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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Feb 1962, p. 3

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World's t.ongest Passenger Ship FiIIed With High French Hopes . Newspaper Enterprise Assn. I1last year - a drap of, 30,000, framn 1960. And a spokesman for thte PARIS -- Febnuary 3 marks more than the stant of the w,,orl1d's longest passenger ship. It is the dlay of the Frenchi Line's big cm mnitment ta tourist class travel. Thein liner France, built at ae cost 01 $75 million, will regulanly î5team aeross the Atlantic w i t h Îpce for 2,044 passengers. Some 1,650 of those lberths will be in tourist cîas - traditionally the cheapest way of crossing the ocenýn, except by frelghter. French LUnes estimated -that company's traffic was down 5,000 frem the 1960 figure of 40,224. But comnplete figures are not yet available. The French Line spokesman iblamied the drap largely on the unsettled European politIcal Cli1- mate and comnpetition frnm the air lines, whose traffic lncreased in1961. Air travý,el has eut Lnto the stean-ship business drastically maiden crassing the shiÎp cleaved through the- wajýters aýt a speed in excess of 35 kniots. It wvllý make the transatiantie trip in four a-nd a haIf days - an elon- gated weekend. The France represe.,nts the world's second largest floating hotel (the Queen Elizabeth car- ries 150 more passengers). t dining roomns will daily serýve jmeaLs to 3,000 passengers and crew. Som-e deluxe staterooms in- clude living roomn, three bed- rooms with pivate baths, pantry and servants' quarters aind large patio. Most expensive Suites in the finst class compartment go THE SHIP FRANCE: Buoyed up by the hopes of Iand-based businesmen. The 1,035-foot-long Franice wiil be able ta c a r r y more tou rist fares than any other liner. The test of ber staterooms will be first class. The two elements whîch mnake the voyage of the France finan- cially risky: Passengfer ship -travel dropped sharply in, 1U61, rund steamrships faced. increasinig- Iy vigorous competition fro-m the air lines. The British Cunard Line an- nounced that thieir transatlantic traffie hnd fallen to 117,547 fares since World War Il. Now twa in every three pensons crossing the Atlantic go by air. ow -dots the France plaïn ta mecet the challenge? The company plans ta corral an increased percentage of the surfa,.ce traffic by offering speed, service and Gailic luxury - plus what it hopes w-,ill be attractive tourist rates. The compaiy of fi- cial was hopeful that the France could attract would-be air pas- sengers as weill On its trial run bef are h He Kept Movi, Store Out 0f JcuiII Hardly anybaçiy had a -glanqie te spare for the lankc-haireýd young man who s;tcod alonigside' Clarence Darrow and Earl Rogers kin a close-packed Las Angeles entnom o. long-ago day of 192. Darrow, renownedi legal otrategist and -spellbinder-, then Gon trial on charges af bribing jurors, and Rogers, his defenise attorney, were the foremost criim- tnal lawyers of their time. Who had ever heard of Harold Lcee GiseTo the spectatons, if any Law lm atal, he was Just an obscure assistant who camne alang to carry Rogers' biefcnse. -I felt like a New York Yankzee bat boy being told he was going te pitch in tht Worl Series," Giesler himiself subsequently re- Clled. Giesier quickly learned th-at bis «eui;ng writs and scarching brief s were good enough for thf m jor legals. When Darrow was aýcquitted, Gieslers name went on Rogers' offic.e door, then oni ie, own, and eventually, mnar- quece-no.dified ta Jerry Giesier, to the point where lie neecled no nmeplate at al. He was neyer as flamboyant as Rogers or as socially consciaus as Uarrow. But wghere, they had been merely t*ensatiaonal, Giesier - as thse mautýWhpiece of such dernigods and goddesses as, Errol Flyem, Chariîe Chaplin, Walter Wanger, Marilyn MQnroe (for whom he gat a di- vorce from Joe DiMaggio), Rob- ert Mthm and Lana Turner (whose daughter Cheryl Crane he dlefended)-was supercolossa.l. nGtie Giesier!" becaýpme theý stock cry of any star in trouble with tht 1aw or bored with a spouse. H1e