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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1962, p. 1

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A dpuatinoff 25 to 30 esdet50f ei-ed the ed aad uirgency for the cn stucin fa wten rsystem la inte Výilage a7ad sewage disposai for, an1 anea in adrund the business ec- tion. Th deputiation m-fet the Orono olce rutesat Etheir regular mee- On dyn ightlathe-Oron Si4nci uildng when te expres- red their Views. The deleýgation iasked thiat cone I- 4ioýn be take tpnovide s-afe dr>ink-ieng wéater for, tue Village witli a commil1-un- ity water .sysIýem -and .asowageds posIuifraldesciedare^atob 1~.o.sW. Rolp,acigs pk an for 'ogoppone 0 the poor cn nioms tiut exis in the Cetre 0fcthe Villae and also saud tht conîdra -1(o] had I'to be given t- o tUS mte lor tUe hea%îland growlA of the m- -ounsty. Ble aSO presented tue police 'lrustees wt three letters fromn local -esideats who w)ýý,ere supportiagitue del- egaion bu eeuaLo attend. A letter fr-om Dr. A. F. MKai wýasï rendi out b-y the delegation inl wchit aStated "as a local physi. 1in arn awneof the f act that veryMS mutbe cobvýious to (ail, that wt u nubr fselctanks econigr>ega-ted> ii this arýea Ltliat the wel(,ls cannot' be ollertha cntminte. a adiio ,o this, if, tue present conition of stblghorses ln tue ýVillage cn les, iitrue seag adcotai- alon is bou,-nd to rsit"Dr..MK- a 'i sopone out that as' a lanid-j lr i tha otcsdebymret provide wtrfrom bis rivate ss- tem tan it would bave fnomn a pub- lic ~ ~ ti soreadtahadlipee rrmthe timie of tueh sIwtr oe ~sa hom-e owner. hle feit ta u reasons to 1have poiated otit1 ils por, noude b seven weepingI letter, from Mn,1. R. E. Logai ed iaIsewgeand waterm as soonas posinl tue X Mni. H. Cbleikspo)ket stating trat lho waýs represe 'linteresîs of lie Onti Chuniiich and the Orono Pub TheCur, lie saidi, wac cone expansion aad also b ed S. A [S") stat- avlseee 'Vtrfor this building. M.W. J. idd(ell, in speaking, saîd thiat tue Village of Orono had lwy bee cnsier'da progrýessive com-, muniy. loweerin Ithe pasttWQ? -iýars il haý,s sen11U e ed. poined o thatlaSt ye',ar a ndsr iva inenetedin oat in tue area and hainvetiatd rono, but fiadt- Illha te Vilage co)uld not furnîshi * 't~rliab aed lso heenow e- p ong wohundred workers, He f elt hai smeacionsould be itaken1 b *gel the owshpcouncîl 10 support aerfor'roo.Bealso said tha t tue CiTkh Tace Thte aflerinoon bIegan Il metinjýgasn odybhear iearea iselr xr coc);ieinjg Ihe ic-iterpretu new ysyetem 0of secondar c ain sinodcdb outesblock in Urono was ha neeci j Laterue teachers brc o-tswwe ystwenr fd qusi run.The jul R C.Forest , cairan f te chairedl by Berta CAincc "ruhee, laied heTrustees 10 be itretngtpi-f-u n faour fmwter;for tieVillage and unkr rwhsuc heigs eean g Mioghte nequest Ihat han!beeniloraitonleern male to te TowsHiP CMCoucils10 r l The teachiers 0fMte c an agreent WîStheticOWRC 1A est-discussed ardieHecneas, aboiua ate - rotinAOrono. TOs the chairmanship 0f Mrs. eq be,le said, had been denied facets of tuis top: Wîth de couil tating tinl tisch a pord ..hetechr large capita umla ite Or.onO are(a eole ucussItace shudnot be unr] lý,take"n wben Ilie,, Tv, ino)l Büa hor. i)e hiný-, . dea peaingttti il an- applicaItion fýor In1corporation, since umeou'omplicationis ouild arise were fthe sa id incoportio grntd ftran tgreemea,-t liad beený] signedWi(lite OWRC. Sconcfly, lie said, tite Tovwnship stated thatntno chneexisýted siace tuie vote wvhichi waýs lheld in Octoben 0of 1960. Council also felt thiat no large capi)tal expend- trslsiouldÀ be made until ils future fncilposition is clarified b.,ytHie decisioný of the Munticipal Board. Following this the chairmran read aî letter- from the General Manag-er 0ft îLe ntnoWater Resources Comis- imifoni Dr. i- e of the ip forMde-j 'stem es-I mathematics. A 0Lghtiîg Or ri 11, e 1,01ooHydrometig h Commisiondi.Cscisq d !'treet ih 's Met lidro usinless. acesmet 'In onetinwJih te street gh ith Keçil ~g tie'omion reieed thiý priesan ~yles of the vairious fiaý ursndare to view ins-ltallat!