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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1962, p. 4

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ORONO WVFEK'LV TIMES Aill Loc-al HIck--ey Teamrs tile" tomeisanld the Mdet.Thée t omiis were on the lsig i0ftheir taew iehe,-,camne for'tï ith a 6-5 win. Thre Orono Atomns were bost to the Millbrook Atomis, the l-atter taking a disive win over the loeal boys. Thiq asthe 7ýfirst otn in a gamle for Or cno wbvo were faced wîth a well-bal. anced and a good skating cmew fromn Millbrook. Tehe final score waýs in the neighbýourihood of 11-4 with the foui ODrono goals being netted by Steven West. Do-nnie Allen in the Orono nets, wsa busy boy and is showing a sk(ill for this departinent seldomi seen in this age group. In the MiJdget departme-nt Orono was host to a Midget" teamn froi Pontypiool w-Ir savi 'a see-s'aw bat. 'île throughout thre thréeeinnings. The Qrono goals were well dîvided 1be- 1ween the local layers with the Uine 0ýf Buzzy Mercer, Waiyn-e Miler, and, PalGerry beýing poss-Ïbly 'the most e.ffective. On Cefence Ter-ry Grahamo atnd Ralph Knneysbowed consid' erable aiiy*n giving protection ta inhi goalie, Dane Rogerson. Hockey at the local rink ý is certain, .y in full swi,,ng and every tearin has an enthusiastic group ou for ail tho prractices. Two travelling HockeyTem from Orono over ' he week-end visited bath in Millbmook and Canini,'igtoni. Bothi teams .,met defeat with the Bantains b)eing snowed under on Saturday evening in Cannlng,,toni by a score of 25-0. On Monday evenj.,ng -n Millbrook, the Orono PeeWees played i heir first gamne of the season also suffering a d-efeat in a 7-0 contest. It took the Or- ono boys the first two periods taor-,ý ganize into a. unit. In the final frame brook squad who have so far this they held their owvn over the MVill- year had twelve encaunters in exc- hibition gaines. LITTLE NHL TOURINAMENT Arrangements are beixng madle to hold the annual rural LittleNH Tournament in Orono this year which r uds uc minlor tamsashe X1os, eeWesand Bantamis. laýs ~ar he turnaentwas held Iin MUbokwîth the previous year in CHAGE N RNTISCHIEDULE Wednesday its- 6:07:00 'Hockey, '7.0-oo ü-00- Tpublic. skoiir Orono. I c Tt isepet tht four centres wiIl HELP WANTED .onipete in the tournamnent being Or1 no, MAillbrook, Little Britain and Can' Clarkle High Schlool rýequires for the nington. The tournament, if plans ca late summier. '~arranged, will be lield on Saturday (t1) Cafeteria Maniager - not ai ful 17th February, it is understood. Urtne position, about 5 or, 6 hours a day. TU-BERCULOSIS SURVEY ORGAN- 4ZATION PROGRESSING SMOOTHILY rLatest reports fromu Major John W. '00ate, General Chaimmnan of the Nortbulmberland clTuberculosis Massi Survev. indi cate- that organization of[ (2) Heaýd Janiitor> - experienced înan preferred, fil cime position. (3,) Ass sta'nt Janlitor - part timie po-ý sWLon - part afternloon and part even- i ng.1 he smveycorrnitee i prgmesing Salary schedule i effect for %i1lo radl.sitions. Information magv be obtained from anyý Trustee or ýîe Secretary. b a staement isue 1-tis week,,Applications to be sent b onMn Mrji oot anonce tatthe Rigbit day, Fehmuary th ta : . B. Reyniolds, Hon.VinentMassey, H had grac- Secretamy, 'Box 1378, Bwavle ousy cnsntc t act as Patron of'-________________ theý Snrvey. DIED ýhe asoannomnced tbe names o bsEecuivecomnittee <as fallaws: VicCair-man 0of Districts - Mrs. .A Caînan,ý Grafion; Vice Chairmanc Pulc Reltiions - MIr. J. P. William: C'obou-rg-; Vice Chaim-man cof Tainini -Mm'. J. B. Donaghey, Cobourg; vic Chairmnof Labour - Mm. Marri G neCobourg; Vice Chairmanc Professions - Mr. J. H. Clark, Cc courg; Vice Chairm-an of Allied Ag enrcies - Mr-.1J. M. Rolph; Medical Ad vlisorý - Dr. Charlotte Horner, MO. The duities of the committee wer outlined, and basic plans were laid fo a thioroughi door-to-door canvass of a communities i Northumnberlan Counity. Major Foote outlined the Jin partance of the proposed survey, an, added-: "In arder to make the surve successful thte active co-opemationc lclcitizens :e essential. We are calling- on you ta provide th~ means of aur reaching the public an educatinig themn as ta the importanc of a large-scale tuberculosie casE finding prog-ramime. You are now cor fronted with a unique and stimulatin, opportunfity t-o bring the