advanced from featuredI player ta star billing in 1931 by defendîng Alexander'Pantages, awner oef a 'vast chain of theaters, against the charge of defiling the honor of an athletîc, 17-year-old dancer. Whe,-n the girl appeared shirt-waisted and hair-ribboned, Giesier got the court tao rder ber into the uniform of the day in question: Lowý-cut red gown. Panta'ges went fret an appeal. Few headlines of histony mat- ched the banners flown by Gie- en on the Chaplin and Flyrnn case. Chaplin, accused af via- lating the Mann Act by tran- forý $4,000O for three persaons. Tourist class fares run fromr $270 to. $350 dependirig on the sea- son. Other touches3: '00-seat thea- ter, 8 bars, '5 dance floors, 2 librariesý, 2 swiminrg pools, 2 bowling alîtys, 'a gymnasium, chîldren'is ,amusement park" and complete air conditioning,?. The Frane's hul bas b c e n constnucted for possible coniver- sion to atomiîc propulsion. Thisý converson is not fore-seen ifor at least 10 years. sporting a Young woman, acrosaEM btate lunes for immoral purP'sem, we-nt free when Giesier establish- ed the inmplausibilit~y of the evi- dence. To free Flynn, charged with S-tatutony rape, Gies-ter showed that the charmer who-i sýaid shep was seduced while view- ing tht, moon through a poathole could not possîbly have seen the moon from that side of the yachit. "Good oid Jerry, the spr-ingen-," said Flynn, draping an arm about Giesler's shoulders as they left the courtroona. "That isn't veryfun" Gie- mlermuttered and cast off 'lhe arm. Amfid such triumphs anid fat fees (repo--rtedly $50,000 for de- fending Flynn), Giesler ,rlight well have gone as Hollywood as his clients. He, vOS, after ail, just a country boy wvho ieft his bîrth- place of Wyiltoni Junction, Iowra, in 1905 ta attend law, schcool at th University of Southieroi Cal- fornia. But Giesien dressed as soberly as a banker, which his father had been, and took pains% with his work ("H1 handled imy cases as if he were directing a pieture," Chaplin said). 11e lived quietiy wlth hiiis wife (his. sec- ondi) of 311 yeans, in Beverly HýIlîs and there, ai, 75 and after atries o1. heart attacks, he died quietly in bis sleep. The defense, as Tht New York Potobserved, had finially resteci. Froin NEWSWEEK, WORKING FOR PEANUTS-Mary Lee Milis, hadto stretch the point a ittl* in ordee te fce thý grof4 e the Audubon Park Zoo, New Or-leons, La. g w BACY CIlIICS F011 early egg production BraY hia -20 wý;eek oid Amea and other good pullet varicties avallable, promrp sblP- ment. Dayolds hiatched ta order. 8roïU- er chlcks quick ahipinent. See local agent, or write BrâY friaCherY, 120 johnl North, Hamlton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALI BILUIARDS, lunch couniter, two s9 part. mients. S6,009, Going concern Lawrenc4e Wëlsh Drayton Ont POOL roobo and equdpment for sale. ë' 5'x10' anooker tables: 1 4xý8 Bos-» ton table. AUil h goad condition No opposition Leas.. Apply ta Gerald Keller Mladoc Oi., Phone 613-473-966. LUNCH COUNTER Wth 15 stools, i booths, full dlning room, large modern kitchen, 2 wvasli, rcooma. and living quartera 4wth 3 pet. bath. Ail stock, equlpment, and ceal estate for only $8,300. Iiness forces sale and terra avallable on this ter- rifle buy For particolars eaU, s'lvsit or write BILL FF Real Estat14 Sprlngbank Dr, London, Ontario. GE 8y-9255. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT ATTENTION OENTISTS NSEWILY rem-odeiled denrital ofcso the late docter for rent on main street Ln London, Ontario. Coinplete equip- ment In for 2 ta 3 dentiats sbaring. Also workshop cnpletely equIpped for dental michianie. Please apply ta, 5r. lieff ï3.1 Dundas St.. London BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES PHOIOGRAPHY Bcome a photographie distributor for, photo fnslg camneras, supplies. No stock required WVrite: Chevron Photo, Dept, W 99B1 Coleman Ave.. Toronto 13. otarlo -. - --- OPPORTUN ITY: F0, seri keens, ema. To associate with suiccesafulý ORIINARY ACENCY REQUIREMENTS: 1. Desire to work 2 Presently employed 3 Age 28 15 own car 4., MaLrred preferredi 5. A i references 6. Resident of ares OUR RESPONSIBILITY: 1. ro