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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1962, p. 6

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ORONO WEEK1LY TîMES rHu RIFLE CUB fvv-rty p.mi. Ail faculties, SÏèboo1s and departmients are arranging dï«s- A lbhas now been forme'd for plays, special filmns and other events, thos atdentîs Interoested ili r' iles rUe For- those studeiits who are stil i un- rtlclub bas practices at 1 O'clock, decided about their future, this tnpi seveal dys a weekI. Themebe- ay be very belpful. *shi p i om ose f 17 boys -andcl2 girl. Mebersaie lotalowed to "CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA- prliactî,ce uies eacher is in a-ttea- OnWcesa th udt O s f coos ariv iiantem'o:er- Grades li and 12 attended the mf dane Te eental im f te cub neaWte ClfesayTheate Ts o jsent thie sehool tocopt in the An-ieeathCrsThte.hepy nual Rifle Sotn Competition for was Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra, Seodr1Shos starring Toby Robins as Cleopatra,ý ary Schools, ar Maorr -ffnnrr aflasr. This M M M M M M M M M r' M Salada - "Disneyland" Contest T EA yBAGe"'S pjg of a0 75c ITableMte Ripdlless SLICED SIDE BACON lb 69c Maple Leaf - Peamneal or Smioked Pickled -M-Nlild Cured ! cry. COTTAGE ROLLS lb 49c EXTRA A Total $32.00flIn Beau$ of L*U3 Tapes RECEIVE $ý6.04 IN BONUS TAPES WITH SUNNY MORN COFFEE - 1-1b. Bag INSTANT HOT CIIOCOATE- Borden - 1-1b. Tîn CIjEERIOS CEREAL - 2 10½i/-oz. Pkg. CIGARETTES - AIl Popular Brands - Ctn. of 200 RECEIVE $2.001 IN BONUS TAPES WITH CHEIRRY HILL CHEESE - Mild Coloured - 12-oz. cuts MACARONI & -CHEESE - Morton's Frozen 2 8-oz. pkgs. SLICEL COOKED M*EATS Tablerite Vacum Packed - 6 oz. Pkg. TOMATOES - No. 1 Grade - il oz. Cello Pkg. Moýrtons Frozen - Turkey, Cicken, or Jleef PIES 4 8oz 99c pies Saico - 11-oz. Tins MANDARIN ORANGES 4 for 69c Assonrted IGA BISCUITS pkg of 52 for 39c Cerekls PABLUM 8 oz pkg 2 for 45c large size 16 oz pkg 39c No.ý 1 edrade Tender Gardeni Fresli Rnby Red Fiorida - Size 96's Grapefnruit Florida - Sweet and Juicy Oranges 5 Freshi and Solid Brussel Sprouts OPNHOUSE AT NrQUEEN'S On Februtary ,2nd and 3rd ten stu- deitsofGrde12 \will tte(nd the Th-îs Open House, is heid eveity oteurý year sýýo lthat ,tudentsnarngth'e end 0f Lg Se-hoo!l may se whaf Univr sity 11f e is like. Ail University build- llgs wîIl be open between one andi Play, whichi is an ali-Canadian produc- tion, -wiii run for four weeks att Crest. -miss Robins has appeared in several other Canadiani productions, as well as working on television. T'ii ,týuulnts ail fouind this play very ýa oesing and hope sooii f0 attend an.- otheýr 0f ifs kinid. LyiniBley Counties Health Unit Re-port ForiMonth 0f December Commuicable Disease year, unless revoketi as a result 0f un Of the 61 cases reporteti dUrîng the atisfactory reports. month, 38 were red mneasles. The re-, maining cases iýncluded chickefipox,1 With the ativent of winter, the cn infectious hepatitus, mumps, salmon-'-truction -f private s wî3edsoa elia, scarlet fever and whoopinig systemns dropped from 216 inspection8_; cough.1 made in November f0 83 in Decccn. Thiree rabidt animais were reported' ber,. This phase of the work 0of f two bovine in Cramahe Township and sanitary inspect ors wiil miost lkî one in Manvers. Two additionai boy- flot demiand miuch timie unfil the ~~ mne in Cramiahe Towýýnsbiip wvere ,1iag- 15- out 0f the ground. 1603 inspectîcan,, nosed clinicaily. As a resuit of con- of private sewage . disposai systema tact with these animaIs, six persons'were made in the y.ear. received profective treatment against Meat Inspection rabies.1 Tuberculosis 0f 500 animais inspected during thie Forty-four, pensons received chest X- imonth, 15 'were condemned. Inaî a4d1- rays at the regular monthly clinies, tion 28 portions were rejected.Th bring>iag the total for the year to 852-. meat w as all inspected in one of s At the chiest clinies each person at- 15 slau.,hte,-'houses in the Healfh IUn- tending- bas an interview with a public it area by a veterinarian epoe health nurse, who takes bis history of on a part-fime basis by flhc Boarà if pr-evious iliness andi present SYMP- Heaith. One other slaughiter-hou e kba.