Rwang For Orono d F.-o r io rdc i àFour Loc'rAiDec iiOrono Town H-all on Wedinesd potatoes an sacre rnay1( arneStpeP ýrt Olan of Mill- cdent chaired th meeting. Thieq officiai yild acial statement given 'by BuTi' nomina~*CtA'in or Unirectors t, tie ot Hog Producers Marketing Boat N'XoiVnted1 to f111 four vacancleq we '-wrenoe flStatple, Bruce Taylc F'loyd Stinson, Howard Malcolm ai r>usse! Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy wit drwthus -lvin,- an acclamation the other four. No election therefo wJil be held on March 6. Mr. Ray Silla, Zone Director of tl zone to the Association, spoke bnif Mr. Clare Curtain, -uest speakc. spoke of the past difficulties encoui ered and expressed confidence in t teletype method of selling hogs. Matt Winters also spoke a few word Dîrectors of Hog Producersf Durham County were "lct ï(s lows -- Cartwright - BXil Ferguso Glenn Lariuer; Manvers - Floyd Sti son and Lawrence Staples; Cavan Eric Falis and Donald Lowes; Hopç Elwood Gray and Morley W¶isoi Onu wtii anesii-atecI ly.elçl of 704 lot- Vnel of the Kennebec~ varlety test-. el d ig 13.6 per cent dry matter. at The report wyas recelved frein R. b" in 00odin, assistant director of tflifeld rs- crops branch of the Ontario Depart- ,e r, ment of Agriculture. in There were 149 pot-to groweýrs who to completed the coaltes;t organized by i county -n,! distrie, býranche-s of 'We Ontario Soil ami dCrop Improvemenýt isAssociation in ciglit concentrated pro- ducung areas in the province.'ify igfour, had yields over 500; 15 were U-00 -and tw,,,o were above 700. bus. per acre Lng The average was 443, while the aver- tOage of 64,000 acres for Ontario ini 1961 d- 312 bus. an acre. .ds er This is more than troe times the .ed average yleld for Ontario 20 yeansa for , go. The 19.3 per cent dry iterw. Clarke ýs wvere Lovekn. ýobinsoni dent of C. Reg- Robinson naýMr. Lovèein rested at thie North- tocutt and Smiîth Ftneral tjHce Bw Semanville. TIhe funenal was eld in the chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, fdloed by lsintermlent inithe Bowrnanville Cezme- 1 tery. The service was conducted by Rev. E. C. Woodland. Mr. W. J. R dl is hiere shown adi- rcgý,no 7ya- fsrie miring an o11 painting presented te o gton f27yasfseve him by the Orono) United Church in treasurer of thie Chu-chi. Nepw Mem,4.orial HospýIital Wiing, Opened Fridcs' ICoules CirciI Naines CoimMnillees Thc committeos of Counties Couneil wero uamied receutly by the sfrikiug couimitteo. 'Tie comimittee was mnade vp of ii ýpiLy leeve Lenali Fislhr, Cobourg as citairiwan and fie other, deputy-reeve'-s. haM.- I~ardeners To Bird flouse Competition The Jno Gardoners had their recport onr the.m at thie next meeting. January jneetinig in fhe 4Guide Hall, Thecre will be a. bird housecompeti- Orono Municipal Building on Thurs-1 tiOn in March also .a Poster com-pefl- day, January 25th at 7:00 p.M. %Wth1 tion whiich will be demonstrated by .0 present. The meeting opened wvith 1our1,DiIrector at the February meeting- fie reipeating of the Junior Gardon-1 ers raye an cred. rs. FairbrotIher then showed some Captinswer apointd ad eèh ery beýatitfiul anduinteresting captiti hos momersforulier teai. of trips tkOtw>drn ulptre 'rie captain is f0 lei-,reslionsible for!jteGtna îis iln n h ilotifying thie members of her teac sr rniCnlsytmàHrcmnet to) the dte 0of the meina-so inr. notjtretn ndifra wer~ muc n- ,nt. Wýe hoe ol 's at our 1ex eu w. the reuies iof.LMayor Chrisne 'Marnas. Tlic Board lias becu asked ta noti- fy the city if an application hi" been made by Nordair ta suspend ifs air service «"to and from Oshiawa" nx or. der tiat thie city may make repre- sentatiDns te the Boardl before the mnatter Is deaIt with. The letter to Nordair asks tint if any change in air service is contem- plated, ëompany officals meet with cityv representatives first, Her worshlp said that no word hias yet been received froi Nordair ai- though the possibility