mente. 1 te r, Mrs. S. O). W, Rolph and ormer preedents o! ýW. E. Davey who an x.A, . The sIatee of- fifcers 'was preýsented by 1Mr1S. Mc. President - Mrs. B Long; 1.'t vie President- Mrs. W. Irwin; 2nd Vicel ProSien - Ms.0. Chatterton; Sec-ý retay - rs. Geo.Carson;) tcerin lereay lrs. J. Corish; Trýeasur-i erl, Ms.A. McGAIl. The groups hv been dividied in tLhe lieteffecb~ve m Cler roup listings weedistributed and ciscussed -ad somne adjustmnents were md ~Agen- oral mieeing 0f aýil group le týo be ieid every second mionth, aiternatingI betw-ý,een afternioon and ,wening ~groups. Those wbvo were life mefibers in the W.A., W.M.S. and Eveningý Auxiliary wý,ill autimatically becomne Life Members in the new group and thoDse joining in 1962 will becomie ýchatrter members. P.ev. Long advised each unit leader te set 11p) their own committee com- prisîng of seeretary and treasurer, and advisedrfenc to the Constitution te help plan imeeting-s. Rev, Long ex:presseed thanks tLe al who had accepted office and stressed theý fact of Unity- One in Christ. Mvrs. Long then asked for the ce- ~opration of oach and every oe ýii tsnew endeaqvour. Mrs. Long also g.Hoesaid; "You can't have your aoand eat it and the sanding ef the o)ade sweuld take ail the mnoney for hoe reads in lie winter time. Tiere -cldhon summten werk dene on nyof thim.." was a159 presented witi a Diploma of Menit fer his many years of work in the Society. ronD Volutme 23, Numiber 418 Hfâydro ôSurplus For 61 Drops To 2 P.C., AI lie Hydre meeting on Modyngilithe Comm-issionr wcr giona run-don e!f lie 1962 Fincial Stement by Lie manaiýge2r E. Dent. The rpr showed a two crent urpus ! 75592 whlci sat- i iie ns age , asnet, enlougi te a. ! y l L c O e n1ary [load growî i In i-e porting te lie Comiiisioni,, _,r, Do ntstated tliaI lie iead grewt ~asjûmingfater than ianlicipated andI alreadIy larger transformones weroe ocd~in soie aneas. Tt was hie epin- (on liaIt te Commii-ission siould have Ssur-plus in anl amlounit o! $5,000.00 te carry i'te ordlinary gnowti e! lie ey- ' cmaI lie present day rate e! grwL li. A mnotion was paseed te meel Wvili to Olarie Hydre in tuis malter anid wviti lie possibilily of setling ouit iewý îaLes tleincroase revenue for the local hydre syslem.1 A nnere of "nnillors peiato(1 eut 1ýý«KCREWS SSUBIN that the counties do sand hiills in the FR O,1O winter ýimie bui t etlie treadIe 1Abidig.prioradasre Deputy-R.eeve W A. IHobenis, Port Abidn uevsradasre opnoted that there le ntiing in cmfrm'.J cFr 'Cosre ghwa Trffi Ac whch tip- -on Comipany of Picton arrived ini lie ighay nafic ct hic stpu-Port Hope recentnly te begin wenk on lates that the highways or roads must tecntuto favctoa di Fleeve Lloyd Hooton, Cavan de- tien te lhe Port Hlope Higi Sciooi. cae:"Befone you put the motion A portable trailon for office space was te have been meved in later in, Uim just wondering what some more h ,L, .Ctigo h is o nte eanding weuid cost. FI'maise wonder- .1IVe day. Cut ing-epeie otace onate ing wvhat lie mon at the couty gýar- atreJiect ieexpce t ae l age are doing when tiey are net wmI.