turne close when tuberculosis will cease ta be T -FOR SPRING? a DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Homne Improvement Loans are available through -your bank isnder the National Housing Act for alterations andl repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other limprove- ments. Yo~u may borrow up to $4,OO00 with up to teri years to repay, These loans are also available to the owners of rentai properties. *DOlITN WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm lmprovernent Loans, backed by the Domin- Ion Government are available from your bank- up to $T,500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of ail types of farm equipment and improvement to the farmn house and farmn buildings. *DOIT NOW WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Eriquire about Government-backed loans for improvemnents to smal7tl business establish ments through the ch-artered banks-up to $25,000 and up to tenî years to' For advice anid assistance, Cali your local National Employmenît Office lssied by auth.ority of Hon. Miciael Starr, Minister of Labour, Canaýda -l02-2 ig e 15s HENRY-At Lynitonhurst Manor Rest Hom-ie, O--ono), conThursýda, January 8thi, 1962, W1'aaJohln HnrNew- ~~ste i bi nintieh yar.Service washel intheMorris Funerai Chap- el, owmnvileun Saturdayi, Janu- ay204th at 2:30) p.m. Intermient Lang Vatult, oronIo. a-r 'bEcli ealth problemn. ITetubercuilin testing will be con- d_.çducted in aIl schools from Jan. 23 - Feb. 6th. The comnmunity testing and x-ray suirvey begins on March 6th e and goecs through until1 March 3th. Al r persons will be eligible for testing, 111 aindcil is hioped that the residents of d" Northumberland will ail take ad- nivanjtage of this necessary and worth- d, while ,endea,,our. LOCAL HOLSTEIN BREEDERS IN ALL-CANADIAN RZOYAL GRAND ieCAPION AïlL-CANADIIAN AGELD eBULL ALBERTA AN NIMALS ALL-CANADIAN n. Durham Cotuity .g Gadibrae Leader~ Staiaiust, owned r by J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, was a amongst the six junior yea.rling Hol- stein bulls nominated for.l-aci -an consideration, but did not recelve, the AII-Caniadian award. Stardust %vas Junior and Grand Champion at the Durham County Black and White Day heüld in connection with Orono Fair, was Eourth at Peterborough Cham- i4onship Show and sixth at the Royal Winter Fair. Victor4a SLillcroft Sovereign Prospect, owned jointly by Clarence Lillico '& Sons, Woodville, and Harold Page & Son, Uxbridge, hias been named Reserve AI-Canadian Senior yearling Holstein bull for the current show season. He was Junior, and Grand Cham-pioni at the Victoria County Black and White Day aýt Lindsay, Junior and Reserve Grand Champion at the Ontario Coun. ty Black and White Day at Port Per- ryl, Junlior Champion at Peterborough Championship S~how, and second at t'he Royal Wînter Fair. Northumberland MUorwill R. A. Topper, owned by Wmi. F. Moore, Cobourg, received Fonourable Mention flor Al-Canadian, Holstein in the two-year-old bull class. Topper was senior and Grand Cham-ý pion at the Northumberland County Peterbo.rough Championship Show. The AlI-Canadian Agedl Bull award went to the Royal Winter Fair Grand Chamipion, Thornlea Texal Supreme, owned by the Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association, Maple, Ont. Sherholmie Willow Grove Helen, own- ed by Bailey Farms, Clover Bar-, Al- berta, and bred by Mrs. A. M. Sher- wood, Burlington, Ontario, toolc the All-Canadiani Aged Cow honour, while the veteran campaigner and three timie former AIl-Canadian Aged Cow, Silvia Pabst Texal was Reserve Al-. Canadian Aged Cow for Pickard & Clark, Carstairs, Alberta. Bond Ha.v- en Signet Sly the Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion for C. J. Ceréwell, Beeton, 0,nt., was namied AMl-Cana- dian four-year-old heifer, while Elm-. cr'oft Inika Jean Olla was the Ail- Canadian three-year-old and Puicchii May Edda the Al-Canadian two-year- old for Cý. J. Cerswell. Trhe Get-of-Sire _awýard wenlt to Rom- andale Farmis, Unlioniville, Ont., and Wmn. Haysseni, Elkhiart Lake, Wis., on tile _gel of A.B.C. Reflection Sov'er'eig0 the( sixth timie bis prýogeny have taken thlis 110nour1, which is a 'record. 