ORONO WEEKLY £~ SL -- ~ PI il Wih hebc nig 162te s plCiBrett. ..... aw BsioiCoiee ars2,5 years Ev he s,ýplnIlg f 1959 enrolment had0 cf Cmmunty Srvic. . BIRTH rea1ýChed absolute capacity and it was In 19137 tiie Coliege wa openied on apparent that much larger premises COLVIN--Marýiiviiiand Betty Colvmn Bon Sree b M. Hrr F ilenw~r ncesary. During the Eastr(e- Blok are happy to announice V e y s oon at inA l a ce F w as ac e(l ce E u lo k quied ad Ue oilge as.re-sta alidys he shaa Bsinss ollgethe birth of a daughter, Diane Marie, quiod l)C th Cllee ws r-esabwas moved to newly renovated quar. on Thursdlay, JanuarY llth, 1962. A lished at 18 Simcl(oe Street, North. Ifiiters at 10 Simcoe Street, North, wvhîch sse o Dbi.Seia1hnst ,,f49 M. C. Barniett, the present ownier 's owned1 by Mr. Murray Johnston, of Dr'. Miklos. a-p an-d Supervising Principal became as- Johinston's Clothîn,an no ocu sýociated wth the Colleg-e and in 1954 pis wo large floors part of whichi GUIDE p-urch-ased the College from Mr. Mii- houses "'Steno Serv." H-ARPER--At the Peterbonough Civic .]en. The following yeair capacity en. Ia 1960 the Oshawa Business Col- Hospital, Saturday, January 13, 1962 *olimei-t was reached and once again lege .opened a Branch Mi Lindsay Patricia Louise Harper, belovedî ad-ditional space was required. The; w he tead Baker Business College3 daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Har- Coliege was moved ta 1L1 Siincoe St., 1w-ýas burat out. The new brnich p-pePtyoag6mots SoutLi above the new Cainadian Tire ites under the titie of "Lindsay Bus- )etda U alwFnrlHme Sýtore. ItL a at this timne that 'the'ness ollege- and it Loo in its second Park St., Orono. Service wvas held Oshwa Business Colege expandced yeatr of business enjoys capacitY en- on Tuesdiay at 2:~00 p.m., January 16, tsfacilities ta incelude a special Pub- riet 1962. Interment Orono Cemeter.. _ic Stenograpliy Departmieîàt. This de- n15 the Oshawa Business Col- ,,ainment ge very quickly and il-1eg ecm afily accredited memi- IN 'MEMUORIAM1 ý956 was iregisteried as a separ-ate ber 0f tUe Ciý anadian Bus iness Schools CORNISHi In loving memory of aur business unider thenanme 0of "tnoAsoitinad the Principal anld mother Rosa J. Cornish, Who passed Senv". This b1-usiness is under te i- tffhve ac(tiveiy- participated in the'away June 18, 1950. ection and 0f-Mrs. M . afirs 0fo,'tUe Associatio.sceb- manai ndiiýiigemnt o r.Aon ic eNothing c(an ever take away The love a heant hoids dear. SPCIL AE RIE Five Cülours In SUTPER KEM-TONE SALE $2.00 per Quart $6.75 Per G allon KEM&GLO SALE ý $2.715 Per Quart $9.00 Per Gallon 1 Frigidaire 8 cu. ft. Ref rigerator-like new $10O0.00 1 IJsed Cmntn Electric and Coat or Wood Fondaimemorrnes Iinger every day, Rememibrance keeps her riear. Fonidiy rememibered by Henry, iWalter, -Milton, Ila and Eva. a-p OAD F THANKS Oshawa General Hospital To my very dear friends in Orno I wish to exprI)iess my heart feit grati- tude for aIl your lovely letters and cards with their words 0f encourage- mient - a great contribution ta my recovery. 1 look forwand ta seelng you ail before too long. *Gratefuliy youns, Flona E. RUadesl comInIIg a mnember. Mr'. M. ~C. ~Banetti ihas Ser'Vedj two terms as National1 President and has been chaiman 0f Rang.................~. $~~~»-~ evr~vcomittee and fil]ied every po- Rang-- .... .. ....s.ti.n ....e.t.Secretary over the] year-s. Wooden CombinatioliDoors Reg. $19-95tokeabat0fhevr .............................$495 I 1Osbaw urs nd Coieg maninmemnbership through jits P1rincipal ir~n \'ationial Office -M'anage- ~~1ph H a 4 w ' njt Assciton ui i f LidUstriai ORNO OTA4I , - PHONE 143 Commercal an Lnst tutional Ac- conatTUe Scetùf 1i-dustria1l 1; and Cost Accountants of Ontarli7o and1 the Oshawa Chambller 0of Commierce. o Ail "lhe Cuse nd ,tmaini g offer- G er by fthe (Osha,,wa and Lindlsay Busin- oesCoIle-es bave been deýsïied and - G ro w b-the Canadia_3n Business Q lo codis Asso0ýiation and tî he Trade! Sehoo Aci f tUé Depatmnto d o ucatin B otUCliegeýs àeOpen GÈroghu te entin-e year -iac nd o eVu o off er specialized buLsiniess tmiin o people 0f ail ages andl in walk 0 life. Classes inelude Ôtypinig for little people Grades 6, 7 O and 8, to spec ;Ialclasses for ouse- G ives anidshfwrr. etc. G it DySehool Courses are f-ý obfeed s wil as evening cassBe- - ~ Monday and enesay Evenin fao 7:0 og00 p. TUsentrpis FO T R bas proven Ai To highýniy s ccred g ndetrS i popr it enabCe G ,ie wý(,,ý hor nbt aTtend eveni- îng cias es to acuiresbs nins ana Remodeling, Dcoratin gz Itsestimaed tha o pi7:00 moe:0emp hs n ersht anid goo