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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1962, p. 2

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____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1962 S ORONO WEEKLY TIM S Authorized as Second Class mail, Past Office Department, Ottawý Established nin 19ý38 by R. A. Forrester ftyC. Forrester -. Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance Lr~ ana~ ~LbeU,.A52J Pubihdevery ehtsa~i thz office of publicaltzou Brinig Your Boy Friday This Friday nighit at the 0rono Rink, Minor, Hockey Week is be- ing recognized by the Athletic Association. The purpose is, of course, to stimulate interest for Minor Hockey and to provide encouragement for the boys who play this sport. The miotto appropriately is "Bring 'Your Boy to the Rin ... Don't Just Send Hlm." Interest is apparently on the upswing in Orono for hockey this year and assistances to help with the various teamnslhas been mnost e 1ncouraging. The boys are turning out in good numnbers and withi the added interest by those banidliing the teams a further encouragement is being registered. The Athletic would like to have as many of the parents as pos- siblîe at the rink this Fidaý,y eveniing when activities get uni'deriway at 6:00d p.m. show youir boy that you are interested in bis activities and comie along wî'tbh hm on FrldaI"y. Munlicipal Water Anmovýe bas again been mnade by the Orono Police Trustees to baeinstalled a municipal water system in the V7illage of Orono. This systemn, if grajnted permission by the Township Council, would serve eveyoe ithin the Village limnits of Orono wlth-a municipal supply of w-%ater. M xiia ateî bas, for the palst twvo years, been an active is- sue in Orono and this latest move by tbe Trustees$, who favour its, in- sýtallation, will ino doubt enliven the issue. Thie value 0f ate to aý centre such asOro can neyer be m-easured ninolr and cents but it is feit from tIhis corner that tÈhe'- crost of installation and( operation is but a fraction 0f the value it >ould be to Orono. Wihnthe ps seven years th e Counties Departmnent 0f Health lias miade two surveys of the water supply in Orono by test- ng the individuLal wells and its findings are that conditions ar worsen- ing. The Departmient in its report also stated that conditions would flot improve in the future but would continue to drop. This in itself is reason enough ito warrant a municipal supply of water in order that everyone could be served with an adequate and good supply of wvater. Li«ke the buggy, the old wooden pumip and individual wvell is on its way. out. The healthl report also made note 0f inadequate pro- tection given to wells and this apparently alws for erratic changing cf conditions of thewae suipply fromn these paiticular wells, Such weils may test AI today but in a couple of weeks or less could be unfit for use. Orono stands today as o)ne centre that baýs flot progressed with' miany other comimuilitie.s wýithi the construction of a water syste m. Municipal water attracts developmeint and notes your community 'as progressive. This area is on the threshoeld 0f increased development b-ut will not sharenin a fraction of it without the availability of water, It is to be hoped that the green lighit is given this undertakig and that wjIiin the year thie tap is turneiýd. William Bunting 1~Îi A~ 'Williams Nuirsery hçe had supervision 0f the Nursery which includes the g-rowing and shipping of trees, wood- lots, plantations and the op)eration 0fl sumimer camnping- areas at Lonig Point and Turkey Point. Mr. andi Mrs. Bunting wîth t eir five chiildren are now residing atth sýuperintendent's residence at the Or, ono Nursery. 31r. G. 31. Linton Mr. G. M. Linton, wýho bas been Superintendant at the local Nursery since 1922, bas retired from t'he posi- tion and will now be a District Exten- sion Officer for the Department. His area of opera9tion wlll iniclude Halibur- ton, Victoria, Peterborough, IDurhlami and :Northumberland Counties. This newv office will include the in- spection of plantations and of trees that have been distributed over the vears fr.omi the local Nursery. Mr. Linton will report on the success of the varlous plantings under varying conditions, and will no doubt trace the history of many of the trees back to their, beginning at thep Nursery in Or- Oro0. Mr. Linton is a native son of the' Village of Orono beîng the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Linton who was a manufacturer of farmi implementsi and who conducted his business for aý number of years in ,Orono. Mr. G. M. Linton received bis education in Bow- manville Public School and in Tor- onto for his secondary educain Mr. Linton obtained his deýgree fromn the Faculty 0f Forestry at the Univer- sity of Toronto in 1919. Prior to 1919 hie served for two yearsovresa astudenit in the Canadian Forestry CrsLondon, This Corpse was re-ý poibefor the supply of hlumberl dýuring the war., Following the war and bis gradua- ting Mr. Linton served with the Do- minion Forest Service in Northern Saskatchewan. In 1921 be returned toý Ontarlo and joined the Department of Lands and Forests under Mr. Zavitz, the then chief forester. It was during