oRONô WEEKLY TIMES THUR8DAY, APRJL 12, 1962 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorizet as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawè Establishet i n 1938 by R. A, Fornester iLey C. Forresten - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in ativance la CaMa .5b LUu~A .S APublisheti every Thuremal tLthoffice et public&Um Assistance For Students' Tlhe reeomrmendatlon of a comrnittee ef the Orono Chambor of ,Comnmerce at their roglar mieeting last Thursday in' whicb fie com- mltte sugesýted assistance for students seeking bigher education is unie worthy of note. The assistance is financial anti will, if accepteti by the dinoctors, ho given wbere the neeti exists fer sucli assistance. The need for h7,gher education is hecoming more apparent oach year but every stutient lias not the financial support te gain this 'nec- essary educýation on a hîgher lovel. Many stutients through tinancial difficulties, , are iinable ho reach their own capabilities andt tus aot unly the st'utiert imself or hersoif boses out but also dots fie cern- munity and fie country as a whole. It ia untierstooti that history us neversing îtself in this day anti age whene it is fie etucateti man anti woman that is productive andi thus estabishes fie econoxny ofthfe country by atvancing the Grosu ' National Prodiact. In the past, during the French regime, fie educateti class were non-prdductive anti to boîstor fie economy of the country it was necessary te put more anti more peasants to work. Today wo neati more anti more of the needt t up etiucational lovels te hohter prcpductivity. Ini such a liglit fie recomjnentiatien te the Chamber is commenti- able. Another aspect, anti one which apparentiy concenns the Cham- ber, is the loss ho the community of its youth in protossional, tech- rical and othier fieldis. As thie President bas stated, we apenti bun- tirets andi buntretis ef dollars'to educaho oun chiltiron both la Publie anti High Schooi but torget fiat fie job is only partiy comploteti. Thip, is true, anti as a community we are possibhy wastmng tuntis throuigk ,he tact fiat capabiities are net heing developedti t thein utmost. Thbis community, as dotsa many othors, loses ts youfi to 1anýger centres wlth littie fiat can ho done as Orono in itsoîf offors buta ~f ew opponhunitios for omployment. The opportunities fiat do exist siould bo exploitoti as fully as possible anti in this flore is much te ho done by such a committee as set up hy fie Charnier. This, ef course, tees net prohibit assistance from indivituais tbrough encouragement anti even te financiai belp. The Chaaùber proposai, altlaough restrictive ho a tiegreo, is the fin-st step in encouraging a higher education for fiose fiat wirb te dtevolop their capabilities. More can bcecdone anti poýssibly wihl be if ftils plan is hrought inte force. Beware, The Grass Fire Our commenta ofit grass fines is poýssibiy a lithoe late for Ibis year as fie green is begnning to show but a nemilader is sti11 in on- 4cer ton those wbe might have an urge to hun-et t last years grass. This spring lias producti some large grass tire that were soon cul et control anti necessitatet assistance. Betore lîghiting a grass ire hoý sure you can control t and contain ilt wihhin the area yeu wish te bumai. A s3light breeze can senti flames scooting across long dry grass aI a>;ý remankabie speet anti soon the tire is eut et conitroi until il hurns izsolf eut. ShcSiideTarresraStart Annuals Indour Parkbiil Nursery, Peterborough Hait-hardy annuals are sow,,n in- When choosing a tree for the home ]oors in early sprlng and planted out- it miust be remnembered that some doors whin the danger of f rost is past. irees nr ,td much more room than' Plants such as Petunlas and Verbena.s others a. (1 that ail trees are flot lawn i nust lie started inside to provide the trees. Shade is needed in the garden -'equired length of growing seasoço -ýnd a suitable tree in the rïght place flower production. may become the centre of outdoor Hotculturalists wlth the Ontario living. The larger trees puch as Elm Department of Agriculture suggest Mapîe and Linden are more eultable ,Iow.ng rnost annuals