(ins tii te grQp neihbouinlg Centres. Temajority Coý Mr q',s h board tavoured at tis timfe the in- ss is vie-W-s sal4iof the Mvercur-y Vapour un;] ation of the its, whc ange bin cOst from $103. sooled-1 $3.wýiiich pîic e does not includ Mr. obate nstalaton.There are at present near 100 tret lihtsin Oronio. Theý tota: cst of purclaasixig andl installiig a ke in-üotoocpet new systemn wouild amourit lior division, to aoud$15,000. :Islicssed the letlin boards uises, mater- 1Thie presenit yearly c"ost ho ,suppl3 etc, pomer and t o îretire the icapitol -cosi 1of the present lighits ainounits to a- enlor gr$sron 1600.0u. The n-mager of the oning unr Hydro stated that it wouldl cost a. Elliott. TqeIlittie btteri than. double this amount ta- dc were e-,c ýsta!l and operate new lights but c oncened that the liglit wouldi be six times and learer g-reater. Mr. Lowery stated that the ýs phase of village was certainlly ili I eed of bet- t er, ]ight ing Marilyn Ar msnongi WANTS TESTSIEPROTEeT The chairman of alag dairy flirm] la, Birin-giamï, England utrged nearly j 300 stookioflders ini thp Company 10 prt m gainst anucear tests to stop lhiea uen f contamina-tinig milk. Alec 5osly 9, clhairmnani of Northern Dane~put ic sbani-the-boari mes- I sage ini the anAian report distrivuted' 10 sharehioldlers. t-ablisied in the Vlae Dr. Berry'Sý lelten states that he could cee nothingC wron1g witil an application being imadle ) ca p anIry lyard, icI suown above is Mn. Harny Wade, Lcnia rc-sidient of the Clarke Liberal Asso- ivi(e-pneî(' Locige Celebrates nth Anniversary Tuesday Nigyhtý rreceived by the Noble Grand were 'Sis- ter Mabel Disney, Osiawna, PajsI Pres- ient of lte ,Rý e1kah Assemibly. Sic-1 1er Gladys Mvongan, Oshawa, Past eDistrict Deputy President, who wne' Lie District Deputày resicnt la 19417 e whea enHeather ILodge wast~ituted, f tiherefor)e les the Mother 0f this Lodge. .i, sIen M.uac Bunker, Osliawa, Past Dis d friet Deputy President and Sister' d ladys Gamisby, District Dpt yPresident of District No. 8 Oe;hawat !~eigNo. 3 -"te, ma were îm Peter- Ositnwa ca Lodgc; ge; Bo.w~ Suashine i one visi- 0f mebrto chant a lodIge, ili 1947. Brothler Vint, Wilson was sincenely thaaked for alllhe liasdone forth Lodge over lie fiftteen ýyears. Alwvys readIy was by Sis yS tic rquire nun The present Lîguits, la the majority, ae100 watt bulbs. Witli a possible new installation the liglts wouid be :2S5 watts and -aloag the Main 4treet 450 wýat'ts If the Merourjy VapounýS wereused. The manager poiated ouItiUnt tue Orono H-ydro iadl received a credil lof $16300 ha tue thirteenth bill rallier titan1 a bill as lad yar Arrangements and prîces are tb be obtahied for tite moving of a pole at the Cobb) -Mi Street inter- Cection.i In reviewing the itydro Mr. Dent pointed ountînht hydro was costing lhe Commlxission 9 a KW and that ia some tase Ibs power ,vas belng sold forl 3,3 ýa K.He aco said ituaI ailIe present rate of So.u 5.000.00wud e needd annally 10 keejp pace %witlh the growth and la tue not 100o distant future a mnucit gr'ener