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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1962, p. 5

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Coming F-orth With Victorief (AOONO ATOMS WVIN bxtbrougbout 'the gamie. The Oron ilast Friday evening at tie Or co bys sbwda grent ipoe n Rikthe Or'ono Atom oke Club 0 this ga o nd the defenlsive actionC creforth wt-theirý firs-t win f the Try oxand Bobi Lux,-ton was iin ýleason1 againist anl Atorn1 Cilub' frrrsive the T o f Boýwrnanville. Theloa boys were delighitedi wih thervcoyOOOMIT ONBW whviich was in their favour 6-4. MANIL I-TR v tandy Tennant opened the scoring In thie thirdl feature of the evenini for Oronio which wlas followedl by three the Oono Mýid1gets were cast agauins cotunters from the stick cf Stevýen thec !ownaýinvi lie Bantarn Ahl-Stars W*est with "ssists on two of the goals Theý- local b)oys la<ying. anil esi going to David Mce.The final Or- 1aMe'an ot with tie wîni ino ono tnlly wsscored by Gordon Hooey j counit 0f 3-1. on~~ a rekawy.I tlie srigbracke't Buzzy Mer- Thie boys are lnow preparing for, orý set the pac e obtaining two 0f the tbjei, bld ýn the Littie NHL, Tourna-' j notonters with assists going to ilent wbichi is to be held 4n Orono on Wayeriller and Pauil Gerry. Wayni Saturd1ay, Februar y 17th. Further de-,IMle etdte te al o h ltils lwill be announced for tis grentOoncrw day 0f hockey in Orono in iiext week's The lone Bowrnnnville tally \vas Issue. nettedl hy Peter Werry fromn Walter Ricknrd. Both teamns sharedi equfflly B1_OWMNANVILLE HUSKIES in penalties witbi three apiece. Ron Best, Puzzy Mercer and C. Reid, the EDGE ORONO BANTAMUS latter being the Orono goalie received The second -aný of hockey at the' thýe Orono) pehalties. The Bowmnanville local rink last Friday saw the Orono penalties were hnnded to Down, Bar- Býantams in action agninst the Bow-! rabaîl and Puk. xnanville Huskies. The gamne was ai close feature with Bowmnanville tak- ORONO PEEWEES WIN IN ing a one goal lead in a 4-3 score. iNEWCASTLE 1 h rn Pee Wees on Saturday The three Orono goals were ihared moi'ning travelled to Newcastle where by Terry Oox, Fraser Wallace and i the local boys secured a win, 5.1, Bob Best. Doug Moffat was given anIovr the home-ice team. aýssist on Fraser Walace's goal. Read- ý" er triggered the Bowmariville attacki Neil Allin, one of Orono'e rushing wýith two goals with the other two go- forwarids secured two of the Orono ing to Dunn and Swane. The Bow- goals with single goals going to Lar- manville crew picked Up five penal- ry Adams, Ian Hughes and Arthur ties while Orono evaded the penalty Kilpatrick. *Valentin"#es Valentine -Cards frvom.... ....... le to $1.00) Fresh shipm ent of Neilsoni's Chiocolates, Valen- tine Wrapped Long Playing Records, Popular Recordings by Connie Francis, Mitch Miller, Lawrence Welk, Jimmie Reeves and many others to ehoose from Agent for Bowýmaniville'Cleanerýs. RAINEIY'S CONIFECTIOnNERY TOWEL SALE BATH TOWELS - Cotton Terry. Towels in'a checked design. Size 20" x 38". White withi green, bine, or peach. SPECIAL 89c per pair BATH TOWELS-Heavy quality Terry Towels in solid shades of p)inkç, green, orchid 1an-d rose. Reg.- lar values to $1.95. SALE PRICE EACH 19ce TEA TOWELS-Good quatity linen Tea Toweli, assorted colours and patterns. PRICE EACH 39e to 59e WASTE PAPER BASKETS MUetal Waste Paper Baskets is blue, godor black with gilt finsh, A REAL BUY AT 39c EACH Warn 0f' Si1w PIow LO0PLAIL 1NýE wS shw Pebyer .M on Highway MrW*lliarnJ. Leanen called on'Ho1d ÎFinal 1M eeting grae wrrng L moor11s1a(jndPaujl of Sabr on thie weekend. Twenty-six mmesof the W.M.S. ,t-Ion0f $21,C75. wa smet inla ddc 10 isudrcnl yteDprmn fadwitb tbem visited Mr.11,d Mrs. IPr'esbyterial Exe iemtrcnl f o bildiýng ýadvane0 apoi ~ ihas nalfollowing a ser- ! I. fi'-s vnul;,e en.aneo OLLA ~OS WLC av ~kn elr eae~ad r. .Devieof i S.AdewsUie hurch, Osh-jr4l $35 et ~- ~ae ~iswinerbetee moorstsClrksn.awa tLo receive finaýl reports of theiMs Fred Reed presided. Shie re.._ Clarkswork donead imoney raised in -1961.i sent'ed so mje toughts an-d challnge s Ad dprtmen snovplows Fort- t M. Waren Wat 0f ancrot hasWbile therews seeevidence off the a eetranwapo Ch crh nce'Le tat f he\Vntr.:Lstacepedthe position of 1Principal Of cnuinia ieuni coma.wr n er-eived a hearty vote of a,, wo f teseaccdens ave ouuC'ce the new HigbI' Sehool beingzý built in ies a trniinr eidwrsi to 1hrlaeship. 