Koala Bears Are Banned As Pets SAustralia's cuddlesomne ro-el ,tlp"'eddy Bears" - the koalas ,.voto lie petted. But the go,-ernyment le strictly enforcing its law prohibiting their be-Ing kept as pets -- for the bear' ewn protection. Rocently Herman Schmidt,B diesel fitter of Oakleigh, Mt boumne, found a koala lying on its back, groaning, in a cou.ntry lasie. Hie thought it was il, took it home and buht a cage for it in bis back gardon. He miade the cage three feet square and forty feet high ta ive the bear ample climbing space. But soon nieighbour.s talloed anid the police arrlved. Scb.idt was tiaken to court and fined $50 for contravening the b e a r protection laws. 'Hie pet w&s e- ,torod ta the forest. Had flot Australia introduced a. special section to hem Gamoe Act, prohibiting the keeping of, koalas as piets, the littie bear would possibly have been hunted out of existence and exploitod, ln captivity, by pot dealers. Australia i25 detemmined that so attractive and emarkable a creature shall nover becomne ex- inct. And, in faet, in eastern regions, the koala boar le in- creasing la numbers. Naturaliets describe theIc oala as a marsupial, one of that pri- mnitive fta Mi 1y of mammals wrhoso young, when born, are Imnperfectly f o rmie d. Such mothers roar their e-'fLtpring la a poucli. Ký?oalas ike to lie up by day, eurled in the fork of gumn trees. A niglit they feed on the gurn !eaves. Though Australia has bo- t we en 400 an4d 500 differemÉ varieties of gum and eucalyptus tree, the koýala can survive oni ,no more than four or five 6f these varieties. Hfe doesn't drink, but gels hs moistume fom leaf sap and, dew, Hlis name, koala, is an aboriginal word meaning "no drink." Young cube or ."Jooys" are & delight to watch. On emerging fromýr their mother's poucli, they cling to lier back, and travel wlth her, pîck-a-back, until big enough to look after themsoives. French Gendarmes Outwit Nudi sts Talking of polic e ruses, the boundless cunning of tho French Police in their war against nude gunbathers lea vos one breath- less, Now seven highly-respect- ed storekeepers -- thmoe women and four men --of, Hyères on1 the Riviera -- havé conmplainod abOot police dtiplicity. They macle their outburst when tbey were eDach fined for outraging public decency by sunbathing in the nude on a local beach. The prosecution's case- was that the group had comnmitted the offence on many previous Occasions, but whenever a police officiai ap- proacbed them they would dash ito the sea. T.he police, therefore, decided te change their tactics. Severai detectives, dlisguised as tramps, followed a uniformed officer along the beach. Wben the nudists saw the po- liceman and dasbed into the sea ' the "clown and outs" approacbed tbe bathers' hoap of clothiug, and pretended ta rifle tiie gar- ments. The naturîsts dashed .fom the- water - yelling for the police. And the, gend armes, no daubt, were proud of their day's wvork. Q.How an I prolong the life of rmy broomis? A. By dlipping thera occasion- aly into boiling suds, - wvhich maklzes theinibath tough .an li- able. ISSUE 12- 1962 HERQ-Beau, a mongref, hos been named Reseairch 'Dog Hero of 1961 for his contribu- tion te a new heart operation developed at Yale University. Hugged by littl'e