that require in- for the larger propertiee The Eln dcoor starting in early April. If yau is admired for its shl eîteily branches -uart them too soon, I %,y will tend to and the Norway, Sugar and Red 'e 1tall and sidly, by Mthe4ime th~e Mapie for their or and ability to arden is ready for themn, and con- grow into well formed trees but they tquently will make poor plants. Slow ure also rather slow growing. One of rwrucasanyndoel, the tastest growing Maples is the Sil- hould have already been Htarted,ý ver Maple but it should be given lots ut you should leave rapid growerm off space and sho~uf be wellî way ~u,h as Zinnias till late May. trom asewers or disposai beds. When sowing your seeds, ffow differ- nt kinds in separate containers4 ana If space- is -available, more Lindens )e sure to label them well. There is or Baswoods should bo piknted as utling nmore annoying than to set thev axre syinetrical and handsomne the y oung plants in a well planned bed in flower and foJiage. oi to tind that your color ischemne The Pin Oak may be used for its has gotten mixed up when they start graceful drooping habit and bright red , o bloom. fali leaves. Other large growing Sow the seeds in 6-incli seed pans or trees are: Northern Catalpa and Car- pots, in a soul mixture of 7 parts loam, olina Poplar, the first onE m 9im3 parts peat or leaf mould, and 2 fast growing and a beaptifu ro x¶ parts sand. Before sowing remove any becormes a gooci shade tree where rougli, bumpy naterial and mlx in- 2 space is available. Shade trees for a ounces superphosphate per bushel. As medium size lawn can be selected a rule-of-thumb, cover the eeeds toý rom th ollowig vàrieties, about the lame depth as the diameter 0fthe seed. Moiuntain Ash-Seldom eXCee4 io tfeet in lieight. The bernies, perhapsi their greatest glony, tollow the fiat topped white tlower clusters of Ma andi early June. Several varieties of Birehes aiso neyer grow out of hanti andi their white bark adds colour to the garden -.sleciallly in winten Urne. The Flowerig Crab is anothen smaîl tnee which may be planted on a smnall lawn. It grows 15 to 20 foot high when fully developod. It's beautiful not onhy in its flowors but some vani- eties also have beautiful red lbaves. Most of the smallest hawn trees belolag those will be disensseti in a later ar- ticle. With the exception of Willows, Bircheà, Poplars -and Silver Maples, ail shado trees can be planted success- fuiiy in elther spring or faîl. The a-! bove mentioned varieties are best planted only in earhy spring. Trees should be staked for the tirst soasoni and a gooti watering at east twiee a week during dry summers. Spraying the foliage, branches and trunk is ai- so a help in hot weather. Trees have s orne enomies, however, siaci as caterpillars,~- heetles, bores and othon insects, which cause a heavy loss of trees each yean. We must not overhool< tree diseases such as blights, rusts, anti rots. They too, are a serious men- ace. Do not hesitate to ask any bona- fkýe nurseryman how to fight these pests. if a littie fonefioughit is exer- cisedi in their pianting, trees wlll ne- pay ail the cane that must hbe given them. It is obviously not enough mer- ely to set a tree i'n the groind and ecxpect it to gnow into a pertectly healthy anti statehy specimen without assistance. If this is true of favounable locations how much more important it is for City trees which have tan dit- ferent conditions against whic-h to strugglo. The tollowing is a llst of trees for vanlous purposes, which mnay be help- bli: For City Coniditions- Norway Mapie, Mornaino Locust, Carolina Poplar, Chinese Elm, Nothern Catalpa, Lini- don or Bassgwood, W'eoping Trees.; epng Birch, Weeping Wiilow, u1leiM l. Trees %with Coloured oUae: Ped Maple, Purphee ~cu, $Snburst Lo1-- cust, Vaiegated Mapie. Qu.icit Gnowing Tres: Silver Maple, Carolina Poplar, Chinese Elmi, anti Wýeeping %Wiilow. When your seeds are sown, wateri them well withl' a fine spray takingi cazre not to wash the soîl away, andi CRIITICIZES TORY cover the container with apec fPOLICIES newspaper or glass. This ,vill eut "h oycniaewsete down évaporation and lessen the need "adThmsiormenddater misued