- .--7 - 7-- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TURA, PIL 1,16 GROUP 3 17 The AI, I meeting o wsheld in the Sund] 'torium on Tuesdlaya 3rd. Mvfs. Logan was ir w,;ýeom-ied the ladies, ened the lietg with b;ymn, "Je'sus calis 1tUmuit.- The devotional mee --ith Mr-s. Armstrong ý mýressage of inspiratio m'an read the scriptu Mrs. Tyrrel ed in pr-- 'ý-> ail the power of Jesi su-ng to close the d( minutes of the March read, and the treasure c:ollection for March bership fees $1.50. During the busines ramgements were mac( Bowmanville on April 'w7ere completed for th banquet on April 4th. Mrs. Rainey annoui ceeds of the High Scho '~$40.00, the quilt made was sold for $15,00. At the conclusion of MIrs. Rainey. gave an in o! a famous womnan( "Hannah, the mother The meeting closed 4'Take Time to be I- .Mizpath benediction. A delici(ous lunch w Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. soilhaî bour enjoyed Uinit 5 of UCW held th, ,ng at the horne of Mrý The leader Isabelle Chal the ladies and] led int taking as ber topic "Th son", which proved ir appropriate. St. Mattbev were read in unison. H3 the tie that binds" w Dira Duvaîl the capab the evening. John Cou, 2nd chapter o! the Stud C)ro no United Church Women LOCAL NEWS j.CW, rnenlcing by defiing "The Cburch". gave a Meditation, describing Lent as Mr and Mrs. 0.W. Rolph s.pent The devotional closeci witb the Lord'-, a timie o! discipline, when, We shqiild ,urny %withi Rev. anci Mrs. John f Gýro)up 3 UCW iPrayer being -repeated in unisoni. rake "Ourffiscipline for lent a stead-KthiNigr1aî adatne lay School Aucli- Audrey Rutherford rend an article fastniess to mnake good uis 0f the , ddcao f the neiw Lundy's afternoon, April "Rhiubarb Fktst"'. Hyn"O' Jesus, 11 Means of Grace" "-Any mian having Ln hrh and th cai.Sh v prLomiised"I' was sung and Isa. Ca).i o e plow and tLurnsý Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drum-mond, presenit and i*ele introd1u(e(i Mr.s. B. Syer o! Bow- back, is .xsot fit for the Kingdom 0of Mrs. C. S. McLaren anci U5 N. F.l [I the singing Of manville ai-i Mrs. Lloyd of Oshawa.i two hyns wer e playeçl on the re-' Porter have returnecihome froni bol-. uis oer the These ladies were representatives God." After paedyMs ilna dyn ntesnysuh .f tue Cancer Society and they dem- 'r laeThere wêre Ninety 17 4.anmi.HaodDanhv e ýssage foIlowed ontrated mnaking bed Pads and gauze Nn" and "The 01ld uge Cross", M.ac Mt aodDenhv e giving an Easter 2ne rsI ~.~lhdbente~ dgçtyejyd-turiied borne alter* a holiday in on. Mrs. Cbap- tention of Unit 5 to use this as a~. Foia ýue lesson and ject, but found it flot aa.pt eto Rl alwsasee yavr Mrs. Frank A. E., Hamilîton. o!\Vin- iyr.Hmn"Albengdreinte oms adtabl cl wsalseed vre nipeg spent several days last week i sus Namle" was stration was interesting and the ladies'"lthBie oannghewrvstn M . deHmlo. levotional. The .jpjde other sugge_ý,onis whicb our 'love". - It was decided to continue Student ieachers froi Peterboisdgh hmeeting were unit could use. Isabelle thanked the -ý' ractice and use the word "love", College teaching at the Orono Public .er reported the ladies for their talk. ni -ext nmeetin. Sholti week are: Ini room 1, $9.25 and mem- The minutes o! the last meeting sl ,suettahsaeMs wer radam rîlcal ad s 1wng The first part o! the business be. Keyes and Miss Fentee. ss session, ar- 19 members present. Treasurer's re- gan' with the Secretâryes repotfo--Room . 