Kent Murray, Beau has ived vigorously for ïeveral years without the use of the right side of his heart, It was byposeed surgically to t oneer on operation to aid umons8 with heart defects. "WorId"s Best BIoo4dy Soldièrs" Just before the fali of Tobxuk in 1942, an Australian soicier who thought he %,as out alone on -n night patrol ý suddenly froze in his trackis. In the ahnost to7tal dlarkness, a handi hadl bru.sh- ed bis face. Then the finïges mrove-d on~ to trace out the metal1 letters on iis shoulder insignia. Atter that, the stranger whis- p*red, "Nice Aussie, nice Aussi.,"' -and vaBlished let thé night. For weeks nfter thai,t the Aus- tralian udre every time ie th(>ult &bout how close he had eome to having his .thtoat cut. For hee knew that his nocturnial visitor had been a Gurkha, out hunting Germans wth 11lis kukri' -- R heevy, 12- to 15-ineh curved knife that Ls the Gurkhas' fnavor- te weipon and the symlbol of their 1egenjdary skill as f ighitung Stiybborn, sturdy Himalayan tribes-men, the ruikhas have been recruited into the Britiçih Armny as _mercenaries tever Sinc4 the Indian Mý1utiny in 1857. In1 World War 1, their waTzr ery, "Ayo Gurk-hali" ("TIhe GurkhaS have corne!"), threw terror into tha heart of the Germoans. in World War 11, they suppiied more than 40 battalians whieh served in Europe, Africa, Iran, Burmna, and Maliaya, Mufered 24,000 casual- ties, and won ten Victoria Crosszes. Today, the Gurkha,ýs ar'e tihenmaînstaY of -,he.British Armny's forces east of Aden. There are two battalions of themi in' Singapore, four in Malaya, and two battalions in Hong Kong, The Gurlkhâs arc also considered the best fîghting men ln the Ir- dJian Army, which irludies six Gurkýha r-eg-iments annd at least onie Gurkha bagpipe band. The Indian Army is now rcepresýented ithe Congo by the toughest single. outfit in the United Na- tions forces - the first battal- ion, third Gurkha regiment. Last month, armny cmad in both indian and Britain were, quietlY Worry1ing about the fu- ture oft their Gurkha soldiers. There wvere dfismraying reports fromn Nepal, the tiny Himnalayan kirigdom where the Uurkhas lmake their home. King Mahen- dra, who dissolved bis elected Parliï,tme4:nt fourteeýn ronths ago, is currently threatened by. in- creaSjng1 guerrilla action, sup- ported from New Delhi. Mahen- cras respqnnse has her'ri 0odraw clc>ser to bis necighbors an the n.rth - the C hinese Commun- ists. Shauld Mbnr take Ne- pal intar an ail-out allian1ce wi C2hina, bath lBritain andic ndia mnay b, unable ta o icruiit the 1,000 ai- more Gurkhas -a year wh.o ccmrprise Nepal's major ex- port tan-d its main sourlce, of for- eign ef xehange>. Th( imej-e thought thalt Gurkha reer-uJient ndg-ht be cul off 'l'as CnaUZb "hta make the British Armny - pereniiallyiliard press- ed for recruits -- becoiiie alarta- ed. Thiere weresugtin that thiis was what lay be&ind la.st weel's announcemnen4t that the 63rd Gurkha Brigade would shortly be redeplo ' ed, Attey twelve liard years ln MaL.aya, wýh ere the Gurkhas did more thani any other. outfit to defeat the Commnunist guerrillas, one, group of the Brigade has emo- barked aboard the commando carriler Bulwark for retrainîing in- a a me- LA S SIFIED BABY CHrCKS ,ORDER froni the good vtariettes Bray boahs available, lncluding /Aines, gykes a ndiCoMt 4,99 eelaÎlsts, te reach tlb. besi egg niarkets. Dzyolà te ready-to4aY. Ailsole nlX&ed 1ccs "'Id dayolti cockerele. Request price lit. Èe. local agent, or Write BreY Mtch. *ry, 120 John North, Hamîllton, Ont. BUSINEïSS PROPERTIEZ FOR SALEÊ Moderr Generol Store Xïtualedý on Illhway 86 ln a thriving Western Ontar!o ComrmuilY. Store ha living quartera plus 2 modern apart- monts. 