'eka anwa klld he he Suh oagin.jan tuy hav een w\eil l resented rsIH.T.Fallise conducted a îuc h ws riv ing iit r nw wlU variedI formis, supply wvork showedfine wrshi p service 'The Chiurch anÈt g doerundit on igwy41, -Miýs AnArnott, dagte)f Mr'. an inicrease, and junior work blas beeîz ou closing w %ith the hyn ' Jesus, ~erPort H-ope. and Mrs. J. ArnoL)tt had -n birtlny wel done. The Presb)yteriaî alloca- wih h Ciuc abide.' " T h e e i n o x p l n a t o n o lt h p a t y o n S tu r d ny , e n t e r t a in in g a 7, -de ras fnow -plao acci e, umeof ber friends at lier bornle. ~asHogh Adcocký, Cif igwas'Ms eny( saw h Engnee 0 th~ epntre0f igîý_I-been staying with Mrls. Wml.Cwa "tgne the osaD sanders ntravefor the Nwinter, lhad the imisfortunle î a ýys. os iýýlfaîl on the roadway lasi Fridayan ver slwly nd during periods of bekbr-up h sap t itlnOs! - poor visibility, miotorists should eaw General Hospital. emIember that lurking ahead fin a storrn1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, M'\. 17 n a bighway there is likely to be one's. McLnren, Mrs. Neil Porter aInd of our polows." Keith- Oliver hadt dinner wîthi Mis S Tbewel-knwnpoerfl fnsbngAudrey Billings, Oshawa, on Sunday * blueo ligbit which the plows carry in nîght.ý frot ad ehid, s fte ony isile Miss Darlenle West spent the week- at sortdisancs insno strms endwit be grndparents, Mr. and iti bliiid i oferonv vsileMrs. Perey fHaywnrd, Bowmianville. On four-lane, highways pîows s4ome- M.R .FikbyadMs .A times work in tandem, the lend pîovw 9upig omnvlevstdo on the left and the other traiîing ap-S undy it. tei.:ser:Ms.H.i nroxirnately 800 feet behind it, clear-iTh rnU'baPWl e é O ing the righithand lane. Trucks an,] h rn Lbaywllb pno otheri large vehcls ust allow for:Fia feno n vnn ntn cutting between the two 'plow,,s. Sev- Mrf nd'y as. it ba benpisly.n eral accidents have occured through Mrad rsJi Gmby.nd..:;i . dlaughter, Ohw pn h ekn trucks clipping the side of the lead wt r.Osnaset h ekn pow. ~NvthMrs. Ken Garnsby. ~'< ~ " plw.1%1ý,Stevens, Scarboro, spent the * . weekýend with lier miother, Mrs. Wm-. *~, . Other accidents have been caused Cowan. by motorists failing to realize the Miss Ruth McLelland of Toronto.\ . slowness 0f the plow ahead and hit- sp)entthe weekend with Mrs. Camp- ting the rear end of it. In somecase bell and famnily. the pos have been stopped suddn Mr. Harvey Partner alttended a ~ Iv bv a benývy drift and the car be- sales meeting of the Anerican Stan- bind has been too close to pull up dard Company in Peterboroughi on ~ ~ safely. . Wednesday oif this week. *& Mrs. John Cowan of Clarkýe Town- Often, the wind, coupled to the snow ship has mnoved into the C. Myles a-A blown from the'plow obscures visibil- partment in the north of the Village. tfv behuind the plow for some distance On Wednesday evening f'ollowinIg *m T~ gnni v T ' says die Departmient of Highways. public skating at the Orono rink the1 VA E Iàuât- CAD S U@DI CO u$ i«QCA NAD A ernployees of Curivly Wood Producte -The situiation is one which motor-' Limnited were hosts of the Company ists must be alerted for," snys Adcock Chn. hcky ae asplye fl a~nd we, in our turn, will do every- lowed by public skating for the entiré Ch c l te y Sm l ï,' Chuckles aver ailposstaff. shibl dngeur.pwrt v lps The hockey gaine whichi produced! sibe angr.a great dleal of interest for those at C the plant was between the pressmen .