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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1962, p. 1

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Orono Lodge, No. 436 was duly in, * itte-a a fuUll fedged lodge recciv- ing its chai-ter on April 2n<i,19. 1_c1-1jvaed is 5oyears lopeVation with a, turkey baniquet in eSna- School ,Auditorium o f the Omo Unit- ed Church catered by, the ladies ad -the chutrch. At 6:45 the gatherinig was rieýx«y ta sit clown. Gr-Lce was- said by Rev. B. Long, a toast ta the Queen flaeiand thetn aIl partoak of thle C:eecous food before them. 'When the innermian had been satis- lied Bro. Watson, M.C., intrçsjuced the bead table of Bro. Long and Mrs. Lo-ng, Chas. Hutchison, P.G.M. of b-iodo, Ont.; Bro. R. K. Williailison, P.G.M. of London, Ont,; Bro. AI. P~er-, iect D.D.G.M. of Durham District No. 42 and Mrs. Perfect; Sister Glad- ys Gamsby, D.D.P. of District No. 8; Bro. Leonard P ars, V.G.; Mr. Roy Patton, N.G. and Mrs. Patton and the MvC's good wife yelmia. Bro. Rolph ,i-oved a very appreciative vote ta the laýdies for oîe wonderful banquet ta which MArs. Long sui4ably replied. Sý,stet- Gladys Gamnsby was escorted to, the l1atform and Bro. Wilson mnade' àa presentation of a beautiful plant. S,.te Caiiiby was taken bhy surprise ,Lodg ',fer the gift with sincere ap- -preeit. u The 4th -of--April being the Weddïng Ariiersary af Mr. and Msrs. Vertil Vl soin, they- {ob were iuarched ta the platfôrni whéi-e Bro. Robt. Chater ?I.G. macle a choice address, present . ng a beautiful gift for the occasion. Hattie and Vert were surely surprised but thanked everyone for the gift. Miss Carolyn Jones favoured wili a very fine solIo with Mrs. Yeo at the piano. Mr. White of Port Hope played two numbers on bis accordian also sigtwo numbers accompanied by bis banjo. Oui, th Anniversary was a liuge scesand wilI be long remebee Roll cail found the following eerf miembers 25 years and over 15; Past 1rand Masters 2; D.D.G.M. present 1 7n nfl(' , -%T ' !A » fl,.,,AO 1 Times VOLUME 2ý, NUMBER 9 1 HRDY APRIL 12th, 1962, ORO ,ONAO The Cittlest Outlaw is a truly excit- ' ing, suspenseful and unusual enter. ing tainment filmed in Technicolor in cotourful andi scenie Mexico. Tlt i. a The Clarke Tov stoiry of a small boy and his devotion April 3rd when ta a heroie horse. change in the nm in the,-Counil Clu Further . partieulars on page eigiit. dog fax which m the assessor. This sent ytem 1of tax ried on. EIedc1 oservatikve Council was aIsý the Lake Ontario 1' h71 ciation as have thi Officers LoT uuroam icioutisntha icip taite the s Durhm c~unt Pr~resive on.with the totalI cost Durlaui punt Prgresive on-wouhd 'be levied on servative Association chose the fotl- lis to be gîven furt] lowýinIg officers at t4eir meeting held À oin a- ;n Oïrono Wednesday of last week cA ounisowsek Oron. Police Tr-us Presideut, Robert Sisson, Manvers; lst vice-president, Clare Winslow, Cavan; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Ami Thompson, Port Hope; 3rd vice-presi, dent, George Byleven, Dar-lington;ý 4tb vice-presidVent, Mris. D. R. Dewdney, Newcastle. ISecretary is W. K. ycett7 Clarke; ~AvrsSt.uclen't Assistance Con- [Y-five Acres a grass ire w. 'est of sidered 'By 'Ciuamber ied through seventy -_______________ it was broughit, underr Assistancýe for students wishing Vý ran througll proper-D I Aj attend University oaine. bel ore tha Ontario Departrnent Bowmaiiviie Apnroves Orono Chamber of Commerce ffl rests. It is reporte(!8 Thtirsday evening of last week vjheix Kted Lfl a neighbotur- a commnittee of the Chamber pres> ng fanned by a bris1"-u a iive ented a paper withi suggestions of aeî- sjread to the 0Orono J Fs t ng tdnts financiallyT. The pui- -t. TlW blaze also Sports and 1novies on Sunday were pose of the plan as presented wVas tc prea totheClake ipprvedby heeletorsof ownarig ýve financial assistance tLo student.4 )ea toer the cOldeaprvdb-teeetos_ ownn'wishing to gain highier