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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1962, p. 1

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rono Volume 24, Thursday, April 5th, 1962,. Orono, Ontario ~ities For Consiler Coachiiig 50 Attend Showing O er2 Ap y Fo Tw SchooI 0f Local MOVEIes A Op C ro no Ficii r Amiong plans for thle future by the,' Tie local Recreation Commiission Positions A ronoPoS iuvestigate .*ess was -Corne ±ack, Litte Sheba" undi was followed in 1953 by "'Picnic" ldren's day I hicb wyon bim a Pulitzer Pnize, then ng pianned came "$us Stop" and "*The Dark at i as many.tSe Top of the Stairs." A il tbese plays psie.A becamie successful movies. His cur- make the reut success written for the screen ýo [lts fea- is . SpIendour, in the Grass". Aýppear- ,y, Fridlay. ng lu "'A Tiny Closet" are Jeain Sher- scts of, I!te dn HelenNees Phyllis LlewellyîI -dition th-Iks and Frank Stenge2r. Th'le set bas be'n wvhich wi les'inecl by Joh)!n Shonak and grandsand Soia iFrencmanwill direct. E be clases owmianship The, se,.cndpia.y wiJllho presented thisý) wilbeLhe stiuetnt members o0fthe Bow- ,mianville Higb Sehlool Drama Group. reprson Tis is a farce called "The Anhà reprsen- Se Bvxter Hal- by A. A. Mimne. The 0féa Agiu- ath hiniself -describes it as n sent to di S- eriby ex-citinig affair" and it has Mi unutr unusual surprise ending. A.A. in Ailii wa bor inGreat Britain lu lu, the' agricultural building. An effort le to be made again to b.ave the antique cars take part lun a parade on Saturday of tbe fair. A furtiier meeting of the directore Su to be beld this month. Atows End Season Yiih ÎBuwmauvlille Wio The Orono Atomr Hockey Clubý rcloseçi their season on Friday when sfe chool they travelled to thel ernman, ýr and ervyn English. se with a Can- I n Cadogan called 1 lu the game on Friday the local club won a five to three victory. The goaýl ecoring was sbared by three playere, Steven West and David McGee wxith- ' two) goals apiece and Alan Walkerf with a single counter.J BPowm-anville arena being gu-esfs of a I Many of the Orono boys are iiowl 'ý-owman-ville Atomi Club. Thýe Oronlo'lookînig forward to the opening of -the bosrang up ýstili another victory baisebal season when they expect toi ;,nd can now put their equipmnent aigain go into action in this s3portixng -zway after a successful winter 0f play. jedaor Anewn ,Ë te Oro ve ing theC te water il'the pool ch:liz ioui eachi day and wl: e the feollowinig day. cl ry to chioinate the pIe ay be dloue by the -)f in ali, B. Hazelden afld tuif( ee of t findings this e.Mrs. Cadogan is a if e whose hlusband ublishier of the "Durlia Site witee because shf helping gain proper r( inadian plays, rte ,for the Canadian The miers seen in tbis pieý ra Bethune, Diclk Mei th Dennis. Winurifrýed 'Ussion aisesm )i future nieet It Mwas decic and 1 cot i te liecoran, Editb Cole ad,-ulis aire ir wiiI be thi-e promnpter. ____ tetaumntwilbe JeanDac and the ak-uLp is being handiled bi' Tet lre Marýgot Samuael, Aphia HodIgmins and Comittice EiathPrower. jobinScomar for.the year is thbe business manager aud coni, o Ormie is chnvening the ushers. The ittee, foll<, I:gblting will hiil the very capmable peation, re bauds of Jac-iç Darcb and Sonia Provincial g Freacman s the publicity director. 1 - 01,01o0 rom £VMr, phone 227 ani ,ni Mrs. Robert ySt. N., Teleph hîe Oroiio Public School Boaird met ntly an(, ou applications for, *"" bers bave receivei.1over twenîy. MOSS To îvosport For sechool thie year le in need of two teachers, one to fi a vacancy the otier to teacblu the fifth Player's 200'" ;sroomr to bc opened this yean ai Stirling Mess, raeing's uLncrowned Orono Public School. [kiii, and lnes Irelaud winner cf thte nes. Lyte lias resigned fromi the 1961 G.S. Grand Prix, have entered bingstaf 0 th seooland t1"e 1962 ""Playen's3 200*' ai Mospont, ----------- J)'ce held on June 9h Reid of Orvno, Ail the other teaclicra have signed for another term at the Oronp 8chool. The Board le to con. ider the applications at a future date. With the Jeaving of the Hlgh School from th'e building thie year the Public- School Board ie to openl one of the rooms as a Physical Education roeîm fer which some eqlpmieit anpd deskq f rom the High Schoq1 Izoard and the schoo1lunthe comijfl year wil teach some science to the upper grades of the Public Sochool. e letdinthat- The lw at the back of the eschool ri belrda he'as been reseeded and a new black i ThrsdayIý board lnstalied in the senior room. Lftenoon ItConsîderation wma so givenl for aux- i-ea feat- Aiî iary heating 0f one of the roome lin îeetng.Ailthe school but lu this no action %vas Rukati* mount as set out lu their budget. UIUtLCaish on haiand Jan. 1......... $936531 R~~çiinProposed bu)tdget:i àl, Ke: on costs ........180 icil for, moniey ifýor 1962: 01-01o..