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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Feb 1962, p. 6

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OwfM(i WÈ1KLU T 'IMPSU' ..Q Oe"RONO WEEKLY TiMES Auithorized as Second lass mail, Pat Office Departmnent, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. For-rester Roy C. Fori-ester - Edi'tor and Manager Subscription payable in advance ID Cauladw . n .&,,ùJ Published every Thiursdiy ai thc, office of publicatiSu e"LAND OFFICE BUSINESS" The camp may be as pretentious or Cs.ntinuing last week's theme on as humble as those using it feel Most l'available Crown land for public use" adequately provides for their comfort le*'è conalder hunt camp sites. and convenience, but it miuet be lo- jcated at least one hait mile fromn the ?he*re are uine acre parceis of next neareat camp and 400 feet t roni (Cwwe land for which an annual ient- the nearest road or water. *f *20.00 le charged, perxntting the dùecUon of a camp frein which forays 1The Land Use Permit, issued te ta-pwsit of deer and mouse (in oea- jautholriz~e such an occupation of Ma IK"e eoxducee. trown land, do"s not provide for omlnmercial use off thie camp, nor does t grant or cnfr he ecu irght ttiWIt, hrbne Sahp, (o hn in the, area surrounding- the Sodn Galway, Harvey, Glainor- camp. gan, C.avendish, Monmrouth, Anstru- ther, Bur-leighi, Cardiff, Chandos andl Hoeer s a matter 0 f common ,iMethuen. courtesy, a corollary of the camara- derie that usually exists betwceen A n4 aemx.wihpn camps, unofficiai recognizance is 1 given by the camp memnbers to each canmp's hunting area and encroach-] ment is avoîded as much as possible. 1 There are at present 180 sucli camps in this district, however, these are scattered throughuat, leaving ,amiple rocin for additional hunt camp locations in the following town- ships: Dalton, Dlgby, Hliden, Anson,j Destroys 2 Busin-'ess@"ês pocints the locations of ex-ýisting Just prior to going to press on brick house located south of the hôtel and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~T whc ewl epesdt rsday morning fire broke out in Both the Pontypool and 'Orono Fire to anyone wishing- to acquire a hunt Pontypool in which a section of the Departments are credited with saving camp location, ia maintained at the sast side of the business section was these two buildings. District Office in the Governinent [wiped out. Totally destroyed by the Building, Oakwood Road, Lindaay, f ire was the trame hotel, operated The firemen fought the blaze ir. Oftarlo, by Andy Sutch during the aumnier, temperatures saîd jp be at least twen- and a grucery store with ail Its con- ty below zero and ice was forming br, Although the selection of a specitie tents owncd by Harry Van Wierlngen. the nozzies outhte hoses. Water wam campslte location 1w' the responsibiluty Considerable daMrage was also dune -tck te t u lie y tmejs t watr of the individual, ail possible asalat- tu Rtchardaon's Gtyzge, juàt .rth0f etruks wihspledtetofr ance "Ilbe oftered Up to that point. the. grocery store and also to a i eginWe r Once again, Chevrolet's' out- standing array of values hias made it the. top-selling car in Cýanada . . . and nu wonder, when you see what these beauties ofler! Elegant new styling that does every owner protmd! Fine features by the score make pavijng more seeni pointless. Ever-so-gentie Jet- smoothness makes byways seem like highways. Spacious interiors make everyone more completely coinfortable. Yes, ChevroIet leads ini sales again becuse it leads in every other woay agaCin. Sec it at your Chevrolet dealer's soon. 17fi Car tkatý FIRST in'Wngineering ~The car that incorporates the newest advaxmces is the new ýCJevy Il - winner of the offical Car Life Magazine Award for Engineering Ex- cellence. Car Life found Chevy Il to be 1962's out- standing achievemient in car engineering md . n made comm-centslke"Lg-ar ing rgens . . . simple eleg-ance. . ound! ind'l solid deihf~lcar îto drive.. upt-ateasthemsieag. So ran the pais for the com- pletely nw vChe-,v11 And Chevy Il onr are quick to agree. So \] you be. Test the car, the experts picked- Chevy Il. Catht~FISTin SirtandSprscaFli. Here's what makes Corvair excitement possible. The en- gine is in the rear - giving outstanding traction, greate-r handling ease and superior weight distribution. The floor: is virtually fiat -- whetlher you're seated lef t, righit or centre there's ample reoom for your feet!4. And Cor-vair also features inidependenýtsupn sion on ail whieels -- so nal- turally thfe ride is mote on any surface. But words won't replace action - s0 drive this peppy performer down at your Chevrolet dealer's. C lIA2C 0 a' wldtewall tires optiinal at exra cosi. Be sure te see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for trne and channel. ROY WBrnICHOm'LS Bowmnanvi.'lle, Ontarrio Phone 728-6206 PUBLIC SKATING The Car that'ç 1111,Sf iiiSLE Fns in Fea tares..À C ~ ~ IL - ** - O I FRIii171- - .i7I? 1,0 0 6* 6 4 0 A geNERAL MOTORS VALUE The tire la, thought to have beert caused when a hydro line broke an«d phone lUne. It la uinderstood that e believed to have shortc4l over a tele- niumber 0f individual samail fires wereý caused in a niuxber of phones in the immediate area at the timne. The first report was received in Orono arourid fine o'clock. CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL SHàORTHORN BU'L~ SAL'E The first CanadianItrntog _ hrtiorn Bull ýSale, held in Tor-onto. Fortyv-five buils totalled $42,125, for- an average prîce of $936. While tche majority of the buils remiained in On-. tario, bidding support was wýidesprealý with sales recorded to tche provinces ,if, Quebec and NOVA Scotia as wl as the states of Wash- ington, Indiýana, MUissouri, Oregon, South Dakota, North. Dakota, Texas- New York, Ohio and Maine. Top price went to Louada Farms, Peterborough, Ont., for Loi jtda Bond- holder, a son ut the noted Bapton Con- structor. He sold at $5,400 to Byron Resor & Sons, Walla Wal1a, Wash. Anothier son of Constructor, from the same herd sold for $3,150 to Allendale Farine, Flesherton, Ont. Third higýh of the day was $2,300 paid to Roslyn Flett,- Oakwood, Ont., for a son of Louada Augustus. The purchaser& were the Centrai Ontario Cattle Breeders of Maple, Ont.~ There w'ere twelve otIier four fig. ure prices made i hi aefo these herw4ý. . G. Bennett, George- towa, Ont., $1,250 (for the reser've grand champion of the &how) art $1,075; Jus. A. Daly. Qoodwood, Ont_, $1,2S0; Iichar4a&on Stock Iiarme WIi- nipeg, Man. ~I R. W. Gardhouse, $1,000; Cyrus Eaton Northfleld, 'Olslo $1,300 (for th~e grand chamnpion ot the sho*); Grant Campbell, Moffat, Ont., $i.0;N. D. Hogg, Uxbridge, Ont., Ice Carinival Fr1.0 Feb. 9 Commencing 7:1-5 1p])m COMF, ALL 'ANDCALE E Prizes offered for- CHILDREN: 1. Comic, boys an111d girls 2Best Animal, boys and girl4 3: Nursery Rhyme, boys and girls 4. Youngest on sklates STUDENTS OR ADULTS: SBest Decorated Hïat de'Plctinlg a sog titie. (1) MLaie (2) Fem1ale. ADULTS: 1. Oldest on skates 2. Best Coupfle on skates. GROB AE - Ldies M1EN'S HOCKEY GAME Naý r emilm ji

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