3, (Mrs. CanIeton)' student le for a trip to port wa s given and other correspond- lowed by the Treasurer's reprt.Th teachers are Mr. Bates and Mr. Be- 25th and plans ence dealt with. total raised by Unit 7, icluding en- bee.0 hie Oddfellows' Barbara Carmian reported she had velopes, projects and donations is R0 M.A MGe tdn sentthe arcl o!babytlohîngto i. , I rs. Hoar then broug ht otteces are Miss Schroter and Miss inced the pro- Mrs. Tong in Hong Kong. the quilt whicb bad been quilted the Pe0rtn ol .banquet was It was decided to give our birthday week before and showed il to us. Mrs. Cary Simpson, soni of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean bad very gen'erously donated Douglas Simnpson is a 'patient in tLhe by te goupmoney cin o eunit as pey our rthaythis beautiflul quilt top and lining. of, shwaGeneral Hospital, mfteouins t h e rudoe enyfrfering was taken, followed by an Of- Nancy Forrester spent the week-end f te usin ss, ac yr ferator-y Prayer by Mrs. Quantrill. with Marilyn Tamyblyn in Oshawa. Mr. oftdeing steudy ibriditinwa rand Mrs. R. C. Forrester and- -Plaine of Sar-nuel." peaited bringing our meeting to a close Mrs. F. Bowen conducted a very sited witb Mr. andI Mrs. J. C. Tra j-m byn uchad ocalte a e-initeresting ad s- lltig Bble bynand farnily Sunday afternooi i. with hyn Lunc aanda stiiulatingas Bi-Renembiler the Horticultural Meet-; olyý, ndthe jydand Barbara ara3tudda, y andI discussion. Her 'text 1wa_ýs i ni',0iflo' alo usa an 1oydr1Cran ataken from Acts 1: 8, 12, 131 and 14, 'gi h dflo' alo usa ia sre byvotedo! thanks to our bostesg, Helen dealing wit:0h the begi ad bing ývssre yWood forlpenîng ber ome foe our , ning and e-.,;-eveig' :0pm on n rn i Taylor and al pei le hmefosor ofo the fi rst church. After thei your neighbour, tI etn.discussion, Mrs. Powen read aý u - thugh-prookig poni ntitedthanklfully accepted. We were remind.. UýNIT 7 - U.C.W. "God's Hands are Our Hands." Shel ed about the Oddfellows' Banquet on I aked that w,ýe brîng our- Bibles with April 41,-nd arrangements were nmadel ~..The April 6th meeting o! Unit 7 was tos fatese n odtwr îeîr, April meet- hieldi in the borne o! Mrs. W. Hoar. meat henexead tct .-2 an-3 this event. Mrs. Quantrill then of- s. Keith Wood. wîith 15 wonen present. Mrs. Quan-j fered Cooking School tickets for sale, allice welcorned tili 1Opened the meeting by weîcomningj to anyone who was interested in going. thedeotonleveryone and especiaîîy those wbio Tescn a forbsns The May meeting is to be beld ini the 'he Lenten Son- had not attended previousîy. st1arted with a reminder to pay our Suniday Scbool room, if that is pos- interesting and ri-embesi es fw a o i sible. Mrs. C. Robinson andI Mrs. r.f ýw 4: verses 1-41 A very tirnely. Devotional on Lent . eady done so, also the bales te be' Bown of!ered to plan the May mieet- lymn "Blest be! was given by Mrs. Staples and Mrs. -packed early in May. At this point, lng, to gisýe Mrs. Quantrili a well de- ~ xas sung~ with Billings,. Mrs. Bîllings read the open- Mrs. F. 0. Cooper asked if we would sre et h edrhp~u~ ble pianist for ing, -followed by prayer, The ,4crip- like a crib quilt top andI liningto bervt HamptnThe beaerhipnTuey