ORONO WEEKLY' Mr.S. Fralick) andi the laie Harry (f4-Toronto, aunt of Mr. K. Frahick &~ Port Perry, Ôntar io. Age 83 years. Resting ai th(, Bariow Funeral Home. Service fromi the Funeral Hmi o Satuirday, Fbuay4th -ai2:00 1p.m. Intermient Oronio Cemnetery. DIED COWAN-At bis latIe res:dence, Lot 21 Concession 6, Charke Townsh,-,'ip onw S a'tur-day, January 22nid, 19f32, Johni,' Cowan1, age 81 ye:ars.Beoeih- bad'f Re lwtda hro Clifford, Bowman ville a nti Pa-uine (Ms iton Wannan), Ooo ett ai the Barlow Funeral HmPr st for srieMondaILy,Jauy291 1962, ai 3:30 p.M. Internient OronoCmery Order Yo--ur Prirntizng Supplies -Now -ORONO WEEK LY' IMES Patgstoc,ýk.isaviae oth c~taiLshentof tmber plantations, owiedges,. windbrealcs and shelter beits, andi for Christmas tt-ee uses. 'hev are not avaiiable f o onaniental uroe.To qualify, one must have atI ieaist two acres of land exclusive of that oecupied by buildings. Tr~e cot 1 enteach($1.00per toan)with the exce-ption .of Scoteb, v. ' e wicb elsfor $14100petou eand If ou re pannig ~large ~r'emea taîntiforester fi rom 1the ')eartentwÎ1iI iaspect your proper- ty ad pepae a ianingplan for- you gudane.To a3.,ure sucess plan c JItation 1. i NI GNl'AG c A: RPIR AND FINISH a FURNITUREG Cail Phcne 1413, Ororlo j t I i Orville Chatt~erton 4u-'tical Contracting, Electric Heating and Service Phone 10311 Orouô, Ontario, ~1 - L I 1. -t... I'i~ i -I I ~t. hone o A NOTICE TO PARENT-S i Parents of Grade 8 children are re-Fe ea ea riinc1ed to keep open Thursçlay even- Kng, Februarv Mtb whn4hn ter meet- BOMIMANVILLE Mng WHllbeched in Orono cbo to dis- 1 n aivHue Apt -us4 the S 'condaru coopdca npt A7. oms ah a i aIpln A thr-ee pe-rs-onpanel fomow iat, !frnc,garage. -5 acre Portopewil be pr-esent. a-Mo. Pricd to sei wfth easyArters T ,Club will hold rc-6in os rcni e T7, 111 1 Coupes 1,ovat"d tlAil eovaiences Wharn a ot ~1i *v edtorijng their to- PvdradIqrela rpet ut ' ~ ~ L"4 at 'A'~~ attecue ~iml~u noffer. 3~~~~i p m1 v, ; o'gams i1 be, pro- k'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k - wndntwstoto- Ranete ndonektce and oe rbMattress. Phone lrke 13-33. new; on-' S tep Stool FOR SALE Two pajir smnall Boy's Skates, size 10 ai12 CGor)d condlition, Phone .1612 Orono.a-c FOR KENT~ ~Newly renovated farm HMouse at Steý--1 rkvil fr ient ' AppJ3 E:, R0biinsç)n.Clark~e11511. CIXRD OF THANIcS J iv~ldIketo Éexpress my a$icere thap3lýs to mv m-any friends, nethbors relaViri n-:1 i Ffternt ' 8oojieties, foi- their gifts, fiowers and1 cards sent me dbirinmv ý sknýcs i theé Oshawa_ GeneraI Hospital, aiso to Dr's Me-~ Týinney ai-Smith, the xnurses and1 staff of the, Hospital andi to Rev. Long i and Rev,. Love l'or the4r calls. Mainy tha-nks i,.r nho~ii-iv itoue, brick t-T gha v35 earPinerpse,2 bed- ,-~ç~t~dailconIven- e-nces, iheateti garage, 1/î acre lot. 'nue o t'soiti fully- furnisbsled, newý, "ig nd rang , TV., cllesterfield ute n-' tneteSuite, new bedroon ,uite, etc. Ready to mnove into. wv-I ierani oî to seli. Make us an offer. Asdg$9500.00. Terras. Orono, M1oderr Bungalow, 3 ted- t'ooms-, Hot Water Heating, ail con- veniences wUi extra stool in base- ment, 3 acres land. This house 15 ieily decorated andi well kept. Prie- eti to seli. [70 Acres, 7 roonied house. 2 barns. 2 streams, 100 acres wmorkabbe $14,000.00. Teimisi 100 Acres - 10 rooni House, Barn, Streanm, good soil. Asking $12,5W, Terins. 1MNany Cther listings throughout flurhani County andl Oshawa. First .and Second Mortgages ar- rang-ed. A. J. McGifl Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative r1,i(9 t,,El EWIT1$- - - - - - - - - Syou don% heating -sys- LICturai change$ ~a heating comfort re plaimingbecause ..ate entirely indepeind- ~.crcheating contracter nywhere, at any time, qtilcly --ïRUPR-EE COMFORT Flameless electrie heating units Provide the ltimate in heating comfort. With an individual thermostat in each electrically-heated rooni, you control both comfort and cost. Just set the exact lheat yoiu want, when yen want ...... turn it down when the room is flot in use. Heat is provided aI- most instanly. .. no