Volcano Refug.es Catch Up On Law - Aîler learrnug about road xafety, refugees trom volcano lIe Tristan da Cunha are now being laught the laws of Eng- land, Police Inspeclor Ronald Mere- dithi recenlly visitet! Pendell Camip, aI Mcstham, Surrey, wlere lise refugees are living, Int! gave them Itheir f irst les- goni. "iýThis Is a strange worid you ind yourselves in," le saidl. 'We have miany laws - 50 many il would lake a Salomon to uudersland thorn.," On remole Tristan, i le South Atlantic, there wras no police force or magistrïles' court - because there was no crime. Englant!, wilh ils vasl number of laws and regulaliens ïs bewiidering la these niew- coners But, Inspeclor Meredith tld them, lhey wauld nol go far wroug if lhey stuck ta the lhrec Commandmenlst "Thou shalt nol kill," "Thou shaît not steal,"ý and! 'Thou shait net bear faise wil- mess." A £50,000 appeal h a s now I-,een lavnche t lahelp resAtîle tihe islanders. As long ago as 1926 il was. suggested lIaI tle population et Tristan Da Cuniha shouit! be evacualet! - la Soutl Atnica. But uut!erstandably the peo- ple did nat wish to lbave tiseir homes, despite the tact lIaI the isiant! ilseit Is a volcano whîch oigunaiiy arose from lIe bed of the ocean. These volcanic isianda seeni 10 ko suddenly improvised by na- ture, oven on well-frequenitet! Sceau routes wlere ne land! for- merly existet!. 8cm.eoft tiem vanish atter oaiy a tew month3. Hydrographerit of varicus na- lions, after ascertaining 1h. posi-. tions et sucis aew islands and markring lissm on t1hechants, *ften have tb erase Ihem aller a short lime. The ocean bed lm conlinual1y naing and fullng owinig te vol- "ielcaction, and th}io* mali Iganda, usuallj lb, top>s âf.rmea mountaîna, roquent yap pear tnd dimappear, TheIc slnd of Torea existed os a thing of beautyi th. In- dima cean lÙ11ont day la June, 103, when ils velcanc burst Inboactivity. Within four days tlie mrountain btackboue cf lb. Island! was a moleba ass which began le sinir Itlctle,@ta, ant! by mid-Juiy th. lasti siander liad fl.d t. Am-boy. The hîstery, et a once- fertile island was finisiset. In Il, eighteenth century a Aussian who. was present at the birth et a volcanic isiand gave bis naMe ta lh, apparition - logoslof. This litt1, "sm-oking borner,". as il was callt!, c&n ame hile biag In the Aleullan leIes on May 1sI, 17M., To Ibis day, tîthougli mudli smiller Ihan Its original three-mile cÏreumtertince, 1h. izland smli l Wlies imoke andù s;teaM. Tii hoirty - fi-vt - gquare - mile Acensqion laninlah. SouIth Atatic, tla volcanle hi enigin. 'Y, tr os Ihat th4 erow ot paulng V*§4cssw hbril.frein #e m *a Asension Day, but *e fà a hat lb was disooveret & 3a Port~uuenavigaler en Am*esien Day, 1001. HAIR-RAISING-Private John C o o k, IbeIow, dimrs thot it took him two years to grow the fancy whiskers, which aire 11 inches long. A buddy, Pvt. Gerry Myers, tried to get irito the oct. Both chops are mnem- bers of the First Battalion of the Blrock Watch Regiment which returned to Soýuthamnp- ton, Erigland, cfter three yeors Guns Are A Joke, Every year-on May 3th-.& colourtul delachxment of U.S. Ma- rines forms up outaLsde 1h. gatea' et Dartmnoor prison and to th, steady beal cf drumes, marches in. They hàvo a good reason for doing ro, For Dartmoor, althoug'h a British institutlin, la a p&rt et American history. It was buiît by Arnenican priconers-ot-war taken j by the rlllmh during th. War et ~h~'en& th*y.end of th. Durini the yeana Il took te build th. prison, maxly Amen-. caps. died teëre. They were bur- led ln a piece et greund attached to lhe prison. A shrnrne comemoratlng thom stili standsq there and la mainlain- et! by present-day, prisoners. On th.etl.S. Momni*al Day, a service la held thore by a detach- ment ef Marines froan the Amnen- oaa Embassy in London. When Dartmsoor prison wax buIlt neanrly 200 yearz ago, there, were fçew large prisons ia Eng- land!, thoughi there wo-rm plenly et smail enes. Felons were Pillier hanged, transported-mnainy te Autralia--or Internet! ia prison shipo., There