Lýe- for watering. Oncethe se(Dings corne hi atemesnts abeoth Cnia ee through the grou-rd, remove the cover istemn aotheCadne, or "damiplng off" is liable to cause onomy made at the Orono nominati.gý problems. meeting," Mrs. Russell C. Honey,. Durhami Liberal Candidate statedi u;. When the seetiuinga begin to devel- Bowmanville on Tuesday rùgitt1 op their first true leaves, transplant Speaking to the Executive Meeting io4 them to flats setting them 2 to 3 in. the Bowm-anvillîoLiberal Association,,. ches apart. Place the flats in good 1Mr. Honey stateti the national debt light and,,water as needeti' preferably jhas increaseti by over 3 billion dç;i- in the early lnorninlg. -This wilhe1p larsduiWig the T oryréie whilthý- to ensure that the foliage is dry by average Canadian'fa'niily pays 36O ii ightall end riedce -î"sâ ,pr<>b- more per year In Dorninion taxes. lems. Retuinthe. Tomt' that corporate prft have nrae You will want to get your young by 22% frorn 1956 to 1961, figuresc fplants into the gardon as soon as the from the Bank 0of Canada Statis3ticýaT. danger of frost is paet, and this wifl Sumtmary were quoted. These showed1 Vary ini different parts efthte province, that only in 19b9 w ie profits ias fromn about the middle of May to oearly high as the last Liberal completé yeae June. However, it is a goçti plan to of government. In aIl other years tà* gr-adualiy acclimatize your plants to profits were lower, outdoor conditions before planting. "My opponient raid the gros ntin To do this, set the f lats 'outside about ai produet bas increased by 22%->,' a week 'before planting time, andi for Mr. Honey stated. "This figure ap-. the tirst few weeks, cover themn witli piles only when the inflateti 1961 edci- a protective inateriai. ian is useti as a yardstick. Using 1906ýd dtollars, the increase will be o)nlyr Choose a cloudy day for planting 12.3%. But our population bas zn- out in the garden and, befone starting, ca'eased by 12.5c%ý, in the hast fv water the flats welh, allowing the ex- years. This tact puts our gnoss na- ces water to drain off. This will help tional product in its truele ight - th~e roots retain a~ maximnum amiount iess than wht'n the present govern.,- of soil, andi lessen the shock of trans- aient came to power."ý pnting. After planting, soak thor- The Tory candidate was quoteti as- oughly to avld xcessie wilting. saying the intral production in- Future watering should be trequent (tex bas increased by 1%.It basgoe eiaough.,to preveaut the newly set plants up 15 points, from 160 to 175 frm fr-om drying, out, 1956 to 1961 --- net 15%; ý SACRIFI1CE by Rev. Basil Lo)ng But ail aiong the way he turneti aside Here again we realize that this smiaPd 'Present your bodies a livng sacri- to meet the neeti which confronteti member of the body can be ani- fice, holy, acceptable unto Goti, which hinm. He left bebinti a greator por-1 strument for gooti or evil. "Thon is youn spiritual wonship," iali the ftion of health andi happines. shaît fPot 1<11" goes fie commRanê apostie Paul. Tt lhas been said fiat the eyes are ment andi we pride ourseives ftat w* How otten we limit our understand- the windows of the souL. We niy look have neyer broken. it, yet, we eaaly ing of worsbip to fiat whïclh happons into oyes that are hard, calculating eter into fie exorcise of this niem- in ousr 9hurches. We tail to uealize anl and we may teel a, clùip as ber of the body seldoni reallzlng tha4 that tnile w<rshlp is nôt Â'he ~ofterang somefiing of the soul is ,e,,,aet- becomhes ~a a murevpus tWeapon =»af of elaLorate prayers to Got;i; t Is not But on the othen hanti we may 1oo11 ess it bias becomo a living sacrifice t* the offering to God of a liturgy, how- , te eyes fiat are wanm anti unden- Goti. Many a charactor, gooti work, eoie noble,.and a nitaal, .ho.wl<ç tsn ga 1ng;.y t~eJ anti happiness have been fie vietini-cg magnificent. Thiis niay ho a beautiful flect a beauty of spirit which is up-f this instrument; btVlt need' iot ý* way of expressing that 'whioh 15 part lfin.Ou ys ok u po i T t, aiso, can be the expression 09 of a service of worship, but real wor- anti see heauty aAad g<Qdness every- encouraement, inspiration, antides' ship