Bowmnanville, Ouitqýio innath IEE&Y VTIMES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorïzed as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Esiablished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester rioy C. Forrester - Ediior and Manager Suliscripiion payable in advance In Car&& s..-* i t ub.A&P Fblished every Thuriday ait Me office of publicatu The New Look By Rev. Basil Long racks o! tle stores which cater Lo Theadvnceo! prng xîceass îe lothing demande. Ladies hats will air o! expectancy, for soon nature wiîî come in for a great' deal of attention garb~ herse!la new cîoîing as MeW as they are dhosen with that great AIe surges ilirougli tle roots of grass, care and indecisien usually apparent aaId fhowers and trees. But natur'e Nill wlefl such shopping takes 'place. New mot e aenein te camg wýih tkesceaie and suite will net look their beet place Men alndlxi î eangewich takoesunhese hais, purses, slioes and other moace. aamoend w sofW th ecoixiaaccessories are considered, uer will moresnd ore onsiofi o! le iewIhe total effeci lie good .unleshair look as they look wih some degree of deieand anticipation ai the e w 1and b ande lave received the proper cljotIùig decorating ilie windowvs and attention. Even thougli clothing ise o! Phone. 728206,, ness which Godl provides to tiiose who are born again of His Spirt-,Vhen the Prodigal Son ceturned , 0jiie, the father received him with nstead of 1,ecoming a servant ini T~cte~ houseliold lýie was given the best robe, a ring was placed on lis linger andI shoes on his feet, These were gar- ment not of lis own choosing. When we have experienced the. new birtli, we take on the "Inew look", and we find that God provides us with Hisý new garments of righteousness. opîionad ai extrd A GEt RAL M Be sure to see c Roanza on the CBC.TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for chaninel and tinie. good asteand roomng i immcu1 a group by way of clothiflg or conver-j presence of tle people lieliad led out late, a closed countenance niay dom- mat th ne reuht~o hattheaisation, was asked by a weman Who of Egypt. When Jesus stood upon the traciveessof he nw lok s lst. was also a part of the samie gathering,j mountain %vith Peter, James and John trativnee o te nw ook l lot. "Are you a minister?" "Yes," the lle was transfigured before tiien and The old saying, "beatity is onty gentleman in question replied. "I lis face did shine as the sun, and bis skia deep," is true ini one sense lie- Lnought you were," sald tle woman. raiment was white as light. W'hen cause features may bie fine, complex- *'Wy?" asked tlie ninister, "Be- Stephen defended lilmself and lis oni beautiful and personality good, cause," she replied, "yeu have al faith against the council at Jerusalemý but those things often take ecn Bible face." It would seemi that tlie all who looked upon him saw his fa;ce place wlien conisidered ln comparisoli sugestion lei-e is that isface was as if it hiad been the face of an- an gel, te île plain fea# res of tle person wlio fetn the lighit o!fdChrist. He lias a different and deeper kind of at-1 didn't have a Bible face merely by, .ractiveness. There ie another sense cad ugg dle Bible. Reading the Bible Tu e okidctsnwcol n w0iicli the saying is the exact op- ing face, but when it leads us juta th ing. Wlen one ha.s perforn1ed the )nec- ?)osite o! the trutli, for real and lasting ing face, but wlen is leads us into thie essary beauty treatments, it le a beautv is somnething whuclT eprings presence o! Christ, so that lits light; s "must" that we do whatever le nec- f rom 'the very deptli of men'e souls. it reflected througli us, radiancy isth essary to ixmprove the appearance ef is the product of that to whidh he result. Fear, worry, envy, greed, dis our clothing. The clothing niay flot bc lens imel. I hs if isth eprs-trust and lack o! ups alrb t ebuteymsb lanndwl lende bimself. If ls lîfe is île expre- purpose ah roIptesed. but they mus p eangand wel sion of kindliness, consideration for Oîo!