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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1962, p. 3

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Checking Up On in<Robberies ý T'he Fedlei-a.l Bureau of Invýes- tigation has been playiug 4"caps and robbers' Witth bauk bar dits all ove- the United States. The lacs-case in baukrab.- beries. particularly lu subUrban a-reas, bas had the FEI onr'the armer] run for the past yea The Bureau has just ocu- ed a ses-les of aw enfos-empart confes-ences t hro u g ho ut the countr-y devoted ta this canc problem. Two recent local baýnk rab- beries serve as illustrations. In one, two as-medi bandits, one wearing a false rutbber nase, helti up a savings and boan as- sociation, cstaping with om ,$8,000. "This is a holduLp," thcy was-n-. ed cmployees, as onc of the bandits leaped oves-Élhe. g ate ta the teller's coujiter, scoopinq up maney from the open sate and fromi the caunuters. T'he othes- sobbcry, lu asal town lu 'neas-by Maryland, was carried out by eue guunman wha cars-led a revolver, wore a sto-ck-. lng cap mask, a coat with la,,rge pockects and spoke lu a bauss voice. He ý,made bsgetaway wt somne $10.000. The twa rabbeî-ies occus-red within 25 minutes of each othes-. This uew wave of bank ruýb-. Iberies is duc,- lu part,acodg to autharities at the FBI> toaa trend of t imes -- a i cd towas-d more bs-aqnchi banks and mos-e saviugs and boan as'socia- tions ln the outiying as-cas. These institutions have folbow- ed the shoppingý ceniters. Many are ocatet inl themi. They as-e smalier, iocatcd lu as-cas where- traftic is less, caugested, wnes-e a getaway is casier and lu bili-. ingswih are less fortress-l'ke than the mid-city bank. MUany o! today's bauk bandCits are "amiateuirs," the FBI fin-ds. Time was whcn one of the best duc-s to the identity of a pro- fessional bank sobber "ws is particulas- methoti ofoprtn, FBI Directes-, J. Edgas- Ho-ves- said. For instance, in the i3Js there was a group of gangs operating lu the Midwest. They were otten identifieti by vouis- speciai method ai separating- cash trami the bank. Somne -,,re a cestain type ai mask, cai.ried * special type 0f sacks foi, the mortey, always stole cass'for, the gctaway and sometimes sctter- eti naîls aloug their trail. Others wes-e "tuad-ake" by the pasticulas- way lu, which they lea-pcd oves- the countes-, Some gangs wes-c kuown for ihe time of day when they carrieti out the robbery, often at nooni- trne w heî-n many of the cmn- ployees were aI lunch. Thes-e as-e soi-e idcni iyîng igns today, but flot as many, mainly, FBI authorities explain, because of the centry ai the ama- teur. But 'with some afi these the signature is becomning clear- er as the bandit finds ancap- proach successful and uses It again. The amateur is marked by what is known as the idenan- note" type of sobbes-y. Thi s oc-. eus-s when the sobbcs- quictiy Passes, a note ta the telles- stat- ing the bandit has a, gun ilu hi pocket and demnands that thbe telles-tus-n oves- the nmoney quietly. HOT SHOT--Grim-faced, tis. two-gun Howoiien c ow-b oy- wojits for the showdown with the bod guys. Western cuffs made f rom soft drink, cups. If the operation is puiled off the robbery mnay occur so quick- )y the teller at the next counter may be completely tinawgre of what has takeni place, writes Jo-. -ephine ýRipley in the Christian Science Monitor. Despite the record number ot 895 federal crimes against bank- ing institutions in fiscal 1961, bauk robbery is stili one of the poore st payiug jobs in the world, sasM.Hoover. A recent survey by 'the FBI of bank robberies showed that out of 125 typical cases only. eigiht robberies nettcd more than $10,000, while in 30 cases the batndits obtained, no loot at ail. Que waY in which the FBI is working ta curb this new out-. break of crime is through