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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1962, p. 8

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N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n theT Crdt r nare ofi V7 ' ESTATE 0F JOHN ýWte euiies (i ny held by themi 1tofthe Townisip ýo f larke inthe daly 2-rf'edby statutory declaration. Founty cmiurhamFarmer, ec ea s -- im.ediately aftr the said l5th day e1 )f A-prý1, 192, thie ase(t, of tllesi Ail pers-ons having iim ganstl d-eceased wil be (istributed aim-ongi the Estate ,)f the said John Cowanî, the persons en-titled thereto having re- L who cliedç on or about the 27th day of ,ardl only to the claims of wich theý January 1962, are hereby notified to 9ý,ectors or the undersigned Solicitor send to the undersigned Executors or shall then have -notice. their Soicitor on or before the 3isti Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 22nd day of March 1962, their names and iay 0vf March 1962.c addresses ai-d full particuilars of their RUSSELL HUTCHINSON RANS- dlaimns and the nature of the securi-!]3ERRY, ties (if any) beld by them duly yeni- tied by z;tatutory declaration. Immediately after the said 3lst dayl of March, 1962, the assets ,)f the saîd deceased will be distributed among the uersons entitled thereto having re- gard only to the daims of which the Executors or the undersigned Solictor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono. Ontario, this lSth 32 Dahlia Avenue, Dorval, P.Q. LLOYD ALFRED RANSBERRY, R. R. 2, Ôroxno, Ont. Executors.: W. K. LYCETT, O0rono, Ontarlo, Solicitor for the Executors. C-C1 Lor shall then have niotice, Dated at Orono, Ontario, this :LSth, day of Mardi 1962. M'ARGARET GEORGINA LANGLEY Newcastle, Ont. C~LARENCE REGINALD LOVEKIN, Newcastle, Ont. Executors W. K. Lycett, Orono, Ontario, Soli- citor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES AN- EREW ARMOUR late of the Town- ship of Clarke in the County of Dur- ham, Retired F'armer, deceased: Ail persons having claimas against eia fo March 1962.-- the Eitate of the -said James AndreWe REA LAVERN COWAN, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Arnlour, who- ied on or about the 21st Orono, Ontarào, IN -THE ESTATE 0F FREDERIGK day of October 1961, are hereby noti- CLIFFORD COWAN, BALDWIN LOVEKIN late of the Vil- fied to send to the undersigned Exec- 268 Liberty Street North, lage of Newcastle in the County of utor or- his Solicito.r on or before the Bowmanville; Ontario. Du1rhamn, retired Farnier, decpased: 3lst day of Mardi 1962, their namnes Executors. AU persons hai' g caimns against and addresses and ful particulars of W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, th e Estate of the said Frederirk Bald- their claims and the nature of the Solicitor for the Execuitors. win Lovekin, who died on or about securities (if any) held by themn duly c- -c the 26th day of January 1962, are verified by statutory declaration. hereby notified. to send to the under- Immediately after the said 3lst day signed Executors or their $olicitor ()n_0f March, 1962, the assets of the said NOTICE TO CrIWDITORS or before the 3lst day of March 1962, deceased will be distributed among IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES E-t& ae and addresses and fulthe persons entitled thereto havinig WARD RANSrERRY ',ate of theiparticulars of their dlaims and the regard only to the dlaimis of which Township of Clarke in the Coulity 0f nature of the securities if any') leld the Executor or the undersigned Soit- Durh~am, Retired Fariner, deceaed y thern duly verified by statutory citor shahl then have notice. _Al persons having claimis against i declaration. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 8th the Estate of the said James Edward nImediately after the said 31st day day of March 1962. Ransberry,-who dlied on or about the'of 1March, 1962, the assets of the said JOHN WILLIAM STONE, l9thi day of June 1961, are hereby deceaused will be distributed among R.R. North, notified to send to the undersigned the persons entitle.d thereto having re- Orono, Ontario. Executor. Executors or their Solîictor on or be- gr nyt tedam fWihte W,. KLYCETI", Orono, Ontarlo, o fore the lSth day of Arl1962, their Executors or the undersignedSoi- icitor for the Executor.c- I * 1, I 'il STUTT'S PHARM, AV - l EASTER EGGS FOR SAL Unit No. 4 of the U.C.W. are mnaking creamn-fiiled chocolate Easter Egg.s for sale. 1ý4 lb. eggs, may be decora- ted with flowers or a child's name, priced 40c. Orclers will bc taken by Mrs. B. Gustar, phone 110, Orono.t Please have orders in by April 13th. FOR SALE Maphe Syrup for, sale. Highiway 35, Concession 12, -Manvers. Apply Andrew Heaship, phone Beth- ny17R,111. d-8-c LLO1YD REALTY List With Lloyd Then Call Your 'Mover NEWCASTLE $6,900. DOWN $600. DOWN 6 room one and a half-storey home, 3 good size bedroomis, modern kitchen 'town water, large lot, one open mort- gagie $65.00 monthly, Ask for Bill Hor- ner 728-5123. LLOYD RIEALTY (Oshawva) LTD., REAITOR, 728-5123 101 Simcioe st. N HOWSON HATCHERY Serving satisfied customers for 36 years. Baby chicks, started pullets. Leghorns, Hylines, Hamp X Rocks, Rhode Island K Columbia Rocks. Other leading breeds. Phone 19 Baihieboro. j-13-P FOR RENT ýi Newly decorated house, 3 bedroomns,, liviigroom-, dining room, 4-piece bath, ohhated.