train you for your career 2 To give y ou guidance. direction and assistance in the field 3To provide you with ail wefaýre beneflts. Ineluiding contrlbutory pension 4 To inaintain your standard of living untillvou becomie estab., Ilshed in our lndustry Ifyou are desirous of establishIng yourinett in the Sales and Service field, we invite you ta write us, ln confi- dence, givlng fui] cetails of your ex- perlence, marital status, eduication and ny relevant informa-tion. BOX 248, 123 i8th STR EET TORONTO 14, Ont. COINS- MORGAN Silver Dollar, onla' U.S. coin Mtruclk (1878-1921) AM OBV. 11EV pluis 23 K Gold-foil, *3.00. Numisinatlc'Bank 'Malta, 288 Columbia Road. Boston 21, imassachusetts. CHIAIN SAWS MANUFÂCTURER'S CLEARANCE RIOX 823, NORTHI BAY, ONTARIO Matehecl Chain & Sprocket Combinat- tion, for ail popular makes of chiain saws. Specify make and miodel and bar Jlength. 1V" Chain & Sprocket - f12.00 1V' or 20' Chain & Sprocket - *14ý00 24' Chain & Sprocket - $16.00 Sprockets ta fit ana' Direct Drive Saw - $3.50 Quantlty of Reconditloned Chain Sawm, coxniplete!Y Rehuilt D'id Repalnted, as5 new. varions makes and modela. Clear- lng at *69»0 each. ýane cday se-rvice on ail ordera re ceived. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW TYPE I4AYING MACHINE CUTS LABOUR IN NALF LU-NDEl-L-MAY NARID ihree-in-one tiail type pracessor,1 80-inch eut; cutsconl- ditions and windross ail in one opera- tin. Wriyte for, prices -and informa.tioni, C. L Maynard Wholesale. Schomherg, ont. FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE, 320 acre daira' ferin, 150 acres cultivated. Complete set of faim buildings and mnachinera'. Il oet elin dair,' herd, newi bulk cooler and *six can milk qota. Located 14 miles froin New Liakeard. For further informiation eontacet: Donald Delinie. Box 71,RaI ton, Ontario, EDUCAT90N MIGH SCHOOL 3itlost lobs Cali for a IIgh sehool edîl. caion. Am-erican School can train you at homne in your spare tuine. Progres rapidly. Ai books furnlshed Low mnonthly paymientsý. For full intorma- tion write or phone GE 8-4212 Amier- caýn School Depi.. R.E.P. 419 Eniera' St-. London GUNS FOR SALE CASH for old Colns, Colts, RemliingtOnS, Sharps. Wnchester Lever action Rifles. Avis. 79 Oak Park Ave., Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTtO LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for CANADIAN RED CROS ELOOO TRANSFUSION SERVICE Hamilton Depot .?. or Unîvetrsita' Graduat. with ado. qute scienlce courses. Excellent work- ngconditions, Vacations end Stâft sonefitt. Apply statlng experîence ont qulfiatlens to 401 Victoria Ave. N., MELP WANTEC -- FEMALE Stewardesses TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES WR ARE SEEKING ATTRACTIVE, CONFIDENT YOUNG L AD I ES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A REWADINGCARER. AG! 20 TO 26 INCLUSIVE MEIGIIT,2to 67 INCIIES WEIT 105 TC 130 LES. (IN PROPORTION>. UEDUCATION-SECONDARY SCHO0. GRADUATION DIPLOMA SINGLE, NO OLASSES OR CONTACT LE NS ES IF YOU MEET THESE REQUIR> MENTS, WRITE OR PHIONE Fd AN APPýLICATION FORIM. T.C.A, EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 403 YONGE ST. - ?24-2101 TORONTO IIELP_ WANTED_ - MALF Police Recruits Wa-n t ed MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: AGE-21 TO 35 WEIGHT-160 LES. EOUCATION-GRADIR 10 Cadets 17 TO 21 Excellent %vorking conditions pro- motion possibilîtles and f r In ge APPLY EN PERSON TO: METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE PERSONNEL OFFICE OFFICUMNDAYT@ FRIDAY. AI&TO 4P.M. I4OiEY PFOR SALI CLOVER l1oney, finesa Ouâlity wIb.t unpasteurized 30 lb. pai $600K Lgbt Golden $550, John C. Sproule .Apiariaaq, 4,190 Streetsvillo Road, Erindale, Ont. HUNTINQ HUNTERS Attention! New simple me- lthod t4tan 1M4es;- Forcoinpleta Instruc- tions sed$!.M0té ê ày Tan, IEet PausIs.3530 W Pi~erce, Phrienîx 9, Ar- INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY TOY Moineranlan Kennel Also lovely home with sanie fo-r sale. owner re- tlrIng. Goo L Income. rt:Bx12 Crystai Beach, Ontarlo., MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI nB-AUTI1rY a'our istationiera'. 