were many guch shipe. London had them Ia 1he Thamnes 4nt! they were maintained at many ports around th. co&st. Mcl oetthen wer* oit! huikâ, ne 1oziStr gtaworthy, wheretelonq were hcîrded 1k, catleln lafoui, damp a-id rottlng holds, thetre to bttis toMr the.Ir very existence AgaLit Lia...., extreme heat ant! eold, hunger and! negleet. Sueh a *hlp wat mocred at ]?lymouth. but kisteat! et housîig onviot&, it heueat!hundroda cf Americanprseer-e-w LIGHT LOAD -- This is no model. It is a 50 kilowatt light bulb, cible to operate on regulor house current, %which is 100 volts n Tokyo. The bufb is 20 inchcs in diometer.. At the lime Brilain was also at war with France. MalIens camne ta a point whero il was f eared tisaI the French rmight ivade the soulh coast o! Bnilain and free tle American pnisonens, so they were moved off lh. sip and laken 10 Dartmoor. Contingent afler contingent o! pnisoners were miarched ta tho. future prison site where a tem- porary camp had been er-ected. There they quarried stone and built the prison. Although Dartmoor has been extent!ed since Ihen, and miuch ofe it rebuill, the newesl part fi§ aI least a century old, and someri of!h loi ceil blocks andt! he watch-towers inside the main gales, are part of the original. Oue oftIhe watch-towors ï.% now used as an armoury - lhough the arms, are regarded ,-a5 S omelhing of a joke. SMost o! them are at least hait a century old. The last limne lhey -were uset! -excepl for occasional pracice- was duinig a prisoners' mutiny in 1932-when tne prison was set on tire and great damage donc before the rising was quellot!. Each month there IN an "armas inspection" at- the prisoni, and! on these occasions the guns are, tired. The ceremony iuvarîiably takes place duning the -lunch break andt he pnisoners look for- ward la il with . grat glee. They are nol permitted eut during the parade, se, those viho can, gelta their celi windows ant! cheer like During the injuiry and the pro- seculions that followed the 1932 muliny a defending barrisler mado a miost ineresling discov- ery reganding the use eftIhese finearms. Delving int anclent law he feundt! hat alhough th. wanders were onlitledt! teuse them in certain cincumnstances (much as a muliny), Iley worm entitiet! le Sire only upon prison- ors gullty of! toieny, net UPeul prisonors guiity cf' isdemiea- nour, .writes Frank Rasm ln "TiI- Bits" ' A burgiar la a felon. A biga- miat la net. In 1he average prIsoin, net more than haiftare telonâ In the eyea ,of the law. But aIl wear the arne prisont saniform. And! under an archale law atliion the statut.. tbe pi- don warder Whio tines upon a nildMeojit tpd lnjuree bizm iay tint! himselit1h* defendanyt to an action i 1he ourts. Until prison reform mlated in 1950. Dartmoor waa a very tough place. prison policy Ilirouglieut th* country was punialinent, rallier than refoirn. Frein the day a convict wenî In, until lis ne- lease, he 'was liungry. Breakfast &t 6,30 a.m. would cônsist et a pint of thin gruel ant! elgît ounces et broat!. Thon. wasâ jqo tez or mniik te drink. A typical lunch wouid be a pint t ou xp cnt! hait a pound et potaitees. The lasI meal, at 4:15' p.m.. would b. a piut of t coa, eight ounces of breat! and hait an ounce etfnsargaine-enough to scnapeoaver ene slice. Cigarettes were not allowed. Pnisoners could not earn any mnoney. There was absolutely no talking on exorcise, A ma-n couit!, et course, corni- plain if he thought his breat! ration was uniderweiýght. Ho was then taken la a weigh- lui contre where, in tihe pros- ectc cf thée Governer, the bread woult! be weighet!. Any short welght would b, mat. god-bul woe botld, a Makn if ht lad misjudget!. There was on. Govennor mhor«t the pisonerà hated. Me.4vould ailtI 1 h* weighin.g cer.many, ent! if l transpire& thal a ration about which a cern- plaint had been made lurnedt! he scales at the correct -weight, he would address the prisoner iu a voice so gentie Ihal il soundet! like a caress. "'My son-" he wouid say. "You AGENTS -WANTED - Demnonstrators and Agent. ta