T«URSDAY, APRIL 12-, i6ý OROÜNÔ WEEKLY TIMES -w i. 'M HIEuTE-NDER - M1ILK-FED, WELL TRMM FOR ÎtOASTING) VA LEG lb 79c Leýan, TenIder - For Frying V eal 'Cuti ets Choice Meaty-dal for Breadling V eal Chops lb FEATURE - SAVE 6c. JET'SPRAY BON AMI lb 85C 79c Iloz. Aeireso1 Bemb 63C FEATUTRE - SAVE 4e. FREEC Ajax Liq. Cleanser with Large Tins Ajax Cleanser 2 for 39c BISCUIT FEATURE - OVEN FRESH SUPREMIE ASSORTED BISCUITS 3 pkgs 89c Five Varieties- Cello Packages - SAVE 22c. 5 lbs Grarautated FREE SUGAR %,vth purchase of 4 Gieneral Electric Lamp Bulbs at regular price. Asparagus l b 33j'c RED AND WHITE BOOK MATCHES Carton of 50 19C FLOWER AND GARDEN-- - Steele Briggs Pkgg. SEEDS 1 Oc and 15c FEATURE- SAVE 20e. 15 ounce tinis Eagie. Brand MiIk 4 for $1i FEATURE - SAVE le. fiold Seal TUNA F1511 -BNUS SPECIAL IPERIAL R-eveïsabIe MOPS ea moLQUIIJCEANER "-LESTOI - Tin 37e Each 99C 49c reshi, SHver - A1%ways Tendcer Pork Liver Extra Lean - Fresh Minced Beef Groulns lb 29c Is 79c wVe are now sokîn V EWÔ WD'S ICED MILK 3 pint 65re Tastes Ilhke Ice Cream but lower inicalor.iecotn 21c 39c SPECIAL BROO'M SALE- Feature -SAVE 20e. CLý.EAN SWEEP- ea 79c VELVET TIP ea $1.29 - _________ Ontario Faney New - Garden Fresh SCA RROTS Crisp HotHIouise No. 1 3 lb. celle bag 29c :3 lb. celle bag ~29C 2 for 29c KENDAI NEWS Sp gbings changes to aonme vy. Mr. Lloyd Glass has sold hie f arn oet f Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Argus aisan famulyv have mioved fro)m e aeiLuxoýn fanm to one 11itheý Àampon aeawhere lie wiil bue cm- oydfor the com-ing year. Anmbrf rom K.'endaCl attended the_ unea '0fMrs. lHattie Martineli on r~aApril 6th 1n Port Hope. S'bc î~e n lKendlal ail hanr life but hla>s ieen ýn failing h dfor ornle time'l ~irsxChildren wreable to bethe wih their familles. On 1SLîud1y Mr. and Mrs. Mutton 0)f1 oiborne a" a chur-cli. Mrs. Milt- onl was" the daughter 0of Mr.J.F iVeîinand went to Kendal huc ivhéen 'agirl. 1cr cousin, mrs. Rn Waddýý1ell was with lier,- aiso Mvr. and Mrs. Harry Meerof Onono Som thu Kendal ladies arewo- ngý on îthe Fonestry tLhis weel<. r.and Ms.Per-cy MNorgan celaý- nivrsay iththir amiy1n at-I ulciî is to mneet again on Tuesday f20polVttnn înnat -n-dayavenin. Maylet in tie Counciçil Chambers. the Lion RcetnCnre eUs Fa Chif Sout cComi sionr iniïiscif. Mrs.J. Stapleton, Mi-S. A. Lo, e satd"iffpeopleî would apply tirea Mr L . .Foctser and Mrs. G. Cah - TOBACCO PRICES scoý-ut spirit to international af fair3, cai atenedthe LaerhpDaycof eeitems ntatbepolm L'he United Ch-uIKIl Womi-en on Te- Saleýs Thursday of 9834pounde of wudyedt ramn. da a Hmpon tbacoat average, price f 50.94 cts. ch;dne conciuded artw--ay Mr. nd rs. . Grdonattndeda pund wvene neported by th~e Ontario'cneecewih dre dlegates fr0111l heflinerai of Mr'. Aibin of croukcleCued Tobacco Goes'Mr-11 nalistrict1s to diecuse the rekon Wednesday, April lith. ting Board. To date, 152,143,902 lbe.tee"Bidn Men', a cubjeetý' he been sold at an aiverage of 53.36 which onere manOf bign Mr. Paul McMaýckin of Kington' c1nt. 'scutingto more boys in theprvne sýpen4t the weekend with hie parente, I_________________ Air. and Mrs. R. McMaekin. - 4-HApple CIubý Oni Friday evening, April 6, in the Býoard- rooni of the Ontario Depart' ment of Agriculture, B»owmranville, the '1962 Durhami 4-H Apple Club %vas! organized under tlie leadership of J\essrs. Bob Canruthers and Harold' Watson. The election of oIffcers was heidf and the recuitsar as folUows: President, Paul Tam-blyn; Vice-PrecideltBrc Stainton; Secretary, Doug Jose; and Press Reporter, Ted Watson. -Later, book~s