1,000 guin- mied camre and address labels ' *1.00 poatpaijd. Averett Sales dCo. 1455 E. ,eterPcatello, Idaho. MEOICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE B-ANlSH the wtomeet)£f dry rashesa;and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczemla Salve wl not disappoint you. Itchlng, scaldjing and buming ceze- ina, acne, rlngwormi, pimiplea and foot eczemya Willl respond readlly to the stainfless, odorless olntment regardless of how tubborn or hopeless theY Bsemi. Setpost Free <M Recelpt Of Prîce .PRICI $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 st. Clair Avyenue East m a MEDICAL. WANTED - EVERY SUJFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DiIONS REMEDY. MUNROIS DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,.23 Express Cqbllect. MORTGAGI LOANS Mnyavallable for hnm'-ediate 10&' n , F r t and Second M ,ortg ag e s. a li Ag eements for Sale, on vacent aw' kmproved property, residential, Indue- trial, city suiburban, and counts7. an& ztumyier cottages. Mernber of Ontarie Mortgage Brokers Ascain 40 yearff experience. J E. arsF .Harrics, and R, C Bint. SUMMERLANO SECURMTIS LIMEIUP 112 Slmicoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario, Phone: 725-3568. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES tequtred for 38 bed hospital Good starting salary and working con- ditions. Appîr Administrator, Espanola Genceral Hospital Espanola, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A MAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAOING SC400OL Great Oppùrtunl1ty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified p roFession, g00(1 wages Thousands rnf, sucesaful Marvel Gri(dualtes Amrerlca's Greatest Syýstemi llustrated CtlgeFree WVrite or Cail Morvel Hairdressing Schoot 356 Bloor St. W.,Tont Branches: 44 King St. W.,_ HamrIlton 72 Ridenu Street, Ottawa PERSONAL EAUTIFUL muscles for males, beaus- tIfufl figures for fe-maies. New, amatzinig exercises. Easy, gutarariteed,! Fast rq.- kuult inow, $1.00. Jack- Jar-es, Box 262-, Brooklyn 17, New Ycrk, HYGENIC RU SUER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, nmAlled in plaim parcel, lncludlng ca-talogule and et 1,0k free wlth trial assortmnenit 18'w $100 (inest qu1allty). western DistritU tors, Box 24-T FF, Regîina, SaSk. PROPERTIES WANTED WVANTED: Bush lots, abandoned farmP,, wild acreages, Scnd location, descOpi- <Ion and price te, D. P. Mullin. Boxf 156. Station F, Toronto b, Ontario, SEED FOR LI ONTARIO'S neweat e.adnd ost outstaZ(.. lng oat, outyielding,\ Grry and Ro- ley by and 9 bus. perre this Mavle with shorter straw, thInner hull a14 bliger grain. Ask your own dealer t* g et Russeli r nel, o1 oter 0ed <o3r Vo, rom uAlex q. Ste-wart Zg 4on rLtd , eed Graln ,SpeciaIllrts. I5 Ci'aig, Ont STAMFZ Ê=EïE 110 Worldwlde Stampa WLth A- pîovale. Thousands Bcglinner,5 Bargalla-ff se eacbl Advanced CoLlectorr' Seft donps. APssrea ?elkets, AbhwnW. ,Argent Stamp. 52 Bon-nechere. Sets. borough. Ont. WANT TO BUY rom CASH old colectionz and acculrnulatione ii çr &f2 covers, Canada Preferred bu Wllltake as corne, goodi referenees" bank or otherwlse. Cahby returl! mail. Send, write, phone or eail HARMOLD WALLIS 110 Sheppard Ave. W., Willowdale, Ont. TRADU SCHOOLS AÇETYLENE, eleetrlc wveldlng za14 Argon courses. Caniada Wileldlng. Cai-, non andi Blsain N.,Hmtn.So LL -184Tis.LI 5-6;283 COURSES UN ELECTRONICS Evelng classes apre nwbelng uen- rolled for basic electroicae, radio and television) theory, transistor and print- ed circuit techiniques. To secure yeux futurýe, Inqire now at th ROBINSON SCHOOL 0F ELECTROMICS 160 James St. S., Hamilton WEDDING RINGS-, WEZDDING RINGS! New, hbeauiit ifru sterling or 101< gold filled. Me's. wo- nspen's. Send or trace sîize on pa)per. .2.06 each. Cahn's, 8AamEa Isllp. New York. ISSUE 5 -16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING N 'N 'N N "N 's' 'N N N. 'N N N. N "T. N N '1 'T. 'N N N 'N N N -.1 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 's 'N 'N 'N 'N "~1 'N NI 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N s 4,~ N s- 'N s 'N N 4 's s N

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