vier gave the[ ture, f rom Luke û was read by Mrs. madIe into a quilt and packed into the apnil 10, was bscused onals the idy Book, comn Staples, after which. Mrs. *Bilings Oale. This offer was quickly a' IEaster Central Meeting, which is to.be held on Thursday, April 19, in 'the ev-c ------------------rlening. and uesbands are wxriconni DRESSES AND SUITS Just arrived for Easter. ' and 3 piece Sulits jji linene, slub andI banlonl. These are 111l now styles. NOVELTY BLOUSES Novelty Blouses in prints andI plains. Gay p)attornes, geomoltrîle. de- signs. Assor-ted shados ili short seovos. Pnieed............ s3.25 to$.5 COTTON SLIMS Slims for Spring andI Summer wear. Ligit %weîght cotton slns. Solid. shados or plaids, .greeni, beige, bluie, turquoise, browni. Priced $4.95 to $6.1 YOUR NEW EASTER BONNET IS HERE Hiave voit your Easter Bonnet? If niot cone n and look at Ours. We have a good selection te chooPse fromn. Prlcod ... .......$4.935 to $10J95 LADILES' SKIRTS We hve( our niew Spring Skirts in Arnel, Wool andI Popli1n. $4.95 to $8.935 NEW SPRING CAR COATS Short or 3/4 Ienglth in corduroy, PoPllni, linon,, suode, larninated cýloth. Colours brown, beige, black, red and naturai. Priced .$ 14.95 to $89 SPRING JACKETS FOR MEN Iii Curon Laminatod cloffi, Curon doubles the wvarnith o! amy fabniec to Whicii- it le bonded. Cluron is ose third as- light as Reprücessed %woo liing's. l le reinarkably ci'easo restant, is b*autiful, breathable, is absolutely oJdor. less, ise amazingly -durale..Sire 36 to 42. Priced at ...............1.0 MENS SOCKS 100% textured Autron -Nylon, etreteeto fit sizes 10-12. uanto for 5 years. Coiloirs élbarcoal, belge, brown, blime, black, white,, grey, green. Priced at ................................................34 BOYS' COTTON CORD JACKETS Rayon lning kitted collar and ciuff s. Slash peekets. Size '28-34. Cojloulr [green and sand. Priced at ....................................... Sý-e LINOLEUM AND VINYL TILE - -Linoleum Tuefx9 in al colours. Priced at .ý.. .. .. .. .. .. ..1for i'c. Vinyl Tile, first grade, Priced al,... .. . .... -............. 2 f(jr 23c. T is , an adverismient of Fathier's nin te yeýar 1880. C. AMSTRON4tmG ORONO, ONTAR~IO Keeps Constanty On Hand Doube &Single bHarnefss Valises ,Trunks BELLS & WrnPs, BRUSHES, COMBS ETC. Buffak> and Wolf Robes. Repairing ueatly dune 'FIRST CLASS WCRKMEN kept constantly. Ail orders promptly atteuded to- wpef il day Airmstrldongsff Store Open Monday 55 Mrs. Hoar then favoured us withi more lovely muAic lrorn the recordi player, and the ladies joinod in thel singing of "OnwardClÇhistiar Sold-1 loris," -and "0 How 1 Love Jesus".1 Mrs. Quantrill thankod Mrs. Hoar f-or' this lovely addition to our meeting,, also those who had taken part in the' m~eeting, followed by the benedict ion, Before the ladies left for homo, Mrs. Hoar, served a delicious cup o! tea. GXROUF 2? Group) 2 mnet Tuesdlay, April 3r'd ati the homne of -Mrs. H. Mercer, 18 miern- bers present. Meeting opened by Mrs. M. Tamblyn words from John 3 - 16, followed by praiyer. Purposeofo U.C.W. was read by Mrs. Rena Tarn-ilyn,,. Meitation was taken by Mrs. Bernice, 1'artner. Mrs. -Watson ledi in prayer. MmUr. Lina Cobbledtck gave a paper on the legend of the birds and flowers o! Calvary. Mrs. L. Barrabaîl read a dovotional poem ian-d the worship