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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1962, p. 3

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ORONO WVEEKLY MIMES THURSDAY, MINARCI 2'9tl, 1961 Best Buy! - Save 6e!1 SEt mpAYLMER 6 1lOoz69 SOJUPTOMATO tins Best Buiy! -save -)v Aylmer PaClaq FIESlu%6--choice V2 20oôz 49c rE& AufInzi quaiity ÂOtn BesI Buy! -Save 14e- 5 off paekv i l acae J"EWE-"LS oteig3 for 79c, Bestf Elty! -Save HlzCooked SP Ai -IETTIF Feýafure- Sa.,ve 16e uidwax AE"ýROWAX Sde15c!- 2e off pac'! Binle BonlnetYelwQ k 3 1I1;z quart tin'79c 3lb 89c Swffs premlumw Sweet Piekledl - Crýyoivac Hlves -,--M UG CÉdOTT'lAGeE ROedLL lb 49 Sw!ff's, Frem'lum M1ild Seasonled - Celeo T astyFranks lb 43C S"'ft'sBrofil SkTinless - package Pork Sausage lb 45c; or Is STEWS 24 oz t J.39 Save 6eCci eiui uc TO 0NGULi E E12oz ;ti 3c -Feafu"re! - Save e, -SwfsPremaihlnmChopped BEEF 12 o z t in 4r9 c 'I For oasfng -Freshl, boneless pork 1-5 lb. av. Ham Rol],is lb 69C SaeSe-. 6e off pacek - Crownýg TEA BAC-S 100D;f or 79 c Feaure!.- Save luc . SUM' - 15-oz TinsFard DO-, )GFOO -l-,)D 8 for $1, Regulr 6mc Cay Valsue!Vn Kirk Pure lk Celle Bag U Coolat-e BUDS lb 59e JUST AIRIVEDI - A boatload of tle famjous Firmi, Nutritiotis, IProperly Ripenedt Frulit CHIQUITA BAASI 1 2 Ibs 33C Go 8 NIs H'S NO, Ontario- PHOINE 1121 Orville Chatterton IElectric Lleating and Serevice 0îaq 1~hone 1î3 -- - - - - - - - - - - YOU 'CAN 1BEGIN CAIREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME 9The Oshawa Bu-sin-ess COîlege1à O is oen a11 year and our jniethýdo f ïindividual O intrucôripermnits YOu te f 13starjt at uny timie. jDay-S ehjool Courses frem whicb to eboo,,se 1 EVENqriNG CLASSES g STUESDAY andi THIJRSDJAY <J7:00 tb 9:00 P.-- Choi1ce of Subjects 1 Specil Clssesfor f1 Teen--Age T'p ists p~FREE L tiTERATURE, <J AVAl LABLE g 10 Simncoe Street Norli 'Dial RA. 5-3375 MUrs. iak lltapleton went with berý pr NtsiM. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper, to visit bier sister Mrs. C. Walker an-d fanm-ily at Camp Borden for the week,- end. (Mr. ani Mrs. George Mereer ihld a cuheparty on Saturdlay night at, their, home. A good time was enjioyed by young and old. MrK Anson Gilroy is in BowmanvilLe Hospital. Mr. Joe Popovitch is stili in Port Hope Hospital. Mr. Wallace Boughen 'is in Toronto for an oper-: ation. Miss C. W. Stewart was taken tLoi ber sisters homne on Sunday where she will practice getting around on crutcloes. Mr. -Wes Tebble is now back ag-ain in bis home in Kendal. MIr. Reg Eliot eut bis hand while sklning a caîf a ýweek ago. Mr,.G. Cathecart crushied bis inidex finger while rolling logs in the wod.These1 injuries cause a lot of discomfort, Kendal W.I. met on Mareh, the, twenty-4irst. It was in charge 0f rs J. Stapieton and. Mrs. A. Low. The subject was Canadiali Agriculture. Thle motto was, 'jtf you wanit te'oo happy i your old age, plant a garden before you are old.' Durîng 'lhe business period attention was called to thie deplorable state of the Kendal Park flower beds..It was suggusted that a "Bee" be beld te plant themr before it got too late iii th£le sea.son. The mien's help would be nleele0t. Mrs. Couroux stated that thle W,.L lias two very pretty preiumii blank- ets eor ;Sale. We then mnoved out to the Cathcart kitchien where Mr. Art Low had his sereen set up. We enjo)yed viewýNing bis beautiful coloured pictures 0f bis, liles, delphiniumi and gladiojus. Art bias de,,veloped iiew varieties of glad- lolus bimiself. He told us how tbis was done, showed us saniples of buds and bulbs, and answered mafly questions.' 1itue of Ota-waini tulip imle, of. the local tobacco workler>s, an-d of the ®rono huniters in their Northern camp' Jwere also enjoyed. A vote of thanks 1wa extended IoMr Low for a very enjoyable eveniing. Lunch was served by Mrs. Manders and Mrs. Couroux. Mrs. Geo. Hamnilton (neec Mary Stevens) reports thlat after a cold. darik winter, warmi weatlier lias ýomie to Fort Chimno in Northern Quebec.1 The Car1iboo have bee-n plentiful. Oiel cf erEskmopupils ljrougb,-t hber a liver wýeighing five pounids. White people are not aflowed to shoot tiemi,j but can enjoy tieLet whichi is de-' hi cious. NOW IS THE TIME TO JBRIGiITEN YOIJRHOME WITH B-H PERM1A-SATIN LATEX PAINT R. E. LOGJAN, Prop). NOTICE! Re DOG BY-LAW This is to notify ail owners of doggs that the Dog By- law is new behIng elforced wlthin the PolieeVillage se4 Dogs are not te be let run at large ln the Village. R. (J., FORRESTER, Chairman, Orono Police Trustees Re Warble FIy Control Act Ail Cattie mn the, Township of Clarke wvith Warbl)ý; FlyGrubils must be treated twice for same elther by Brush or Spray Treatmnent. First Treatment to commence Aprl Jolih and seconid 10 end 31ay 31sf. Bert Tomkins, 'Spray Operator Lyall Lowery, Inspector ROYALBowmanville mvYALMA.3- 5589 THURS. AT 7.30-FRI., SAT., 7-930 MATINEE SAT. 2 p.m. EDNA FEýRBER'S NOVEL l"ice Palace", Excellent dram*: of Alaska aiid ifs people -pins Library vonducted by a New7castle man. MON. to THURS. (April 25) 7.30 -ip.m.. N 'N 'N N N N N N N. 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N N s N N N N 'N r N N si "+4 N N "1 N N N s 'N 'N N uo% 1 l Orono, Ontario Phone 1-1816 11- --OROP

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