83.000 down, plus stock nt in- v'oIcc price, easy ternis. Reason for aeflng, other tinterests,. Private Sle. Apply Box, 662, Wingha, ont. dUSINE151 OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIV E Fraxchises op)en in varlous parts of Ontario for I.P.H. Factory Bujil Homesm & Sumnmer Cottage disPPaY court or Sales outîcte. wxllI help you gel tarted, and provide major fi \Vig e can finanice il sales, ri owin pavment necessary. INTERPROVINCiAL HOMES 113 Ferguson N., MIeno CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS FOR SALIE Ful Une of,. Construction nmacbinery - BuIldozerr, Dragline shovels. Bridge building equipmenl, Dami building eI ulpaient and Pile driving equipment, w th somne contracts, for spring Phone Port Buirwell ff-4301 or write P.O. flox "30, Vienna. ATTENT#ON MIN WITII INITIATIVE AND OESIRE TC GET AHEAO. SMIALL .lnvestmnent requlred 10 gel sltartec1 ln a vcry profitable busi- ness rigttli your own home town. L im Iled nmber of dealershipa availabbe in towns and cilles thrtughout southern Olarlo. If you have the reqilred desire t suceeed wve may have the oppor- turnty you have been iookingz for. Vor foUl information contact iBRUCE SMITH, . UN-GLO PRODUCTS LTM., 7 VANCOUJVER AVE., TORONTO mardlotehiusSmuano.- ]y, thie Sixthi Quuen Elizabeth's Own Gurkba ipRifles ïare being re"aClied for transiFer ta Britain, wýhere they vwilI testationecd at T[idlwort-h on' bek Salisbury Plain. The advance units are due in March, and on June 27 Queen E.izabeth wîll officially welcomie the Sixth Battalion at a recep- tion at Buickirnghamn Palace, Tiie prospect of having a per- mJa1ieat Gurkeha çontinigent StU- tiosi.d la Dritai n pird former, Brîtwrt e ffleersg to rennwe over the IQgende cf these Gurkha com- rades. Thiere was Dewan Sing Bantwlio cut off the heads of fo-ur Mfrika Korps moen in the Western desert. There was Ki- ahanbahadur, who eharged a Jap- anese patrol ini Burmna single- haznded, and killed twelve mn be£ore falling depd ltirseuIf.Tb.en there was the tine a Gurkha pa- trol crept through the Nazi lines in, Crntmal Italy, and, finding three Germnai soldiers asleep i a blira, decapitated two of themn an-d gently ti ptoed away. In the rnorning, the third Germnwvent' nd when lie foutid his cenmrades, ta righ-t and Lft, with their sev- ered 'heads r"_,tiDg on the'ir kiýt- b ags. Prcecded by such gary tale- which the British deiight ta, tell, __ th-e Gurkhas wr assured of a varmn welcomec on Salisbury P 1 a i n. Br.itLsh quartermaisters were rounding ip goat1s and lambs which the Gurkhas laye ta eat (as -strict Hindus, they wan't toucli beef), w#ile miess halls al over the,1sland rang, with praise, for the newcomers - the Gurk.