edu-. catingi banh employees in mne-. thods of detection. This has been done lu mýany instances by hav-. ing someonie impersonate a would-be robber by loitering lu the lobby, acting lu a suspicious manuer, getting c h a n g e. at a teller's cage, having a paper no- tarized, or makiug inquiry about a bann. Bank em-iployees are later quizzed on the incidleilt, asked to describe the mnan,' The-re are demonstrations to illustrate the tcnqeo h "4note bandit." The FBI often spIng!,s a surprise "gimmick" by_ having a telephone cali put through to the teller as the scenle is; being enacted, witli the voice at the other end saying- "White you 'are answering the phone, nmy confederate has ta- ken everything ln reach from your cage." The vOice was that oi a po-. liceman, but the method is fre- quently that of the sneak thief lu diverting the,-attention of the teller while he gathers in reach- able cash. The mnost impo)rtant tching for banik employees and any by- standers to do in such an emeýr- gency, accordiug to the FBI. is ta record in mnemory as many details as Possible, particularly the hieight of the robber, his probable age, his clothing' and mnannerismis. 11, almnost ail the tests con- ducted wstnesses tended te, un- derestimnate the 'bandit's" height and to overestimate his age. WHAT'S DOINI -To-tin, outhentic pistols, these Houstorn Colt 45s, National Leogue baisebail! club officiais hold a unique ground-breaiking ceremony TÉhey pumnp the grounid full of Icad to officîo;ly Iounich construction on a stadium. Red or Dead? Scsys Who? The expression "Redi or Deati" has îa fais- mensure o! rhyrue but precîous lsite reason.. To suggest that the anily ai- ter-natives open to aduit Amien- canis are mass death ln nuclea- war 'or capitulation ta Soviet domination is te confess a be lle! that under conditions of peace anc doesn't behieve that we eau Win the idleological and economie battie with the Communist cys- Given ther productive CR- pacity, the s-evalutionas-y econ- omny, and the intellectual fiexi- bility of the American systcm, it seemns ta us that lu auy compe- tition witb the SO'viet 'Union, time, wealth, aur] a big head start put us tas- out lu ativance What shoulti, aur attitude, ta- was-d the Commuffists be? Fis-st, let's face up to the tact that if we dan't have ta admis-c then we de have to live wîth then. Sensible mer, will make this situ- ation as satisfactos-y as passible. Let us look ta ous- sts-ength, both mates-l andi spiritual, with confidence and m-atus-ity. Let us welcomne competition with the Comi-nist bloc with a whole heart, assus-ed if wc's-e the bette- mcan we thînk wc as-e, we'll win. For make no mistake about it:_ luntucleas- w 7,ar neithe- we nos- the Rusians would wia. .- Let's get off the defensive, andi caucentrate on living rathe- than planning for, death. We as-e a youug and pawerful nation. Thanks ta eulightened people lu aur society we're stili fs-ce. Andi lu matters of revolution, we're, stilI way out ahcad.-Winchestcr (Mass.) Star. HoIy Mon of India Make Predîctions Not tas- 80 yeas-s had India suf-, tereti such cold. Bitter wînds howljed' down ts-om the Hima- layas oves- the nos-theru states o! Puai ab, Uttar Pr-adesh, and Bihar. In "eleven days of ter.- s-ar" the tempes-ature reacheti frecziug point, au ali-time rec-' ord bow 1n, semnits-apical New-m Delhi, while lu the zoo, attend,. anis pumipeti alcohol luto ele- phants ta ward off pieurnonia. In inmany cities, bontis-es built lu the streets kept, the thinly clati. poor and amineses alive., Even so, many hund-eds af schoolchilds-en c a 1 1 a p s e d lu classroams, andi 800 persons dieti of the cold.. Awed by the wiut-y blast, millions of Hindus turue t t Iýheis- halymen for an lion and wes-c ps-omptly was-ued et more tr-ouble thirotughout Jan- uary anti, thercatte-, a wos-ld- wid-e natural