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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1962, p. 7

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Wilnstlons Nephew Spins Fine Yarn It Lis no imean flca1t for a Vre to keep attentionr on hnrmsclf when the other leadlirg charaýcter in his book ' s Sir Winstîni huchl.But thlis trýick is per- forrned by Sir WVinston's npe John Spencer Churchill, 52. Ws aiutobiography, "A C h u r c h i I1, Canvas" is full of Uncle Win- .,ton, but also manages to beguil'e the reader with J.S.'s own c om- plete set of high si ,pirits and ec- ent ricit ies. The son of Uncle Winston's militairy brother, IMjor '"Jac:k" Churchill, the bald and bree2zy J.s. often stayed asý a child at Blenheimi, the gîg1antic Mai lbýr- ouhfamily palace, where UnclIe Winston was born. Here J.S. was pariclary mpe îLd'by a huge tuedlion, in thie great hall, hihgav'e vent to a roar uo the pulling of a caird attached tn rt avel. At I{arro)wJ.S. w'-s ehî-iely notaLble as an acrobat, ard it Oxford hie belonged to a dash- ing club which made a speialty of luýxuriouis railway joy rides, Hie eniven1ed his, early social l! e with a terrifying practical joka: Bis acrobatic skill allowed him to plunge suddenly over high balstrdes(haniging on, how- tev r, while thec air still ecfioed wi-th shrieks). In trailing bis f irst love through Euirope, hae develoýp- ord the use o! a faise mutstache- as a disguise, against ber cbap- rnand in a lateçr amour hie 'ciund similar value in a faîse beard. From hi is youtb, J.S. wîas usi- cal1 and artistic, and hae becamie eanmural pinfter with, confessed- ]y, no personal style but much faýcïiity in adapting ciassie an.d traditional manners. He has had four wives, al beauties ln their pbotographis, and each representý- ing a markedly different experi- Ince (one, for instance, left hlm for a French c.ount, and another %tirred rnany Feligious issues). H-e writes about tbem Il pua- gently and symnpathetically. It seemns somehow characteris- tie of J.S.'s whlole bizarre career that when hie lef t Spain dluring the Civil War, the boat bore evi- dence of the South American white-slave traffic, in the formi of a c-age for the girls. Further, when fie applied for the Britisb camouflage service durîng Worid War il, lte first three officers lie encouintered were ail deaf. Ulti- mately, hie made hirnself urnder- .tood, and engaged in brave and vivid frontlîne service during the faîl of France. He made two drawings o! the Dunkirk evacua- tion-"probably the oniy, authen- tic ones" by an artist wbo vwas on the scene. Uncle Winston was obviously proud of himn. J.S. states frankiy that the Churchill-ijn-chief bas always regarýded hlm and his old Playmnate, Uncle Winston's ,On Randolph, as "chuîld-rn." If J.S. deserves the termn, le is certainly- a mis chievous youngster who bas &dded color a-ndl high jinks to a famnily album. 4'Hair turns grey because of lack, of vitamins," says an avr tisemient. What about lack of NET GAIN - Na ncy Hunter tries hard tb get out of the mesh she has goI herseif int. She is ü mode! aI a Sports and Bout Show. Supersonic Speed -To Do What? The X15, the -United 'States' fantastie rocket plane, scwept out o! the sky at the unbelievaibie speed of 4,070 miles an houî- in aniother test of the researcli craft While thie rocket plane is an edge-of-spac( ehvale, il is sili a planie rather than a ýrocket so thatwil the speed isn't as fast as the missiles and space va- bidles it is certainly the fastest aircraft in the world. 