ý aer:kCewek d. lad f andwold McFarland's were awarded the 1ing on our read.Alad0 ad el 757,800 job when tiey eubmnitted the 'ieîp eut at times." ilowesl of seven bide te the Durhiami The motion carnied. County District Higi School Board. The building is due te be completed iii anniounced the Pot-Luck supper in August and te open in September for onnection vith the Cengregatienal t;ue firet vocational classes in thie new nw-t ng o)n Tuesday evenlng. . mIposile system. MUrs. H. Banlow of!ered te, place lie 30,000 square feet addition will flewens iri the church for Sunday, dIoubile the present size of the high January 21st. jsuhool. Mr. Long closed the meeting wvitb Federal and provincial govern- raye. jmenite are eharing the capital ceets. Police Trustees To Request Twp., To Sign Agreeý>.me.nt For Town Wctter Tiecntrc eo!awlr ylm ies suci as sewage fer lhe centre prmeto! Highways te have im- lon te Village o! Orono was an issue o! lie Village. Ho slatod liat some o! prevemnents made te lieeontrances faced by lie Police Trueteés on Mon-, tiese prejectesiehuld hoe tarted now nto Orono suggeeting taI ceurbs be day ovening wien they met for their' and wateliehofe11, was lie propen one nistalled aI lie enînances. At the pros- Januiary meeting. Afler coniderable aIlepeen ie nt lime theso ontrances become,ý, discussion the Police Trustees passed liltered wit gravel and are most un- a motion in wich îîey are te request1 aThe chairnian also suggested liaI 3igiLly. The secnetany, G. E. Simpson, theTowshi ofClarke te sign an a-' inlew financial agreemecnt be eeught w1ae instructed, on motion by Mercer tueTowshi o between lie Township anld the Village and Loe onylewite the Depanîment greement witi lie Ontario Wator Re- sources Commission te construct ra view o!hlie ncraeices tshe -i oncin çocmplele ,water sytepi for the Villageviding hIe necessary services in li Vilg.The chairman wae intructod I eneto iiso eea o! Oneno. This motion was movod by leo contact tue Reeve requesting a on eîdewalks the eecnetary pnoduced P. M. Mercer and eeconded by J. L. meeting witi lie Township Finance a hy-law which was passod in 1940 te Iw y.Mr. Mencon in presenting lie Comiiitee, nfo rce the remeval o! ice and snow -meioion pointed eut liat walor for i- e from idowalks by propenty owners. village was desirable and that hoe in- Trustee J. L. Lowery was appeinled Cie by-lawwa laid oven for, the pros- tendied te see thai some action was te look after lie Village streols and ai cnt ime until word is received from taken towards inst1alliing a system ini prognai was drawý,n up le be euh- Uho Deparîmnette! Municipal Affaire thýe village. mitted te lihe Township Road Coi- n luhis connection. rnitee.Tusproram ncldedlie A motion was p-assed b-y Mercer and ~ e rmm , C. Ferrestor, rcntuton etoheik tboeylaI lie PolieceTrustees in- ath avoured a constiructive graveand 011 Diviso tre n vs-aeCiImroeeto!sre prog ia iý.for lie the village wiîî sonme ilîsn .11., chlip clone Chulrcli St. iîonfi icVllg. h carman positive action in order liaI lue vil-1and c uigadlectigc ed 4gso iIi ol rhhyc lage could gel sonie work dene înow, aogCera ies ntcniion of.! wevelius-1 se, liat il woffudnet al falli unoni e in ,-,.ï. .,0.. !W. ndd11a1stnu i nodrnlio,hn raeaeea'Ionce. "We know that our str-eet igling le faiiing bhiind anda is iaoul.Tiere is aise liel cpt acing tlie illa,,ge in replacing lie finerelrur-k in tic future anid ter, afle-r sdoais«nM iii$,000.00 Ls 5.lOIf lite Main streel o! lie Village, Le ~ ~ ~ ~ h hdneicya.T Trust[eos arl-e make a survoy The dhainiman reconmmonded liaI Of trocus 1in1,te Villag9e àinthe near; lie Police Trustees contaciýt lie De- future. Friday Is Orono Hockey Night Parents To Accompany Players The Hockey Çommiittee of the Or-i o'no Athietic Association lbas made ar-j ranigementLs te hoid a hockey niglit ati Jhe Oreno Arena this Friday eveningJ venthe tchree mineor hockey teams under- the Athletic spensorship will1 niakeý their appoarance 'on the ice. l'es