> u s Phciarm acy "ecani't stress too stronigly7 - drive and sanders with the pressmen tak- S ti with ~ ~ ~ ~ Il cae-dwthotal~ o 2e.L 6 to 4. With this gamne un"I PH-ON E 168J ORONO, ONTARIO tb" Nbue flashîng lighlt. der, their beit they will -appear on Friday nighit as the Curvply splinters____________________ OsHA-WA -MAYOR WILL to battle with the Orono Smoke n-_____________________________ UNDER1GO SUEGERY ters (Orono Firemfen). This latter Oshwa Mayor ChristineTo gme will appear on the program of I enitered Private Patients' Pa-villnon f the bce Carnval and commences at g l the orono Gnera Hosita, Toon-8:30 p,)m. Following this there W)l b IlTo on toued y fernl oon for jorn public skating jor everyone. Il be sue ryn . - jiv ilte n oon i, L aj(à BOYS' SHIRTS Cotton flannel Shirts in a variety ofi p)atterns and colours. Sizes 3 to 6,' years and nieck sizes 12V/2 to 13' 2. R'egular values to $2.35. SALE PRICE $1.25 LADIES SWEATERS A f ew lambs-wool PuIllovers -and Cr dIigans, greatilly- reducedl in pr-ice., WHILE THEY LAST $1.95 EACII PILLOW CASES 3 pairs onily, good quality Plo Cases with fancy design. Reg. $2.95 SALE PRICE, per pair $1.95 WALLPAPER REMNANTSý Reminants of Wallpaper suitablc fo any room in the house, each UndieU containing from- 4 to 16 single os .AT HALF PRICE OR LESSk LADIES' DRESSES, SKIR,ý'TS AND CAR, COATS A'iT GREA-TLY4 REDUCED PRICES en aAl Day Arms trong's Store Op.,., Monday mi The Afrýcan Violet If you are aware of fthe fnct t hat the African violet is a tropical plant, it will' help you to understand its care. TFhe African violet, or Saintulia, or- 1iginally cane frorn the shady jungleýs 0f Africa. 'It neyer en(ouintered vvater- ing9 witb cold -water. Low tempera- trsdestroys thie green colouring 0f the leaves, nd cause spotting, rings or streaking. When %watering, use sihl warm Water (about roon temperature) ad- vie orticulturists with thle Ontario DePnrtmient of Agriculture. If you wn- ter frein the bottom, also water fromi the top occasionally to . wash saîts bnck into the soil. These saîts are re- sponsible for- the ugly, yellowish de- po-sits on the soul and glong the rim 0 f the pot, 11n the jung le, thîs plant is acjïs- tomied to n eanop-y of trees, so keep it out of direct sunlight. Too much light causes the leaves to turn yellow- ish. If there is not enough lighit, the plant wsll cease 'I-o flower. Use brighit, diffused light for Afrîcan violets. If you want to be exact, test with a phoe- tographie lighit imeter. An 'ywhere be- tween 800 to 1200 foot candles is good. Temperature is important. Try to keep the plants at 65 to 68 deg-ree F. at night, ndf about .10 degrees wvarm- er, during the dlay. UJNITED C4-URCH' Orono Pastoral Charge. minister Rev B. E.Lonig BUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1962 Orono - Il a.m.. Leskard -- 1:45 p.m. Kirby - 3 pm ro -10 a.m Les card - 1:15 p-rn. Mry 2 pin u aIwiw c [Ln1 IUK JUST ARRIVE DI New Spring Hanid Bags. The very latest Pricedl from ý..................... $1.98 to $2.98 Speçýial! Boys flannelette Pyjamas, cdean pat- patterns. Sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. $149. This week . $1.19 South Maidi Crochet Cotton, white andl assort- ed colors. 600 y ard bails...... ............ 65C Special! Ladlies Flowe redl Hats, colors mauve, Black or whlite. Regular. $1.98. This week . .ý.. $1.59 Sterling Wool, 4 ply, assortedl shades, 1 oz. bails. Regular 132c. This Week Special!1 Dish' Clothis, colors bluieeo, green and red checks. Our low price each............... Sponges. Packages of 7. Regular 313c. This week Special ................. 27c 19e 27e Dish Sponge Mops with hiandie. Our low price 25c Brown ýý'l Earthien Tea, Pots xvith fjflw er designis Larýge 8 cup. Our low ,price ............... 89e Peanuts, 12 oz. Cello Bags Recular- 29c. This wveek Special ý........... ............. 1. New Bordeau Nut Rolis,' fresh direct from the ovens, they are delicious and only. Pound . .. 39e à-- 2 5 N N N N N N N N N ORONO WEEKLY Mi IES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1962 N N N N N NI N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N NI NI * NI NI s N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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