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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1962, p. 4

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) NOTES CANCER, ~i~U~sELcIIONEv SPEA~ S TO mais O e.t sa -people. )f tne soci caïss rir i.'.- 'v ?\ ? sONLE'rNG FOR EErYONE Tla'srgt h cwIACatlogule is pace àit a viet-y o! us0ful and practiceii le pFomyUr homec ottage or asw ORS, your choliyiof 61 page4 of exeiting new, lU s llstatd n rethakngcolouir. Smenting Cor.eeryFone. ume barbe- cas grenfrntreloys, sôtn o s aeatool,kthnwrin ac e ~ ~ ~ ~~Y Avhn e ol ihfri a gift cat hloue. Ack for your FREE copy at PI todry. RECE 'E 600;N BNUSTA PES ITU REEIE 4.E N BNSTAPES WITH AppeF~vt PunhGraeOrange HI-G DRiNK- 2 18-oz. Tinls Ipsant i l.Flaours PUDING - Royal - 4 Pkgs. QUKROATS Quck3lb ox Inistant 44-9z. box. RECIVE$200-N BONIUS TAPES WITHI MARGýARUqINGood 1Luck 3c offi b1. pkg. GRAPE JUICE - Welchi's Frozen - 2 6-0z. Tins Tablerite VcniSealed licd6-oz. Pkg. COOKED 31EATS CEE Graife - 3 lb. (Jello Bag SPY APPLES Tablerite- Canada's Finest Quality Red & Blue Brand Beef f Bladle Boule Uemovedg BIADE lb 49c Short Rib Roast« lb 53c g Cross, Cutl.Rib Rat lb 59c Shoculd'er Roast l b 95 9 c Primne Rib Roast lb 69c xta Leang Boneless Pot Roast lb~ 39c g WEINERS lb 49c Salami Chubs ea55 ui olate 3ilt Oranjge noiey Spice Godn en n- Robin Hlood , AKE -MIXES 19o3 5 v15 oz d29e dgtins u LIPTON -SOUP Halo S.HAM POO glian! 1t 5 9e Chlerry Mil1 - 4e off OLD .i-eCHEESE 1-DETERGNT 24~ 9 g FLORIDA MARS11 SEEDLES 10 sîze49 96s gC. Grade MacIntosh SAPPLES 6 qt basket 39c gNo. 1 Grade Texas Firmi 0.1GARR#oTS3 lb b ag 2 9c g U..No. i Grade'RedRilleg TOM ATO01%EflS 14 oz cello 9- 1S o.iGrade Gardern Freesh'f LETTUCE si*ze 30%s i 9c U.S. No. 1 Grade Long Green Slicelx G~JC BERS 2 for 29Cg c 4 anom Weghts,) Federal Governmient Inispeýcted 12 o HADDOCK FILiLETSlb 43c I <mu1l a Otaloclnis ad1we, d how thi)se pro1ýlemf can be o f- crese b more that 47 per cent, to set. 6,269 frm 4,26 in the Me~ 10 year's. ~AK ERN GROUP PLANS 10 SHOWS ON IN OSHAIWA emesof the Oshawa Borticul An' old and battered pliil turaiSocey are lookidng .foward to football" - the King Street tracks j aoter most sceeu year vWhich may soon bedeltd OnTuda jillpro)vide tLhem with Many11,appor- AK Cath-a ilVderal bard et ttie odmosrt their abllity Transport Commnissionersco end ,YS ter pgrowe as wu!las in otherCa hariing in, the fifth fibor City Hl Tip védyplim 10shos (1mîn aton (mforidiversiof. the tracks oW tt1ea;w i the unior Garden ,ns oth - tw nold uesows. 0or-a S has defied auIlprevéion - ternpts to make them disappear. W~NERS 'O EcEwVE BICS Tue lharg "rcniues and resPIr ~GR HOLIDAYS Silabenawaidsafer Athe herin Plantheconrpanly ill bold lucky di aw"s for Buickýs !for use byeml- The winncrs can take the Cars ay where tbiey wish duiu he two-weekl vacation. GeerlMotors will pay ail car expenses, including gas and oul repairs and insurance. Each GM\ personi who enters a eýug- gestion during the month of Aprîl will iimiediaely receive a souvenir pen ind then biis naine will be placed in a drumi for, the draw. Dr'. Charlotte M\. Horner,Mdia fficer, of Healtb 0f the UniitedCdn- tics, lias been assured by the Ontarlo Department of Health that Sbin PolIi- ýomiyelitis Vaccine for oral amns tration will be available betore tha summi-er of 1962. Cliics are to be hield throug-houýt the United Counties for cbildren andý, 1adults. The dates will be a-rrange,- atrit is known when the vaccine î-a r 1eady, probably in Mvay. Watchl and listen