am-ouint. The sccretary wns ilnstruiLcled 10ý rieheOntario Hydro asking for, a mee(--ting wvitbh lem aIOr'onoicorne liearouLnd lie middlle 0f April. Oïrno Fife Chiiel At die Ononio police nhedon Monday ev mneet wvith Mr. Ford, mnent of Healtu, Cob)o lion with the stabling ponies ila Orono Tuis 0)f a petition reeeîved Trustees aIthJeir bncI Mn. Fond cIat ed lte imentic oulnd il 10 be 1, elegation SupportsWaeÂn Se oet Pol'ce Trustee Mee The Oronio Atomis, aithougit' out lai tem ciamp)ionsiip bld ai niaglon, dlid relurn homne on Salit eveing 10 a noisy welcomne. Tht were finahis s l te Provincial namnent and made a fine sh-owir [lie many fans frnm tue Villag( were on haad ho citeer on tlheir club played Satuî-day rnoon lie Oronio players ute1id-d a baniquet la Canainglon giv- ,,n by the Towa 10 ah llplayers Athei ounametwhieb numbened close 10 oun hundned. AIl!leme arclie.- romy the Arena 10 the various banquet il our Ihîs event 0f die ,week-endl -ornaiment. In ail the lournaneat ývs a great exýperience for thie local eami as wvell as fon their supporter., and williag 10 help where hep cani be adminictered only Atitogu the gamne la the touirinment on Thuirsday wýho were miaking niglbtjy trips to thie needled. Brother Riddell %vasPubliecitealli net whilit is belag ad- evening wlten tiey defealed lic Ca.,- Canninglon Arenia 10 cheer Ibeir fav- oaed for isn. pat and untirng ierd 1M la te case la mention.Tiene ainglon Atoins byi a score of 3-1. Agin oumîtes. s lnancquÉing our I.O.O.F. Hall s aluwys the poscibility 0f coatamin- on Fridny eveaîng, and playing a fa"- Pnr 1tu e Canninglon iournnmeîî *ry impressive and beautiful ii, he said, but mhd rno' sliown upfer aad betten brand of hockey tie the Oronio Atomis litad, aIatturnamniIt dsehip Tableau was exemplfddilie recent test, The deparltmenl le local Iboys rouled Clwaef-0 lani , hidin Ornoowon lie Ensemna champ- isers Betty iVaoIP..;lia t10 make pedmiodchcecks oflie semifnal round. Aill thc goals in titese pionsiip. This chanclponship of Ihe aP.N.G.; -IrjeeMna P.N.G. stable. lwo gaines wee. seoredi by Steven 2Eýsern division ,vas earined hrog Rane, .NG.HatIe WilsOr, . WesI witli assistance frm any 0of Àvicie ovenWa, 7-0 and Can- 1;, Mae Allen, P-N.G. assistecl A letton was received fron tue On- itis teanm mates. Assss wcre crcated Jninglon14-0. Thier were lu c s<en Gladys Bzown ilaItuce Piano ,n Fine Chief, Bruice Mercer, la 10 Dav\id M!cGeo, lRnmdy Tennant, enteredl in theAtom division aI rn SistnsElse Joncs aciCor' wclsho hnnded in hWeresignationas Mag Taggnrtandi Harvcy artner. M dseven aIthde Canningn mee%. cli1 as soliss.Cif 0f the Orono departYent. Pur- On SaLurday ve in alte fnal O reliunng home Snlrdy ven- 0fte hilîgbtsof lie evening tndsuso ~1 ehl nttsgm fletuaelOono fnced tmng the team. was rmet aIli e norti end Ce receving of a bnsket 0f flow-connection, Elhtîvale for tihe Provincial iionouris. of e Village by MLe Oronu ir ?resnted bp Sie OddeAows Elmvale otclassed Unl ons îaking Iruk upon wiich lhey wcre branspor- e.a L6-0 [victo tonle cham.,pionsitip. -,te le GOnono Ydfelo 111Hllfor. ge dcledarwiich a deilus 1-R. Forreste-r reportecdAta the tuce Orono, dîd itowever, play one of Uthin"nwa welcome homie. A cavalcade, w ,a, sercved by arembers rof the omoval cam)pagn nsehll )idnwny Leter gmesaitd wcre aile L'bhol 0-F crsfollowed the paýradP e 1the jhall 'h groýup, ia tue banqunet hall. l'd nItu dck ndbeen xîare ie fast skýating- and puck cnryving whcee nOrono Police Trusîces wereý vey-nlflitmt Blthday býy H.M M. 1ecer. Il wac also decided ,ofEmaetSear 0 hs