ORONO WEEKLV TIMES TE(URSDAY, JANUARV 25th, 1962 TO-NiHTAND 1 E.VERY HR' I~~~~ 'DY&FIA or YourCnvnecI Biest Buiy! Save 94- - Rose Brand - The Goodi Tasting Economy Spread 1 pound Pacýkages 32-oz. BoUtles J a vx Liq ixIeCh fo r 9 Yorký Facy Whiole - Savee - 1I oz. Tise Kerne lCorn fancy à3for 49e Freature-! - Save 4c - With P(ork ln Chli Sauce - iS-oz. BEAN S 3 for 49c Feature - Save oc - Hereford - 12 oz. Tin Corned Beef 49c Feature- Save 10e Fancy Sockeye SALMOAN tin 49c Featuire - Save 10c - F-aney Aylmer - IS-oz. TIns. PE.AS-j 3 for 49c Feature , Save 5e Tomato or Vegetable Aylner 10-z ' sO0UPSý 1 4 for 49c Feature - Save l7c - Walkers Fresht from the Ovens S9,ALT.',INES 2 for 49C Feature - Save 16e- 4c off paek - Duteli CLEA,,NSER 3 f5or 49pe Save 4e - Sunýspuin- Large 24-oz. Jar Salad Dressing 49c Feature - Save 9e - Eelshes or - Ayhmer Brand ifi-OZ. PICKLES 2 for 49c Feature - Sa've 9ic - Choice Quality - 20.oz. Tins Tomatoes 3 for 49c Featuire - Save 10c, - (ihoice Quality Golden.- 15-oz. Peaches 3 for 49C Feature - Save 9c, - I3ee or Irishi- 15-oz. Tins York Stews 2 for 49c mirEP YOUR CIIID- Ci4oice Tender Younig Loin Pork .Roasts RIB END 3-Lb. Average TeuderloiPortiou 3-Lb. Average 1b39c lib,49e For Economy - Lean, Meaty Pork Rocks b 29e F eshySie ol Liver lb 29c Extra Lean Meaty Pork àsPARE RIS lb a49c WelI Streaked Extra Lean SIDE PORK lb 45eC Save 6ce - Golden Yellow SUGAR 5 lb 49c 111 liN~ ()11 (I ~ ~,Reg. 65ec - Dental (ream, - Giant Sz LN SCJHOOLCOLGATE gnt 49c a roference lbrory - eg. 73c - Antiseptic R eg. Size cI.tipred to meet the nqels of L ISTERINE 49c every school cg* youngst*er eg. 73e - Hair Dressidng - tube BRYLCREEM 49c, * A brand neow world of knowledgo * Every 'pago in glorlous color *15 years in the making Red & White Homogenized PeanttButter Save 5c 9-oz. 2-49c White Cross, - Save 9c - White or colured Toilet Tissue 2-49c C -m 2c off pack - Save 20e' Dog Food 5 for 49c Save lic- îOc s47e Asorted Chocolate Bars 6-49c 2MS. G. A. M'ýcMýULLEN'S ADDRESS(must go to the four gospels ,and w-, Mrs. G. A. McMullen of Toronto1 find JTesus words 'As the Father hatli KENUAL NEW S -vsssion tseaeratth vening sent rme, so send 1 you.' sre n wassiothefguetinaugurat mthespee adsr Kendal friends were sorry to hear the Oshiawa Presbytery held at King revealed God to men. He told of the of the passing of Mr. Harold Quan- Street United Church on enedy coming of the Kingdom of God, Me3 ciii at his homie in Whitby on January Mrs. MeMullen, a daughter of thec called men to repentance and belle! 6th of a heýart attack. 'Haroldi grew manse, and vife of Professor George and He showed them the way to a- p on the iQuaniitilli fari m north of! ile f riiiiielClee a bundant life. In ail things, He did Mis11 e'ndal and farmied for- a timie in the .'een- a memnber of the planning board Father's will. e ndal area. He was a,ýt Kenda! hî "Jesitdus'c omn o final commissýion to Hi-s di- im1rch on Decemnber thie ïtýnth when evra years and lias seen the organ- lae nn ü1ta ohý he Quoantriilifaly bad lari-minemiorial "tingrow from a nebulouo idea to Uscipelevesisiin n dobt a to ho window dedicated in hionour 0of their , birthi January 1962. onr 'Go therefore and makze discipeaý' 5arents, Mr. and Mrs. George Quan- CHALLENGES of ail nations'." trili. Mrs. MeMullen spol«' of the chai. Mrs. McMullen continued1 saying The aiiinial mneeting of the Kendal lenges facing the new UCW and listed 'We are called to witness to our fam-' United Church wý,as hield on Monday bhem as the following: the challenge ily, our next door neiglibours and 1.0 '~enP. auay22ndic. Each deýpart- )f a niew adventure in Christian mis- God's sons and daugliters mn Africa, n.ent hroughit in aý good report. Our sýion ncessitating intelligent devotion, India, Russie and ail the other lands church lias been imiprov-ed both out- an attitudfe of oeag.erly awaiting oppor. of theý earth. The family across the side and inside during the paIst year. tuii1ties and a demanding experiment. road or down the street, who send Next year it will cost a lot more to The challenge of adapting te, the their children to Sunday school but f nance our churcli as isalary, care- neýw approacli in finance, to a more fi oatn evc fwrhp taking etc.