education ai4 ilong noon hour andIleiapulcvtonMn.dy also to encourage themn to locate int ks were taken out of Orunu. area. The plan was for,ý Resuits of the vote showed a total warded to the directors for their cn of 696 voting y-es to Sunday sports and, ea. on and action. restry along -%ith the 451 against. On the movie ballot, 637 ïtepa sititestetsa artment fought the3 voters wvere in favor and 457 againstý, the Clarke High Sch-ool and who livi (n hour before it WÀas w ;tý iiint!e 1bou,î set out for the totroi. Abou eleven- A total of 1,180 voted on the two Ohamiý,nber charter (Clarke Township rees. wVere also Je questions otir of a electoral total of north of the third hue), would be el- 3,870. This represents a 30.5 per cent igible. Assistance would bc at th,- vote. approval, 0f the principal of theý Village, on Tuesday11 school and the commin-ittee in charge,. d a ire burning at Broken clown iflto wards with the and the boan wýould be interest freeý. p bu Derte nt were1 yes votes followed by those against in The sttident receiving such a benefit rDas ff nt an e brackets, resulted as follows: ; wouild be expected to siga an agree- grassoff n anef- ment that wvhen thiey,,completed theiý atinued cails to th2 ,ettucat.on and were ready to enter ous years, The firc. SPORTS- west 1--68 (52); West - thrprofession 'that tbey would re- hly practice and - ,), 116 (105); forth 1-147 f104); north 2 turn to the- Orono area for, a period &f d the J5iactice to el. 80 (62); south 1-1.07 (,52); south 2-j ±hree er.Wt hilaerspu- ýard. 178 (76. Lon ye a e t tha tiselater siula e beert prevalent i-ws 2ktoib aletoas et tat ytlaeanoud neighbouring cnrs MO VIES ws -2(56) west 21 beVabe to arnlact vuninten and ild be exercised in --- 119 (104); north j. - 161 (99); north wle h aenwlai0 u ra rubbish at this tine 2-75 (69); south 1--52 (52); South 2 jM.A Withe1rspoon was presçxnt. 8 179 (77).,the, meeting and pointed out tlit tho 179 77),Province does give assistance foi( astudents who have obtained a marot- eighty percent. He -did, howeve-r, feel- that xnany students whose, earks werQ lip f C l rke onsi er- bele-w the eighity percomt were worthy Township Fire Protection Wýdn Pool Commttee whicl ha mnet. withth rn PakB id wnship Council met they ar~e to diseuss fire protetion for This committes /of the Chabýr* they considered a the Township of Clarke. Councillor which was set-up to see if the Chm Lethod of collecting Foster was ta arrange the meeting, ber could assist the Wadling Pool prO. ambers on Tiuesday,W. et snwaatn frh idng vas discussed 1with A letter was received from Mr. w. etin ow m ade tiePafrtheorfdin iis te bc again dis- P. Irwin in c4nnection with his prof obeaingmae the Park of ord. n ýe meantime the pr- posed sub-division south of thxe Village obaii olecminin 0 cos tucting ýigdgwllb a-o Ooo h pplicant xvàs- asking- Pkteeiatio - what action had been taioen by couneil agai and report te the (1mbt ýasked to support A petition was received from a num- t isei ussimdng tesg e eeet- Uevelopment Aso ber of residentas seekiug use of the, in connection with the Touiriat eh- ie majoriLy of mur- Base Lîne from the Newcastle Bound- ýformiation Booth to be set up att the1 irea. Il was poi nted ary. This matter was referred to, the, Motel Diana, authority was given in z to the Township road inspection and is to .-be iriewed aloio by P. Lurin and H. Duvall that ! 'that time. mto being $264.«9. T-i8 - the sign be completed at a cost et n a per capita basis 1 A letter f rom the Department of$30 [her consideration. Highw;,ays supplied a plan of the ser- assed in which the ie roadi on the south s*ie of Highw ay S. B. Rutherford stated that ar- a meeting with the 11,1i lots 34 an-d 33, conicession 1, rangemientsj werebig aeI tees at whieh im (Continued on page 3)wih Mr. . . Tamblyn ,idtee~ __________________________ecutive of the Orono Band would be Clayton Hlodgson Speaker At Cons l Durbiam iand ,Viç 17'. L. L) . i. , L, i at u..XiO JL O . .V. 