ORNVWEiEKLV TIMES r r r r r r r' r r' r r' r r r' K r' r' r' r' r r r' r' r r r r y- r r r r r r r '9 r r r'. r r r r' r r' y--, r r r r r' *~ "'1' 9< r 4- r' 9. r' r r' r' r r' r' r' r r r r' K r r' r. r' 9- r <r r' r' r r- 9- r' K r' r r' r r r 9- r r' r' r r r' r 'A r Willemi Vendlerspruý,it on Friday, C-.ril6th, 1962, ai L-s, Holl-1,1and,ag ~ er.Surîviving the Jle Wile daugier DIn, Ms. 1". SchoeInmaker,' ý'nd oue son, -Arie 'Veniderspruit. The- unriwas beWid ai Lisse, Holland, or 'usaApnil fbih. DIED ALBIN Sdeny at R.R. 1, New- tvieon MoPnday, Apnîl 9th, 1962, WliamonAlbin, aged 75 years, be- lv-d husband of Hannah Albin' and lear faten, of Charles, Albert, Chris- ophei, Cec>il, Hannmah iMrs. Arthur Farrowv) adDoreen (Mrls.* John GJ'ordon). Seýrvice was helld in the îJornis Funeral-Chapel, Bowm4anville o-n Wedniesdaiy, April il, ai 2 o'cloclt. Interment Lalteview Cemetery, Newv- short discussion on thre story. C~G. r.N ew s During the devotional part of the On Alonday evening, April 9th, the ýmeeting two hyms w rug. CG.I.T hield their regular meeting in Mrs. Couvier then read a letter from the Sunday SehIool Auditorium, tiAlrs. R. Gilbart telling us of a trip hier Sunday School class is taking to We opened the meeting by repeatîng 1Oshawa oni Sunday to visit various Uie C.G.I.T. Furpose. The secretary's other churches. Most of the girls de- report was given and attendance was cided to go. Jaken. The treasurer also reported, Duing the mieeting we ail worked anid the collection was taken up. oni our latest project - knitting lay- Our leader, Kathy Armstrong, read ettes for Missions. astory, giving us some interesting Alter lunch the meeting was closed taqcts about Enster. We then held a with taps. by Carol Vagg Orono Businessmen 0 f 18,80 From a list of businessmyen and pro, Knox, Andrew and Robert, Tailons iessional men Who wene in the Village Lyness, John, Menchant 9oDf Orono in 1880 it would appear that Leigh, James, Machinist m i this period the Village was a boomi- Linton, James, Canniage >fr. týng centre. The Iist was brought to Lockhart, Win. T., Miller and Produce ihe office by Mr. W. E. Arinstnong Lockhart, Allen J., Produce dealer a-nd lists close to ninety business and1 Long, Wmi., Cooper yrofessional men who were active Long, Geo. M:, Merche -n Orono in 1880i. Martin, John, Carpenter The following is the list: Miller, John, Butcher - Armstrong, Wmn., Merchant. Miller, John Jr., Butcher Allen, John, Blacksmith, May, Win. H., Sadier Allan, Wm., Wagonnaker ;McGill, Robert, Buteher Alunii, Daniel, Backsm.iithi McComb, James, Butcher Awde, Francis, Blacksmith McCulough, John, Plough Mfr. Andrus, Edson, Pump maker. Mcçulloogh, David, Shoe maker Andrus, Freeman, Cooper McComib, John, Clove xnaker Armistrong, Chas., Harniess maker Newsome, Samuel, Hardware Burnham, Chas., Glove maiker Odell, Henry, Watchmaken ]Brown, ERichard, J. P. Pience, Thos., Çarpenten IBanrett, Çahs., CarpeiterI Reid, James, Weaver Beer, Gere, Blcksmith~. Renwick, Herber't, tedical Doetor Been, Richard, B3lacksmitli Rutherford, Jas., M'édical Doctor Beer, John, Carpenter Seivefright, Geo., Weaven Borland, Char-les and Samuel, Gnoeers Simpson, John, Cabinet maker Blight, E., Mason Simpson, John, Cabinet maker Cobbledick, Joli mysBil hg ssss >Smith, Thomas, Clerk Cuttle, John, Prnter iTamblyn, Char-les, J.?. "Cronkite, Thos., Clothier Trull, Wmi.,, Bnoker Callahan, Daniel, Shoemiaker Tourjee, Lewis, Tinsmith Doncaster, Charles, Carpenten Tucker, J. L., Postmnaster Doncaster, Charles, Carpenter Tuekçer, Milton, Medical Doctor- Duisford, Benjamin, Mail