ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES- THURSDAY, Fod ricýes Eftiejanl. Sst, Pcb. 1, 2, 3 We Rsrethe ,Riglit tl Jnimt Qatt BAKERZY FEATUREF Whiite or Whiole W'heat Sllced With Gravy- 15-oz. Tn IGA Meat Balis 29c -A4oiarch- 18 oz. ptg. Pie Crust Mix 33c 3 Lb. Pkg. Instant Nu-Milk 79c RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES PARTI-TIME CRUBS, » 7 oz. Chubs Tablerite Liver and Bacon, Braunsweiger Sandwich Spread RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES With TABLERITE WLENE¶RS - 1 lb cel. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES - Dares, 16 oz. GOOD LUCK MARGARINE -11hb. Pkg. P.E.I. POTATOES - Ontario No. 1 grade 10-lb. PARSNIPS - No. 1 Grade - 24 oz. Cello Rag SY ARPLES - CEE Grade - 3 lb. Cello Bag Nom PORK LOIN SALE Rib Portion - 3 lb. Avg. O' PORK 'b 9Jc Tendiýerloin Portion - 3 lb). Avg. I ROAST 1LA% O' PORK iu-ruC CHOPS or ROAST lb 59Cg Fresfiilleag PORK SIDE RIBS lb 49cg A SALAI) FAVOURITE No. 1 Grade 14oz35c Crisp G*arden Fresli LETTUC"-E No. 1 grade CaLifornia Tender Cireea CABBAGE No. 1 grade The Chldron's Clioice - Temple ORANGES size 125"s ? focr 2ý9ec 2 for 35c doz 39e Helaz Fancy TO'MATOfffe JUICE 480oz 25C ins Kraft Smi-ootli PEANU T BUTTER 12 oz3c jar31 CHEER DETE RGENT Jello P>UDDINGS or PIE FILLER 4pkgs14) - DAIRY - Velveeta Kraft Cheese: lb 33c Birdseye eas p kgs 59,C 7 KILLED SUNDAY Roy William Alldread 27, of 72 High Street, Bowmiianville, was killed in stantly when thLle car hie -,as drivingý left the road and struck a tree on higway 2 just east of that town oni His brother, Ross 20, was treated at Mer-norial Hospital for cuts to the face and head and shock. His con- dition was reported as satisfacto.y The accident occurred on two-tenths of a mile from the OPP detachment on hiighway 2, Police said they were flot sure if the car sidded oto if it left the road :or other reasons. FORI PORT HOPE A new federal bju]ýiing is be:ing p1~n 1'ur Pot 1Hope, Dr. R. P. Vivian, 'MPforDuha, nnune Dr.. Vivian saîd an extensýive survey" carried out during Lthe last two years byù thi-e Iostmlaste Gneals epri metof public Wrs shows that thle prsetpooffce ad other officesý ~~anacapedin i leir operations by in- ad-equate and otutmodied accommoda- tion. The present post office building, which also bouses the offices of 'the National Empiloymienit Service andi Canadla Customs, seemis to have out- lived its usefulness, the miember s;aid. ït was built -in 1883. The study of the present facilities leaves no doubt ini the niinds of the two departnients involved tixat the building is atiquated, inefficient and expenslve to operate, lie said, and that an addition to it would be costly and inadequate for the needs of Port Hope and district. A new federal. building is thierefore under serious consideration by the Dominion governinent, Dr. Vivian saidt, and an approacli is likely to be macmLe very soon to the town cotuncil inhUiisconnection.~ Dr. Vivian said that- in a way lie regretted the decisionl because lie had a great affection for the present building, dating from Jis close asso- ciation with it when bis uncle, t'he late E. J. Baird, was postmaster for niany years. E. J. Baird succeeded bis father, Jonathaan Baird i the post. Mr. Jonathan Baird was postmaster at an earlier site on Walton Street in the -first building east of the bridge, on the soutli side. A plaque marks the location of this earlier post office whichi was used beo re the present building was erected. FATHER RESOUES FWO CHILDREN A 41-yearý-oldl fartier followed the screrns of Ibis two children and res- cued then front a smioke-filled bcd- roomi Thursday niglit. For"e d out of itheir twýo-storey iframe f arm borne, Itbree imiles wnorth- east of Bowvmanville, were Vito Del- pamno, bis wif e, Maria, 31, and tw..,o chIildrIen,' Carmiela, 