sdil Stainless Steel Cutlery, etc. Write Box 114, Kitchener, Ont. BABY CHICKS WVANT early egg production? Bray' baf 6-18 week aid Aines and other good pullet varleties avallable now. Dayolde batched ta order. Broller chicksaiase Dvallabie. See local agent, or write larey Hetchery, 120 John North, Ham. Ilo.Ont. BUSlNESS P ROPEKTIIEZ FOR SALI BILLIARDS, lunch counter, two apart- mnts. SSOff. Golng concern. Lawrence Walsh, Drayton. Ot POOL rocina nd equlpment fer sale. 4 5'lO nooker tables: l4x8, Bos. ton table. Al ln good condition. No opposition Lease. Apply ta Gerald Keller. Nladoc. Ont., Phone 613-473-2966. Ski-making Trade Boomns In Austria Skiinig - discovered by rnil-. lions of Canadians and Amnen- cans as a new way of recreation and fun - has becomier. boom- ing business for Austria. In fact, Austrian ski, makers have been snowed under in recent years by a growing avalanche -of orders for their hand-crafted products. With about hait the Austrian ski production n4ôw going> inta exports, foreign sales in 1960-61 hit $2,8W,000, R juimp of 36.1 per cent over the previous sea- son. The Unitcd States once againwa the Alpine nationi's becst customrer, ahead of West Germiany and Switzerland. Ex- ports to the United States, ac- couniting roughly for one-fourth of the total sales of skis on 1h, Amaericain market, reached the $1,OOw,000 level. But dernand for the high- quality Austnian produet waa U.p also in other areas. To 1h. &ix-nation Eurepean Common Market, lncluding ski-producing West Germany, France and Its- 1>', Austnia mold lightly more than $1,000,00 worth of skis, ýwhil* experts 10 th. emebera of th. European Free Trade At- êelto tood a.t *672,000. se- cording to th. Christian S&lencb Monitor. Mki mnaking iln Austnia adherez t. traditionial melhods <ai- though recently tome ofth*b Iadtng manufacturer# havo aup- E Imentd heïr 1lin.c o uccepa- F.iii'w ît h metal skLç). Whîlt simple powered tools ame ued ,Ior th. rough shaplng oft1h. ski, the rosI of its manufacturing procesa je by hand. For raw mnaterial, Austiian ski mnxufacturers rely primariIy on two widely zeparated sources et supply. On. la Austria's own Alpine uplanzds, for Austrian ash. Thitallier - putting Jtuz trian si niakers in belli theim- port and export business with 'the United States - ii the state of Tennessee, source of prized hickory. The two woods are conibined ta pro>duce skis of mnaximum flexibility, but whlch r emn a s1n "siniewy" as they How Con I? By Roberts Le. Q. How can I1 dean Xa suede jacket? A. On. method that is often veryeffetiveconalats oe. rubbing th.euode thorou>ighly with a mnix- ture eof equal parts fuller's earth and alum, thon tollowl-ng this with a Zood brushiîng. UUSINESS PRopgRTIES POR RN ATTENTION bENTISTS NIWLY remodelled dental offices of the late dactar for rent an mainstreet Iii Londou, Ontarîa. Complote equIp- ment In for 2 ta 3 dentiats sharing. AlMsa workshop completely equlpped for dents] mechanie. Picase apply ta 3Mr. Elleff,.3.33 Dundas St.. London. IUSINEge OPPORTUNITIMS PH OTOGRAPHY Become a photographie dIstributar for photo flJnishlng, cameras, supplies. Ne stoýck required. Write: Chevron Photo, Dept W, 99B Caleman Ave., Taronto 13, Ontario. OPPORTUNITY: For aient keen saiessnan. To assoclate wltb succesafL O'RDinARY AGENCY. REQU IREMENTS- I. Desire ta work 2. Presently emplayed 3Age 28 45 - own car 4. Marrled proferrod S. A-1 refereucos 6. liesident of, ares OUR RESPONSIBILITY:. J_ Ta train you for your carter 1 Ta give you guidance, direction and assistance In the field e. Ta provIde yLu with ail welfare henefits. Incitidlng contributory p ension ro a aintain your standard of living untIl you beconie cstab- ilshed iln our Industry,, 1 you are deairaus of establlshtl yaurelf In thée Sales sud Service field, we Invite you ta wvrite us, In confi- dence, glvIug fuli detals aof your ex. perience, marital statua, foducaiton 2nd auy relevant information. BOX 248, 123 . lth ST-REET TORONTO 14, Ont, MARM MPACHINE9Y FORt SALI Nw9 T'YPE HAVINO MACHINE CUTS LABOUR 1IN NALF L UNDELL.MAYNARD tthrte-In-onti fiaqS ý e pracessor, OIO-inch eut; eutm, con- itions and windra5ss &illu anc opera- tien. Write for pricas aud Information, C. E. Maynard Whaiemale, Scbasnberg, FORSAL -MISCELLANEOUS LET us sensi yau, postpeald, our mci'o plaid flannelette sparte or work shirt et $ 8mcan'swhite shirt et e.