need te wait for heat to build up ini a central systeni. Electrie heat is as clearg a light, produoes no0 dust, no fumes, no products of combustion. The air is more healthful and drapes. lrugs, walls stay dlean longer. LOOK AT THESE ADVANTAGES With flamieless electrie heat no0 heat is wasted up a chimney. With iiidividual thermostats there~s ne need to overheat the whole house to make one roon comfortable. Weather and wind direction won'tA affect your comfort. It's,- the ideal answer for hard-to-heat areas ianou sent home.. that cold bedroom, a draughty ba.t u om. Electric heat- lng units eau be installed anywhere, anytime, quickly, easily and inexpensively in a size and capacity exactly suited to your particular need. 1HE HARE MANY INbS OP FL!OTRIC, B*ASNOAD RAMIANT wALL PANELS. CONIVECTION UNITS Radiarnt heating units, rrwonspicitous metal base- mounted into wvafl or oeiling, board units replace woo<1en beami warmth like the qun baseboards. Under windows, throughouýt tue room. th ey eliminate cold draughts. ELECTPIC FAN-TYPE HEATERS HEATiNG GABLE Teeuispoieathe Ildden in the ceiling lSU eoey dal utdto lated hctfiing cableprvdsrosIvngnîoce compilee hiag ýom.for.sinlue DO IT NOWI JAN. 29 TO MAR. 10 F1ectrical Contraçltors anti Hydro are workiag to.gether ia conjunction - with the Goveriment,'s Wiater WorIcs pro- m.Thieir eforts are aimi dai maIe- hn tayfor you to enjoy the adi- vas ~ of electrie Iseat itteay Y&. :.tifiedElectric H-eatingCo tr~is relnedto serve, you. * MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITII k a ~ HYDRO lu y@lwm AsIe auzm how yoDu eau do it now andi PA Y LA FI Ann's Xeauty Salon will 1e close i froni February ý18th to February 28thi. b-c "TUIE LODGE"l Nusin and onvialescent Home, Fcne,7Ktng St., NwasiOnt., ha' yaancesfor ladies andi gentle- men.' 01 1 nypriv te ac co mmoni-datio)ns. Iniciuire: ewasle2701. d5- There is nothîng squarre about Our saw filing-.Evr tooth lias the cor- rect angle andi bevel. F. CROWVE 102 Elgin St., Bowmianvilie. WALTER FRANK 0. W. MOQUAY ( çýurcj, St G Bowmanvilie MA. 3-3393 PUMPING OUT SEPTIV TANK$ Bert Tomipklns Phone Newtonvile 4721 STAFFI~ORDl BROS. Monumental WorlM 318 Dund'ï S. E., WiitbY FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MRKERS ' Let us eret a bansonn, i4, lnq place of y ik-r le d ones. lt's not expensive. And se.ing this last tribute will give yois endiess comfort. Iulam Liltonsame Acidntuandce Srvie , oISuance inail to ne PhAuon ace Oand omposte FIS PoiMeFrTAe, am Life, G~ ~~~c 0urlar,0LabIit0 Mrin, Il A. F. MeKENZIE, ALfD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours :00 to 4:00 p-. l:G0to Ce8:00p.m. Saturdêy3 endlWednesdays by appoinments only CP.ONO DR. R.",J. TAGGART VE-,ERINARY SURGEOP Phone 10616 Orone, On. LEGÂL, Lawrence C. Maso, P. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONTf. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-659,~ W." KAY,,LYCETT, B. Rrister ote--o lthe Offices of OR. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO O T'eiephom~e 138 Orono LJ.O SKMIFE Cbartered Acc ufat 8V APPOINI'MENTS Lyctt's Iisuratice Offic P.O. Box 688, Orono Phone 118 IN SURTANLqCE Ceneral & Life SEE FRED LYCETI OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11710 JACK RID Orono's Liceused Auctîioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consit m for terms ndodtes ph'onie 5r 18 - Orono Auctioneer anid Valuator Cepcucts Auction Sales of aL i sos and at reasonabie rates Communicate with hlm at Pori Per"y, Ontario- Monuments and Faînily Memorials Our quality and service leýavem nothing to be desired As5k the person who bought f rom us. a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dispiay in Southern Ontario" Orono Elec-tric Il' PHONE 129 CONTRACT9 ýýFOR FARM and Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire te aIl kinds of Electrical Equlpuint and Appliances Such at Metors Water i4eaters T.V. - Radios Stoves - irons Nurse1 PHONE 1471 Building a Ifouse? or remodeffing your present one then contact Floyd MNicoSOU Phone 2191 Orono 71 LU 1 tl d-51-c 1 25r