ser- vice closed with the bymnn "Ail Hail thePoe o f Jesus' Namce." The Minutes of the March meeting7 were rend by the secretary Murs. Mer- cer and approved. Mrs. M. Tamblyn deait with the business suchi as tickets for cooking school in Bo-wýmanville. Mrs. Wood spoke on the Supply antI Social assistance. Mrs. Barlow asked for, help for local wel a re antI the groùp responded with an off ering o! $350. Mrs. Barlow also spoke o!f ol'tI- ing cancer dressings whichi will be dçealt with at once,- The Bible study wvas most interest- ing, leatI by Mrs. Jean Duvaîl and a questiona-ire in wbich the mnembers took part antI found most help!ul. Membes.responded to the roll cal wiha verse o! scripture. The gr-oup UN~tIITED '1IICH SOrorio Pastoral s * Charge ~ Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, APRIL lS, 1962ý Orono -- ial . Leskard -- 1:45 pa. Kir-by- - 3 p.m. The S"aranent O! the Lord's Supper Vill ho ïobserved at Orono' antI Les- kadPecepti 'on O! menmbers by Lot.' ter o! Transfer, lReafftlmation of F'aith andI by Profession of Faith will1 take place in the Orono service. SUN'ýDAY SCHOOL OrOno- 10 a.mr. L-skard - 1:15 p.rn. ilate this yeanly h]azard. Mission Band Twenty mem-bers of the QvroE- )lorers and Messengers were present on Mvondfay afternoon at the Oronu L3itedu Church for their regular et hadt been asked to read during theý monlth the lst three chapters of Mat- thew and thîsionth will read St, Luke's gospel. This part of the meet- ing closed with ail repeating the, Lord's Prayer and lunch was served by M\rs. Wood and Mrs. Mercer Next mneeting at Mrs. Ross Gilbart's Sec Our Horticutltural Ci ng. As uus the mîeeting w-as opened-ý with the Ms on Band Hlymn and Pu- pose. Lyndia McLaren read thie pa er, -I Love to WaIk with You", folý- lowedt by a poemi by Heathier cil 'Nobody is too younIg."1 The grup ere entertained by Vocal triýo of Donnla, Doretta and Dt Chalhce sinin,ý,lg jJesus Bids us Sine' lcarol Gilbank presented a pjiano.sclo and -Davidi Mannng a poe,I"Xi lived ne-xt dloor to Jesujs". 'Mrs. Aslett gave the stor-y of-!ih Twxist King" and the chilciren foun4-,ý much delight in the themne. CofleetlQ w.as taken up ])y Barbie Guster. Elaine Forrester,- g HARTNELE 010 I Decorated Easter Baskets Candy Eggs, Chkcolate. Bunnies, Eggs, Etc. Trim your owri Baskets Shredded Cellophane,, assorted colors, . 15c Baskets f rom, lOc. to 39c ýounter Foliage and'Tropical Plants, Geraniums, Feuchias, Hyacinths, Punch an-d Grow Boxes, Gladioli and Canna Bulbs Dahlia Roots, Steel Briggs Plower and Vegetabie Seeds, Grass Seed, Onion Sets etc. etc. Something New-Nylons, Lady Beth, Ban-Lon, Streteh Top, Seamless Mesh, rshe, sîzes 9 to il. Pair for....77c. 2 pair .. $1.5uJ Ladies' Corduroy Oxfords, irubber soles, color black, green, gold and lavendter. Sizes 4 to 9. $1.19 Sturdy Basket Bail Boots, heavy duty rubber soles with cuishioned insoles at reduced prices. Sizes 7 to 10. Reduced price per pair ........ $1.29 Sizes Il to 2. Reduced price per pair........ $1.39 Sizes 3 to 8. Reduced price per pair........ $1.59 Coming Soon - Flowering Shrubs and Rose Bushes ORONO Sc to$1 SI-TRE. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Easter Gif t Shop -ýl A .Fur - , N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N * N N N N N N N N N N 's N N N N N N N5 N N N N u 0 *