o0f suspension of -iir serIviýe byth com-panly was c-ar-- -,,di in a teegram from the-,ATB's 'aoung secretary, E. R. Code, receijvedý nI' week aIgo by the Tïies News Ed- 'We are- asking for an explanation 0if Nordair's action," said Mayor Thom-as, -and if if is true the coml- pany is suspendcing service we WilIý ýer taily suggest a meeting with theni te Lard Use from dities vWl]] tCrsta d careful at- îtting iack. v ,' as som-e tie prob- ad White tint tiey - uip1 Partrnent OfficiaiJý Sylvester w,,as elected vice chairnian. Mrs, Lauraine Woods was re-appoint. ed sceaytesrr Appointmient of an advisory board cauýsed a long drawn out discussion which ended in a motion to appoint last year's advisory committec to, the next meeting. A special meeting scheduled fon Fei). '- will decide whefher thc Gan- arasha Aufhority remnains as it is, oi, whether if will extend operations to unclude the townships 0f Raii-ilfon and Hlaldimand ini Northumberland Coun- fy and take in the balance of fhe arca in Hope and Clarke Townships f0 the [cipated chainge had a bear- fthe appeinîment of an on- officer f0o replace the late ples. ,n %vas taken on a nommna- nore interest- If was also decided tiat for t'le coming year 'the meetings would be hieldon fhe anme evening mas fhey haiv beni for the pRst twn tyear, !U4 Thiursday of each miont h in the Arîn- ouries. 8 p.m. Ca amP, Mitchell, Wigh-lt, iflTar erle, Simpson, Hýa: sonli, nunhm Municipal officiais from the Tow of Bowmanville, fthe TownishipsÊ Darlington and' Clarke, thc Villages Newcastle and interested citizen from the four communities gathere Frida, Jaxiuary 26th at 7:30 p.m. oflilyopenoi r x-ssive joint comnmunity projects t late -- the $1,250,N00 (furnished) ai, dPtioui to Memioria1l Hospital, Bom mianville. After Dr. R. W. J. Ur'?uiart, Toi onto, chairmnii f the Ontario Hospi SSerývice Comi ssion, uvie ,commnemoitat*ive plaque iii fhe span1 iil new lobby, and the tape cut th J teriology, atories -b and history and R"-eember mothers if men amdI, - iair n thig f~etpe bedg4 omenofi(ii- our, community ncca givite Un I c air d eeiling siispendled bcd acreena.. core. f tcirfre fie oce wek Ases~rnrntandindstralchar- achroom nhas iîndividua,,l toilet facil- ýIr bosare unterested enougli ftoiA.Gso, otn, aky, on, want f0 be Cis qid Scoutsj, srl R dCris, lý u !irr ïi msey FTandvil]s i îI, thecoridrs i giVe wý,e asinothers eau fund fhe ulime t acl ,,,0yaWat n . tinsacne foii Thler-e 1 adttend, some if flot ail of thI etnsrMM iSeûs Fo,'hmaas ul oordinate $75 per held one evenung a month. E ran, e-yHigPu, t mn Lelephonle ytm Gico, unugha The -Hospital WmnsAuxiliany The nex-t meeting wvill be on the will furnish a wvhole floor and wvlU aIsG 22nd February, picase try to corne. Agriculture, chairman, A. Blanch- run a gift shop. __________________________ard, F. McMillan, Aiison, Van Camip, Mitchell, Stone, Philp), Broomifield, Visitors toured the building the fol CrdtU in Ases Hns amsey, M\al colm, Dean, l6<wng dlay, from 2 to 4 p.m*., and6 Brya lrlî,M eilaSees1 9, and on Sunday frorn 2 to 4. The Free, Fisher, Brandon, Simpson, decor is constant on ail three floons Ovr$2 .0 Harding, Peck, L. Gibson; Cunning- including traz-ie los ih O e $ 0, )1ham. brown lower walls wvith off white four Tic dýirector, Credit Union hiE ly meetinig on Co-op 'Board Rc ;e <f The president, Percy Werry, preý- ;clded. The report of the freasurer, A. Lýoucks, shiowed- 136 members, 411 ber- rowers and assets of over $20,000O. Two boans were granted during tue mionth. ruthers, Lighfle, Jal Bruyea, Warfmanl, Wl ner, Fisher, Hebenle, ing, Peck, L. Gibson, Bowmanville IlFo- ' were made for the Pot Luck and Annual Meeting f0 be lield ýuary 26th. 3t for of miaferial was estiiated at or whlch fie deparfmeut would per cent. Labor would be about 'I 's 4 i.' a e, & 3-. e, h e ê r- B uci tne imecs watch for, Lvem ýans, r N., s. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. -'-f N. N. 'N N N