Carrier Werry, Rueben, Shioe malter Dloncaster, Thomas, Hotelkeeper Winters, Robert, Tailor Donnelly, John, Cabinet-malter Waddell, John ,Cabinet maker Doncaster, Thomas, Capenter Walters, Williamn, Wagon malter Eddy Hiram, Blaltsm-ith, Winters, Issac, Grocer Fur-by, M., Cabinet-make'r Gamrsby, Walter S., Phobgrapher Griffin, Walter S., Doctor Gairdner,. John, Merchant B o n e N w Gamrsby, Dorlaiid A., Merchant The Orono Brownies met on Tue- 'Gamsby, Austin, Chemist cday evening with thirty-four present. C-amisby, L. A., Chemist The' meeting openied with the Fairy C1roves, John, Merchiant Ring 'and the Fa ry Gold wav olce flockridge, WVm., Carniage builder Darlene West, Wendy Mercer, Dor- Hlawltins, RPichard, Teamster een Hazeldefi, Heather Lynnr Suther- iHill, Richard, Shioemakýer land, Charlotte Drinkle, Bonniie Bar- Hall, Nelson E,, Tailor low, Lyndla Barrabaîl, Diane Nichol-, Hlenry, Wm., Mvech%t soni, Carol Ann Adamns, Joyce Drinkiel .Hallett, Jas., Hotel-keeper~ n Linda McLaren passed tests. The Jerome, Nathaniel, Painter group also had the "Magtic Squeeze.": Joys, Johin, Baker The m neeting clk sed with prayer and fýn1tt, Rubert, Mason tps _i Kirkland, David, Carrnage- builder by -Caý,rol Mer-cer, Beverley Tennanrt BUWlàNVILLE ['RAMýA WRSO THREE NE-ACTPLAYS A àTI»NT C %0%LOSD"E? By WVIiaini fnge --An Anierlean UDrnaa STHE MAIN IN THE BOWLERP HAT By A. A. Mimle - An English Farceg Tii.InisileWor mG By Elda Cadogan - A CJaiaÀcian Comedy SFRIDAY, APRIL 13 SAT, APRIL 14 Town Hall, Bowr-ranville Aduis '5e. :15Studnts50 P ~î BIRTH DENNIS Bih andic Nancy (nee Hani- cock) are happy te announce the ar- rivai of thieir d1augh-teri Barbara Ruth 6 lbs., 1212 oz., on March 28, 1962 at Mýemoriai Hospit al Bowmianville. A sisiefr for Susan. a-p CIARD 0 F THANKS WVe ou1ld lîke te thank Dr. McKen- _9,Heather Rebeltah Lodge, Junior Gardon Club and all our fiends for * adgifis and lindness during our illness. a-e Suzanne and Richard Bunitingt. IN IMIEMORIAM --ý ~i4FFATT-Jlohn M. w-ho passed away Apnil l5th, 1959. Loo)king back with miemories Upon the paih you trod, 1 bless the heurs I had with you, And lbave the rosi to Go". fLovingly rememberedl by wvife Edithi a-p COIOEVENT Orono Horticultural Socîetyv are hiolding thleit imeeting on Tuesday, Aýpr'il l7th at 8:00 p.m. in the Odd- f1ellow's Hlall. An interesting programi COMI1NG EIVENT Cathoiýlic 'Womnen's League Tea ad ]3ake Sale - Nearly New Sale. Fid-ay, April i3th, 1962. Lions ,('oo-mI, Comm-unity Hall, Newcastle. 2:00 p.mi. to 8:00 in. b-c COIGEVENTS The Blwmnanville Workshop prL- sents Three One-Act Plays at the Bow- mLanville Townl Hall on Friday, April, 13th and Saturday April l4th at 8:15 Adults 75c. Students 50c. b-(, COMING EIVENT The W.A. of St. Saviour's Church are planrnnig their Annual Easter Supper of cold nieat, salads etc. for Wednesclay, April 25th i the Parîsh Hall commnencing at 5 p.m-i until- Admission $100. Children under 12 yea]rs, 40c. b-p COMNING EVENT Unit 6 of Orono U.C.W. are present- ing a Variety Night of Sjrîng Fashionýis for the entire fainily, Wednesday, Apr-il 18, 1962 at 8:15 p.m. in the Sunday School Auditorium. Admission 50c. The prograin highlights fashions olcl and new for both men and women withi spot gifts, special entertainment an-d refreshments. a-c COMING EVENT Oddfellow's Hall, Orono, Wednesday afternoon, April 25 at 2:00) P.M. Walt Disney's "ITJe Littlest Outlaw". Pius Cartoon Sponsored by th~e Orono Amateur Athletié Association. Admission: children 25c; Adults 50Oc. JUNIOR IFAR31ERS The Junior Farmers' Memlbershipl meeting wîll be held ini the Newcastle Town Hall on April 18th at 8:15. Film8 will bc shown of Mosport and a speak- er from tis Company'will also be pre- sent. Everyone welconie. a-e STOCKERU SALE Durham Farmers' 9th Ana Spring Stocker Sale, Purham County Sale Arena, Orono. 