calamity bctwecn 5:43 p.m. on Feb. 3 andi 6:24 p,m. on Pcb. 4' Dus-ing those, ho.urs there will be a salas- eclips e (ual visible - lu Nor-th America andi Europe) while eight planets as-e meeting under the astrological sgu aif Capricoru. This combina- tians 1$ kuown as Naha Koot Yoga and - even without the consides-ed most lu- Hopeful of fos-estalling a c at- astrophe ln eas-ly 1962, , fiHl- niess Shri Jagsdlgu-ru iVidyamau- ya Tecs-ath, a high Hincdu pricst, canveuct a yajna (a dceply de- vaut periati-of sacs-ifices and prayers) an the banks Of the holy rive- Jamna, 6 miles fs-r DelUchi. He hat inivited 1,000 pandits (leas-ncd anes) af the BsamnCaste. Sitti 9 cross- legged before pIDi-tires,; the holy mca ledec the flamnes with logs, lu- cesghee, and iflowcrs. Risiug at 4:30 a.mý., thecy bativetil in the icy river anti had their first nieal aI 3 ln the aies-noon. Every Bs-a4man s-ecited prayers 108 B s AGENTS & DISTRI BUTORS WANTEli Demnonstrators andi Agents 1e selI Stalnless Steel Cutlery. etc. Wrîte Box 114. Kitchener, Ont. AGENTS and Distrihutora wanted fox new imported fast seillng repent pro- duct. 50% 1te 150% profit. Write for free details te: P.O. Box 2152, Van- couver 3, B.C. BABY CHICKS BRAY has started Ames and other good pullet vaniellea, 4-20 week old, available promptly; order now, get j ood start on 1962 egg production, Brofler chicks also available. Dayolds to order. Sec localï agent, or wrîte Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Ham. Mlon, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHOTOGRAPHY Becomie a photographie distributar for phocto finishlng, cameras, supplies. No stock rcquired. Write: Chevron Photo, Dept W. 99B Coleman Ave.. Toronto 13. Ontario, OPPORTUNITY: For aIert keen salesman. To associate witui successful ORDINARY AGENCY. REQU IREMENTS: i. Desire te work 2 Presently ensployed 1 Age 28 45 - own car 4. Married preferred 5. A-I references 6. Resident of ares OUR RESPONSIBILITY: 1. To train you for your career 2, To give you guidance, direction and assistance ln thse field, 3l. To provide you with aIl welfiaire benefits, Including contributory pension 4 Te m;aîntain your standard of living untIl you becomie estab- Ilshed in our industry If you are desirous 0f establLshlng yourself ln the Sales and Service fieldi, we invitû you ta write us, in confi- dence, giving ful details of your cx- iperlence, marital statu,education zami any relevant Information. BOX 248, IM123ltIsSTREET. TORONTO 14, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR REN-i ATTENTION DSNTISTS NEWLY remrodelled dental offices of the laIe doctor for sent on main street In London, Ontarlo. Complete equlp. ment ln for 2 te 3 dentistushaninig. Also wvorksbop completei.y equipped for dental rnecbanle. Plea.5e apply ta Ms. Eleff. 533 Oundas St.. London. TORNADIC PILEDRIVER These raifters f rom a wrecked building were driven four feet into the ground by q tornado striking Berwick, Pa. DIow Can I? By Roberts Lee Q.How ecan 1 preveist rubber overshoes fromi constasitly slip- ping off at the heels? A. Cut two strips of chamois and glue these insid@ the oves-- shoýes, uip the backs of the hecis. Q. How Canli 1hleep air Circulat- ing around stored vegetables? A. Buy wire baskets from .a stati.cnes-y, such as are user] in offices for holding papes-,_ n use- these luniyour pants-y to hold vegetables. Thcy permit the air ta cisculate freelyý,. Q. How should woolen mate- riais be pressed? A. Press them on the ws-rong side. Use a damp cloth betw\eei the iron and mates-l. The iran should be modieraiely hot, and should be apIplied unitil the cboth is quite dy Q. How e au I eaÀIly remiove the top ot a ting-erniail polish botie -when it stubbornly refuses to budge?. A. Turu the bhottle Lupsýide dowýn aud Iput a drop 0or twToro igr nail Polish1- remover aroundc the edige of the cap. Let stand for, a iew seconds, tus-n the bottie 1Iiht side up, and the cap will us ,uaillyv yield quite rcadilyv. Q. low eanit 1rem-ove deval- comanfia transfers froni painited surfaces Without damniging -'the paint? A. Tryinig dousing ,thie decais with hot vinegar, give the vine- gar a few minutes to soak in, an-d then the decals can usually be semoved or ,viped oUýf with no harm edonc.