gro, oin,la aditinbto mor intnfed tiitn a Engis MeJn aeil r valbefO pirg Mamto iesand raoint- QG T atis [W0, Annîve rnr tU rtyin anjpranaiity devela- Uopmet. Fte graduates wuiii thon G be ale to 111,tequreents0f busnes ve mrethn -theyIihave eind espast..t - TUe owner oand cites tffndfatd ide over 25hAyers f ydevop Q ~~(lirC se heish neie sericoofU Community. In orde httePbi W HY W IT -,ý-L Pmay -Ëafticrt in manking tb Pis 2tU Stened to and orm r sîtsan i prethoeut reintresute lbusin CALYU OA educina d moreinin1iv ORONO TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2j Every-one Welcome Admnission $1.50 per couple. Culn ime fori imited numberl fmixell coulples is aivailablAe at thel ~w owmnviieCurling rînk on 'VenesayJaniuary 24th from- 9 to Il '~os ineretedare asked to con1- ot the Ovile Catertnphone ()310f ohnShetler, phone 1353. FeddemaRelEtt BO WMAÎNVIL LE Mode newSpit-level hpuse, brický j ihwy3 near Enterprse,' 2 bled- ' flc, nicelyd'ora1ted, ail conven- iences, heated garage, 1/2> acre lot.' U-ouse to be so)id fuiiy furnished, new frig and range, T.V., chesterfieid uite, new dinette suite, new bedroo;fl suite, etc. Ready to, move into. 0w-1 ner anxious ta seil. Make us an offer. Asking $9500.00. Terms. Orono, Modern Bungalow, 3 Bed- r-ooms, Hot Water Heating, al con- veniences with extra stool in base- ment, 3 acres land. This house is nicely decorated and well kept. Prie- ed ta sel, Hampton, large iodern Bungalow, 3 Bedroomcs, ail conveniences, 2 Rec. roomns, doule garage, suni room. Ask- 1ing $15900.00. $8Ô.00 month carnies, 170 Acrès 7 roomred house. 2 baýrn's. 2 streaýýms, 100 acres wûrkable 314,Lo00.O0. Term-s, 1.-7 Acres. 8 roomned bfrick house, mnodemi, ail conve.sdences. Highlwany 2, near Newcastle. Priced to sel. Oroano. 8 roomfed b)rick lbouse -10! uîldiîng lots. Priced to seli. VIanVy other listings truhU uirham11 Counlty ani Oshawa Fiýrst and econ Mortgages ar- A. J. McGîlI PhonDie 1407, Orono Local Rpeettv FORo PAINTING -DECORATING Û EPAIR AND FINIS-H o FURNiTURE - Pha'one 1413, Orano iElectrical -Contractinig El ectin let OrerYour Supplies Now ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Phone 109 ORONO 1 FOR SALE No. 1 Spy Apples for sale. $2.25 per bushel. Carl Tamblyn, Orono. a-p FOI, SALE OR TRADE, i paiir chiid's size 12 hockoey skates n ecelentcondition. WiIIl trade for a pair size 9 or 10 in child's size and In good cýondition. Ayply Raye West, Orono, a-p WATER HAULAGE For ate hauageplx>xle Ciýiff D. W. McQUAV' g ~ 1 i-ALTORg g Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tonipkins Phone Newtonvïlle 4721 I STAFFOR'D BROS. Phone Whitby 552 31 3 Dundeas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MIONUMENTS AND MARIKERS Let us ereciý a handsome, dig- nified Monument over the rest- oi ic f yaur loved oneS. It'S not expensive. And Seeing this iast trilute wli glive you encfiess comifort. 7Oc~~te SOeï OOî c 'e'o gInsurance in ai its BranchesO gAuto, Package and Camposite IÏ u Pol)icies, Fire, Farm, Lite, OBurýg iary, Lialbiii'ty, Marine,0 Acietand Sickness, Wind, g oiier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. g Phone Orona IR16 g IRTMORTGAGE ON or remodelling your present one then contact FI oyd Nich'oison jphone 2191 Orono, A. F. MlcKENZIE, M.fl, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2;06 to 4:0 p.m. 7:00 f. 8:00 p.m Safurdays and Wednesdays by appointmients only PtiONE 147! ORONC DR. R. J. TAGGART V E ERINARY SURGEON ,Phone 10616 Oreno, O00. LECAL Lawrence C. lMason, WBA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonos: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55r. gW. KAY LY CETLBA. Baarister -Solîu o Eln tIieOffices o g R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO reephoe 138 ono ChareedAccounatanit SY APPOINTMENTe P-0. Box 68, Orona Phonie 12516 General & Life OFFIE . AIST.;E RON phone 12516 R es.' 1171d JACK REID AucVoner ad Valuator Specialize in, Farmn and Furniture Sales COn'suit me for terms andl dates Phonue '5)ry18 - Orono Auctioneer and Valuator Coedticts Auction !:ales of a61 s. and at reasonable raites Cçnmmunlicate wt hma FPr e", Ontario.- Our cluality and service leaves notLhing ta be desired Ask the person wvho beughit tram u& a neighbour, friend or relative The RUJI'TR CGRAN*T 73 Ontaria Street PORT HOPE. "L2argest DisPlay ini Southern ontapîo'" OJI- lecri PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS -FARM an4-IQS WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire ta ail kirdis af Electrical EquipmenIt and Appliances Sucli at Metors Water Heater2 T.V. - Radios- Stoves - irons 1 1 , 1 . 1