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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1962, p. 1

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e ORONO, ONTARIC TRSDAY7 MAýY 24Ith, 96 Miss Jo Ami Ruthlerford, daughiter ceremonies aie being lieldi in Convor-- of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford ïat(ûn IlI, Toro-cnto. is Rutherford bias rc ive er training linflursing raatsto-nîiht, Thursday, where at ýhe Toronto GJeneral Hosiptal. Lotus Moves In For Se=àcond Win' At Mosport i Racing uat the Mosport track open. ýed on Saturday for the year with the British Empire Motor Club's 12th Aninual Trophy Races. The crowd present saw a Lotus 19, driven.. by the owner-driver, Francis Bradley, a l2oront;o bus driveor, cross the finish Une wîtb a decisive victory. The Lotus 19 was formcirly ownod by Peton Ry' au ot Montreal who drove tbis car to; top position i ast ycar's Canadian; Grand Prix ut lvosport. Bradley crossed the finish line 55i seconds ahead of Dan Shaw of Porti Cre-dit ln the Sarler MkV. and almosat a inutçe ahead of CleeladlsHer Swan ut the wheel of bis RS. 61 Porsche. The wlnner coinpleted the 25 u1pi D)unlop Challenge Trophy race lu 43ý winutes, 14 seconds for au averagei lup lime et 1:43.8 whicb is au avorage, O! 86 mph over the twisting 2.5 mile track.1 Judg,-itug by Bradiey's performance in bis newly acquired Lotus, which la' Wdoully suited te the Mospont track, ho w*Il be a stronig conteuder lu tihe! -Player's 200 June 9, Dan Shaw. ,,who got away to a finel start, led the race for the firast three laps but fecli uwuy badly when bis en- glue overheated. The uioisy Sadien iiroppcd farthcr 1behiud with each lap, compfleted. By tbe timo the race ),as over Brýiadley had lapped al but the second, and1, thîIrd place cars. The anjtijlpatcd duel 1betweenBrd loy and 1961 Canadian champion Lud- wîg Heimnratb lu the RS60 Porsche dfid 'iot mutenlalize as Hinatu, who was listed as a starter, failced te turui up. It was later reporte 1 a dec ,. d to race in WesternCadau a cliampionship event. Another notable missing fronm tbe grid was the massive 6,000 cc Dulai of Dave Greenblatt of0fMotreal. The G reenblatt desigued car, which loika 111e a Ferrari ut the rear and a 'cage Mas;erati lu f ront, deve1oped mnechan- ical trouble lu Fnlclay's tino trials and wvas forced to retire., Jaguar lu the main event instead but Was once agýain forced eut by mlech- anical troubles A highlight of the day wus the lo- laýp racefor touring cars %von byý Craig Fisher of Toronto lu a tremeud- ously pwru Pontiac Catalina. Ho was followed closely by a Corvette- en1gýined Chevy II driven by Fred Hayes. Jerry Polîcka wus third in a Volvo and Grant Clark's amazing Minii-Cooper nuiled down fourth place only a f ew yards bebiud. The tiny Iini looked quite ont o! place on the starting grid besido rcb other miuch larger leaders but the akilfull Clark thxrew it around the cur- ves ut u amrazitig !sp)-eedand barrel- ledi down 1the struîghits right ou the Lo1il ef the 3mu1cb lurger Volvo. The unbeialbe tcam etofBr-adley and the.( speedy Lotus ai(e-)ok t11e (Cnîudon page 4) Local Horsemen Active On Spring Fair Circuit The Uxýbridge Spring Firipend s tcssfu1 day ut the Ubig ae the fair circuit for the lclhans and netted elllutemny nien, on thre holiday Monday. _Four FArUTHEIZ AFIELD horseen fom Oono ere rese teJac Reid -as his stable of horses aLt the fir an-d took a numnber )f currently racing. ut London. Last.