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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Feb 1962, p. 5

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PREPI~TJNS FR prsenta creihitable performiance and -CQ3MMLNE-I ENT mlalçe this final O.H.S. Commence- The staff and students of 0.H.S. men a emorable one. are Iooking forward with anticipation RUBINOFF as preparations for commencement On WVednesdaïy mornling, February are getting underway. It will be held 16 the students of O.H.S. will be given oe. Mai-ch 9thi in the Orono Town Hall, a half-hour concert by the world fam- H. Allaix Leal, Q.C., B.A., L.L.M.. our violinist, Rubinoff. 'The concert Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School will will 1be beld in brono Unit~edl qhurch. be the guest speaker at this important Rubinoff bas kind ly offered to play scholastic event. Mr. LealiIs a Rhiodes for thiree scliools nameIy, Qrono, Bow- Scholar and a graduate of Haivard mlanville and Courtice. He plays var- and Osgoode Hall Law Schoois. ed types of mifù c ȱning romi A banquet for last year's graduates Square Danoe Fiddùin' to the Warsaw wvill preceed the Commencement ex- Concerto, on bis ýîàgniffceiit Stradi-~ ercises and a reception for. the gr'adu, varjus violin. A special ýconcert f!or ates and theiv parents, .iJ. be,,held stud.onts, wîl, bc presentedl at Trinity aýfter t.he cxerciscý .1JitdCirel~, Bowmvnanville, Febru- A neact play tob be direçted by or aryv 16 at 41:30 p.m. Anothe-r cocr p -niaMr'. E. Witherspoon, is now. will be bield at 8:30 in a 'Id, f i- n preparation and should be a higli- Crp jp] ldCudes ud uinoff C ]iht of -ilie evening. visit to Bowmanvill is sonordby The Glee Clb s buýsy practicînig on theBomavil Rotary Clubl. Tu,,esdays and Thursdaiys in order to Sadra owins LVcl1oceyNe ws13 Lasi Friday eveinig at the Orj(jooar;v,[hit,îooos nole Rink hree loal oky1taswnt-tegru la ivided intoo teame. int atin ithacivistar1tinlg at Fllwig hegae te heestaros six o'clock. Aool nme f pr-wee hoenbinlgSeenWs d ents were on band to watch te gmstetogoal;es, Donnie Aln i an o encourage the local players. DadMecr During thie evening the, goal soesPEWEE'S w1ere announced ovPr 1the pubillic ad- Thte OronoPeWe were to playý dress sYitem and a selection of theI a Býowm-1anville teamn but dule to some three stars of echgame wremade miIdrtnigBwav l id and announced. not appear. Here again the Orono ATOMS gr-oup was divîded into two teams be- In the AýtomiT division in which there mng auigmented with players f rom the Valentines Valentine Cards from ....... le to $1.00 FrEýsh shipient of NeilgoiiVs,Çhocolates, Valen- tine Wi '--s e- Long' Playhn'-»R rs4b lýpùaÉ -'ordings by Conerai cii1I,%r, Iia.wr-ençe Welk, Jimnmic. e R ve.s' m t1fe c~hoose from11 Agent for Bownffirniie C(anerls. RAINEY S -COI'WeTIEY Pt"CT14-%NER I_ -Tlie hird a inaul gm h r îdMe -udMarkham, B a'ý:ý,dný I.,1 ý,nig ýsplayed btwenM , nd rs Llnd eat 0 f Tor-ontoi onoi Bantamns and the Osaw ant- nnd1. anmd !Mrs. C. Caverly of Whit- Ti tO on anis. This game went tLo Oshawa b by vîsLted with Mr. Wml. Davey tmev0 score of i to 5. The Oshawa goals beginning of this week. Bantoenecubwee host o lo were by Tim Alexander and Larry memb ers 0f tercBomanville Ia-' Hicks for, two apiece anid singie's tofdyviioswthMs eerCu tthe ono nviBcia Warren McCahey, AI Gillette and Ted Souch, Mrs. Harry Bailey and family mnintonClbath rnMuipl]iid. wvere Mr. -aid Mrs. Joe Rlckaby, Mr. I Bilding courts. The two clubs en- and Mrs. Jack< Rickaby, Toronto, Mr.- joyed an evening of badminton pIay,- Douêl-as IvMoffat paced the Orono an r.R .Rcay n Miss inig rmixed doubles. Donna Forrester boys with two goals while single coun- Janice Webster, Bowmanville and cr s were scored byBob Best, Johin Miss Carole Ilittle of Pete-rborougli. -~oy and Fra.ser- Wallace. T~Tm1n~tpip h.