oteMAnd nc O M mae y iserMud Copr e- go ga-pn I 5 The gamie s one ofthte fasest 0f cofee and pop was secd tcrcdby SstrElsie JoueLs, h ilg slafre er. uC se sY wititail Ovrooplayer i-- enm inou;Donnie Alle ,0al cd ue iead ItýAb. siter Emma ng Ibý,j-- as[eir bcdt. Donnie -Allen\va a Mag9 Tngganl, BannýyHzedn and NobX Grnd -es t('byI SSte Th se _etry wc athoîze 10-,sandout la lie Orono nets and ic.over- McelCarmian, defen1ce; steven W:lon fislNole rnl l ontc M.TrýaVIS 0on lk.ynýg saided nmany a sure goalAround 1l0 frorn West, DvdMc ,Rnndcy Tennanit, er Lodge ana steýr Mab)el Dis- wks titis ya whicfit work SieT-le Village aîîndcd tic game on lat- Irnrsaîteranttes, Stephien Bak nd iser(.i'ls oranofic- ei~ WnI~dconpleted hy tile end fi)dny tIspporî 1hce ocs ai niwho! (ouon Hooey, RiOYSmpon, HAn- utecake. Apnîl lainorder taI il cou-ld cre n ercdtti hnce allý ieProviincial -,f vyPreDavid Forrester, Davià uer te Winîers Wrkprograrn. caposiMnig ail t'le Oronlo paer'a[grpso O~m r~- iteCnigo IMag. Taggart'. Steven was ns tournamient. Foam B'-anik Recommended ForCounty Fire F'ighters I Fire Chief Jack Record and hic Port DHope fire depairtmient were hocsts to pI tthe ramNtubrad 1uta i Air exercise held in the Skeeia Thurs- . Study raze Strîikes daycigut-Te ewere about 60 mem 1v, bers present, representorg tveive fître O oo lg Sh reported ini the district this last mont-il by Sandra Mercer Thie meeting was opened by presi-1 dent Ed. JBowes, Brighton Fite Chie,. Soca, ciiya rn ihSho On a motion by Captain Russ Low 0f;bas ceto vit a rn ai ( o lc Port Hope Fire Department, the vil-,au)stulets ave hit the b oks" ii lage of Harwood %,as made a memberpraatnfo uEserEmi- of the association with Albert Sander- *n beiningth M arc 2th cock as chiief. Èn Nrc Aeb allo)rý, district epesnt - Qee Club and ail sports activities ti ve of the Ontario Pire Marhlso iv encneldutlArl61 fieStated thnt tbe Has')'tings nnd ienche examina tiill end, ai-h Prince Edlwardl Counties had estab- rn th sudtsoretadp- lishied a "foam ban'k" and ail depart- mtigtetahest ok(ak metsin thatdistrict wee eu Iped n -vi-h foam ir iiefighlting apparatus. MJr.'ti1 papers) for a change. Mallory reomede hat th-is dist On Mna evenings, several girls nect eqitýp themiselves wVith tispar have b een atteniding dancielng classes-, atu lhd later eStablish aý foam bank.ath. HghSehool wunder tLhe directioni 'ppraiuscosise f afo ro- of Ms. Amyvan iiden Heuval. Thiese ,portioner, foagm nozzle and 20glos lse are being held in pr-eparation, 0f ecýhanical fo)am. This isthbst1fteGe I onrtpandfr knon xtngushrof gaýsoljine or ay v ienMs. Fletcher and tle Glea2 oter highl oltïïe fuel fires.o xuteplntprstaml- Mr. Malory ntrodunced Sîd Axeni offie. i o an urvioslyenactedt by tha viio, ntrp ire Myarshall"'O ono H:gili Sebool. Mv. xenam aid Ontriofire ee n ouinties, We have a firce coleetht efree to il lani fI,?i re mnatrainingtwrctaapi. f iutee wthcouses~n adol.gicl unes of pm e extinguishers, alarmn monîorng, pnling aminstatinsysteme anid vnosshots of the col- bas .ic lr npcin dacdfn lege dinling room-1, sleeping quarters, ýinspection, volunlteer f ir e ofI'como1n oo0m, etc. Provinces that has stnad ne- PireChef Ken Baird, ,o-ori,]nator, tiôns 5;1 ai!lfire hydans. hanked the speaker.s. The nexýt mu- Mr.Mlorythe shwedsî esf u ai aid exercise will be held in Camnp- the oliee o Iheshon 0fLak M blîford on April 26. Thiere will ho a skoka. He showed pitre)f suet demonstration 0f fire fightinig witb. usig telteti fr ghigeqi-fam. At NHLTournament

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