eams are the Atome, PeeWees imd Baiitamis. Each boy playing miust b)e accemipanied to the rink by a par- ent or aduit before being allowed on the ice. This procedure ie being fol, lwed in an effort to increase Interest in the night and aise to bring te tho parents the program beîng offered by the Athietic. The Hockey Çomrmittee are aise making arrangements te have a Public Address systemi available for the evening over wiici tiey wvill an- nounce the score gettere., and aise ani- neunce tie throe-star selection flic>wý, ing ail tiree of. tie games. These activities get underway at 6:00 when the Atems, numbor;ng o-ver. thirty, willi be dlvided inte twe teams% te play against one another. The Or-~ ono PeeWees face the Bewmanville PeeWees at 7:00 p.m. and the Orono Bantams are host te Oshawa at 8 :00, Plan te attend and bring yeur boy te the activities at the rink thLs Friday evening. ]Don't send your boy to the rink on Frid-ay . . . bring him and enjey the tiili of miner hockey at the Oreno rink. Ture Thffrsdayv, January 25th, 1962, Orono, Ontario Holdng raw Mr. Williamn Buning 'For Filly SunondntA Oon The Orene Chamber 0f Commirerce, e d n mro Colfuth orby whici le laed t be eidperin Con Duterypremeing aet eir ann a rle hsmnhM.WlimBntn alueitn to h on Juine iGli, have included for thus ErlerthsmetieriiamNuntrin asSupeWintedeamsf.h dateý a speýcial draw. Ticketsarai Bunting was appointed as Spnn uer nS. ilae re,ýady eut fer the event and are nowý tendent o! the Department of Lands Mr. Bunting ie a native of Picker- on sale. and Foreets Nursery in Orone, thus ing, Ontario, vwhere ho received lis el- filling the vacancy ieft by the retiring ementary and, secondary education. The( Chiamber !has securedl a year- Superintendont, Mr. G. M. Linton. ling wfiiywici wili be the prize and Mr. Bunting le well knewn in the area namd "ren'eFirst". Thi s l iaving- been assistant Supointendent liev -venture i i le promnotion of the at the local Nursery fron 1950 te 1954. XnnIual Cýolt :ZerbyAt the time of lis appoinmt M. Coun ties En-rgineer Proposes LongRange Road Program Tie P.Road Commnicelon will be aeked tiaI a by-iaw for- theso amounle be te follew Uli te pincýipal e! a long passed aI Ibis session. Tue balance o! range prograi for noade and bridges, lie read pragrami will bc construc- This was anneunced by Counties En- ien and muet ho by a supplemenitary gineer George Tellen. Mn. Toteni' y-iaw whici sheuid ho passod aI lieý read the rejprt of hie office aI a ne- next session." cent sessi'on ef lhe couneïil. Mn.1%Tottea lien todl up amother' The engineer declared: "The Nov- malter whicti ho said liaI le wished1 ouhr ession o! lie County Council l;ie Ceunicil wouidI give i rection le authônized flec preparation o! sucli a iAlm in. Thie was lhi alter o! private' pregram. Il is my intention le at- raeaddrvwy.Hosi ohad temlt le have the 1962 Road Cem- a numiben o! phono cails about theo ne- miission !oliow up tues preliriiary. ac- cent wveekend wion lie roade wero .optatxce o! suci a programi. icy. One man lad phened hii about "The finet thing to do is gelt te hie driveway in partcular. council te give acceptanice in princi- pal o! semne fundanlal p recedunes in preparation o! such a Proposed program. "The first o! tiose thinge le finan- cial. I could recommnend for tie pur- pose o! preparation eit lus proposai that tlie assesmnent e! these ceunties b)e estimiated at raieý o! $1,500,000 per "In addition the program slouid be baeed on the assiumption that the county nead levy wil romain at six nulls