-- EXECTJTIVE - A person who can take two hours for lunch without anybo<dy ùnISSing hlm. BIUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR BALE GARAGE, service station, body shop, dealership; il stocký and equipmc-it lu- cluded for $32,000. Can be financed for quallfled buyer. AX. 3-4391. John E. Lumley, R.ealtor, Mairkhia,. BILLIARDS, lunch couniter, two apart. ments,$600 Going concern Lavrence Walsh Drayton. Ont. POO;- room and equlpment fur sale. -4 'xlO' snooker ta b les: 1 I 4x8Bos- ton table. Ail in food condition. No ,opposition Lease. Apply to GeraId Keller Madoc. Ont.. Phone 613,473-2966. FARM MACHINERY [#OR SALI HAHN maodel 300 RI-Boy aprayer elth 8 row boom used 2 years. Write Mlle, Wallbridge, Amueliasburg, Ont. NIW TYPE MAVINO MACHINE CIJTS LABOUR IN HALF LUNDELL-MAYNARD fial type proesqor, 80.inch cut;, cuts, con- dition5 ued windross ail In- one opera. tion. Write for pýriea and Information, C. E. Maýlynard Wholesale. Scboniberg, Ont. PARMS FOR ISALI AT HARROW ONTARIO Poultry farmu for sale. 8 acres, 2 acres of asparagus, 20,000 uq. ft. insulated floor space wlth hot water heating also a year &round contlract for etartek chicks that brings In, a good weekly Incomie a goed 8 roorn modern house and otiier buildings go water with ail utilties. Full prIce $22,500. L.. Oullette, Ph. RIE. 3-4362 Jack Scell, Ph. lRE. 3-4767 R. H, WiGLE - REALTOIt Ph. RE. 3-4112 Kinsvile, Ontario -EDUCATION KIGU SCHOOL lost jobs eall for a high school edu- cation. American School cani train you et home In your 3pare lime. Progresa rapldly. AI! books furfflshed. Low rnonithly paynents. For fullIinforma- do9n, write or phone GE 8-4212 Amen-. can School De-pt., R.E.P., 439 Emnery St., London. FOR SALE - MISCIILLANMOUS EUREKA grain mixer with molasrsesý attachment complete with brÉatlng unit presuregaueselectrIial switcheu, 10 h.p. Motor, molasses puip - with 3 h-p. notor, used 18 înontha. Apply Af.i. Tannier, Strafford 271-03W0. SEND for free catalogue offening, hun. drede of money-savliig Items of mer- chandise. We lust a few: Mens Plaid Ilannelette Sports or work shirt - $L.98; White mhirt - e2.99; A1-wool work s(cks - 8u< per pair;. Wool and nylon dress s"ocks - s99 pet pair; Laies' nylon houe -79< per 5as~ n ick D.lcer - $L0(0 (Ifeeps wiidshiel4 àcar in freeziJng weather). Order t shirts os' 3 pairs of houe, we uend 1 i'FEPosta ge Paid. Mone-y r.- If so atisfactory. TWEDDLE MRRCHANDISING CO. FERGUS Il ONTARIO GUNS FOR SALI CASH for old Guns, Colts, Remningone, Sharpa. Winchester Lever actionRillog Avis, 79 Oakz Park Ave., Toronto, Ont. G uN s MODERN OR A.NTIQUE BOUGHT-SOLD EXCHANGED MXPERT REMAIRS-PANTS SERVICEI PoIy-Choke Installations TRADE DISCOUNTS MONTHLY CATALOGUE 260 The Modern Gun Shop "CANADA'S GUN RfOUSE" 300" OANFORTI4 AVE., E. TORONTO I4ELP WANTND LABORATORY TECH NICIAN for CANADIAN RED CR~OSS BLOOD TRANSFUS-ION SERVICE Hamilton Depot R.T. or uffl4erity Graduai. with 4îde- lat since courues. Excellent work- IngconitinsVacation% and Staff Benefis. Apply lsting exp*rerne end quali-fications to 401 Victoria Ave, N., Hamlion, Oiàrlo. HELP WANTED -MALSE Police Recruits Wanted MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: ^GE-2f TO 35 WEIGHT-160 LB$. EOUCATION-GRADE 10 Il TO 21 Excelen worlngconditions, pro- motion psiiiig and f rin g e AýPPLï IN PERSON TO: METROPOLITAN TRNrTO PO- n-% LCE M MEDICAL POST'S ECIEMA SALVI BANISH the tormnent 31 dry eczeMm rashes