, "God isn't deaýf." 4"No, but Grandpa is," he re- pl«il. Modern Eiquette By Anne Asbley Q.Is it proper to typewrite the naines on place cards for a wed- ding dinner? A. No; the names should be -handwritten in ink. if legibility , ûs what you are seeking, you mray hand-print the names. Q. My father, who ives with his second wife, is to give me away at niy wedlding. 1 stili live with my miother. Wbiere does my laflier sit ai ter he gives nI î away, where does his Present Wif e sit, and where does my mother Sit? A. Your mather sits in the first pew on the left of the center aisie. Your ýfatjher sits with his present wif e in the fourth or f ifth , pew on the ieft af the aisIe, Styled,«to-Slim PRINTED PATTERN 4747 SIZES 121/2-241,f2~) Waýnt a dr css yau cari wear cuywbA-ere, everywhce? Scw va ciassic b)asicý with s1im or flared shirt - round or square n-eck- uines that t ake s50well ta jewelry. .Printcd Paftcrnr 4747: Hait Sizes 121/, 141/à> 16½, J1½, 201, 221/2; 241/2. Size l61/z tekes 21/ yards 54-inch febric. Scnd FIFTY CENTS (stcmips canat. be ac:epfc, usiie postal note for sefety) -for thîis pattern. Pîcase prirt piainyv S I ZE, NAME, AD DRPE SS, STYLE NUMBER. Scnd order ta ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eigbtec-nfb St., INew Toronto, Ouf. FALL'S 100 BEST FASH-iONS -separates, dreýsses, suifs, en- sembles, -ail sizesý, al lunour uew Pattern: Catalag in calor. Sew for yourself, ttmil-. 35c. Ontario residlents nmust include le Sales Tex foi each CATA- LOG ordcrcd There is no scies fax on the patterns. PICTURE PUZZLE - You see pointer Jerry Cuff working high-and we do mea.n high-- on the Golden Gate bridge at Son Francisco. Question: From where did the photographer- macke thie picture? He wais on a girder close by, holding camera oni an extension and triDpin-,ý it. wýIhl a long cable relase. Iin background, a view of western Son Francisco-.