for the duratien of tuis prograni. Anotien assumiptiletiat the rate o!, Lie Departiment o! Highways subsidy ,,Al romain as it is at present. IThe engînieer added: 'Rem-em-ber -t isl up te you, lie more you do for peoplo the more they will expect. Ho said liaI the Couintios pay $1.'20 per mile over lie winter, 'lie Higi. ways Dopartment in tuis area pay! $1.065 per mile. The Counities have 326 miles in arc t anid lie Higiways Deparîmoent hae over SO00 miles o! ingnways. Mr. Tolten added: "If wve wero t-) put £ovadie *winter mjainteniance cecI liaIt'ikey do iL would cCI more per mile than lie Highways because 'of lie volume e!oftriaflc on die gi was-wh:c i imuoh p'reater Jàan ours "The Deparîment o! Hig-Iiways have il is my belle! liat because e! tLraffie notified lie Ceuntios that a normal At is cheaper te remove. ligit snow on1 ,y-law fer $265,000 fer maintenance Llie highways than il is on the Ceunty and $200,000 for construction wili be reade. Traffic centrel is a very vitalý approved fer subsidy. I recommnend 1lhing."1 Intermediates To Play With Bowmananvil le The Orono Intermediale Hockey playerýs_%wo wene piaying for Port 1 >rrv Intermiediate club have o Roads and Bridges Commiitlee. Orono United Church Sunday jeined forces wit li te Bewmanviile Sho Siamirecks and will be on the ice in 3om-anville lonigit wearing the new Doos your chiid attend Sunday oloui'5. Sciool regulaniy? If net, why not? Recently lie OHA ruled that the Or- We can aI tle most provido fi!ly- onlo players wene ineligible te play for two lesson poniode in a year and in lie Port Penny club wiich has promP-, orden te make the course o! value leo ed lhe move te Bowmianviile whene a child, as fan as Christian education nie local boys are allew,ýd 10 pay. is concenned, rogulan altendance is, 1'uÈs move will, ne deuil, boleten lie veriportant, -ýi eeo! lie sbjamroc'ks, wese fan- Our toaciers and officers are very hieyea, hve eenhavng legi evoled and negulan in altendanceý. mie o! il in lie leaguie eciedule. We have a regular staff e! nineteeni Thoso wari d ie Powmanvillo menmbens and il has beon necessany, ,waeeon Tiursday w, %iii ho Dean, only on five occasions, since last iay and Juniýor West, Deug. Powell ptebe '0tecýail upon lie ocs ld Charles Avitrn.Ket est, lnlsaf s le ndcrstood will aise sign withtlie WVe are very intereetedl in evory' ;ýhamnrocke,, but will net bo in lie lino- ciiLd in lie commiunily and are neady puilsui limie as hoe has reoe o te ilp witi any problem you maytý, rom n innijury.ý reeed ýCClwiile play- hv ngligyeur chiid t unaON n1g ni e iaaMercantile age.Sciooi every Sunday aI 10:^00 a.m. Kýeit effre a broken noce whici je Mns. W. E. Armstrong, SupI'. vatd t I"JNVon ti'ý mend. MVrs. C. Billinge Ass'l. Supt. ( Mr. Williim J3untin.- Tt was during these years when ac- cemnpanying his parents te the Orono Park for picnics and thus tripaý threugi the local Nursery, that ho be- came interested in Forestry. This in,- terest lead in later yeaïrs fellewing lIhe war, oe Ie Forestry course at thp University of Toronto. Prier te entering the University iff TorentLo, Mïr. Bunting served with the Royal Cana,-dian Airferce f rom 1943 to 1945. Duving the summrers o! '47, '48 and '49 the prosent superintendont wor1ked at thie local Nursery as an un- Jergraduate estudent. In 19M0 Mr. Runling gradua-ted and becamne as- ~eatsuporin tendent aI the Oronr, 1~sr whici position leho ld until !954. Mr. Bunlting lien eerved as assist- ant suporintendent at *Lie St. 'Williamy.s onnudon Page 2) 1 711, murm ÀMLV Vkly