[ -~~T C.nscîayevenîng t-tne Urno lthe. !we 01ron10Atomnsfaced one 0f the- 3owmnvilAom ýeamns with tîhe fnial score being 5-3 for th-evitos 'in game was quite even thrughout vhboth team's putting on fihe »res- re heOronlo goals 'vere soe by rlid Da'vid MGe.Donnlie Alleln in the Orono inets came forthi with a îuimbr 0f key saves and turned ln Farmn Equinment Show in Toronto0 lasit weelt. The Planning Comimittee0te o L 2Al- nual Horticultural Conivention lias in- vited the Orono Junior Gardeners Vo, ý, send in a display for exhiibitý,-ioat the; jeot suitable for- the monith 0-f etm ber. Tis Convention is t0 be eld onl nu foeerformnee. Steven WMes[,(Or- the 1l tl anci t1i t Mrcu onostopscoerwrsforced tô retsr ~imtegame after eing cnit -undelr Mr. and Mý,rS. V We1ldoninch,Cao ~l'e y but willinodub be in th )and ,Ill of Wstnspent thlewe- uneup or henext faur.end with Mr'l. and Mrs. Carl Billings. CSanaiswcure so played by the Or spent the weekend at hme. ono VeeWees an the Orono IBantams on Tesda eveingwith th'e visitors h&n n oil caes rom Bo30wman- '. bith gaimes went to Bowmian)- Miss Marlene Grhn, ueen Uni- versity, Knso pn udywi Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham nd Terry., The Oronio Baoitamns on Tedy >- M"s. Earold Goode who lias becen en>ing faced! a squad of Bantam"s from a patient ihe Oshiawa General 10- Bowmnanvýille ai the Orono rink fl. The pitlreturned to the home of lier [final score 0f the gamne rested i 14î- daugliter, Mrs. Jack Watson, lasi 4 for the visitors. The Orono goals week. weescored two by Bob Best and one to Gordon Dent with an assist t o Mrs. O. Luxton is a patient in the Bepsi and an unassisted goal by Doug. Bowmanville Memorial Hospi tal. r1Ioffat. Larry Hellami and Larry Burns were the top scores for the A numiber of local residents, at- Bow.manville club with both getting tended 'Open House' of the new wing three eadh. of the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville and comments are very favour- Again this Friday evening hockey able with regard to 'Li splendid ad- is to hold forth at the Orono Rinkdii. when fliree hockey gamnes have been scheduled with action starting at 6:'30 p.m. The Orono Atoms will face an entry froni Bowmanville in the open- et' which will lie followed by tihe Or- ono PeeWees taking on the Bowmnan- ville Huskiesa':0 The final game of the evening at 8:30 will feature the Orono Midgets whoio vll, bç host to the Bowmaniviiie Banttam'All-Stars. This gamne shouid provide plenty of action. As last week parents are encourag- ed to attend these gamnes ini which their children participate. Admissionl charge will be twennity-five cents Pet aduit. SROES We put Ladies and Childrýens Sýhoes on at rediculous prices. They should have all sold but there are some left. Imagine -Childrens Shoes at 99c a pair Womens Shoes at $1.55 a pair Womiens Shoes at $2.79 a pair Thiis is a way less than cost. Why go bare foot? .TOOKE SHIRTS The regular price of $4.95 in sizes onlyv of 15, 161 , 17 for $1.95 short Shirts, Shirts ai-e always ini reg. $6-95 for $1.95 Style. NECKTIES-Reg. $1.50 to $2.50. These u are not ancient patterns, for...... 50e JEANS-Some lined and others unlined .'tl. Regtflar $3ï.95 for .............. $1.50 A few pair of childrens overalîs. _regular $2.95 f or ............... $1.25 - LADIES SLIPS- Reg. $2.95 f or . $1.50 Regj-lar $4.50 for .......... $2.59 CHILDS SLIPPER SOX- Reg. $1.50 for.......... 75e SPOOLS-2 for............25.c CQl,$-TS-Reg. $7.50 for...59C KNIlFE & FPORK SETS- Reg. $1.59 for ... . ...29e BUTTONS-Reg 15c-20c foi-5 card Open Alil Day Wednesday A ,astr0r l2 Store Open M onday 'I KENDAL NEWNS Kendal was, well represented at ihe Bobbie Burns Supýer and dance held in the Legion Hall, Bowmnanville, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and famiily, Mr. and Mrs. Art Low, M. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell and fam1ily, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mercer, M4r. and Mrs. Roland Batton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Langstaff, Mr. and Mr:3. Carl Lang-staff and Mr. and Mrs. BarI Eurley attended. Mrs. Chas Thompson and son Ar- thur visited hier sisters, Miss. M. Me- Br-ide and Mrs. Burwash in Cobourg on Friday lat. Mr. and Mrs. F. Miller, Judith and Mrs. F. Stoker called on Mr,. and Mrs. AI. Stevens, Jimmny, Brian and Larry In Oshawa on Thursday. It's fine weather for skating around these parts just now and the young folks are enjoyîng it. The Kendal Street would miake a fine skating rink, but not saf e as- there is too much traffic. Weekend visitors witi- mr. and Mrs. E. Foster were Harold Doby of mea- ford and Wilfred Hloffmnan of Sarnia. Mrs. A. Swarbrick is spening uhe winter monthis with lier daugliter, Mrs. E. Ferguson, Toronto. A nurnber 0f friends fr-i the S>,-Ix qie ttenlde; the funieral servie ýýot Mr. John Cc0n1in rono n 9nay' Mr. and Mrs. Thomats Sltevens wereù dinner gueýss 0fmr,. aid ïMrs. G Cathcart on Saturd1ay feron. e report their dulte ayiscdoinlg Fort Cimio. There was a well L-illed chioir, on, Sunday in thle Kendal Chnurcli. 1Mrs. Allen Foster was the or>ganisi. Ms Westhetfser will be the organisi for the mionth of February. Dur"ing these last f ew days cars arei liaving trouble on the icy r-oadisa- ouind here and sonie have had u)o cal for ie towýing 'truck. UNITED CUC Oronio Pso charge Minister R ev B. E. L-ong SUNDAY, FEBRUARIEY 4thi, l1962 Orono-1.1 a.m. Leskard -1:45 p.m. Kîrb'y SUN DAY SCI-OOL Orono 10 a.m. Leskard- 1:15 p.m. Kirby - 2 p.m. an coffee wvas servedbytelde oitelccub. The Orono Club wvill pay a rtr LisIt to Bowmav: ie on Feabruary 14. If you wai ttil spring to orderý your trees for planting it maY be tc late. Tree lalnters are acivised to or.- deï- thteir treetýs now to ensure deliverv at plantng thyne in Apr-il and Màay. The Origina ,l hionDeta * Preentsiron-defi- ciency anemaia in baby pigs. * Maintains -,esist- anCe. *Supports norm-al gro wthi.. "FERRATE"is SPRO EAS *A single injection is effective. *The absorption of iron is prompt and sustained. *Its utilization is almost 100'/. * J produces healthier pigs, less susceptible to in- fection. *It maintains optimum weight- gains during the nursing period. Stutt's Pharrnq PHONE 168 J OflONO, ONTARIO This Week At The ORONO Sc to $1, STORE Special Heavy Glass Tumblers. This week 2 for 15e Ladies fine Cotton ilose, sizes 9 to 101/2. Pr- .. 69e Tea Aprons, Pint, Assorted styles aind colors 29ü Koerhiefs, water repellent, plain colors ...... 35e Tell-A-Tale Story Books, several titles to chioose from. Regular 19c. This Week 2 for, .......... 313c Turkishi Towels, solid color, size about 20-4-d Our regular 1ow Price 59e. This Week 2 f or ...98e Noxema Medicated Creani So'ap. Cake....... 20c 3 cakes for....... 55e A Budget Saver, Ladies Nylon Hose, Walking Sheer with seamn. Substandards Pair.......... 3 5 3pair for........$I.OO1 Blue Willow Breakfast Set, 16 piece, 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 cereal bowls,,4 br-eakfast plates Set $2.49 Special! New Noxema Hand Lotion. Reg. 79e Bottle for........ .............. ...... 69C Valentines & Valentine ,C,nt Out Bools Priced at........... ... ......... i9c, 25c, 49e s s -s '-'t t' 1 T, 'ï,

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