- h as wiIll neyer leave a wounided coimraýde on tlie- battleýfield"; they have "remarkable discipline in baýttie, a hilariauis seýnse cf bu- mior"5 The Gurkha;, Lad oe' Briti.sh ffieer, '"will cause no' trouble in England. They lave to ride around on the underground (subway), amnd put coijns in siat ,machines. They're the best bloody soldiers ycu evei- saw. And se far, thank Gcod, thEýy're on oui- CATALOGUES F RE E CANADA'$ MOST WANTED NURSERY CATALOGUE Over 1,000 guaranteed selections. 80 page al-color cabale g featuring the newest and the best iln roses, shrubs, trees, flowers, evergreene, fruits, bulbs -from Canada's larget growelr-tO-YOU 1urery .Wrte loday: McCON~NELL NURSERY CO.> LID. 6' Nova ScObilatoPort Brdl COINS WANTEP COLLECTOR paying reasonable pricesi for fine Canadian coins. Send descrip- tive list for offes'. Box 4055, Sin. E., ottawa. TOUR oid coins may be valula blI 11g- est prices for Canadian and American. illusbreted Catalogue 50c, Coronet Ceislas 61 C hurch St., Toronto 2,_Ont. SAM(OyEDS, St. Bernards, Scotch Col- lies', German Shepherds, F!ox Terriers;, e.Ail purbred and egitereti. Agents for ail breeds. Terme te 2q monîhs availalhe Jerdon Kennels, 47 S;t, Paul Street, Brock-viile, M1-2-3441. LAS, RETRIEVER PUPPI5S CXC ReglIslered Excellent show and field stock. P'edigree furnishied. Hleath guaranteed. Whelped 17 Dec., '61. The world's best Retriever, andi companion dog. Aiso corne trained pups, 9 months old. from champilon stock. . STlD SERVICE HAWKRIDGE IENNELS R eg9,1 1110 Lakestiore Rd. MARM NELP WANTEO -MALI FULLY experienced married izmn for purebred Histein Dairy Fsrmn. Sepa- rate bouse. Write, stating wagee andi experience, In first lelter; also refer- once fs'om 2a prevlous employer. W. W1esIey Werry, RlR 1, ilampton, Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE David Brown 850 Dem- onstrator, 1957 Ford Tractor wilh Dear, bora loader and blade excellent, Mas- sey 44, Massey 101. Doser blae with pump and controls, Davis f'66 Trench. er, demenstrator, Hloward 3PT Roto- _valor demonstrator, Seaman 50" Til- ler, 90 inch Rolary Mowers, Hlotland Transplanter demionetratore, Post Auig- ers, Sprayere, l'AILbine of used Spread- ,ers, ploWe;, Dises, Rotollers, Tractore, Pumnps. -Philbrick Farn1 Fqulpment, Vlnielaad, LOgan1 2-4513. FARMS FOR SALE FOR sale, $6,500 cash, 100 acres. 1101. land township, Grey county. DO0 miles -north of Teronto. For furllher parlicu- lars ;pl.ý,Wlmer Clarký. Route 1. B3erkçeley FARmS, 100 acres, near Brocksdaio 8,000 sq ft. bank barn, exgilent land' aIl %vorks."le. Donald J Inrý, .Emibro. 475-4673. TOBACCO f an, 109 P-refil7 eqOPlp peti, 29 acres ii.e KR<ood location neer Viennta, bhone Port Bumwel274. 401 or wvrite 'O Box 30. Viennai FIGURINES MAYA r.dian handca.rved mahiogany miniature 8-incb iFigurine, $1, Free. Bt >;,ther imnported handicraft, H.Busn BOx 498, Olti post office Building, At. lanta. Georgia, U.S A. FOR, SALIE-MISCELLANEOUS SEND for our free llustrated catal- ogue listing bundreds of Items Of mer- cbandise aI mnoney-eaving prices. If you would like your rame added 10OOur list of customiers receiving our rwveddle Money-Saver free oach moath offering special bargains, advise us. We offer: Mea'a. ladies' and ehildren's hose; men'e dress, sport and work shirts; pyjamas; watcbés; cjocksý electrie Fea vers;,luggage; cameras; lighl hulhs: el- ectrical appiances water sofleners and purifiera radios; summer furnture. These are just a few, of Our miany . 