ý wvins ln the harness horse racing ev- Thursday, Mleadowýýview Champ Won ents both of its heats in the class C pace. Jack Williams driving bis neW Anthier ecn winner for Jack wasý horse, Happy's Mac, camie up with a Frank's LaSalle wbich headed the first and a second lu the Free-For- idnthCtr. Ail event. His win camne With a time Lint, the horse thiat paid big odds at of 2:19 over wbat was a poor track. a fe ature event at the Woodbînc re- The track, it is reporteri, was filled cently and owned by L. Hooey la aow -with p)ot holes and the dust moved lu racýng ut, Buffalo. On Saturday nilht eClouds as the horses made their way it took second place with a number over jit. of *local followers of the ponies being Also entered la the Three-For-All on band to wltness the race. was Bracelet, trained and driven by Junior West returned recently froin Rqbbîe Robinson. Bracelet followed a visit to Chicago wbere bis Stable 0f Happy's Mac on one trip for a second horses are lu constant competition. and came fourth lu the other heat. While in the widcity Junior viewed Canue's Pride, now - owned by Bill Dandy Wortb3y ti a 2.14 victory over llooe<y, was ut the meet and tobk a, a miuddy track. Goose Ally, aflother second and third. froin the West stable, took a fourth Choskeyette Guy, a local colt train- during the owner's visit. ed~ cd nd drivea by Robbie Robinson BACK IN TUE FIELD took both beats of the 2,24 class ut It, is reported that Keitb West bas U(xbrldg-e in a time' of 20 andl 21. This returnUed to the racing told with the horse started its racing career ýaSt purchase of Happ)y Babe, last wveek.1 yý wivth Robbie haudling the rei. Keith is lookixig for an opening iu the i Reid, wi th bis herse that wonraeuteeboug this Saturday ~so mnany road races lat year, David evening for bis new horse. Racing, Frisco, came out lu fine form again we undenstand, will be held every tiLs yea-r at the opener, taking the Saturday evening in Peterborough hait -nile win witb ease. Bill was and no doubt a number of tbe local presenrted with a cooler for bis w-in.1 horses will be competîng at this track Lu alilthe, Orono bonsemnen had alduring the summer. Ifowell Rowl'l'lle Exercise At , *rn Park To-night lu Bonvmille Hospital on Fridiay, Tngtu h rn ak th My8h,1962. oih tteOoo1ak!. Son )f the lute James Foln biNrbmelnDru ioFgt '""s w'ill bold thoir moutbly m-utLual Cathrin ~tttthe ecesedwusaid meeting. As is the custoin tho bouin 1880) at the Lake shore pion1cer 'i re-fgtr ilrcieisrcin homiestead to vvhich bis gneat-granid- ltirfigtsig wbic whle sfuollwe pairents and grnprnsem-igrated by other business m-eeting." lu 880fro ContyMongha, ~ Mr'. Ross Merýcer, Orono Pire Chiol, l and. Thore, at R.R. 3, Newcastle n int orma' us thut instruction ,vil, be3 IClarke Township, hie spent niost of i given lui tbe art of figbting propane, bslt.gas fines whicb will be damonstrutod Ho w-ý,as one ,>f a large fum-ily oftteOooPrkudrtospr hihWiIl, Agnes, Rulph, Harry, a-vtthOn f upo Proane and t iFrank, Arthur, Katie and an infant Associatio-n. This program ;s to start sister predeceased hlm. Ho I eaves at 7:30. one sister, MNrs. L. C. Fallis of Tor- The Orono tire englue will be on -unto anid crie brother, John A. Row- duty to take part la the exorcises and land of Elmiira. the g-eneral public is wel1como to. He miarried the fornier Mabelviwhedm staon Holmies of the Lake Sbore and, tley iwLhdeontao. resided on the farmi until they re- trdto hive ln Orono lu 1947. Srl-f ing, besides bis wf are: one dub Oliver Énendebieo Jois ter, Hhlda, wif e of James C. Tamiblyn and their family, John, Ross, Jeani aýiMarilyn; also onle son, Williami- J. Rowlanid, Mrs. Rowland and thtit laer 2 O' fainily, Kat'harine and Robert Row- Oie edbeis rdy e land of Toronto. Cm bels rca,ýe Masoie rteswereperornid ~ camie the third international driver mmberts wef Durha oedo. 0 enter the "Player's 200" inaLou of DrhamLode No 6 19. on Sunday evening at the Barlo4r , Th1e Belgian who now lives outsîde Funeýrul Hone, Orono. Pai;s, will be driving for tbe Rosebud The Funeral service was conducted Racfng Team 0of Texas in Canada's by Rev. B. E. Long in the Orono Un-peirsotscrrc a opr itedi Churcb on Monday, May 21st aperk, o tscJunce 9.sor, 2 .. ih r.E.Banoa h Last