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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1962, p. 7

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Workshop To Proi4wç-l-e Plalys The B,vianvillc-EWara Workýs mý_,et atithe Lion's Centre on Thursd Jaur 8th 1962 at8S .mi. with M ]idwartd Samiuel presiding. Theevngs activities beganm practising the previous isrc refýceived in Mr. John Shioeiak cýourse on the theatre continued . nstruction in the correct way to tip au,ïd pace. It was decided to produce three ù act pînys probably in March. The( etors would be Mrs. Winifrcd W nacott, Mr. John Shoenmaker ý Mvrs. D. Louis Frenchman ,vho h- prepared a short list of plays for -nemberm' approval. The reading and casting for ti pIays wiil begin at our next meet wzhich is on Thiursdaiy, February1 1962 at the Lion's Centre at 8 ' p Ail1 members, together with anyp sorns itenested in acting r assis'i in these productions in any way ivited tri attend. For thte group vist to, a Tono theatre it Was tentatively suggested ~bop Delegation Met With Minisler CDnPcerning Service Centresý The Hion. W. A. Goodfeiiow, Min- ster )f Highwa.ys, roceivedl recently '~ dlegtonfrom- the Lake Ontario De-lvelopment Association who pres- enIted a brief in protest of the estab- lishing of service centres on Highway, -401 eaist of Toronto. The M.viister welcomied this oppor- tunity of explaining the Department',s policy in this matter. The Govern- ment's decisioii to provide services on this Highway recognîzes the very' strong conviction of the miotoring pub- lic that services of this nature are necessary. Thie TMnister pointedl out that the 'overnmnt's policy regarding the ittenid a performance of "The Miracle Worker," starring Elleen Brennan and Ronna Zimmiiýermiian at the Royal AI- eadeTheatre. Any mem-bers who are interested in attending should tel' eýphonje thle wýorkshop's secretary, Miss Helen Nelles at'MArket 3-2403. Canadi-3-n Vocational Trainirg Progran:nie Far Uneinployed P'ersons The Province of Ontario, in co-operation with the Federal Government, wil provide i Provincial Trade Schools, and -upon reqilest, in some local municipalities where technicai and commercial facilities are available,, training for unemn- pioyed persons, maie or female, ini certain trade or com- miercial subjects, provided that there are sufficient appli- cations. The aim of this programme le to train people for future empioymnenti, MUNICIPALITIES WISHING TO SET UP LOCAL TRAINING PROGRAMýMES: WVrite to the Dîrector, Vocationai Training, Departmnent of Education, Parliameut Buildings, Toronto. P"ROSPECTIVE TRAINEES:' Contact your nearest National Employment Service office for information ab)out courses now offered lu Ontario. LIVING ALLOWANCES Where Unemployment Insuranice benefits are exhaustedl or doûflot appiy, trainees are pald living aiiowances. w, mi Ladies' & Children's Shoes 1.3 pairs Ladies' Shoes Reg. S4.95 SALE PRICE $2.79 45 pairs Ladies' SosReg to S$.95 SALE PRICE $L.5 22 rs. e4 o yOxfords. Reg. $3.5 '0 LE PRICE .99c [IU-ISDAY, JANUARY 25thi, 1962 ?.Ii. and, Mrs. Paul Rutherford of 'ýngston spenit the weekend with Mr. anid Mrs. S. B. Rutherford.i 1establishiment, 0f these service centres iaýs been guided v the determnination G"r n r.1.C. Lîniton hlave .tW affect as little as possible the ex- taken up residence in-Bowmanville. stmng establishments, and ate the sae ime, to provide the minimum f;r servcsnesar for- the safety Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Buntîng and and comifont of the rnotoring public. famiiy have mioved t o Oronio where Mr. Bunting will be the niew Supenin- - tendent 0f the Orono Forestry Station. MnEi. oodIfellow promised to gîve uJI1 nd sympathetic consideration the erection of signs which might WAord hias been received by the sec- lerve to advise the mnotoring public, retary of the Onono Fair, Mlrs. R. Gil- -irt*ician-ly touists, -,f theexsncjbat that Mr. Francis Jose will be hs;nesses providing food, fuel and 3vna wr tteana et ccommdatin on hose sections of ng 0f the Ontario Agicultunal Society 1 y No. 2 by-passed by Highway, or bis coioured siides taken at the 401. 