0140N0 W1IIEk~LLY T1ME~ THURSDAY, MAY 24, 196~ k >èÀ*** *D _ ~ ~ [I -N Ne4 ro - Y Satin oo w- Snin -Large Headl FR S ET Ee a chl à 2 Cg SCrisp, Foia-N.1 4Grade Poly Bag g Mild, fweimlported- No. 1 Grade Pkg. of 2 Oions g gSPA&NSH IONS 2c g ardlen Fresh RPOSEBUD - 3Mix or -Match 'Bunches g Rmadishes- orCGreen n, iionsZ 4I for 2c Best Buiy! - Save 8(e! - 6c Off Soup Bag Deal - Heinz TOM ATOOU for l0OzTis 6o 67C Best Huy! - Save 4le! - Table OLO YE YU 16o.Jug 27C Best Buyv! - Save 9,e! - Delmonte Fancy [iS-oz. Tins C-e'RELAM CR fr89-c BetBuy! -Save 6c -Dr. (allas hmpion, o.Tins ýest Bu!-Sav-e 9 ! 1e Off Pac-k -Liiqin 20-oz. Plastic G A Y DEEGN 4e BestBy!-Sv4e -3OfPa -. Domestic Soteig31 C gli 1ed or BneBrand BeefO gBL &Dàe RAT I4c Speially Selected "T'le King of Roasts" au-lekd"o cnm' g STANDIN(À oels ROLLED PLATEg RIB ROASTS lb 69c POT ROASTS lb 39c g Speially 1B'indedl" :F Mineed "Valuie Ce'dRled or Blue- Brand SHORZT g gGround Ueef 2 lbis 79c' RIB ROASTS lb 49C Feaîture! - Sve10ei Bright's Fancy 4-u.Tin Apple Juice 3 for 89c. Feature-ý! - Sae 6! - Sunspun 21-0z. Jar Salad Dressing 47c Featire!-S'ive 2e! - Red ',& Wite JelIy Powders 3 for 25c Fireshi Bakedi Siibealn vHuney Reg, 33C NUT RING ea 29C ORONO, Ontario. 9-0z. Jars Jam &J elli 9.es 5 for $1 Sliced BREAD doc For- Septic TanikS Pkg. SETO 0AC 89C Biýsvuit Fe'lare! supreme Honlwey filivmmued 1-lb. Fig Bar Biscuits 29C PHONE I1121 KENDAL NEWS A, bil tom itthe Kendal-areai onr 4u1a afernoon, The atones wer v&y lrgeover an inb -ý cross. AtCd not seem to do- much' 1 armi. How-,ever vrylittie rnLl iutb of the village and vain is so) \rybadly neifededl. Do)es, anyone re-I mi-ember bil in May before or isý5 Ibis a record? Mrv. Neil Elliott, son of mr. am MJrs. Reg EIlliott as ïraried n FridIay, Ma1,y the 1i8tb at 5:30 p).mi. tor MiFss Jo)an AflUen, daugbiter 0f M.and -Mrs. Norman Allan of or- ono. The ailfies maotored Up to at- tend tbe weclding. FPATHER 1IESCUED IN BOATMi MISIIAP A fatiber clung on to the iside of an o~tye boat at Bewdv(ley Sun- day wbile his son thought be had drowned. Frank Te11, 5M, and Donad 25, oWToono ereirwnntth aerabout five 1mileS off Shorefrn Bewdley on ice Lake, The two biaç been taking onga irom anoi(:ther oraL ivwhen tbeir boat c~pie.The sn ufcdand ifoti 1,ig i fatber, presumed h-eba gone under. After holding on beneathi the over- turnù(d boat Loi a quarter off an liouri, the senior Tell, a aion-swiminier, let, go bis gripandca=me to tbe surace. He was rescued im-mediately. Meaawbile the Bewdley ire deDartL- ment hadt been called to stand ,by wItbý- aresuscitator. Diving operations 1hadý Mvr. James Hoy bas purchased aiso begun. Uib Martinulelibouse ina Kendal. 