6 and prudenzie, 2. The fire(, blive[o bave started in a kitchen liglit socket, was fïr-.t notic-ýed by Mrs. Delpamio whien she awakened at lpm. and smelledl smoke. MIr. Delpamo attemrpted to phone t',lee owmanville Pire Depart- ment but was forced back by smoke and fire-, Telling bis wife to hurry outside Mr. Delpamo dashied into the child. ren's room. Unable to locate them because of the smoke, hie was guided to tbem- by their screains. Mr. Delpamio thon jumped into bis car and raced a mile to the honme of se Mïeu Won i enP Working Together-, In United Chîurch The Reverend Melville Buttars, cliairmian of the Oshawa Presbyvtery provisional eommîitteo for the organ,- ization of the United Churcli Wome, was thec speaker for the afternoon se- slofl of the inaugural meeting lield reý cently at King Street Unitod Chureli Oshawa. Taking his topie, "The Well i Deeýp" from the story of Jesus an! Ihe Saiiatilani womnan at the well, John 4,4-14, M.Butarsstte t, undJïue significance of thie fact that i was om,.en Whvio did the work in thý asencounitries, should not beý ,placed n ipresent day stutins ,H continued saýying, "Wifle wvomen o" todlay do a great deal 2in biIld;ingth Chureli, tbhey miust wor k together ~if the enInthe new Un1'iedChc1i.ý Wome, te ojeciveis t wrm wt theý men,1for. the total issi,)ion f îth -]in the stry t wa-, unusual fora Je'w to sk athinig of a Samiaritan 1ut, as ofien "lies, I its asupl equcst w.hieh startcd a Jite on aieu ~va. Smepeoledon)'t start untdjý thyaeasked and oftinpol re- sqpondf to a. specific request." "The omanwas baffled by Jesus- reference to living water. She did o realize how mucli she dîdn't know, how much there is to/'2arn. Li Christ- ian if e, we oftent hold Up a cup to rý- ceive a gallonful, not knowing what greatness Cliristianity cati give. Thei source of Chiristian truth is a deeýp. woll. It takes time and labor to draw.i out tlie truth. This trutli is free but we must work liard to draw it o The Bible is this deep %well anid it talkes many hours of study ta know it." Mr. Buttars continued sayin,', "There are many important issues facing this new organization, ui miore vital than social teas andth mnero raising of znoney. We mustf a out what is neded in everydaylin. Wo must find in Christian f aith tijat wvhich is eeodod to mend the broke*x- lhones, to keep together thosle wicih 'Ire breaking up for a lack of purpose. We 'must find that whicli is needed fo-r Young people, for a world threatened,ý by nucloar bombs as wveil as other.. problomns of today. The well, front which theso answors comes isdop It is frightening because our buckets are smiall and our ignorance is get Mr. Buttars concluded by ýsayin,- "If we honestly can say, 'Give mne ib drink, then the Master will reply, '1 will gîve you water springing up tc, evorlasting hf e.", FARMER KiLLS RABID FOX A. 59-year-old Hamipton, farmer fouglit off and -killed a rabid foxwil a shovel, one morning last week. On bis way to the morning milk, ng Frank Pascoe,RR 1, was attaekedb- the rod fox- as lie stepped o)ffbi porcli. Mr. Pasce droppcd bhis i-ilk; can, grabbed a near-by shovelan struck down the diseased aimaýl. Fortunately r.Pasoehadhi rom Bowman ille1, areta foxý was rabid. Srnal orupnequ) were found imbedded in th-ý ainia mouth. RECEIVE $1.OO IN BNSTAPE1S WITII BLENDED JUICE, Treesweet, 48 oz. Tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - Treesweet - 48 oz. Tin ORANGE JUICE, Treesweet, 48 oz. Tin NESTLES QUIK, 20r- Off, 2 lb. Tin LYONS TEA BAGS, Pkg. of 100 MONARCH PASTRY FLOTYR, 7 IL Bag REDPATH SUGAR, Granulated, 101lb. Bag KLEAR LIQUID WAX, Johnson's, 32 oz Tini SCOTTIES, 2c off, white~, pink, yellow, 2 pk of 400 IGA CANDIES, 29e variety, Pkg. COLGATE TOOTII PASTE, 10e Off, Giatit Size TV DINNERS, Swansou Frozen, il oz. Pkg.