19ý61 Orono Fair. The annual meeting "È tlie Ontario Society will be held in -ch mni(t in the proposai to develop ýublicity towardIs establishing ÏHigh-, .ly No. 2 aus the Lake Ontario Sce nic ?ue.Tis proposai will receive the c'ombinedci-onisideraý,tion of ail inter- [ested Governmfent epattments. It is feit that the Minister's meeting with this delegation bas done inuch toi provide a clearer- understanding 0f, the- Govennment',s policy, and to as- sure the people, repnesented by thisi Association, that the Governmnent iSý interested in their future and is wiil- .ng to assist them in every way pos- sible. POST OFFICE ANNOUNCES DETAILS 0F EDUCATION STMP, Details of the recently announced "Education" five-cent commemora- tive postage stamp wene revealed re- cently by the Postmaster General, the Hon. William Hamilton. The new stamp wil be issued on February2, 1962. The stam p depicts, as the main el- e-ment, a young aduit couple gazing into the future. On ~either side of these figur~es are two paneLs of symibolil de- signs nepnesenting every field of ed- ucation. Around the ieft, top and right edges of the stamp there is an inscription reading 'Strength hog CLMEARANCE SALE CONTINUES LADIES' DRESSES 16 Dresses, Regular $19.50 to $24.50 SALE PRICE $12.95 16 Dresses, Regulat $16.50 to $18.95 SALE PRICE $10.95 6 Dresses, Regular $12.95 to $15.95 SALE PRICE $7.95 LADIES' SLIPS Soiied Slips, nylon tricot with fancy trim. Sizes 32 to 40. Regular values to $695. YOIJR CHOICE $2.59 N1ylon - rayon and cotton Slips. Sizes 36 and 38. Regular values to $.5 YOUR CHOICE $1.50 LADIES' CORSETS Mostly froýnt-laVe tyles, a fewv gii(fles with zipper or side 1hook ciosing. Waist size1s:2Mi, 28, 30, 31, 32l andi 34. Regiar e2.00 SALE PRICE .59e SIPPER SO'X Childrel's wnool Sipper Sox wt leather soles, hland dec- oraqtedl. Regulan S1.50. SALE PRICE .75e MEN'S SHIRTS Men'swit shirts by' "T(,ooke", ýoutersoed Sizes 142' 15, I6'/, and 1. -AiSo a few, sport shirts in sizes Med. and Large. Reguflar values to $6.95. SALE PRICE $M.5 BOY'S T SHIIRTS AND SWEATERS Broken unhes in T-sirts and V-neck sieeveiessswte. Sizes 2 to 8 years. Regiflar values to $2.95. YOUR CHOICE .89e LADIES'JEANS A few pair 0f ladies jeans in tan and navy denimi, Sizes 14 and 18. Regular $3-501. SALE PRICE $1.75 GIRLS' LINED JEANS Good qnýality navy deffini jeans, warmiy llned. Sizeý,s, i, anid 10 years. SALE PRICE $1.50 Open Ali Day wednesday r n! Fridiay andturday AIlltO l Store Open Monday Mr. Jose had entered somne coloured slides of the Orono Fair in the On- taocontest and was successfui in winning an award. Education - L'instruction fait la once.' The words "Postes-Çanada- Postage" appear along the bottomn cdge. The denomnination is shown by a large 5c placed in the top. right corner. The main figures, the denom- ination and the w(,rding are to be printed in black and the. symnbois 'in the back~ground are to be printed iun gold.j in making the announicement, the Postmaster General said that the stamp would be most appropriate as it will coincide with the Second Con- fenence on Education which is to bo held in Montreal in March. He added that