ai-d pamphlets w\hieh ar~e isscued b Iy the Extensionl Bnaneh o! il"&- C)Dr.1i4c Dcpartmeint of Agriçul' turc- were given to ea. h meiniberi be- fore the meeting was adjounried, IOrville Chatterton I Electrical Contracting 1 Electric Heatimg and Serv-ce- 'j Phone 1031 I Orono, Ontario YOTJ CAN BEGIN [n CAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME gThe Oshawa Business College I is open al year and S method of individual U O instntictofl permuts yout U tan.t 1at any tume. i8 Day-School Courses from which to chooseg E-VENING CLASSES TUESDAY andl.'THURSOAY 7:00 to 9.00 p.rn. Choice of Subjects Speciai Classes for v Mousewives - ShiftworksrsO O Teen-Age Typists I FREE ILITERATUR Ô - AVAILABLE 10 Simecoe Street Northi Dial RA. 5-3375 mROYAL Bowrnanville MA.3- 5589 FRIDAY and SA-TURDAY, APRIL 13O- 14 MATINEE SATLJRDAY 2-00 p.m. "lDays of Thrills andiLaugbter"' Also "The Purpie HUIs"l Coou~r <itdoor Featilre "Days" at ' and 9:45 - Last Compiete Shlow 8:30 M1ONDAY, TO WNSAAPRIL 16- 18 at 1:30 m. (Uolour) Anthony Perkins and Tane Fonda and Ris. & FaIl of Legs Dii-anuon4 Aduit Entertalnument WATCH FOR OFFICIAL- OPENING of our FIRST SUNOAY MO IESY"t Fd~MaNoTNHP NOW IS THE TIME TO LBRIGHTEN -YOUR' HOME WITH 1B-H - . PERMA-SATIN LATEX PAINT R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario J Weston or Sunbileam-k - Reguiar 25e. ROLLS crisp 'a' slerve Packag1-e of 1 HOT x BUNETTS 1SPRigNCitME BONUS BARGAINIl s' N N s N 'I w- 'N N N N ý mi , - - - - I-J Township Counci FOR' A new vindlustry, -the Bwav~ (Continued from page 1) Furniture Company (BOFCO) Wiitý which is to be turned over to thelstart producing in Bowmanville -xi Township of Clarke. Çounell is to dis. June -' lst, Councillor GlenhioliE- -,ues this miatter on May ist when the llughe-s chairman of the Industria[ .terested parties can be notified and! Comitte informed Bwmaqnvi1i, be present at the mneeting. Toýwn Counicil at a recent nieeti.ng. BOFCO has signed a lease for"mr A repsolution was passed in whlch than 6,000 squarec feet of spacýe and' cýouncil declined the iii rate reduc- wl ne into possession at the for- oof 5 milis as askeýd for by the Or- merl canning factory on May let, kt ono Police Trustees. The reduction jsl was announc1ýed. Councilior Hugheeý to be 3.5 myille as it was ini 19629. stated! that this new industry mas a' first attractedl here by the indlustriaï Mr. HatwellLower 'Was sites to bc.,sûrviced near 401 'Highwvay, Mr. arteii owey Wa reap-but hadl decîded to locale at the fo>r-. pointed as Clarke .Township's repre- mrcnin ln t nbeUrde senatie o th GnarskaRivr A- iloi tostart carlir. The mcanning, thority. 1plant is owned by Schwartz Brosý. On MUotion tenders are to be calied 110 CMMSSONR PEK for the c rushihg 0of 8,000 tons of crusi- TOBO SCOUTS IN PORT HOPE ed gr'avel. Tenders are also to be cali- V!Sco11mt Amory,Uitd indi edt for rentai equipment. Highi Commimssioner toCada- viSed aýpplyi1ng the scout spirit to iii- A b)y-law was given the', saytentoa problems in ant addireeS reading to appoint Mr. Horace Beet Saturday nijg'ht to the Boy scouts 0fÈ aq Trendh E-ýcavator Inspector for teCnd rvnilcounicil for- On- Township 0of Carke. tro BT BUP -Sae e.64 ounce Plastic Containvr J L P43 i ï-ST BU - Sa v e. -15 oletins BES, UY- av ~1 Poumd Tin BNE8TY- s e > L-Rn HoodRoya DELUt BESTBUY Sae 4e 16 unc Pacage RAVO for35 N N s- N *N-. N N N N N N N N N N N s- N N s' N N N N s s'- N N N N N -s s-,- -N N N N s N N N N N N s N N N N N N N. N. N N s N N N N N s s s. N s N '4 '4 '1 N s s ~1 N N N N N N4 'T N s' s 'N s N N N N N N N N -4