40 miles east of Toronto, Thursday, April 26 a1 1.30$ p).mï. 400 flead Durham, Hereford and Angus Steers ranging in weight from 400 to 900 lbs. Grass Cows open and bred, vate. Hostein Helfers. Also in- cluded in this sale will be 40 head of Registered Aberdeen Angus inchiding~ 10 young cows with calves at foot. This is a sale where buyer and sell- er meet each year. This promises to b)e the bi ggest sale yet. Buy your cattle when you can, turn themn out to grass. Termis cash. No reserve. J. Reid, Auctoineer, R RepaIred G0WndksSwvitelles, bearings ami Bruhes EecticTooIý and Smnail o Appliance Motorsg g Work «uarantteedg Phone: 1176, -orono FORZ SALE BY TENDER Tendiers will be necoived. by the un- dersignod Solicitor up 'to 12.00 o'clock noon on Monday, the f 6th day of April 1962 for thre purchase of the pnoperty of the late FREDERICK BALDW[N., ý_O0VEKIN consistîng of house and lot in, thie Villag-e of' Newcastle in the! County of Durham. This propenty is a 6 room frami. touse with insul brick siding, with bot and cold water, plumbing and hot air o' furnace - Jocated c6nveniently on Geor-e Street near Mill £Street ac ekose 1to ail village facilittîes. 'feriis: 1ofet'price with tender; balance te be paid in cash op closingý elosing date te be arranged. Hig-hest or any tender not necessarjly acceptedi. Inspection of the property may bc ar- ranged by contacting Clarence R>eginald Lovekin, New- castle, Ontarlo. Phione Newcastle 2248. W. K. LCETT. Onono, Ontario. Solcitor for the Executors. Feddeea. Real Estate BD WMAN VILLE Seýrvice Station, Snack Bar and Grocery Business on busy Hàighway. Living- quarters with all conveniencos. ownor, will trade . . w-hat have you. Asking $15,ü00.00, îorms. Bowmnvile -Duplex, 2 self-con- tane tpartmen'ts renting at $110.00 a noxth, 2 acres of land sub-divided into î building lots, town water. Asic- i~igil $12,500.00, termas. Manvers - 100 aCïes, good bouse and, b)arn, close to Mosport. 10,000 Christ-i mnas trees pla.nted. Aslting $9,600.09, onflyý $1500.00 down. Claýrlte - 100 acres, steel barin 70x30, house wi'th bath. Pond ani somne bush. $iS,000.00, Te-rme. ClarKoe - 100 acres, large barns, goodl house wt bath and furnace. Flowing wl.Price includles couplete lino of 'implemients, ro, balor, spreader etc. Sec us for more inform--ation. Claie - 200 acres,, good barn and house, somne bush. Good stock farmn. $18,000.00. Modern 2 Bedroom Bungalow. All conveniences. Garage. Highway prop- erty. Owner anxious te sell. Make us an offen. LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP THOUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings throughout Durhami County and Oshawa, A. J. McGill Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative FOR * PAINTING - DECORATING GBUILDING -,CUPBOARDSo REPAIR AND FINISHFLRIUEf DOUne SIMPSONg 1 -: 0 c.; c I C, = > I I ne Beth- d-8-c 's for 36 ERocks, Unit' No. 4 0f the TJ.C-.W. are maltingý cream-,_ijfilleýd chocolate Easter Eggs Maple forj sale.i; 1/4)l. eggs, may ho e cor'a- Cfflcessic ted wiih flowers or a chl's naine, Apply \u-niced lüc. Orders will be talten by any 17Rl Mrs. B. Gustar, phone 110, Orono. PlasIave orcders iiu by A'pnil l3tb. Servitm For SALE Iýyears. B 102Ford usmrd, extra Legborn_, ii'h)rme, foutr nwtrsand two snow ,'Rhode 1, tirs wih ims Ne pint jb. Othor le, Gord Sinipsoni, Orono,Onao. p Phone Pasture ],and for approximately 1,5 ng c aieonSixth Line, nonth 0fi 2 Traci Orono. milkingi 1 O1Z SALE 150 gallon Spnayen. sien. 5,w Phione 22316, Orono. a-pnrîh 1 TEACHEMR WANTED ohl Protèsiant School' T'eacher te teac Mahi: i l e,î'gigradles in -Clarke 'Union feechiM SebolS.. No. 22 & 22. Salory ac ed M crigte experience. Duties toe orn- nice 'In September. Apýply te Roy H. Scott, Sec.