the stamp wiil also be a tibute to JZducation Year whîch le to be feat' ured In 1962. Mr. Hamilton paid tibute to the vigourous efforts which have been mnade by the provinces and municpai. ities to raise the, standard of educa- tion in Canada during the post-war era. He stressed, however, the need for even greater emphasis on edu- cation by aUl Canadiaiis in order that Canada mig-ht mnaintain its place in anr increasingly competitive wonld. Mr. Hamilton noted that whîle the lederal goverýnm--ent has no direct re- sponsibility in the field of education, it bas done a great deal to assist the provinces in meeting their responsi- bilities ini this field of expenditure. The starnp desig-n is the creation 0f the Canadian artist Helen Fitzgerald of Toronto, whio also designed the As- sociated Countnywomien of the World and irl Gulide comrmemorative stamps issued in 1959 and 1960 resp%éc- tively. Some 32,000,000 stamnps viill be' pr"ntedi and first day cover service wiii be provided from Ottawa.- Local Liberals To Attend National Council Officiais 0f the Durhami County Lib- erai Association announced recently that Durhami wiil be represented at the National Counicil Meeting of the Liberai Federation of Canada to be heid in Ottawa next week, by Associ- ation President Richard E. Lovekin 0fý Newcastle, and Rulsseil C. Honey, Liberal Candidate in) Durhamn for, the next Federal Election. The National Council, comprised .(f Itop party officiais from ail ten Prov- inces, will be meeting at the Chateau- Laurier Hotel on January 29 and 30, 1962, and will deal withl details of or- ganization for the niext Federai Elec- tion as wvell as considering miatters of policyv for the Liberai Party's plat- formn. Speakers at the two djay meeting xviii be The Honourable L. B3. Pearýso, Lionel Chevrier and Paul Martin. UNITED CHURcH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev S. E. Lohg ST.NDAY, JANUARY 29 Orono -1il a.m. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kirby- 3 p.mï. SUNDAY $1CHOOL Orono - 10 a.nî. Leskard - 1:15 p.m. Kirby - 2 LOCAL NEWS týimeis Provinces. This was followed b AU. Lorne Bowen-, Sunday School ai tasty lunch of hot dogs and pop. teacher of the Intermecliate Ciass of Don't forget that: Friday evening at )oys in the Orono United Church en- the Orono rink is Minior Hockey ni911 tertained bis ciass Wednesdlay even- when ail the hockey players in the inig, after a skating party, at, his home Village will be on hand to do thieir, He showed bis many interesting col- best. Parents are to be present or an oure'td slides of his trip to the Mari- adluit with each. boy. SAVE 30%- Fawous KODAK Equipment PRE-SPRING SALE CAMIERAS, MOVIE Kodak, Zoom 8, $219.50 Now ...... $153.65 Brownie, Movie, Turret $69.95 Only $29:95 Auitomatic 8 Movie Kit $64.95 Now.,. $45.45 SPLICERS Press Tape, $9.95-Now ............ $7.25 PROJECTORS Browmie 500 Automatic, Movie None finer, Automatic Threading on to the Take up Reel, $109.50 Now $76.65 SLIDE PROJECTOR Supermatic 500, $114.50 Now ....~. $80.15 CAMERA, STILL 35 mm. Automatic Latest Model, $98.50 NOW................ ....... $68.95 FILM COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON STILL and MOiIE FILM AVAILABRLE FOR RENT Stutt's Pkharmacy PHONE 168J ORO NO, ONTARIO JANUARY JALEm Tbursday, January l8th fo Saturday, January 27th See the large circulars in the mail to-day. Shop early for Best Selections Our Buyers have spent moýn- ths rounding up these savings ORONO 5c. To $1.00 ST R1ýE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS -4 ~~1 --i '-4 ---i -4 --4 --4 --4 -4 -4 --4 --4 1

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