and weeping suJn troubles. Pocst'm Eczemui Salve wifl fot disappolnt you 1tcliing, scaldlng and burfflng ecee- mu acne rlngworns, opimples anld fflt eczema ,wl respond readily ta the stainlesa, odorîcas ointient regardiesa 0f how stubborn or hopeleaýs thev seen. Sent Pest Free on Receigi of Prîce PRICIE $3.50 PUR JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 Si Clair Avenu* Sase TORONTO SATISFY YOLURSELF EVERV SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OP NEURITIS SHOULO 1'RY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Cellect. MQRTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS Money- available for imm,.iediate boar on FIret and Second M',ortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and ImproVed property-, residential, indug- trial, city, suburban, and country, and sumnier cottages. Mýernber of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Associ1ation. 40 yeareg experience, J. E. Marris, F. G. Marrie, and R. Cý Bint. SUMMIRLANO SECURITIES LIMITED 112 SImcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. Phone: 72,5-3568. MUSIC LEARN to play thse piano ln 6 weel;u witb symprovised Muslc. iletails Fre.â wirite PO Box 873, Montreal. Que. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES Re-quired for 36 hed hospital Good starting salmar nd working con- dition. AplyAdminitrator. ApyEspaniola Genral âiHospital Espanola,Onri OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIEN AND WOMEN IE A lIAIRORESSER JOIN CANADAIS LEADiNG ICHOOL Great Opportunity Learn BairdressIng pleasant dignified profession good wages. rhousands of suceep.saful 1Marvel Graduater i mericals Greatest Svstens flustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal] MARVEL MAIRDRESSîNC 'SCHOOL 334 Bleor St. W., Toronto Branches: K inlg St. w., iansilton Ri Pdeaui Street, Ottawa PERSOWAL HYGIENIC RUIlER GOOOS ?ESTED, guarantee-d, mailedin lup1eut 1includinig catalogue aund eex Ce ïsee .with triai aessorinment. 12 Îfoc (Flnýýest quality). Wetern Distrïbw, lrs, Sox 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. PROPITABI.E OCCUPATIONS MAUKE Money! New booiet "You Cau F&rn Houte Profits'", describing maany i)ey-eiaking dess, tdps. Supply lim-. 9 cil3k,. Speedway. 42 Wardrobt, toney Creelc, Ontario' SEES FOR SALE ONTARUO'S ssewest and mioa-t ouitstanid.. Ing oat outylelding Gans'y and Rod- ney by ê and 9 bus. per acre tbis vear with uhorter straw, tbinner buill ud bigger grain. Asic your owu dealer to glRussell or any of our other seeds f.1 or i oufrom us Alex U. Stewart $on Ltd , Seed Grain Sellit.AlIsa Cralg, Ont STAMPS FIRE! 110 Worldwide Stanips Wth A. provals. Thousancls Beginners' Bangainâ' 24, each! Advanced Collectors' Sele.- Mons Aiccessor1es, Packets, Aibpmis. ,Argent Stamnp 52 Bonnechere. Scar- bjorcough. Ont. 'WANTEO FOR CASH, old stamip col- lection or âeumnulatimn. Phone or write H. Wallis, 110 Sh1eppaýrd Ave- W., Wil- lowdale, Ont. BA. 1-1274. SWINE FOR SALE fGOVEIINMENT a p p ro vecd orkshire B oars. Low feed con1sum-ption, long Bacon type. Also Young£ Sow;ts and f3oars. Apply te Mouirris W Shellard. R 6. G ait, Ont. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electrlc \we1cli11gand Argon courses. Canada Weldingý. Can- Ipon nd Balsani N., Hibitni. Shop IT4-1284. Res. LI. 5-6283 WHOLESAI.E CATALOGUES DON'T wastc mnoneyý! Buy giuaranteeýd nprme-brand items bclow \holes-ale 128. page catalogue $2.00 (refundable) la1- quiries invîted. Lndle holeýsale Agency, 432 Cedar ,Ave., Niagara Falls, New York. EASY WAY ~TO END CIGARETTE HABIT Compicte copyright method 40e MONEY DACK GUARANTEE JAYCEE COMPANY Box 6156-.C Homden, Conne MERRY MENAGERIE IMur t - 196Z CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO -s ~1 s -I -4 --s -i -4 -c 4 --f --c s --f c- 's- k

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