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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1962, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES THURSDAY, MAROR -22nd,. 1962 Salco -4l8 oz. Tins Donald Duek MutiiPak ORANGE JUICE 2 for 75e ORANGE JUICE Fanew Cream Style - 15 oz. Tins STQKLEY doRN5 for 85 f CA Orange or 2 Fruit mARmLAO 24 oz jar 29Cý Maxwell rmse 0OF E lb bag 6ý9C Sweet, Juicy Easy to Peelg g J ~A~ \ORANGES g ,~ Extra Large Size 90's gom gNo. 1 (Grade Crsp, Garden Freshi UCL ea ch 19C~ 3Noe. t 4rade A Saiad Favourite ~ GEENONIONS 3 bunches 23e - No. 1 rade. Gooci Lso many vwaysg REEN PES3 for 23Cg A Total $44 h onus of Taples RECEIVE $600 IN BONUS TAPES WITH HEI-NZ S,'OUTP i6 off Deal 3 Tomato - 3 Vegetabie 6 10-oz. Tins TEABISK - Momareh - 2 lb. Box FLORENTDEODORIZER - Reg. Size BALTTISSUlE, - Blue, green, pinik, yellow white - ý2 Twini Paks POND)SANE SKIN 10e off - Reg. Size CRES'fT TOTPASTE iC1e off Economny Size RECIVE$2.0 N BONUS TAPES WITH MONRCHMARGARINE 2 1-lb). Pkg-ýs. PARTI-TIMECUBS -Tabierite - S oz. Chubs iARMý3HOusE CAKE - Frozen Banana, Ciiocolate, Oranmge - 16 oz. Pkg. -NO. 1 GRtADE TO0MAT0OES - 14 oz. Pkg. tins 5 Fraservale FISH & CHIPS 24 oz5c jkgs55 Green Giant Fancy NIBLET CORN 2 lb poly 49)c Brook Park STRAWBERRIES 3 1598c Greeni Gialit poly FANCY PEAS Birdse(ye- Fancy French - 2e of GREEN BEANS l oz25 pkg e 4Fthmskiniless, - Federîal oermn Inspcted.11 RandM Weighits Baluie WVater p0kg 37c CHEESE WIIIZ 16 oz 59c PORK LOIN SALEg Lo Oas Pork' 3-lb. Avg.g RIB PRINl 9 Loin RatO Por- 3-b.Av. 'Round About Us COVERS URBANIMayor Thomias objected to 4hfle f ig« A Farm Credit Corporation office ire of $13,00. Sepointed out 'th,~ has Jbeen) established at Port Perr3t only $5,000 hand been placed in tiii which will serve Durham County and year's budget in anticipxation ofpl th,, e suthern pro f Ontario County. tax receipts. - The representative for this area Is Lani-ce m. Beath, 14, of Brooklin.___ Mr. Beath who bas farmed north of Oshawa for, several years was a sales UNITED COUTNTIES RIDINGS representative for Agricultural Chemn- casfor seven yiears. He is married BELOW NATIONAL AVERAGE wi-th three children. He is a graduate The population of the Northumber- . of the Ontario Agricuitural Colege,, land and Durham federal ridings -- Guelph. welî bèlow the national average,te The Farm Credit Corporation,- a 1961- census figures for federal electraý, braýnch f the Federal Departmient of distr icts tôday show. Agriculture, previously covered this a 'ý :Yom Lindsay. Durham County hasa population ofe Mr. Beath .said that the corpora- 39,916 as agaînst 35,827 in 1956 wli.-e- tions services are available to ail Northumberland County bas 4,6 fiime farmneîs. The purpose of the compared with 38,205 five years ag. organization is to assist farmers to set up economic units. There are about The national average is 68,823 pc - 40 branches in Ontario and 100, in ulation for eacb 0of the 265 parliamea-, Canada. tary seats based on Canada's tot- PORT HOPE NEW, HOSPITAL 1961. In -1956, the average was608 based on a population of 16,080,79L. STRESSES CENTRAL sERVICE SYSTEM WORKERS AT GOODYEAR The -newl 70-bed bospital at Poift Hope, Ontario, is t0 introduce to Can- GET RAISE ada a5e ocp n hospital design, a nhie-t oe.p.Bret Brt An agreement caiiing for a five-cunf aind Rieder, Toronto, believes. Based an hou r increase for alil employees,ý on the "very advanced" philosiphy of improverments in vacation practicèe trafficking developed and applied by and changes in contractuai provisicns Cordon A. Friesen and Associates l f was ainounced by a' Goodyear Tir1e Washington, D.C., the new unit is Rubber