is not something which is only wbere, or they may hook with dis- ings of maxny sorts. S0 it was wltZb transacteti in a church or somne othený torteti vision -seeing evil in every Josus. suitable place; real worship is some- place; seeing gooti in such a way fiat There is only- one way in, whhoh w* thing which seos fie world as fie even it will take on the appearance can, be found acceptable an these temple of fie living G od, anti everY "of evil. If your iye are presented thinga andti fat is to bo tranisfoned commi-on deeti an act ot worship. Tt as a living sacrifice they will become by the reiaewing of our mindtifrough is something whlch is expressod the, expression of Christ who Saw Jesus Christ ' who alone can headiU through fie different rnembers ef the goo4inoss in the darkest places, as in perfect trutb anti fi us with tht body. ~he tidtihfe adulterous woman who love wliich makes eveny act an ac.t Our liants may be pampereti bands was bnought te him. Ho didn't -,ee ber of worship. .-Take your body," eay-C revoaling selishness. On they may he as ber captons titi, a degrades, taloen Paul, "take al fie tasks that youI bantis wbich convey synipafiy, gentle- creature te ho despised3 but as a. cre, have to do every day. Take the o3r- ness anti have a sootbing power. They ation of Got's band with G od's 'out dinary work of fie bouse, the 7tcre-, may ho grasping hands speaking Of burieti deep in ber if e. Ho saw ho- fie factory, the tarm or the sho greeti which is rootet inl covetousness neath fie surface with oyes which and offen al fiat as an act of wbr>- The bands may ho useti te htut, or hoOkoti for gooti. shap to Got," anti in so doing yen1_' tlaey may ho fie expression ot the1 will ho prosenting youn bodies a liv- spirit of Christ -- strong gentie bants «"The tongue," saidth fe writor of ing sacrifice, which is youn spinitus> pointing the way to a tuiler anti rich- James, "is a ittle member, and worshlp. or living, praying bantis, upliftod in boastetb grelathfings. Behohd, hôw Fnem a sermon preacheti Apnil 1,. fie tiesire te rescue the souls of mon. great a matter a littho ire itindlefi!h 1962. They will ho caressing bands oxpres- sing fie love ot Goti for ittle chiltiren. -________________________________ Anad above ahl thèy wihl be pierceti hgnds, not wifi nails penhaps,- as wene the hands of Christ, but with fie m~arks of sacrifice upon floui. Some timne ago a issionary in Portuguose of natives who matie a long journey andi walkod past a govei'nment bos-: pitai to corne te fie mission bospital for tneatment. When asked why fieyf hati walked the extra distance toi reach lte mtission bospital when ,the saine medicines were available atth " The medicines nmay ho the sanie; but fie bands are diffenent." Tis fie hurnan toucli in th-is woniti that counts, The toucb of your hanti anti mineU Wbicb means far, more thefit C U-F 1Than sheiter anti breati ant iwne. For shelter is gono wbien the aigbt us o'er, Ai bretihasts only a day, But the toucli of the hanti anti the' onin tde svl iway.Tuesday, April 17, 1952 Sunt01in0fIlle oicela -Spencer Michael Free As the hiantis tell much ef the iner expressbon 0of lite, so dIo fie feet.. e t e e iitn fHow beautiful uipon the mountainsý ire the feet of hirn that hringeth gooti t(iiigs, that pubiishetb peace; that] bringeth gooti tidings ot gooti, that To mnake Essentialkfepairs putbiisheth salvation; that saitli unto Zion, Thy Goti reigneth! " says fieAle atedtA rl18saet e îprophet, Foot that carry one on er-Atrn iv dae pl18sm ie rands of kintiness ant i ryantigooti riewvs are beautiful. But feet May ho Effectng the Village of Oronlo and some of the use to hurt. They nmay carry on~e, adjacent area that w-ill be notified by mail. thougitlessiy and self islily through1 litfe leaving a trail e ouf edanti broken spirits. Josus' f eet carnioti Please govern yourselves accordingly nim tbrougbout Palestine. Thoy we seoking teet, for everywhere ho wentý hoe sought flie souls of mon. They were I .D N ,M ýae dteerm-ineti foot Nofiing steppet i hm Orono Hydro once ho sket bis face to go te, Jenusalemn wliere -he knew deafi awaitot i bni., ORONÔ- WEEKLY MES