-lias incereased with the r'om-prehensive conception of what the ttiemseîves, are among thje blind %vho os0 livingl-. Unfortunately many o! financial irnport should lie in the need to recover thirsrtuliht ur farmnsjhave gone out of .production church life. Theorpans f K rea, te refugee and hav\e beeni sold to aibsentee lanid- The challenge that new problems, families -o! Hong Kong and Lebanon, lords of the city. Somne o! us remem- new potential and new relationships the fear-ridden inhabitants of Africa b)er whenl fifteen people canie to bring. The chaillenge of working n are among the oppressed whomi church fromi the Kerr, farmas West o! newly-formed units and in interesting 'Christians are called upon to set at Kendal. Now the'buiildings are ail the uninterested women of the church, liberty. God's love embraces, the empty and the villag-e childrent go The challenge of not only working whoîe, world and our Christian, con- there on a Sunday afternoon 1.0 skate more energetically but also more ef- cern can never stop at the boundaries on the fine pond Mr. Kerr has mi-ade. fectively because the focus will be on of our own country." Sorry that our organist mnust give specific projeets. up the organ due 1.0 health reasons for The challenge of learning' the work EVANGELISM a few moriths. 0f the Church.i in its varied aspects. "Evangelism isan essential part c! Mr. John 'n suffered a very The challenge of being involved in the the total mission. If we attemap1to: severe stroke, symipathy is exteaded Church's mission -- the carrying on help those i'n need without pointîng to his'family. ) f. th e mission 1.0f- Christ Himself. This them toChrist, we are offering only Women one discover everything we had done each day? We should do things with wholehleartedness. There are two ways to do things, casually or for love's sake; grudging-, ly or with a spiritual imapression. ŽWe 'leave our fing-erprints on our friend- ships. One life can neyer touch an- other and leave is just the sanie. It le eithier better or worse, when we leave the sanctuary, will God find in us the marks impressed by Jesus?" BUSINESS SESSION During the business session the foi- lowing delegates were namied to at- tend the, inaugural meeting 1o! the Bay o! Quinte Con! erence at Belle- ville, January 31: Mrlis. Milton Pegg o! Greenwood, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise o! Whitby, Mrs. W. C. Ives of Bowman- ville, Mrs. K. W. Farrow of Oshawa, Mrs. F. J. flPed of Almonds, and Mrs. H. M. Kyte of Blackstock, Ani invitation for the first annual meeting o! the Oshawa Presbytery United Church Womien to be hield in the spring at Albert St. United Churdli was accepted. Following roll ci), a quartette con- sisting o! Mrs. D. R. Aldred, Mrs. Stuart James, Mrs. L. Van Driel and Mrs. 0. Richmond aIl o! Trinity Un- ited' Church, Bowmýanvlle, sang "Sleeply Holy Babe.", Mrs. W. C. Ives introducedl the speaker, Mrs. G. A. McMullen, wife o! Professor George McMullen o! Em- manuel College. Following Mrs. McMullen's address which is reported elsewhere in this paper, Mrs. MeMullen gave an out-' line o! Bible study methods which would be useful 1.0 the new units. Miss Millicent Luke able gave the report o! the courtesy committee. Rev,. L. Wesley Herbert pronounced' the benediction. YOIJ CAN BEGIN SCAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME (The Oshawa Business College isopn llyear and our ( O method o! individual S instructon permits y0u 1.0 U start at any timie. il _ _ _0 8 Day-School Courses f rom which to choose ( EVENING CLASSES f TUESDAY and THURSDAY 7:.00 to 9:00 p.m. Choice of Subjects Special Classes for '-ousewives - Shiftworksxrs fi Teen-Age Typists g FREE LiT ERATURE ( gVIAL 10 Simcoe Stree,ýt ý Dial RA. 5-3375 ý1 Oc mission is both local and u.niversal. temporary relief and false security. God's love encompasses the Whole "A well-kept, beautiful church cari world and Christian concern can nev- be a constanit witxess 1.0 Christ in a er stop within the wýalls of onje's ovin colnmunity, bu2t we must not let the churdli or even at the boundaries ot material beauty overbalance the spir- our own country. tual beouty. The fellowship and, uplift UNDERSTANDING are our most important furnishings Mrs. McMullen said in part, "For The churcli should always be, homey any understanding of the life and pur- and ful 0f Christian love ýand enn poses of the Christian Church, we cern.'" Youc~diago your present Sd lfwumaoeto automatUc n hobastg nl itetroube, or expommo.fIbe Vortx OR eýL;aztirigt l wh u th -t icnov. It gives Y« unoxà o e scoxpfort witda1~ WetI C084 tmW md fbo the dig and boher ofbaud Brimo& Dxckuilm f oa lnes autqo= etjoàq tein telb.Itm Osff youw Md dw aMd B t,' Wei= uyow r «»ute a kw et vint., ounfoutPhono me todiy hfto mbstlng uuw. ORONO FUEL & LUMBERa Ltd' PHONE 14816 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO TINSHOP NOW' is the time to bright..n your home with B-H Perma-Satin Latex Paint. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 orono, Ontario ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TUVRSI)AIý,- JANUAR-Y 25 th, 1962 1