îetigwicrelc euypeedSiiuayseangif e othere and sacrifice; if bis mind ishile on the other hand, faili, hope, are to bave the "new look", we must ýfilled with beautiful thoughts; if ni love and purpose transport one into put on a new righteousnese. Not ýright-, lif e becomes a myirror reflectiiig tle the very presence o! God. Wlen Mos- eousness o! our own cboosing, but beauty of God as xrevealed in Jesus, es came down frem île mountain a!- God's riglteousness. Tt mnay well lie lis is a beauty surpaseing al ilier ter standing ia the presence o! God, that we lave made an effort ïo do beauty. ais face wvas radiant to e he ete good things, and te keep île law, but that lie veiled lis face whlle in the ah tîlis f alîs far short o! thee rlghteous- jA certain minister, unidentifi1ed Mi TO PILESENT LA BOUEIEE For the first time, a prof essionaiî opera company will be appearing in Oshawa when the Canadian Concert Association of Oshawa wili be bring, ing the Canadiar Opera Company on1 Aýpril 4, for a performance of"a Bohemne". The company is on itsý fourth tour of Canlada and the United States. This opera, to be sung in English, is one of the most popular oper as and is by the famous Italian composer, Puccini. Sorne of Canada's outstand- ing singers haâve been assembled 'un- der the musical direction of James Craig and the stage direction of Her,- man Greiger-Torel. The opera will le presented a! Doný evan Collegiate Institute, on Taylor Ave. ne-ar Harmony Roadt. Tickets miay be 2obtained on Saturday from 9 le 6 at Hendersons Book Store or .joe723-9864. Notice ToCeios NOTICE TO CREDITOEUS UN THE ESTATE 0FFEEIC BALD'WIN LOVEKIN late of ilie Vil- lage of Newcastle in tle County o Durlhamn, Retired Farmier, deceaseci: A]! persons laving claims againsi the Estate of the said Frederirk Bald- wîxl Lovekin, who died on or about the 26th day of January 1962, areý lereby notified to send Io the Under- signed Execu 'tors or tilr solicitor onl or before the 3let day ,c f arch 1962, their namies and aWd~iress and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if mny) hield by them- duly verified by statutoDry eclaration. imimediately after the saicl 3isl daY 0f March, 1962, the asede -0f ilie Said decesed îll e ditri-ute-d amnong the persons entitled thereto liaving re- gard only te the diaims o! wlicl the Executor,'s or the undersigned Solicýi- tor shail then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 15th day of Mardi 1962. M4ARGARET GEORGINA LANGLEY Newca-stle, Ont. CLARENC EG1NALD LOVEKIN, Newcastle,. Ont. EXedutors W. K. Lycoett, 01rono1, Onitarjio,Sot- citer for, the Executors. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES EL)- WARD 'ASERY Le of 11Le Tewnsip en f Careinithe County o! Durhamn, Retired Farmi-er, deceased: All persons liaving dlaimis against the Estate of tle said Jamie Edward Ransberry, who died on, or about the 19th dayt of June 1961 are hecrebY notified 'to send to the undereigned Executors or their Solicitor on or lie- fore the l5thl day of April 1962-, their namies and addresses and full atil lars of their dcaims and tle nature o! the securities (if ainy) leld by them duly verified by statutory declar-ation'. Immediately after the said i5th dayv of April, 1962, tle assets of tle saidi deceased~ will bce distributed among the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to the dlaims o! which the Executors or the undersigned Solîcito!r shaîl then hiave notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 2211d day of Marcl 1962. RUSSELL HUTCHINSON RANS- BERRY, 32 Dahlia Avenue, Dorval, P.Q. LLOYD ALFRED RANSBERRY, P. R. 2, Orono, Ont. Executei'5. W. K. LYCETTh Orono, Ontario, Solicitor, for the Executors. Electric IVotors ~WnigRepaired Swltehes, Jxearings and0l vw C H 0 LS