Co. spokesman recenlY. tracting the active interfIst of the The agreement was reached ls OHSC as a test of the practicabîlity of week by the bargaining commrittee'of the new design la Ontario. ý oa 189,,Unîted Rubber Workers of Basic to the design is the conviction Amierîca (CLO) and memnbers oif a that the nurse must be freed as mnuch Company committee. The agreem:nt as possible to give bedýiecrwsrtfe udy white ail domnocilîary functions of the wsrtfe udy hospital are carried out by a lay The settiement covers one y -ar s3taff of minimum size. The Friesen and affects 450 empioyees atth firm is hospital consultant on the Pro- wpnvllepant. ject and since Barnett and riedet L new to the bospital design field, Mr.1Mmeso h nlnsbrann Friesen's planning ideas were ad-,cmitewr .KmK opr opted 'without hindrance- fromi pre- M.- Pro ut, T. Masterson, and D.Doa. co nceived notions, Mr. B1arniett stated. Those, on the bargainingcmmte IPROMOTIONS EARN GAVEFL 0F 1YEAR The Cobourg Chamber 0f Com- mierce is to receive a Gavel of theý Year award( for outstanding service and for its contribution to the com- munity and chamaber 0f comrmerce movement. Announcement of the Nvin- ners la each of the five population categofie a mae recently by the Ontarýio Chamber of Commerce. GLOR1IADALEFA S BUYS FAMED BULL loriadale Farms, owned by Roy Philp 0of Port Hope joined with Lance Beath, of Beath Acres, Lrookil, On- tario reccently, ia the purchase 0f the top sellhig polled bll i n the Glatwyn Richwvood sale lin ytn odaa The bull, whih ws dsrbd laýtest issue ofte othorn WlýVd, as "a big, rulgged, thIck, heay qarter- cd roan- was the second prize junior yearling at Illinois and fir'st la bis class 3n Indiana. At the Interniational Livestock show, this bull placed second in a'class of eigb inthejunor earingclass. Polled sbiorthorn buils froma the, Gloiadte1,eclare, being purchased by redesail over. E;,iht haive been sold ia the Mari- timne provinces, four are being used in artificial iniseiniatioiî units across Canada andi twel-ve Colled shortbori- cattie bhave c ported om Gloriadal Faýrms 'Io the Un'tedStt. BOWANVLLESPOTSVOTE 0I~'i PRILn i3owmn vters\Vil decde o 3-J il ,Jt.rYrL(2 -~ -- r r-i r. AU ~ 'r ~(2 OLrj <(2' .r I-r--r-I 3 -r~'- «r -. -'r-~-'. rrrrr ~"~" fi L'r" 3k~rklr4r1 ~ 'r'--' - ~ r. lî ~ - ~N \LL!{ FV-~~M5 15 &>C U ~ / "" 2' Of1Vr~13 1Y'C(2 ~LX~ '~ ~ 2 for - - ~ t i~ Cl~V'rV' r 3~ ny - 2 13-oz. bllo, 35~ __________ _______ - - ~ ~O~D~DO~ ~'- ~C ~ ~ (rO 113 13 r- $' 3 "O-'I th'r b~1e o - ----r- - - '-~-'-'-~--- -.-- --'-----_____________ .rrr--. - - - - --r--- '----------r-.--'------------------'-~ 'r - mot year's îeve'uues" ~i tie ~ were j r-epresenting the comnpany were A Page, G. MacNeill, R. Watt and J COU1NCIL MVBUll 3SPACE PARKING LOT About qo off-street parking sae wviii be ovailable to motorists if Uhe 3owmanj9iville Town Couneil follows a ý'ecommlndation offered by the Bw rianvilie Chamber of Commerce. ACamber of Comhmerce deputationý urged council to consider the puzrchas&ý of the $5000 "Steinburg" lot betw-r- Chrhand Division street. Deadline for the puirchase of ti ladhas been "etat Mrch20. Cou- cil isrutd te lerk o cotact e owner and ask ùforia dead(line etn This week Partner Plumb)ýing tnc1 Heating are starting a new sies of, ý -îWiliing & Ready" ads which wii continuie for one year. on pil 1, 1963 the'y %wiM' bejue $25.0 Prze Mneydivdedbeea thetre top wviiiers. See avyiffrhrinforimation needed. <M r'- k: ( ~ s C-r- -~- - '3~-~ ~-D k- r"- -'r r-r A r- r- 'r- 'r 4 --r r- -r-. A A A rr' r' r- A r- <-r -r-r- A 'r r--r- r' r' r' r' p . . ............... . .. . ............ iminoluim, il m

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