for further information. United Church Womreni Conter A ît Five Oaks OnJe hnrdand tlrrty -vwneae Df ~lvz) wrc outlime' ý,followed 1by a the five Éentral ýonferen(Ces ot the nmeanling 0f t be as the inspired Untdciiurch Wornen spent two days panei discussion on "What is ,he Tcdyand 'ensdy arh2Vord et od."It \was learned ithat and 28, aithe Unte lCurch retreat God i(d l ot dictat.e the Bible as one at Fe Oks earParis, Ontari,.weid ea s3enographer sjnce ,asep bers et the UCW were present ii2ba o responsibllity as tCo hrem as fAr nurt as North Bay, south f heconenji what ie written. Thea tIo Niagara «Falksfoui the west Caswrdetf..édcas epokrthrough tCe -tar as Clint on Lke iuro(n and es proal san(l unres 0f th rsens te Trniont. ' tr f tio- owncexperi-encom Thee wre empredand enriched bÏy The IRev. Beverly Oaten, head 0f wbi h riteis wer.e. The Bibe on- Five Qake, * waFsîssted in leading a050s cru'seaan h forGGodMaadeGod's d-icus-Lýsins, by the 11ev. Tedc Le!ghý- revealati(o etHîmiecîf to mian. Tis i fied, a staff memnber, the Rev. Stan- a continuang process and chere are ley 'Pose et Paris and the 11ev. Aug- stil] many wvriters wvhe are spirituially ustus AMeacham etf Thomasville. inspiired to write the,, words of God'., Thie coniference wa-s held for study1 The Bible cýontains ail that is needtul of the Bible and nmethode of holdinhy frth 1laio t nn sucb h d in individual UCW ineet-; Eacb of thre ministers gave an out- inge. !Mo . 4-t.a -cWflMm. h- Mr. ýOten stated tha met 0f )Bible St[udy tbroug1,h the lectulre 1method was bei'. t was 0onlY wheidilvlcltISduals a- ticipaitedi, pefralinbuzz sessions with the group brokeýn up into se,-ctions of five tosevenpeole tat nost in- frainwas obta,ýid and etind Wtthin two minutes of the open!ing- session, the group waa divided into bui essions et tive people each leo dius ,te questions -What is the Bible'- and "What is the Bible for"? The reports fýrom thie srinalroups eadte participana1ts tCo the con-clus- 1db) tliai the Bible ile, the record ofian seekîn-g God and God seeking the beart 0f man so mun may find salva- tion and eternal lit e tbrough Jesus Christ. In arriving at a c onclusion as 1o the second question, h wvas decided that tlhe Bible sis ot a sintfcre- cord, it Je not literally true, it is fDot obc -t aken liglilly and it i defînitely, not çobsolete. Thirou-gh study of thc first part o!f Genesis it was learned that there zare two distinct stories of cùreation asý well as two stories oI Noah- and the t lood. This proved thai the Bible bas been ilritten by mauiy peopl e nost of whorn are unknown. The men leadîing boolks of the BEible were aiot \yrit t,,n by the persons teo wlýrm they were ait- iributed. This, however, in ii wa ' thealu of the truth ouninthese boiks. Each atternoon, discussions Wee prýeceedied by a worîsip land prayer service led by Miss Eunice Pyfrlom., a graduate of the UnitedCuri Tri-ý,ýnin-g School,, hw ie deiina Five Oaks. At tlie end etofre wo days o! dis-1 eussions, miethods of Ptudy (llatedl folw:mèthlodi1. Backgroundinformiation about the book ýor pas5sage 'to)be St udied sol be giv,,n by the lealder. 1. Each per- sýon hol ra the pajssage, silently and, tr v o ra as if this was the [t ratr, Iai on is uls"'wfiful.. Eac h pers on should jot own nse o h 111w ing usinin () Wa a h in the 156o's? (d) Wilat cagsn il attitude or~ behlaviour aresuget (Cnludon page 5 Y, st yosr ress w'S peranng-i EX Total ~ In 3&nws of $2'Tapes 1 m q.1 'l ý a -mýium- 1 71. -jý

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