year, Engiand's Stirling Mos onrgn. n od ed on drove a sinutar Lotus 19 to victory Intem eu wasin Bnd Had C i in lthe first aunual 'Player's 200." etery ut NewcastLle-ou-th-e-Lake ami Eanîier, Dan Gurney, tied wltb the Paîl-Bearers were: Messrs. Wxni.Mosfrtrdpcelte nd Lake, Chas. Alldred, Ross AdariM os o hr lc ntewrd Rtobert Hendry, Go>rdon Martin and championship last season, aud Musten Harry Jose; witih George Motn Gregory of England liad entered with George Graham, Charles Cooper anid Lotus 19S. Joh'Patonassstig wthtbe floral OnIy 12 of these fust sports raciig I1 ohuPatn sssing wît cars were ever built by the Lotus Amoilg the tributes troin relatives actory lu England. Gurney already and friends were those from: The this season lias won tbrec major ev- Lake Shore Neighbours, Durbaii Bc5lhn e r -ssa, >atoa Lodge No. 66. Employees 0f Park~~ahadRvrie 1 Munor Motors, Toronto, Orono Neigh- Geiidebien wlll be makiug his fourtb' h bours and also a numnber of donations appearance lu Canada, stiil lookiug 9 to the Ontario Heart Founidation. for, his first victory. Que of the miosat1 Mn. Rowland was a member of th'le popular drivers on the circuit, Olivier -- fprýe Yctpýs -aid- h ni ais won the tamied Le Maus race Ourbof Newcastle and subsequeuf Tn n - 9 i~tÙs~A~ lý1 of the Orono Ulnitedi Church. le even this year at Sebring when 11e' had been a memiber of the flurhain and PIl Hill were second, tbeywo M\,asoulce Lodge for over fift-y years the major share of thed prize pool. and during bis active years had been After last seasoni, rumol's spyeaid iutresed u anycomunty 1t that the 37-year-old gentleman farmn- ivities and municipal att airs. f er was retiriug. Olivier liever denied the stories, simply showin.g u ut f Da.ytonu to race lu the spnin--g, ' douý't know how tlie atonies got start- 8 M illi n Tree cd. Nobody asked me - at least 1 8r w i ll Inr. drno on'tLthink tbey did," ho mld G row In rono Besides bis success at Sebning, ho One of seven maujor and other 1101" the recent Targ-a Flonlo lu Italy, simuller forest troc nurseries oporutori and plans to try for his third Le Man~s by the Ontario Depai-rmnt of Lands î!ctIe to weeks atter the Pars auid Forests which are shipping out 0. 25 to 30 million trocs for neforesta-, Gendlebien ugrecd te enter this tien und other pîanting this spring is1 year 1s race providing the Cnda Oron FoestStaion wih a anu~iRaciug Drivers Association could lu- -iuction et eight million trees. cate a car. Negotiations were fi1lîyý Devý,elopmieuit 0f this nursery began comipleted with Roseburi, nowuti- ~Oyarugo on u 3150acre tract. Af- atcd lwitb U D T-Laystall, the touai1ý ter thie f irst worîd war, 1,000 addli- thut enterced Gurney and luines !ire- t oa ares %were added. Almost the land lu a 2A4 litre Ferrari. enirei- production is of .coue-bearing With three identical cars, ah dniven, speýcies such as pine and spruce, With by expcnienced initernational stars, oiy 2 per cent hardwoods; 70 per pflus Irelaud in the Ferrari, this ycar's cetare shippeýd for plun-tlng On"Players 200' should provicie Canl- Crown i ,,lnds and lu Couuty and Con-adnfnswtth etposcr serlvation Authonity Forests, the ne- a r ace slu ith h ry.-pý, a (Contintued on page 2) A full quota 0f 30 c'ars arie epce Ovrono Wins Opening Game At Local Park The busebai season openied for the-, -- Ono Interm-lediate Basebaîl Club on Question Golf lFor Tuesday evening whou Oronci were heat le Oshawa ut a gaine lu the Or- oo Park. Iiu this feuture Orono tooký High choolCiristlieviclory 4 to 2 and had littil llig Schol Grls1difflculty lu doing se. Somne Duirhami County district 111gb sebool board memibers frown on golfi a s part of the physicul education pro- gramn for girl students. This was re- vealed at the board's montb-ly meet- Mng at the high sebool in Plort Hope, recently, wben finance chairmnan Forbes Heyland questioned a $170 bill for golf equipment bought for h1e Port Hope Higb School. "'mn worried about the effeet of Ilhis b>11 on taxp-,;ayers. 