'Mr, Fred Davey, Little Hope St., Port J. Martineli bult ibis bouse on the Hope belped to rescue Lhe yOUnger site of the Preshyterian cch. Teli afer tbe boat overtunedi. Thieirl, urniture and bouse wei~e soIdý on Satuday.100F TOP BLAZE jUis Cavoo Lttl ha conl:,etdiA firemian was injured Monclay a,-ý MissCaroe Lttlebascompete ternooni in a lire that destroyecl tbe bier first year ai Peterborough ro Labuea 4Euo tet Teacbers'0 College. Sbe dmes ino Po a Ho. t 4EutnIret bave to tiry the Deparimental Exam- For ea.eRbrt a ae halon. M. onad ay asto'to Port Hope fJosj,-ituI witb hbuma 10 iry one exaination, Physical Tvain- ' banda. He was given treatmneni Kng and ieailib. Congratulations u) and later released. Occupants of the lbouse, Fred Da- A s-Ioérý,>as iod 0, Fidy e-'vis, bis wif e and tbreoe bildrea bld Anng sh wr w as8% i !e c on Frid a re 1mca11 tbecy were dow a tairsj enig, ay 51hin be burh sboMiwen neîghbours came AyinWg, the io bonour Mliss CarlnFse.Ms roof of ibeir bouse was on fjre. i Cajrole ittie \was master of cere-, mones Sh iviied ail tbe guesis to Fire Obief Jack Record said ibeý takeýý part in a rnubr of gamnes aad -1blaze apparently aitarted ia tbe attilo contesta. of the iwo-storey framie bouse, pos- ib se1 fboouasise b la rofrovful'incbrre dbrs b Tben sUe inviied Carolyn to take' Firemian Bey. Roberts waa on the sisier , Mrs. J. Foak, and Miss Malirilonire urt ,rm heaitedbrningboei Thiertell. The maay giltt Were ope-'-I, iebntfo h tibrigbt2 c.,, and admired. Crol1y n tbke each one and iavited tUera 0 vsit ber-i iniibleir new bome ai Welcu m e wben te go tlîera 10 live. A tasiy J luinchl was served by ib'eladies. Ovr intyaienadthe ,Polio Clîiniein Klendl on Wmednesday. on Tbursday< Mss. W. H. Poster, M.MayLuxon, and flMrS. G. CatUi- cari tiendjed..tUe,ý District Annual Ofi tUe~~~~~a Woe' nttt iHamp1ton Mr. iji Ribisonis ow 3amy- ng in te Orono ethmetli Ibealtb -iimproves. ýEectri feýal Cotrc ciD aind Service i Phone 1031 yOU CAN BEGIN CAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIE is openaatl year and Our g g meibod of indivîçlllal j insiruicion prrnsyou 10 tariaf any 'LImIe. i ~ ~ O 8 a-chO orseIs from W hich.10 o (ose d EVEING GLASSES TruESDAY and THURSOAYg 7:00 to 9:00 P.m- o o Choffice of Subiects f Il îouseiV~- ISifwrkr l Teen-Age -Typiýs2t o~FREE LITERATU RE AVAIILABLE g 10 Simcoe Street North g f3 Dial RA. 5-3375- bis bainds, Hie vws taken tobopia ,by police crUisew,â Damagè o uthe roof vwas placed at Stop ïn today ett your Kodok' equipmed ORO,ýNIOONT. nit headqucrters PHONE 1Mf 14' plun, a~ wvho sells, instalils and gaate Bowrnanville-ý MA.3- 558r t FR1., SA,ýT. andSN, - MAY 25 -27 'Priionr oftheIron 'Msk MO-ND)A Y t o WED1)N ESDA Y - MlA Y428 -30 "S5even Wnn rom eU with Trap FORG ï'ï-SALE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 ' Orono, Ontario N t t t t i t 'i t' t' t t' t' t t' s '-N t' s t' t' t' 't' - t s t t 4 t t 'N t' t' 4' i t N t' t N t N t -4- t t' 4 4-, s N t t' t t t 4 t t' t' N N t t' t t' t t t' t 'N t' -N t t t f.- 4 t' t N t t t t N t' 4 '~ t' t' N -4 t' -N 4 t 'i '4 'N s t t ,3y I 7 "ý TIIURSDAY, 31AY 21, 19W!_ ORONô WEEXLY ýT4,UE$