1eTWEDDLB MERCHANDISING COMPANY FERGUJS il. ONTARIO ,VIBRATIONS REALLY ARE GOO1) FOR TOU. Be in heavea &LEEP ON A CLOUD iIelp yourself RELIEVE YOIIR TIRED BACK Loo0k orward le beditinie RELAX AND SLEEP DEIEP and Frienda Wake up more refreshed than ever be. fore. No ridiculous prices, Just a 900(1 product manufactured with s 10w over- head so as 11ma ke il availabic le one and ail. Budget Plan if necesa',ry: for turtber IJnformation. wirite UXCULSIOR kGENCIES 522 Mamîflton Rd. (Reeri London, Ont, ALL TH I and Europî fRtOM THE MOMENT YOU STEP ABOARD " FUN, PLEASURE, RELAXATION " MEMIORABLE MENUS *DANCING, FlIRST-RUN MOVIOS6 cSUPERB CUNARD SERVICE *275YLBS. BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE PAY LATEX IM YOU WISH See Your 'Trav.I Agent Cor. Boy & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ontario Tel:- 362-2911 AD0VE RTIS IN G MELP WANTID ONP ME A COMMERCIAL inotype operator whe cala ceabat con floor when necescry ferBE southera Ontario printine plant. FiveB days a weeffk wlth beneftts. State e1x- JOIN CAN) eience, Shepherd Printinig Co. Liai Gi iteti, Box 67, Chatha)m, Ontario. Le Pleasant MORSES wge WANTED - fancy youn.g teai m horses, 2,00 b.. tQ 2,800 Ibo., well, luaI, broe. ohnS. ,4cDonald,Pickforti, Michgain. -- MorveI Quarter Horse Sale APRIL 14, 1962 3rd Annu.al MiCHIGAN $TATE FAI ROROUNOS Detroit, Michîgan. B For Catal.ogues contact BdLetch oî Tomn McKinley Fenton, Mich., U.S.A. JOB OPPORTUNITIES SUINNY Southern CaILifornia jobs la. teresting, plentiful, varied. By retura matlbig .lelp Wanted Adta. Send $2.00. Vern Ardlff, 323 No. Solo, bLoa Angeles 3.California. LISTENING DEVICIS INVESTIGATORSI Wite for free bro. chure on latest submlnilature electroDn. le Ulsenlng devices. Clifton Electronlo Devîees, 11500 NW 7th Avenue, Miamil MEOICAL TRY IT! EVERY SIJFFERER 0F RHEOMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXONS REMEDY MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN, OTTAWA $ 1.25 Expresc Coîlect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BA-NISH the torment of dry eezema iraqh-'s and wveepxng skin troubles. Post's LEczeIm2 Salve wlll not disappoInt you ltchinig acalding andi burning eeze- nia, seine, ringwormn, pimples and foot eczema wil] respond readiW 10 th stainle-sa, odorless oïintmienit regardleu, oi how mtubborn or hoPeless they seem. Sent Poît Fro. on Recelpt of Price PRîCE $3.w0 pUR JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. C lair Avenue East Toronto MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS Money avallable for limmediate loan en First and Second hirtgages, and Agreements for sale, on vacant and improved property, res1dential, indus- triel, clty, suburban nnii ountry, and sumnier cottages. Frqrty years expert- ence. SUMMIRLAND SECURITIES LIMITES 112 Simcoe âtreet North 0SHAWA, Onterle Phn~725-3548 72 Ri B tOOl10% RESUCTION ON ROUND TkIP ---- ---- ----*IN HTIRiFT SEASON 7 EARLY MONTREAL SAIIINGS IVERNIA AFPPRIL 13, MAY 4, 25 (08H', HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON SAXOnA PIIL20,MAY I1 HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON CARIHTIIA ApRI[ 27, MAY la GREINOCKLiYERPOOL STARTING AÀY 4, IVERNiA CALLS AT CO)BH