1 thinik it is a ittle beyond the high school board :o teachà golf," 11e said. -Mr. Heyland's mnain complaint was that golf pur-chases had been deletled front the budget earlier ln the year Nvhen making Up the estimates. Principal P. J. Bigelow stated that ie hiad not been informed of specitie deletions but m'erely the total cut ln the school's athletic grant. He un- derstood it was witbin the jurisdiction of the local committee and priniicpal Io buy sports supplies provided the overall budget for these items weýrc not exceeded. A search of the minutes uneartbed; aJanuary 10 resolution giving this tuthority and the bill was unaimouis- ly approved. The Port Hope pr'incipal said that golf was part of the boys' physical education curriculum anjd withý lim- ied outdoor facilities because of'con- truction of thex vocational addition, golf for girls seemed to hlmi a proper pastiine at the sebool. to face thestaer's 1Iag in a-bld. 'or the Player's Cup, presented b)y in- perial Tobacco Co., and the $10,000 prize money. Last year, 32,201 paici to watch Aloss win the conservative estimated placing, the total crowd at 40,000. 0f- dicaIs expect thîs figure will be top- ed and already bave put tickets oni Fae at leading ticket agencies ln the roronto area. PE sa TC C. i ýJoan Eleanior Aluin Bride il 0f Neil Wesley Elliott P: In the Chapel ut Western United, points lu the United States, thle bride Pr Cburch in Weston, oun rla eenn, taveled lu a beige suit witbi rose vo May 18, 1962; Joan ElcnrAln and beige accessories, ber corsageb daughter 0f Mr. and M~rs. Normn a 0 ink carnations a ndAAmen>icfan I Alun, Urono. and Neil Wesley Elliott, auyrose buds. son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Elliott, Keudal, wene united lu marriage, in a double ring ccremony. The officiai- ing. clergyman wus the Rcv. R. E. Di rh a n 4 - Spenucrorf Wcston.Durha 4- The bride, given in marriage by The Durbain County Livestock cli ber father, looked lovely lu a stre2t Judcging Comrpetition was held lu the leugth dress of dnesden blue chiffon Bowmianvîlie area Ma-y 12.. 4-H club with a matcbing lace bolero, she Wore miembens trora ail over the county bc awhite wvedding, ring hat with veil conrgtdi h omnil I, and untid a osegy o!whit ~ e tojudge dairyadba ate i and red rose buds. Miss Bcth Bue-swiue and sbeep. ite] steel of Toronto was bridcsmaid, i wcarîng pink chiffon witb pink and Th optto tre t W, white accessories and she carried a Th eptto tne tGicu N uosegay o! white munis and piuk rse Rae Dairy Farm owned by Rossa ati m [buda.M.JonJuszzkoBWso ob Stevens %wbere the contestants was grohaman ca f etmjudged two classes et Hoistoins., groorisina. ýý'ým fier hey weflt tWthe tarm o! A reception for the imnmediate, Lloyd Ar o w lse !Hm-B familles followed u-t the apartment of i rles and to the tarino!fGeraîd-1ra the bridie and groom ut tie Westlyte Br-own for the judgiug o! two classes Bc Apartinents, Wcston. trsio. The lat stop was at Ca Leaviug on titeir wedidiugtnp tLn the f arn o! John Riekard for t se, Orono in taking the victory secureri 'ive hits off of Jim, Pipher. thie Osli- wa pitcher. Oshawa, o h te hand, were hieid to thiree bits !inlh seven inuings played. Keîth- West pitcbed the first tbree innings for Orý- ono with Ted Stone coming luniin the, top of the fourth. Keitb, iu bis tbre3 innings gave up onle bit whiIe Stoneý gave up two lu bis four inningas, %wbil ulso takîug tive strike-outs. Two runs were scored for Onono in .lie first inning wben Ronnie West Look first ou a walk followed by Don M1ercer witb a fielder's choice. With two ou bases the next two batterA were played out but a&vaflces %vera made by the two rmnens. Obanlea Armstrong witb a twei-baggercere the bases brnxging OxroZo's