-Treas., oo Orono, Ont., R.R. No. 2. b-p DANCE U Sponsoredl by thre Orono Athietie As- sociation featuning Jimmy, Fisher and his Orchestra. Orono Town Hall, Sat- t urday, April 28. Modemn and Oid Tumeo dancing. Admission $2.00 per couple Lunc sered. ringail youn friends. Punce erv o e. Brinfor summner ac- Bc tivites. b-7-a WORK WANTED Circular saws machine sharpened. Cross-cut, rip, combination, planer blades. F. Crowýe, 102 Elgin St., Bow- mnanville. 9-d-'Pj Stfford BmDh&rs Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby', Ont. -1 Manulfaetirers of Ce.-rn-tery -Memoials Dealers in Domnestie & Foreigu Granites anid Marbies - Inscriptions Cut and Cemeory Repafr Wonk- O Iamiltousg SInisurance ServiceG ,Insurance in ail its Branches G gAuto., Package and CompositeÔ GPolicies, Fire, Farm, Life, GBurglary, Liability, Marine,0 Accident and Sickness, Wind, Biler, Fidelity Bond, E-tc. ~Sadie Hamilton 6 Phone Orono IR16 t FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F, McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICiÂN aa,.d SURGEON Office Hours 2iO to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:0 p.m, Satur days and Wednesdays by aPPOintm*4VtS Only PH ONE 1471 OIROND DR. R. I'TAGGART Phono MU Orono, Ou*. e19 BaiIeboro. j-13..p AUCTION SALE ýtors, baler, orchard sprayer, Smachins etc. The pnopenty of wliand Coombes, Lýot 5, Conces- Darlington Township. 1 mile fthe Acres Restaurant. Sale te, 1SturdaY, April 14, at 1:30 inry, Orchard Equipmient and lchinery-in excellent condition Jackt Reid, Auctioneer. ALTER FRANKg D. W. McQUAV P --'ALTO Rg 1 Church St' g owmanviIli' MA. 3.3393 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tounpkis_ Phone Newtonville 4721 Phone 5 r 18 Orons T ED J A CKýS ON Aucioneer and Valuator Conduéts Aucf ion SaIe< etofal lus, and at reasonable rates [Communicate with him eat Pari Pe.',M Ontario- Mdoînmnts and Fawily Memnorials Our quality andi service Ieavez nothing te be desired Ask the person who bought f rom us- a neighbour, f rjend or relative The RUTTrER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE * Largest Display in Southern Ontario" Orono Etectrie PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR& FARM ami HOUJq WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prormpt anid Guaranteed RepDira te ail kinds of Electrical Equi'pment and Appliancet SýuchI at Metors- Water Heaterg T.V. - Radios- Stoves - Irons LWÂL Lawrence C. Masse, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55U3 Yi . ÎAY LYCETT, B.A. 1 Barrister .- Soliefte Inl the'Offices ofC R. R. Waddell Q-C. MAIN ST., ORONO G TelePhoee138 Oromo L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accountaut Sat&urdays and hy Appintmentm MUain Street ORONO P. Box 68 Tel. 138 1INSDu RAINC E CeneraJ & Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO PhQone 12516 R es.' 11714 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valutator SPecialize in Farut and Furuiture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dUtes ..1 .1 Building a House? or remodefflng your presett one then contact FloydMNIoson Phone 2191 Oroijo lit T"L'eýý 310.8-35,512 il