- tomis which is thien forwanroled withte a minim-um amount of meat, inspeo- x-ray filmn to the chest spueci1itDr foni and there is n-o meat inspectIonff G. G,. Bnearey, Onitariio Departmient f otindie remaining 13 establishments. Heaflth Chest Clinie, Bellevilie IHealth Unit nurses also nade ~ home visits in Decemiber f0 'tuber. cuiosis patients and their famiilies, a r I. totali for, the year of 478. Within the I eac e S past two Or three years, there bas been somne change in teachtng - great- IVeet In Qroro er em-phasis on tuberculin tests fori younger m- ember's 0f the faýmiiy O! aý The Ciark1e District Teacher's As- patient w;%ho bas hiad tiîerCulosis, roec- sociaion met on January 22 atOrn ognition of the fact that any person Schooî. who bas had tubercuiosis in the past shouflti have re-examinations of bis The niew schemne for poesoa chest at intervals ail the rest of! bis irmprovemenlt got under way. Teaci-1 life, andi that in an older person.spu- ers Mee eýý,ýemieti 'o ne e uisi tum, tests aré of great value in diag- about the Iiew venture and miost a Scbool Health Heaith inspectionswer given to 406 school eblidren cduring December aind vision tests to 559 bniniging the total for the yeaýr to 884 elt n- spections plus 7527 vision tests. 401L nc-ew -defects of visioni to eyes were de- tetdduring 1961 nd parents of 97 chiltiren were avisd bconsult their doctors about throat a-nd nios( conk- dlitions. Other Home Visi!ts; Heaî-,ltb Unit nuîrss made349 visits on behiaif 0ofant anicbildren, 49 visif s tf0iiluma tefypatients, G-1 visi ts to persons ill at borne, 22 visits be-1 cause of comimunica"ble disease, 141 for mental healih f 011w-up and 18 on be- hait f )cripple'd ebidren-. Auiomet Seven)teen new bearg dfeets were dliscovereoi by meanIs 0of the school atudiomieter crenn prograim dur- ing Dýýeember and were referred to their famnily physicians for follow-up and treatmient if necessary. Atotal of 21classroomns of children wei-e tested which included 165 begin- fiers, 211 graide three, and 164 grade seven. During 1961, 7,249 tests were corn- pleted, 152 new ,defects referred toi famnily physician and 69 hearing de-j fee-t returfi reports received from themI Santitation The semi-annual i nspection of siaughter-houses and frozen food n- ers was comipleted with 15inpcos being made in each instance. These are reported on to the Provincial De- partment of Health, with recomimend- ations relative f0 their complianco with Provincial Regulations. Permîts to operate slaughter-houses, are is- sued by the Board of Health and re- main in ettect unless they are revoked Frosted food locker plant licences are issued annually by the Provincial De- partment and rermain in effeet for the redtbat it was more valuiable and interesting than thie previous type o'- Weeting. There were3 iisos;te primary group, chaired by Mlrs. Lowery, dis- cussed reading and phonics. They e v- ailautdthe vanious reading series ai ouiined a phonics course for grades 1, 2 and 3. The junior group, chaired by Mrsý Lun dsseedthe varlousprobema, encouterei inthe teachiing of iteýr- afr.To mnany of these dlifficuliiles. fhyworkecd outsaitcry;ouon Thiesenior group, cardby îMn.- lMuno, deait with geography. MEr. Mee plectureti on the present gro- grapby course andti ext books. MI- WMnodenstreateti Aheuse of vaîl ous vsiul ids Iarli Arston tns Ail Met Purchased f romi Federal Government Inspected Packig Houses and al unconditionally guaranteed Pineappe.Graelruit DELMONTE DRINK 320 oz 4c York Bologna or]Kr LUNCHEON MEAT . is69c Gold Seat WhlIte SOLID TUNA 2insoz,6ç5c 25c off-Regular Price FAýB D~LTERGENT Golden Dewv MARGARINE FLUFFO 3c off giant 57c 11 lb pk g.29 c 11h47e bunch 2'yC CfriK - No. 1i Grade Criiad Tender CLERY size 32for35c, L 10 for 49e lb cello 49c lb 25c

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