co>ant to' two nuns. lu the third trame Oroné: udded a tuther nun when Don Mercer secured the first bag ou an Ohw error and scored ou a sacrifice bit by Jim Beaton. Ornfo mustered &a real tbreat #aaiilu the fifth ofi of three doublehits by Ronie Wst, Don Mencer aud Dean West, bùt:'the de- fensive action of Oshawa kept Ononc off the score board. MPie Cwùan sd tourth run ton Onono came lu the sixth when Donnie Lycetti wê]ked ta first and advanced ou a sinxgle by Rei- ly Lune and bit balls by Peter Maar- tense and Ronn;le West. Oshawa was held scoreles untit the seveuth innipg wben two ruma were scored by Ted Whitely and Bob Brewster off of an Onono error, a waik and a single bit. In tbe defens- ive game Onono negistered two double piays on two lhne grôund fiys, one toý Ronie West and the other to Ted Stone ut the mnouud. The Orono hune-up: Keith West pit- cher; Jim Bouton, catcher; Chanlez Armstrong, lst; Kelly Lane,' 2nd; Hennie West, 3rd; Donnýie Lycett, ,51101t stop; Don Mer,,.4 Dean es and Peter Muartense, field; Ted. i;tone relieving 'pitcher. dope To Extend Technical -Training To Grade T en The vocaýtional addition to the Port $219,f)00 allocatin for eupetand lope High Sehiool is between six and furitiure, hie said. Two janitors will wen weeýks behind schedlule, Bert be -ngag,,ed b AuustIo lhlp mo-iving ru'Ikeýr of the vocaýtonal adivisoryý equipmient înto the sýhops andI the- monmittee, reported to the Durha-m ýshop supervisors will 'le con hand to ouny dictrict high school bourd at drc h ok heir recent mneeting. A transport! -ie ow settled, beld up delivery of In 'viîew of th-e tact that itonly grade eeî. 9 Coures illl be offered Iunder the ýIw. vocational plan ini the first year, Hoevr,1e assured the board that t he board ed to a resolution rc he sliops will ho ready to take in tomme-n<deyMir eigo elo onurthe Leir equipmient early in August andiecnialcorsst b-crredou1h liaesooms ill be completed new wi1g unider the obd progra'li,, ter that month, Thýis .w'llof1r1 agenralteýchuical cou)îrse In grade 10 to abl-out 50 u- The schoo)l will be ready for use im Ounystdet. hersolutioni ;ptembl-er although somne work e,,-w. l go to) the Depjartmnýt 0f Bduca- cilyon the -;ymnasiuim will b e -,ol 1or approval. xtencicclbeonci then."'ne boardi s ýresently buying equipnient forth ,cutionul wing. More mnen are a Iso ýing put on the job to expedlite t he -or!, Mr akrsaid. About $!00,000 bas been spent of tlie Other ýbusiness t,,ausactei, Jncluderi- adecisiefl te check on11 leoptions eI aWest Dunhýlai- studlent whlo wauts taý take grade 13 academic ut Oshawua wýhere lie is presentiy eurollod iser of attending Courtice. Clubs Livestock .Juclging lasses o! Shorthorus. Atter lunch these 4-H club mem- ,rs gave reusons on tIiese varions lasses lu the Deparîment o! Agri- ulture building lu Bowmianville. 1'be p tire contestants lu the senior sec- n in order o! placing were Donald Velsh, Bowmanviile, D)oug Jose, iewcastle and Donald Riekard, Bow- uanvillo. Iu the junior section, the firat tire iele Pbiiip WinsIow, Ida; Brian >adley, Bowmunville; Cameron Per- ault, Newtonville; Johin D. Alliri,j 'wmauville and Lynu Brown, New-! atie. The tirat tive lu the novice dcieu were Sharon Larmen, Nestle- ton; Tctry Ma coim, Janetville; Syl- via Stewart, Ida; friu inHamilton., Bowmuanville and John Anderson, Port Hope. The couches' trophy preseuted by the Federation of Agriculture to the coach of the wiuuing team, was won by Donald Welsh, who was the coachà of the wiuniug team cousistlng cf Lynu Brown, Bnian Bradley, !rwîn Humiltont and John Wcrry. The E. A. Sunimners Menonial Tro- phy for the high contestant was wùn this year by Donald Welsh \vith a sc-ore o! 569. Thýé C.N.E. shie>1 wua w;ou by Sharon Lamier, Nestletcyri high novice, wbo bad a total score o£: 520. VrMi no

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