* in Orono. Apply: Henry Dewithý, after 6 p.m. b-5-p LOL1A'S BEAUTY SUOPPE 1601 Closed during Hairdressers con- vention at Royal Yr Hotel, M'arch 26, 27, 28. a-c COMING EVENT The Fiftieth Anniversary of the in-1 stitution of Orono Lodge No. 4-36 1.0. 0.F. will be held on Wednesday, Ap-, rul 4th with a. urkey banquet in the! Sunday School Auditorium at 6:301 p.m., ickets a_-re available from thel Memrbers of the Lodge \vhich muust be purchased inm or before Saturday, Mardi 3lst 1962. Admission $1.50 perj plate. This is an open meeting so any onewh wishes may purchase tickets. COMI1NG EVENTS Forty-ninth Memoriai Hospital Women's Auxiliary Birthday partiy urili be held at the Lions Community Centre, Bowmianville, Thursday, March 29th fromi 3 to 5 p.m. Ail are welcome. b-c! FOR gPAINTING -DECORATING BUID -N CUPBOARDSg g REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITUREg g CaIl gDOUC SIMVPSON g Phione 208, Orono O Feddena Real Estate BOWMANVI LLE We have a large selection of Christ- mas Tree farms. These trees have been pruned and many ready for this year. Priced right with good terms. Orono - 3 bedroom house, recently renovated and decorated. $1200.G00 down will handle. Orono - 2 Building Lots, serviced with Municipal water. Priced for quick sale. Modemn 2 Bedroom Bungalow. Ail coniveniences. Garage. Hîghway prop- erty. Ourner anxious to sell. Make us an offer. Pasture farms close to Orono: One 130 acres: one 80 acres. Both hasre çreeks and somie bush. See us forl more informiation. 1 0 acres. Good house, barn, creea,. Good garden soi].. $6500. Terms. LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP THOUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings tlit.ougho(ut Durhamn County and Oshawa. Dj~ ~ A. J. McGill rono Otarjo Phone 1407, Orono oron , Onanç)Local Representative Wonn to help with hiousecleanj hialf a day every two wveeks. Phone .5R8, Orono. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale 0f Household Fui ture, the property of Jack Hartwi will be hield on Satuirday, March 31, Ponitypool Orange Hall at 12:~30 P. This sale is worthy of your ati dance. ingi Prfebsiual Directory - A. F. NMcKENZIE, IM.D. rni- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON .ckOff ice H Durs ,n2-:00 to 4:00 P.m. 7:00 te 8:00 p.891 .. Saturdays and Wednesdays by en- apefiatments onty ORONo RJ.Payne, Auctioneer. 1rPHONIE 141I ACCO31MODATION Acecnmodation for ladies gentlemen at Rest Homne. Phone Orono 1308. SAWS HA EE 'Sa %' s sharipened.'" Noting, square 'ithi Every tooth has thAecorrect pihand bevel. d-55-p FRAINKCIOE 102 Elgin St.,Bom vie gW ALlER FRANKg D. W.McQUAY g - O LTO R Church St gBowmanviile MA. 3-3393 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 Box 133- MO. 8-355e Stafiord Brothers Ljimited 318 Duindas st. E. Whitby, Onit. M4aniacturers of Cern tery -Memorials Dealersi Domnestic & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt and Cemietery Repair Work ilamiltousg SInsurance Service g Insurance in ail its Brance oAuto, Package and Composite r Polies, Fire, Farm, Ue Burglary, Liabiiity, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wid-, Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Etc.g Saile Hamilton0 o Phone Orono IR16 oFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS0 Buailding a House? olr re modeling your present one then contact Floyd Nicholson fPhone 2191 Orono and 1 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON4 h8pPho,.11M6 Oreno, Oie. Lawrenice C. Mason, B. A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Hoe MA 3-5553 gW. KAY LYCETT, B.A. g rriter -Solicitor In the Offices cf gMAIN ST., ORONO g elephonie 138 Orono L. J. SKUI Chartered Aftccounptant Sakturdcuys andl by Appoinitmyent Ma1,in Screet ORONO P.O. BOif 38 Tel. 138 INSU RANCE General & Liue SEE OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11714 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize in Farmi and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phione 5 r 18 Oiomi TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator CoVductrs Auction Sales &f ail slun and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Port Pe.'y, Ontario- Monuments and Family Meniorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Asi< the person who bought f rom u&. a neighbour, friend or relaive The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern, Onitario" Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 11OUSE, WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES- Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire ta aIl kinds of Electricai Equipmient and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - ironîs 4- r- 4- r- <r 4- r r- e A <r <r r- e e r-'.' 4- r- r r-' 4' '~168J o - ï§Wwmwý, 1 1 - - -, ............. 73 Wi 1 ounàâc lAil

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