'lu - '-'-11 - ,...L1 ..tau The gathering then vacated the V.s>tîng Lodges: Bowmianville, Ca ville and auditors, David Higgon, vide excellent starting grounds foi- tables and walked across 10 the )ourg, Po-rt Hope, Peterborough, Lou- Bowmnaiville and J. Lyall Lo-wery,'the new Agricultul Rhbhtto Lode aU orth prgrm.don, Osa a arker, K(ýapiskasing. Orono. and Developmient Act la be put mbt As Bro. Newton Foster, Grand ________________________________ practice, Claytoni Hodigson, M.p. for otser f Kingston, apened oaur Hall Victoria tld the Durbamr County ,Novenmber 25, 1954, foliowed by à ï* I.. Progress5ive Conservative Association rarofdedaIov '_n byBi -CV U 1 -ro. Ki tche'd'ta* L a1y dnOrono n eilda vei o f o the Hllfor ,Lodge purposes, also 1VI M a W ast week. th-! muit ihte1o-hehl Both have good lau, ixed iu withi for yvear s to comte. Bro. Foster passed -f Ssbmria land that could be awyFebury4tl, 11962 so two mn <~e rv tÏV ivr iI rou,]ght inito production withlin he o ,3ien-n a es ienov t-rms of the act, lhe said. by R,e Bro.Lon. e soun, imginaiveplicies(of -achan'ce to go 10 the people and pre. ile described -A'RDA as one 0of the ,p-aýyer Lby eehaergoenmn.inteBn isreor sLong.mi ofiemost imp)ortant programs of can- Era. Riddl lwas then called upon last five years have now plaýed a-i 957., etin IllefCnnainaistogra el togv e it,-,o Ooo odeada in a position "to go places and do '"It's lime to stop the shilly shallyg ý re soyo rn og aleng telofilnt once-ptsogra duigthe tifty years, reading 'the things", Dr. R. P. Vivian saîd recent- euihatter, of au opposition party whiclio ua eeopat ocps0 minutes of the first meeting an0h'h.1nasecccpigte-rde altidrn t'amn'ta ilan multiple use- of resources and their institution o,1 Orono Lodige. Twenty -associations uinani-mous endosmetnoias nothinig 10 of feri but doomani itgrte dvlamet1ee1mbd memnbers signed the Charter, the of-: 0f hlm as their candidate il, the "Iexaditioom," beae exclaimed.D ficers elected and duly instslled by federal ehection, the MemibeofP- Tre is ro doubt lin y mid blut lu addei mvtion s thee e b leiDA the Tinstallalion staff of Forence Night- ýînen for Dut-hami Counity called ha John Diefenbaker and the Con-tospcfcmivins-heublm in-gaf e Lodge No. 66, Bowmiaiville, for, Canada's continued support 0 evtv partY will be returned to Irra cnol cjutmnti1h From Ibi;s humble begliuig, g"."Iddtbe Progressive Conservative party. pow,ýAes to. comiplete its task,' lhe staeed fc frpdtciooia hne y a al wise Providence, Oroi -4We are in a period 0f ncreasing The speaker contrasteti the free ex- '~ h hu osrato dsa bd No. 4136 has surely progressed prosperily now. The upward trend af change of ideas amnong Conservative obtaiiig the miaximnum production since that date beig humble ;servants; ),Ii'econom0ie life is clearly miarked. TtI jnemhers of parliamnent ini committle 1 from aour lands, of building a sounli tar the Brotberbood as well as the ' ual onlwell establisbied but il is mwith the -arrogant, autocratic n raiospbewnpepe andte commiiiiy aI large for wbicb 'carryîng our country forward int*'i authoritoritn" methods of the Lîbei-' an,"Ms. Hodgson said. !,387.38 bas been raised. 75r,,,,of ûro of imprecedented prosperity,"' ais during their 22 years in power. Que of the main purposes of ARDAý Ibswsfor commuuity service. First thie Port àfope physician ssid. 1o-wer is a dangerous thing, he - 15 10 meel the problem of i(adjustmlent ,imittto Bowmanville Hospital a- -bed This position was not acliieved with- warned, and must be used ta do for f sud l hereby to bring added slrenglh -,--ard $968.0I0; the Orono United. out stress and strain and will need Canada whiat Canada needs and ual 10 rural comimunities, the speaker Church. Builing Fund $-175.00 and ami bard work ta maiptain il, lie added in frself aggrandisemienl. The Conserv- stated. o30.0 f free labour. Sick benefistlinih the steps the Diefenbaker ative 'party stands for