this year that bie was introduced bacýk to this'area to make a Land-TJse sur- vey 0f what is kilowni as the Pine Ridge. This Pîne Ridge extends along the north of Clarke Township, Hope Township, Manvers and Cavan Town- ships. It was the resuit of this study made by Mr. Linton thatthe thoughti of establishing a County Forest along the Ridge also the establishment 0fý a Nursery in the area.was brought a- bout. In the spring 0f 1922 300 acres at Orono0 was purcbased for the etb :Iishnîýenit 0f a Nursrey. This location 1was selected due to the type of soue sand aMd sanid-loami, a good wVaterý su7pply., good train service, and avail-, able seasonal lab)our. During thie past forty years manyi ch1anges bave. Ïbeejý noted with the araeincreasing t0 somte 1400 atcres and production rising from 3,000,000 toi 10,000,000 trees. Methods 0f planting and diggîng the little trees have ad- vanced from the shovel method to th os0f machines. Mr. Linton was at one timne not onily' Superintendant of the local Nursery Lut also supervisor of the Durhani The pujic is cordially invited to attend the O F FICI1A L NEW WTNG AT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVIIJIE Friday, January 2 AT 7:30 FM After officiai ceremnonies con ducted tours will be made through the new buildinxg, For those who are unable to attend Friday eVen ing, special conducted tours will be mftde Sat, urday, January 27th: 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m, also Sunday January 28th: 2 to 4 pa. WLàuitI The annual mieeting of the cong-re- gation of Orono -United Churcbh was ield on Tuesdlay evening, January 23 with about 100 members present. IL ltarted off with a pot luck supper with ots of good things to eat. This wag ~ollowed by a sing song, lead b~y the ,'oung people under the direction of '1ev. B. Long. The business meeting got underway 'bout 7.45 p.m., and the reports of the arious committees and org-anizations, howed a ývery busy and successful year for, 1961. The rýecommiendations of the nom. natin cmmlittee wvere ail adopted, and the varîous offices and commit- tees filled. Mr. W. J. Ricidell who bas been treasurer for, over 37 years resigned, andMr Wm. Armstrong Jr?. was el, ected to take bis place. Mr. Riddell received milany expres- sions o0f appreciation for bis long and unselfish work, in keeping the fin~ances, in good shape, and best wishes foï many more happy years of retire. ment. And lie was prýesen-ted (lwith a beautiful pictur-e, painted by R. Mor- ton, on behialf of «he congegtin,- M4rý. O. . Rolph, whio spoke very 11ighlyNI,0f his association with Mr. Rid delI ini the many phases of work in 'connection with the old churc.a, w as the new one. Mr. Riddell mladle a verýy nice reply anid wih is sucýcessor, every sucl- Mr. Long akdfor anexprýj)essioni of opinion on the ýay lbe is conduci-tinig the work of the chiarg-e and after many words of approvalI fromn those present, Mr. anid ,\rs,. Lonig andl fal-ý ily were invited to staw with uis for' another year. ,The urgent nieed for mlore accom-_ modation and better equipmient for- the,!fast growing cburch school were discussed at somele ngt"ï and it wvasý decided that' we should secure plansL and specificationis, as well as esti-ý mates on the cost of a new buildingi 'lsuitable for our needs, atnd for som-e imi-e mn the future. F orest, Northumlberland and the Sand Banks in Prince Edward Counity, 'Trees wihwr nursed into ex-ý itceat the local Nursery in the: 1920's are now being cut as sawlývogs' and as pulp in mlany of the plantations 0f the Counity and the area. Many 100s of cords of pulp woo ae being cut in plantations throughout Durbamn counity which Aiad their be- giiniig at the Orono Nursery, states ~Mr. Linton, and these plantations areI becoming more self-suppor-ting,. Guide News Our regular Guide mieeting opened with roll eall and collection. Guides not in uniform from, now on will hiave a black mark against ciem. Guides .who passed square iashing were: Sharon Drinkie, Sylvia Suther- land, Judy Bull, MrlnHammrI Sharon Allin and Patsy Hardy. Also ffinisbing First Aid werte Sylvia Suith- erIin, Marilyn H3amm, Judy Bull, Sharon Drinkle, Sharon Allun, Patsy Hardyýi,, Dorothy-, Dunlop and Carol Nixon. Last week Cheryl Cooper, and Patty Partiver completed thieir secondf classa and are taking ojver Lur iew rcrit as their patrol. Wendy Cox, JoyceLogSadr ,aitig and Brenda Drikie passed their Gýuide P romise and Motto. Valerie Mercer, Barbara Mitchell, Wendy Partner, Elaie Forrester anII Jeanette Maartenise passed their flags, After gamnes we closedl with prayer! and taps. Marg-aret Mitcýhell MissionBand Twventy-sevenl members of the Or-1 ono UnitedC Cburch(-I Mission Band wer-e. present on, WýedInesday after- nioon for ther regular meeting. Prior to the meeting the childIrenl enjoyedl playing gamnes. Following tbe Cal toeWorship the group sang a hymin and repeated the Mission Band Purposie. The collection was- taken ulbi MrgrehTggrt For Your Printing Needs Letterheads 'Envelopes Statements Invoices Ledger, Forrns GurnLabels Tags Ail Business Forms Continuous Forms AilîWedding Stationery Orono Weekly TRÈeS PHONE ORONO 109 jr 1 VV a eo

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