-.,.........25.00 idai ............. .25.00 ndal............. 46.00 'Newtoniville .......... Orono Athietie ....... y, Oroîio Athletie .. Éer Playground, Orono ship Training Course a Club ai-d Art Class 1 An increase in c oase cases was n es, 92 were red 20 chickenpox1 %-rils dise-ases, ciue, other imi fungus diseases At Staffnme( spectors and ni Hibisamatenial M r.n. ,. '00 eimentarv atior td Aotal of 1,'118 of _-ompleted, of wbîc Me 3; '122 Grade 7, Iy--iteiane ýO i everal adlulte (usi erals fromn other secoudary echool1 001i îearing defects, 1) Luiized were referre - anfor, diagnosis ne eceesary. ,re The aunual iusj ýon re- Our regular mnonthly meeting of the TiinJnior, Garýdeners was helçi Tliur-sday,i Mfarch 22, with a large attendance. Ontrr An exeU,,,nt exhibit of bird bouses, ýat the and colourful posters were judg-ed b ý'~ such o'ur guest MIrn Bunting. The wiiunersl or -were as follows: stilted Posters isi, Clive Johunson; 2iud, ïliJe Kaine Parks; 3rd, lane Schmid. ectýion Bird House- lst, Denniis Cobble- 'e 12 i,2rncl, Tomimy McDoniaId; 3rd. memb ~s 1 aal ue plastic de- f ovelr ergeib tesfor' use as flower con- en in anî hs vi be used iu our 0f tue- spring foe show in May. All mem- bers in are remindcd o! thle special workl-shiop mreet'in.g to be beld the 2ud shools Thuirsday 0f April. Work will bec ýon- Jaie, mned on our, note-booke. weeMr, Buuitiug wae then introduced audio- andý( gave us au excellent talk on the * tosec~ss ad prevention of foree fies tyear As so mnany of our bad fines originate froma simple acts o! carelessness, f ew iteen The two top international driverà are the first of a number of iiamai drivers who wilI face the starterà f iag ýn Canada'e premier spurts car race, eponeored by Imperial. Tobaceoa Company. Moss, winner of the firet "Player't [200" last, le8expcted to dIrlvE a new rear-englnied Ferrari whîle Yre. land wili be behlnd the wheel off a Lotus 19, the (car Mvoss won n l aet year. The race, organized by the Cena.- dion Rcn Drivers Association, wiýLl again bc lu two lheats of 100 nmiles' each, Last year's event drew a re-~ cord sports car crowd of 40,900 In.r chuding 32,150 paid. The race carnîes a total prize Poolý 0f S10,000 witb $3,eoo going tothwi- uer. In addition, the winning dtriver will receive tbe Platyerý's Cup. Moss finisbied third in tbe worl charnï-pion-ship last year - a title be bas; nceer\,;On despite tbe fact that feil Io-;, drivers recognize hinm as tLhe best driver. White be fa'iled again to win the title, tbe Bristish -te again prov- ed bis supenionity by winning 21 of tbe 65race5 le entered. 'His closet rival only won seven races. Ireland, a Scotsman living in Eng- land, was the top driver for the LotuLi factory last year, In addition to6 the U.S. Grand Prix at Watkins Glen. Ireland capture« the Solitiude Grand Prnix ln Germ.any after an amazingr recovery fromi a crack-up lu the tun.- nel at the Monaco Grand Prix -n May 14. Despite missing several chamnp- ionship events, Ireland wound U p (cocntinued on page 5) Such as - smokers throwing ive matches and burning cigarettes out car windows, and campers net exý- tinguishiflg their camp fires. We should be extra careful on our boli dlays this year. Mr. Bunting then showed ti¼e members a very beauti- fui and interestiflg film "World oýn a Marsb". This was thorouigbly enjoyed by ail aIlthýoughi there were times the young nem bers were no(t 'Loo enthusiastla ýIbout the.ý dining manners of the bull- 'ogs, snlakes etc. Mrs. Fairbrotber tLhanked M r, B-unitlng- for giving,- us such an inter- csting eveniflg. Ail parents are remiindedI to j'i l].i ail necýessary imformat'Ofl on the orssenit home- withi memibers, re- gardiug the growing of borne gardlens. Our m -i-eeting closed with our Ger- de,-ners Creed ai-d Prayer. Memibers are agýa'in remiînded ta al! meetings will start at 6:30 Visitors are always welcome. To Raise $75,OOO For New Churchi Education Building A fund raising campaigr for the project. Mr. Lancaster is a memnber )rono Uinited Church is being organ- -of the Erindale United Cburch anI1 ized with a goal of $75,000.00 being J as bad six ye.ars experience with ;he objective. This amnount is to be [such projects for churches fromn Ed, aised over the -next tbree years menton '(e Bermnuda. ;hrougbl weekly pledges to be setuip TeWl ep~n~dtsbc as a building fund for the new Christ. h el xeinedts*c was ë6 nces 'ul)l1wiii ut, .2 pre- n ue 7child ) f doubt a par- consider( rgauizatioue Is tue j 3rd. unairman and ie uow lu the will be Mre. C. the fund raising men are uow b( w day of the fair it bas b miove some of ihe hc Fniday. A committe J. C. Gamiey and Don ,s- appointed to Mi teac rformed ln mn Inge 15 s to be eueý American îdway suc- t he in t e r - 1 Giardeners Exhibi*t Bird flouses, In Local Contest i>il charge. 1 Vlllage orgar

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