freedomi andi The federal govermeut can do ~----R ~2-7 nt urigdeceased.111 goverunti bas lakenin l the pasl five joI ffcir the pressure tactics of pre , nothing except for' research under $2601.96. yea i Io stem au econie recession ganigs or police states, the DurhiaithARDA except by agr1eem-ent wilthe hsHu7isn ..M mr s10 vr- dwwrtend into' member of- parliamient declared ï, proinces, liestressed. Once agree- duieed the speaItex for th enig uynyf rom which stability and biailinig the governmnenl's Bill mnti eahdilcrofaeth oî Bre. , K.WilhimsonP.G.M whoincreaseti prosperity could be reach- Rights as a chassie to rank %vith Mg fpoeî n h arigoI0 h gave an excellent addl'css on alh ld.4Cat. job. phýases of thse Order including oui-, Dr. Vivian tld an audience aI "Crti types of propaganda ma.y Wenipmeedhealilr- H eat Barrie consfdered one of 1 about 500 people in the TOW alIev th won impression isdeshemalneblee rul the f inest on the Northi American con-1 Orono, that the governmieut welcomied Cortinued on page 4 sector 0of the ecoionmyad the lest 0f rm'sent aIl the May meetinig of theý il<amber. On motion of D, round and P. Lunix s -r 1 lne Cuamber wiil agam oie ttir .etllglijanual fireworkis cdislay on dhe boli- servative IVleting dy of May 241h. A, McLaren was putý lthe economny and provide miore oppor.i hrg ftiseet )tunities for, farmers 10 share i Cart- Mr. Jim Clayton, general, manager rada's growing prosperity, lie declared of Mospotis preýsent at the meeting- il Mr. Hodg-son then went on ta dleal at hh a filmn was shown of racing Cwitb the government's \vork in dispos-! ut thne track. HE, also spoke biefly lnirg 0f- wheat surpluses, a policy which I outlining- the dleveloi)iment and eventsz hlle said bad been miost successful in lýor 1962. Inu his addcress bie pointed J1ý--ein Wester granaries. ou:t that this year a' new grandstandc "W.Ue have sold whieat and wve have sý to be ,onistrutcted' by a mnajor 01-. sold pork aind we will seli butter 100-,", C1pany and plns are now )eiug (Cniudon page 4) stupj for, this projeet. Tcixpcyers Tïo FDi Deepd 1r, îh-ls Yeor bocal tax payers will dip deeper lu- -idetisI also Sho-,s an increase of1. 10 their poclsets this year. when itit mIls ?-ncI for coimmiercial au increse- camnes limne ta psy their annual muni- ,f 3-5 rils. cipal taxes. The taxh,,ili soon t0 be t roperty owners iLn Oronio will pay presenled 10 the property owiiers bas a total mille rate Ibis year af 80.18e ani increase due cbiefhy 10 the casl ofl mills for residentia1 and 86.01 for education. Tbe Township of ClIsecmecik\TsertslaIya er wvill, Ibis year-, levy a rate of2Qmi.ils considerably lower beig 72.83 aind for, High Sehool purposes compared 76;.72. For those in the Village tbe in- 10 15.9 in 1961. lu the Publi c shool crease willV be -7.35- residential snd field i ost of the rates show a de- 9.29 mills commercial. crea~e witb the Ororia, the Township Foiý propetty owniers in the Town-. Scbooi Aresa aid tbe CRCSS No. 6, 10. sbip aud in tise Tow%ýnship School ares sumd 4U being exceptions, an. increase is alsa irîdicated. The 1962 The Township of Clarke mill rate r'ate residential wilh be 73.08 sud for for ils municipal purposes bas l'e- commercial 79.32, Tris comipares wilh miained close to that of last year wilh 67.19 sud 71. 53 in 1961 and represeuts onlly a slight .14 increasé. The Town-i- an crease. of 5.89 and 7.79 milîs. shbp rate for those iu the Police V il- lage af Orano bias, bowever, been in- frTe Township tax bill does show creased by .95 mnilîs. a s decrease ti the Counly rate wbhich for the current year is dowu from. .Also for Ibose in the Police Village 13.0 mihis -to 11.9. This is, bowever, of Orona the Police Trustees'rate bas offs6t by thare rates thiat have in- been increased by 1.2 milîs tb 10.2. creased resulting in mnore mioney to The Oranio Public School rate for ses- be paid 10 the tax coîhector Ibis yeart, e

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