'Ffysxbreed(ers fromn five prov. inces biad animais noinated for con-. sideration in the fourteen All-Caniadi- an classes. Selections were m-ade by the judges at the leading shows in Canadla dri 1961. "THIE LODG;E" 7m's~gad "on)alescenlt i licenised, King St.,Nwate bias vacanicies fr adie-s qand g9 m eu. Semiprýivateacomoaios on duty. Inquire: N2 sie~701. COMTINCrEVENT Antique Atomo)bileý Car Club FIRST ANULDANCE oroNO TIOWN HI-ALL SATUEWDAYl, NAY27 Everyone Wel:omne Admission $150) per -ouple'. Fe'dema RelEtt BO WMAN VILLE Mode ne Splt-lvelhouse, brick on Hihway35 niear Enterprse, 2 bed *! il-,; cnraed Ill conven- ienc es, beated arag, /zacre lot. House to be ,ol fully furnished, newi frig aid ranige, T.V., chesterfield 'mt.newý dine1te suite, new bedroom suite, etc. Ready to mo-1ve into. 0w- ,er* anxiouis to seli. Make us an offer. Asking $95000Q0. Te-ris. Orono, Mvodemn Bungalow, .3 Bed- r-ooms, Hot~ Water Heating, ail con- veniences with extra stool in base- ment, 3 acres land. This house is nicely decorated and well kept. Pric- ed to seil. 170 Ac-res. 7 roomed house. 2 barns. 2 streams, 100 acres workable 14000.Termsl Courtice, New 3-bedroom Bungalow, ail ionveniences. Asking $12,000.00 Termas. 100 Acres - 10 room HI-ouse, Barn, tragood soiu. Asking $12,500. Hîihway,, No. 2 - 5 room House, -111h,Wae on ta-p. Asking $4,500.00. Terms. Mayother listings throughout flurhan County and Oshawa. Eirst and Second Mvortg-ages ar- ranged. A.J. McGill Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative FORo PAINTING -DECORATIN 0 BUILD)ING -CUPBOARDS G REPAIR AND FINISH 0 FURNITURE 0DOUG SIMPSON 0 Phone 1413, Orono f O rvitie Chatterton 1 IEleetrical 'Coutracting Electric Ileating and Servie Phone 1031 Orono, Ontario Order Your Pririting Supplies Now OROINO WEEKLY lIMES Phone 109 0 RO-N0 Nlurse Phone Or- a-c bout our the cor- d- cre( 102 Elgin St., Bowmianville. FR uSALE Like new .8 mm Movie Camera, 1.8 3-tul-ret lense, plus leather utility bag. Price $35.00. Phione 1522, Orono a-c FOR SALE Three piece bedroom set. -orn r cbiet valnut 'tea iE~ecmolenvacuum ncleaner-, !Ale- -duncan fyfe. Phione 0orno 30PU4. Walnut wagon console a-p D. W. MIcQUAY G ' Çhiurch StG Bowmranville MA. 3-3393 G PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tonplkins Phone Newtonville 4721 STAýFFORD BROS:, Monufinflrelital Worko,, Phono Whjtby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MIONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over thie rest- ing place of your Ioved eues. tt's flot expensive. And this Iast tribute wiII give you endless comfort. liainilt-ols à Insurance Service àInsurance in ail its Branches gAuto, Package and Composite SPolicies, Fire, Farm, Life, Burglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wind, g Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton 0 Phone Orono IR16 0FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Ca Building a liuse? or remodeÎling1 your present one then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono j AF. MýcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:06 to 4:00 p.m.ý 7:00 to 8:00 p.qyn. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only PHONE 1471 ORQO4 DR. R. J. TAGGART V«ErERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616, Oron*o; Ont Barrister andSoito f OWMANVILLE, ONT. OýfficeM A 3-5688 Hoe MA 3-55U3 Q KW KAi uYCTIf B. A. in the Of fices Of S MAIN ST., ORONO î eiephone 138 Orono L. J.Sa IFE Charter ed Accountaut BY APPOINTME-NTS- Lycett's Iu'surance Office P-0. Box 68, Orono Phone 12516 IN'SURANCE General & Life SEE FREDLYCEIT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res.' 11714 J ACK ÏREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuataw Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 Qrono TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coêducts Aucf ion Sales ofa&l siuse and at reasonable rates Communicate with hum at Port Pe"y, Ontario.- Monuments and Fam'-ly Memorials Our quality and service leai,. nothing ta be desired Ask the person who bought f rom us- a neighbout-, f riend or relaiive The RUTTER GRAINITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT 14OPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario" Orona Elect ric CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and IJOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire ta ail kinda of Elec.trical Equîpment and Appliances Such at Metors- Water H-eaters T.V. - Radios- Stoves - Irens i A j( D

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