$*N men's ah wooi worlc seeki ut 35e per pa e mi'a wool and ayion dresasocks et9<per pair: ladies' nylon oasa et 7<arpair. Il you arder 3 shirts or Spairs cf home -we seud you 1 pair et ha»e FERS. iency refunded If mot scti3factory. Yeu t14e ne chances. ?Frtc catalogue liatiîaig undrada ci maney- eeving itemsg. TWEDDLÉ MERCHANDISIG8 0 PKRO5 ilONTAXIO Qualified Physiotherapist reguü.ed f e rWcil aguppel dc éarmnt a aeh«w Mccrn bou. "Îr"ineî pollcte, ]Pten APPLY TO: C. W. XnULle SPEIInTNDENT, WELLAND COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL WELLAND, ONTARIO Police Recruits Wanted' MINIMUM *UALICATIONSI AO-1TO 34 WUtemT-340 LIs. *PIJCATION-O*^0 a 10 Cadets IY TO 21 Excellent worklng conditions pro- motion poâblte nd f r 1 nge benelits. APPLY IN PIERSON TO: METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE PERSONNEL OFFICE " KINO STREET EAIT OFFICE HOURS MONDAY Te FrIVAY, a A.M. TO 4 p.M. SNVESTMUNT OPPORTUNITrY Troy prlereinfen Konnel Aisa lOVeIY home ,w1th sanie for aie. Owneêr rir. tilng. 000< Income. Write: Box in,. Crystal beach, Ontario. SNOW SOUND - Looking ce If it were coroftitely surrounded by ice, th;!%shlp 4 ci cJocked oit McMurdo Sound, Antarcîko ta unîoad prefobricated nuclaer power LIVESTOCK WALNUT polled shorihorns, where buls ig a ton are, ln use. Sev- eral buils hâve made 3 lb. gain per day. Visitors welcome.,. Duncan A. Brown, Shodden, Ont. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 9-AiNISII the torment a dry eczema rasiiesaund woeeping skIn troubles. Past's Eczema Salve wi not disappoint yau itching, scalding and burnlng eccx- me. acne, ringworni, piinples eïnc foot eceoa wlll respond roadiiy ta tise staillsq, odorless ointmnt regardiesa al hôw utubborn of hapoless tlsey secin. Sent Éeaît Frte on Recelot of Prie FRICE $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Clair Avenluge et TORONTO DïXON'S REMEDY-FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOU- SANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWÂA $1 .23 Express Collect music L-EARN ta play tbe piano Ilu ýeweeke witb Symprovlsed M usIc. Details Froc write PO0. Box 873, Mnra.Que. NURSES WANTUD REGISTERED NURSES Requlred for 38 bfcd hospital. Gond startlng salary end woriting con- ditions. Appiy Administrator, E-spanala Gener.al Hospital Espanala, Ontaria OPPORTUNFIBS FOR MEN AND WOMIN JO0111CANA1iAR LEAflING SCI400L Great Oppoirtinlt.y Leaina HairdresaIng Pleasnant dignifled profession gooa wvageb. Thausanda of u<efi Marvel Graduaitesq Auserica's Greatesi Svatem Tflustrated Catalogue Fie. Write or Cali MAIVEI. 4AIRDRESSfNG SCHOOL 35 glr Si. W., Toronte Branches: 44 iCina St W., Hlamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL HYOlimiC RUISER GOOOS TED, guaranteed, msltled Iu plain aEl hlncludhni catlogue and sex Ïobree with trial asmartment. 18 for f*tt àox24,ýM, egins, &*ak. CANADA Officiels quarter pouind eos paemaiy 1boltes.et. value ovek ~Slui $. Floc* unused off pape? Ila- eludi.s ,aie. trIps, blocks, no gum net au dmagad dean rmaterîàal aver ceaeprie *$7. . .M. 14 Mc4oay rd., Wecton. PErMi1 %*Wod'dwidtEStanpeWlth A-* Sf~ ~ ~ * ae &vacd olectore ie ,ocn$.A e dsse Packt, Albuffs. 8 Iknnech.ero,8cn SUIS Polk SALE *ItTÀEO'S acwât und moreutttand- tt4 ftteutyldlusGya nd P m dRq- cal S ii àbu.per aceatIls veer iolter straw, thinner h lanmd b4se grin.Aokyoiar own dealer te l,#Ruml «unycioS ur other meao , y rntu4Alta bl.Stewart 5 ÎVdont cnustin n SWINI FOl *ALE ap r ov ed Yorkshlrî 9 to tya le Morisow§A :» Apply t 4,! N hla N 0 . Omit, Ont. T*Abm SCHOOLS ACÇETYLErNE, lectric welding ane Argon courcea Cainada Weldlng. Cen. 2% and BasmnN.. Hailton. Shoje MERRY MENAGERIE N N N N N N s' N N N N s N N 5. N N N N N