ON AIL SAEtINGS byt E IJEN8ZABETH E ns QUEEN MARY, word'5 icrg est In PORTUNITIES FOR qEN AND WOMEN 'A HAIRDRESSER 4ADA'S LRADINO ESCHOOL lreat Opportuinity ýearn- HaL-drer>sing digniffed professIon, qooei fliousands of iuccessfal MarvelGrdae .cale GreateiSystein rated Cata.0logueFre.s Write or Cal Hairdremsing Sçhool leor st. W.,Toot Esranchms ans5 St. W., 8lamulton [deatt Streect, Ottawit PARTY #AMUS ATY Games! AduilL'4, Childrei' -J botkh 64-page books postpaid 50c. çane Book art, iverdalýe Station, B0O* 829-C, Dayton 5, 0hIo, PERSONAL KYGlENIC RUBBER GOODS - Testiet, guaranteed, maaled Ir. plain pareel eludIng catalog fre ithtril assor?' rent. 6 ior$2.00 finest îualtil Vêstern Dlstributors, box 24-71F. gina, Sesk. OVERWEIGHT? k af e, effective reduulni plan witký 'WVay-Les" Tablets. Medlcally approved. 1 mnonth's supply $700. Lyon'a Druge, flept. 32,-471 Danforth Ae.Torotû NEW ROLL 0F FILM wlt)h each filin developed, printed or rnounted. Biack & WVhte 1Ro1l Film S x.$1.00, 12 exp. $1.25 e5imm 20 exp. M , 6erp. $285 Kodacolor 8 ex. $3.75, 12 ex. $4.75. 20 ex. e5,75 Anscochromne Ektachromne 20 exp. *2.88 Get Bmm Color lMovie Film Imcl ro cesslng $2.94 Mtoney order or C.0.D. Photo Service, Box 14j, Mdland, -Ont, PORTRAIT$ fiAND PAINTED Portrait on ilk. Il"x le'. Send Photo, color hieyes, ClOth- Plg etc., $5. Satisfaction Guaranteed., ceEnterprizes, Box 1f,2, Laurel. Mary-' land, U.ýS. A. PROFITABLE OCC4.JPATIONS ,BIG OPPORTUNITY! Earn extra pr* Its in your home, men, women, expea' lence unnecessary. 23e brings full dq- *ails. Morton, 26 Sel'by, Montreal 6, Quebec, Canada. SEED FOR BALE Do YOU WANT QUAYITiYT You ,pay- lbo more for the best.-,hat'$ 'Gold Beal Seeçis" for all your seed grain rc- à uirementa thls year. Ask your local ecler to sËhow You a samnP]e Of thrq Russell, Rodney or Garry oats we haveý to offer. Compare anid then place your order. Be sure te spelfY "King Gol $est Brand'" ling. ra and Seet Ce). Ltd.. Cbathamn, Ontario. STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT atamps 10e 'lo Colleetors Requestlng Approvals, Wlnston. Phll'pott Boy 308 Botwood, Nfld., Canada TRADE ICHOOLS ACETYLENE, electrle welding anti Argon courses. Caaawldlng Cen.. non and Bslsam N., Hami1ton. So 1,1 4-1284. Re.3ULI5-32U3 WANTED TO BUY IiIGHE1ST Prices Paid foýr old Canada, 1.S., Newfou2ndland t a m p s-e oin s. Write. Joe Morgan, unirN Y 1 J J J J ) 'g il 1 I., ~ I~ r - -'i LQiONjARýD FIY CUNARD MAGLU TO SIRMUDA, NASSAU AND EUROPU N N. N N N ~'1 N N N. 'N N N N N N., N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NI N N s N -'i N N N N N '~~1 N N N N. N N N N s s N. N N N .5 N k s N s N N N N N N. N A BUSINESS OPPORTLJNITY WHICH WON'T "BE BETTERED N(W * You Ca n run your *wn business ini e protocted * You con mnsao in homes end building! e prosluct $0 worthwhiîe it won top ewerd in e 1961 U.S. Products Competition. * You con secrn equoi statua with others iin your community responsible foc soving Uivet. Fierat fimie offered in Coinede. and eYou need only a $500.00 investmnent for mer- and chondise which con reedily b. turmed over for large cosh profite, Contact: LIFFE LAbOR CANADA LIMITEO, 1931 AVENUE ROAD, TORONTO, ONT. - PHONE: 789ý-2668 r- r- r- -~ -~ r- r- -~ r- r- r- r- r- r- ,uï,tw , -qcý 'l-lý