1That type of speed would take you fromf Newr York to Washîng- ton latIree minutes or from New York to Los Angeles ln just over haîf-an-hour. It wasn't so -many years ago w,,har n an was reaching speedt o! 400 miles par hour in racing- type airpianes. Todiay the spaad îs 10 times as great. The engineers dlo not plan to push the speed of the X15 any further, but the next test is an altitude approach with a hoped for height o! 250,000 feet or rearly 50 miles high. Evantually, the designers believe the X15 may go as high as 100 miles or into the' edga of space and back. Ia bue test the left 'wiad-shieId- of the plane shattered as pilot Bob White was bringing the craf t la for a landing. At the time o! the shattering, theý plane was going about 1,500 m.p.h. -at about 70,000ý feet. In discussin1g the incident, White said «The sbatterinig wal proba-bly due to thermal-heat- expansion and contraction of tle wînmdshieid1 frame. Modification may lienecessary, The outside temperature was'probably 50 de- grees below zero Fahrenheit and INPLATI; 4 erb Hoakessen puffs out his cheeks bo what 15 ht.qPýJ b bLethlmits aýir frictiîon lentis thea ship's skîn tu 1,000 deg-rees or mr. You cannot compaýýre the test version o! lhe X!5, anexe- miental aireraft, with con-van- tionni jet planes, yet il doas ap- pear to be the forerunner o! vasb ni e wachievements in aviation transportation. At the moment tiare doesn't meein Io1ba any good re'ýason le ,,pend Ymore mo n ey to make planes fiy faster, but lie suc- Cessful operations o! The X15 will undoubted]Tly led to new zdvances in airtrnptai. Already you can fly f r om roast tot coast lan about five b-ours !1n a Commercial Jet irliner, but la the years abead sud luntyes wili De conidered sýlow and the speed cra-fts will le cro6s5ing lie country inlie now reservad for tle fastest miliLary aircrafb. ctayit is somnew'lat d«i!! i- vult ta r'omprebiend any firsI- r a tbca rea-soa for Commercial planes 10 fly faster t1an tiey do todlayý, cthdrng le waste fimie fromn airports to destina- lions. Howvever, mari bas beau in a hurry tliroughout civil ization anid thare is no reason 10 belîeve tînt le xill be cnetta slow dlowmn ic i f-,as hadf. Per- laps, instea'd ilie wil scek te ,surpasýs the speed o! lie X'5. We ;ara living lainan eawliere time is eaxceediagly valuýable t isý rated ia termns o! man hours of prQduction ormauaurn ca-ýpability or Just as th- e thing Il rýeilly dlosa't maïke rmtch diff'ýienacevwl-ethe-r you aedriy- ing ln au automobil e or atbempt- iug to build a house or read a book, there is a compelliig turge Io do il fast'er. Such aR hactic pace lias not caly creatad a lot o! wasta, but ib also seemns to hava warped cur Judgmeuî lin rany field'a The pressuire of speed,, of course, must be better reaaîd 10 m-eun's activities in ail seg- -mauts o! society. il is oanellîîng to have au ex.,perimnital plane flyiuig a' 4,000 m.p.b. or an elea- Ironie computer solving a mi- Ihematïil problem ia seconds compared tb6 days 5o! individual t-fforts, but 10 lbinik liat we must move l'aster aud do (every- thiug iquieker is a horrible mim.- Tiare la seman prelly good evi- -dence that mauy o! our nta health probiemis are complicaled by Ibis straunge sense o! rushiiug 10 gel uiaûvre or ta o ouothing. We muît be far better off.-to speud more lime la contempla- tion and less liime ia action. Il may be a suiper!luous cor)iol- lary 10 relate tic figlit of an caxt4r a ord i nary cexperinren- ltai plana o hoeianaties o! mran, but it ýc-nmsraýtier pertiinntas an example o! tbe timecs. 'Must wev ie evcrythiag bacause we are aile 10 acbýeve so inuci? We don'L tbiuk se. Certaiuly, tiare is a place for faster action and greatar speed in our modes o! transportation. But we should sonehow atempt ho, regulate wiat sh--ould be doue faist and wbatt can liecdoue mo- derately, Ratier binatryiag 10 keep paca with l fe X15, we woutd ie muci bettar off if wa cculd maka ballerP use o! our lime, an accompiisimeut ni u cbh ensier achieved by Itbougit 'than haste. -Santa Cruz (Cali!.) Sendual. They Like To Vote But Not To Puy! If tle Uuitedi Nations was a club with a bulletin board on whiicilie namnes o!f einuu dues payers were, posteil, rmost o! tie mertberswod lie posted now. Or, if the tlnited Nainhad tle once-standardý requiremeut RABY CHICKS TlIllE to order sprinig chicka, Bray haai fui range of varseties a va i 1a b 1 promiptly. 3week te ready-to-lay pulets lpompt shïipmexit Request priceUs~t Sea local] agent or write Bray i4,tch- ery, 120 John tAorth, Hamiltonl, Ont. BOATS BUILD A BOAT FIBERGLAS HULLS Ilx 54 WITI4 TRANSOM AND SE.AT BLOCKS MOULDED IN. ONLY $139. LEAVENS BROS., 3220 DUFFERIN ST., TORONTO. BOOKS STORIES, good laugbs collection $1.00. Second hsand store Bulletin $1.00. Re- incaýrnation, Pist, Pr e se nt, Future $1.50. TacTics, Ethical Ways $1.50. IrvinDitih R-3, Fayetteviile, Ar-, kansas. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAJOR Refinery, world wlýde opera- tions, requiras represenfatlies, thi% ares medaelabove averagein- coma, send rasumne and 25ýý hanidling. Peacock, 1001 View Street, Victoria, BC, PHOIOGRAPHY Blecome s photographie distrlbutor fou phuoto finishlnig. cameras, supplies. No stock ruLired Write: Chevron Phioto, Dept W 9i1 Colenman Ave.. Toronto 11, CHAIN SAWiS -MÀ-NUF-ACTURER'S CLEARANCE VOX 823, NORTHl BAY, ONTARIO MaLtched Chain & Sprocket Comblnas- tion, for' ail popular makes of chaïn sawýs. Spceify make nd., modal and barlegb 1,', Chains & Spruclet $1200 18" or 20' (Jhalin & Sprocket - 14.00 24' Chain & Sprocket $1600 Sprockets, to fit any Direct Drive Saw Qutýity 0, f Reconditioned Chbain Saws, completeiy Rahuilt and itepainted, arn ne.varions mnakes pend modeis. Clear- n at569,0each. Samen day service on ail ordars re- ceived. FARMS FOR SALE F'oit SALE, 320 acre dairy fan. 1M acrýes cultivated Cenipiete set Of farmi builings and mnachinery. H o is teitn dairv bard, new bulk 0ooler sud six can inilh quota. Located 14 miles frOmn Newi Liakeard. For further information contact: Donald~ Delille, Box 71, Ban.- ton. Ontario. EDUCATION MIGH SCHOOL bat ljobs caîl for a hligh sehool edu.- cation. Ansercan Svhool can train you at borne in your spaire lime Progres5 rapidly. Ail books fumnished Low monthly payments. For full informa- tion. write or phone GES 8-4212 Amen.- con School Dept.. R.E.P.. 4.39 Emnr St.. London FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS S;PECIAL OFFER Two $3.00 Flannel. ft4e~ Plaidl sport or work shirts for $$0,Two $400 wite dresa shirts for $5.98, Two pairs Q1.25 ail wool wOrk rocks- for $1 70. Twýo pairs circle Bar Laýics' nylon hose for $1,95. Two pairs PeiBpan'a 5 Star 100', nylon %work soeks $0RTwo pair Bra-dshaw Big B Brand 1drililpants for $&.99. Twvo Big B Brand drill ,hirts for $62.postage paid. Monev bac% guarantee. Illuistrated cata- logzue Ilstsng hundreda of imoney-.saving Items TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. P'ERGUS il ONTARIO GUNS FOR SýALE CASH fr ol d «uns, Colts. Remingtons, Sharps. Winchester Lever action Rifles. Ais. 79 Oak Park Ave..,Tron-rto, Ont. IIONEY FOR SALE CLOVER lloney, finest quafity whité, nnpastenrized 30 lb pai $8 00. Light Glden $5 50. John C. Spronle Aplaties, 4390 Streetsvlle Roaïd, Erindale, OnIt. HELP WANTEO FEMALE Stewardesses TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES WB ARE SEEKING ATTRACTIVE CONFIDENT YOUNG L A D IE WHO ARE [NTERESTED IN A REW1ARDïNG CAREER.- AGE 20 TO '26 INCLUSIVE HEIGHT, é2 te 67 INCHES WEIGHT, 105 TO 130 L8S. (IN PROPORTION> UOUCAION-SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMA SINGLE NO0 GLASSES OR CONTACT LE NS ES ,UV YOU MEET THESE REQUIRE- MENTS, WRITE OR PHONE F0f AN APPLICATION FORM. T.C.A. EMPLOYMÈNT OFFICE 663 YONGE ST. - 9420 TORONTO HELP .WANTED -MALE Police Recruits Antled MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: AGE-21 TO 1;5 Tact-the a.billty b e1loae youW mouth before fo8neofle eIse does Il for you. IIELP WANTED Reg istered Laboroitory Technologlt junior technoiogist,fultmf< 65bed hospital. APPLY ADMINISTRATOR CAMPBULLFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CAMPBELLFORD, 0ONTARIO LÂBORATORY TECHNICIÂN for CANADIAN RED CROSS BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Hamilton Depot RI-. or University Gradluate with a. qUete science courses. Excellent wOrk- ing conditions, Vacations and Staff Benef ifs. Apply stating experience and qualifications to 401 Victoria Ave. N., Hamilton, Ontario. MEDICAL F R t) I T JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'S REMEDY FOR-RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 115 ELGIN-- OTTAWA $1.25 Express Colleet. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE -BANISH the tonnent of dry eczemna rash',s and weeping siin troublest Post 'S Eczems S5alve will not disappoint you. itching. scalding and burning ecze- nia, sene, ringwvormi, 0pimples and foot eczema willI respon1d readlly to the stainleas, odlorless ointmient regardlesa 0f how stubborn (or hopelesî they seem.i Sanit Post Free on Receîpt of Price PRICU $3.50 PER ,JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenu. East Toronto moRTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS Money v aable for inimediate oa on. First and Second Mortgages, and Agreementa for Sale, on vacant and b-mprovel property, residential, indus- trial, city suburban, anid country, and Mumyner 'tottages. Memnber of Ontario ,Mortgage Brukers Association.ý 40 years experience. J E. l{arris, F. G. Harris. and R. C Bint. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITUO0 112 simco'e Street North, OSHAWA, Ontanlo. Phone: 723-3568. NURSES WANTEO REGISTERED NURSES Requlred for 38 bcd lhospital Good tartlng esalary and w0rkhîng 0o1- dition-S. Apply Adiistr'ator, Espanola General HOSPital Espanola, Ontario ISSUE 6 -16 C;LASS1FIED ADVERTISING -il .4 NURSiNG HOME F0F NUSI4home, 26 ron 36 ptients, friendly town , ped, owner 111, easy ter Lloyd Owles Real Estrte. tarso St,, Colingwood , p OPPORTUN ITI ES MEN, AND WOM BE A HAIRDRI J1011 CANADAJS LEADII Great Opportuni Learn l{airdressi pleasant dlgnified profe: wages ,Thousands of i UarvelGrds âmerica's Greatýest1 fllustraited Caztalo)gui Write or CalE Marvel Hoirdressin 3386 loor St. W., Branches: 44 King St. W, Hai 12 Rideau Street, PERSONAL HYGENIC RUBEER TESTEDý1) guaranteed, mai paL, cluding catalog book free with trialassori f 1.00 (Finest quaity). Wes1 ort, Box 24-TPF, Reglna, PHOTOGRAPi SPECIAL -Portrait Il x ,oured - from yeux, favoi for only $2.00. Any 3p rplus Ont.' Sales Tax. Si instructions to PAWSTAN Si P.O. Box 5 118, Lon SORRY, NO C.C PROPERTIES FOR LARESIDE summer and located on Long Lake,,ak ,£rom Baysville, riear La liully furnished modern rooms, large living room, kitchen, 3-pieýce bath, nev guest cabin. Property and condition, many extras. 0 ling to England snd bas price to $12,500. J. Bleaik Bayaville, phone 767-36352. PROPERTIES VWl WANTED- Bush lots, abï!] wIid acreages. Send b iea tion and price to D .F 15f, Salu .Tor6into SEED FOR SA RUJSSELL 01 ONTARIO'S newest and! Y lnig oat, otyielding Gar niey by 63 and 9 bus. perz with shorter straw, thir bigger grzain. Ask1,youro gel Russell or any ofoui for you, from us. Alex1 Son Ltd., Seed Grain SpE Cralg, Ont. STAMIPS WANT TO BUY FO Old collections and eecci or off covers, canada wl take as corne,.g bank or otherwls Ca]o mail. Send, write, phonie HAROLD MAL 116 Sheppard Ave W., Wi TRADE ICHOe Argon) courses. Canl'ada non and Balsam NZHi LI ï-1284. Bas. LI îZ EUROPE 1H SPRING Go Cuncsrd! Early Spring Sailiigs from Montreal and Quebec IVERNIA APRIL 131 H AVRE, SOUTHAMPTOb SAXONIA APRIL 2ot HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTOb CARINTHlA* APRIL 27 GREENOCK, LIVERPOCI IVERNIA MAY 4 (.08H' HAVRE, SOUTIIAMPT plus sailings every Friday ail season eFrom Quebec tlhe foiiowing doy. t110 reduction applies on round tIp bookings. You ctep int spring the moment you step aboard any of these gracious CU1NARD liners. An allerncite route to Europe is avallable cboard the magnificent Queens, sailing reý,ular1y f rom New York, Se. your travel agent. Enquire about the Cunard Pay-Laeer Plan. Tel: 362-2911 RSALEN will hnrid N fully e2q-ui- ms. ContaCI ,193 Huronl- hune 565. N FOR N ENN ESSER N NG SCHOOLN )ity sing - sson goond es ie Freeý mg SchoI amilton Ottawya GOODSN lied in plaiq> ctent, 18 foe tern DistribU- Sask. IYN 10 hanul col- rite SnapshotN pïiurea $5.W(1 '-wl colourInt ALESN mdon, Ont. 0. D. LSALE wlnter home. bout Il tn1ie sIte of Be, N ", home, 2be4. dining room w- garage and 1bldg. Inbeat )wner Is inov- N reduced th* Real Est1ate 5, Ontario. LE noa oustan rry anid R.1 acre zbis yeaic ner huil andN wn ~deaer te r other s eedeN M. StewaRrt .- R CASH rmulations ù». preferred baý ýod referencet ' shb-by retunf Sor, cafl N iflowdal;ke, Ont, OLSN welding ast N. )NN )NN

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