ORONO WEEKLY-TIMES UTabierite - Canada's Finest Red and Bliie Brand Beef BlMade Bone Removed BLADE i A "RAT lUbt4C 0 SHORT RIB ROASTS lb 49c, ~Cros CutRib or R Tlb5c SBoneess ShotîJ er MOASl 5 9; ABLRITE: WEINERS lb pkg 45c POKSIDE RIBS Ib 0c ~TUIIA A n Bonus EAIKATotal of 3 Tapes R1ECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS T~APES WITH: PEÉ EDOG FOOD:- Liver, -Beef; or Chieken 13 2 Ibs 45c Old South Frozen Alulti Pak 6 oz. Tins ORANGE JUICE 6iee for $ 1 26-oz. Tîns MOTHER PARKERS. TEA BA.S - Disneykin Figurine enciosed -Pkg. of 60 TIDE DETERGENT . 25e off ITAIES FASTE WAX RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITHT VELVEETA CILEESE - Kraft BIRDSEYEGREEN BEANS - Frozen Fancy French- CELERY HEAURTS- No. 1 Grade SLICED BOLOGNA Tablerite Kig Size 1-11b. Tin 1-lb). Pkg. lO-oz. Pkg. Bunlch 12-oz. FPkg. oc:: oc=~ 0 QApple, Fruit Punciih, Grape, Orange OHI-C D3"'RINKS 48 oz tins 3 for 95c gFANCY YORK PEAS 15 oz tins 4 for 55cg gEVAPORATED PET MILK 2 tali tins 27c Uý ] BIG 'G' CEREAL Cheri,Twinikles, 2pg 5 2 ks5r South Af rican Easy to Peel Navel ige. size 17,6 ORANGmES Stafford's Cherry Pie Filler 20 oz tin 29c Duncan l ines- Early Amnerican Cake Mix 14 oz 39c Liquid Cieaner - 'de off Mr. Clean 15 oz 42c IGA Shorteninig 2 lb 45c P;eek iFréan IHome Assortment Biscuits 16 oz pkg 39c instant Powdered Pet Milk 3lb 89c DeLiciotus Salmion Flesh - No. 1 Grade Cantaloupe ea 39e California New Crop No. 1 grade, 5-lb. bag New 'Potatoes 39c dozen ý FOOdI Prices effective Mlfay 23, 21, 25, U~ W'e reserve the Righit to Liniit Quantities Noý. 1 Gýrade Hot House Tomatoes lb 39c DURHAM1 FEDERATION MEET AT TRADIN(i POST The regular May mneeting of the Directors of Durham County Feder- ation of Agriculture met at thei Tradi- ng Post, Kîrby. The President, Eric Fallis,reot ed on the Zone Meeting i Picton. Clarence Allun reported on the Agri-1 cultural Economic Research Council of Canada. Paper had been read andi thoroughly discussed. 'It was recom- mended by Clarence that we concur with request with reservations.* Mo- tion carried to support in principal ani ask the Fiekimani to make further encplîny and to report at a future meeting. Earl tradshaw reported that Dur- hiam County subseniptions to the Rural Co-operator were below10. Motion was passeti asking Secretary' to write the Rural Co-Operator to en- quire as to the number of imembers needed to re-instate membershipD to Meeting adjourned. CLARKE TEACHERS HOLD FINAL MEETING The final ineetin- of the- Clarke dis*rict teaèh(*rs w~held on T~ues- day, May 14, at Starkville school. The main topics dliscussed wvere the poe use anrd scoring 0of stand- erdized tests and the promotion of pupils to the next grade. Mr. Holmes the area inspector, spoke brîefly on thiese points and answered questionls concerning them. The gro.up' then adjourned to the Starkville «United Chur-ch to enjoy a miost telicious turkey clulner supplied by the women of the Church. For this association of energetic, public-minded teachers, the past year hias held great reward. Under theexeln guidance of its execu- tive and MAr. Holmes, valuable pro- fessional development was made pos- sible in the pleasan-t sociable a,ýtmos- phere of conades. We are ail look-, ing forwa,,rd to the continuance of thisi relationship and wonk i the comningl year. Marilyn Armstronig. MNOSPORT RACING (Fromi page 1) 12-lap event for modified sports cars. Shaw was second in the Sadler and Swan drove to a comnfortable third. Ernest De Vos of Montreal in thel exciting- Loin FJ, woni a clear ceut de-1 cision over Watt Mackay's Lotus 181 in the Formula Junior -- Canadian! Class 10-lap event. Norm Namerow of Toronto won the 10-lap race for oven 16M0 cc Produc- tion Sports Cars in his powerful Cor- vette. Peter Curtis of Weston dr-ove into second in hîs Heaiey and Sari Burd of Bunlingtoni finishied third i his TR3. JThe 1-lap event for cars uip to 10c was won by Klaus Bartels of WVest H'Ii iii his xr-d Porsuhle Carerra. Elppie Wietzes was second lan the ,Sunbeami Alpine mi Eltel Maier of !'Rchmond Hill was third Îin the Porsche Super 90.j A Fiat Aharth, diven by Hunter Floyd of Don Milîs won the 10-lap race for- Production cars up to 1300 ce. Do)ug Forster was second in a Sprîte and Arthur, Novac of Royalýt Oak, Michigan, was third In theî Ispeedy Alfa Romneo. i The Orno Band provided an houïr program 0of music commencing ellort~- ly after 8:00 o'clock. The prograrnv- 1 iciuded marches and overaturýýee with Mr. M. J. Tamiblyn leadingth seventeen mnembers throughi the vn bous riumbers. iCamera Club View Initerestïig St ides' The Orono Camera Club ;- i 0Orono Municipal Building a weelk ago Wedniesday when they thoroughily cinjoyed a showing of coloureci Ilides, T~he slides were taken by Mrs. -N.F. Porter and Mrs. C. McLaren dur,.ing thelir recent trip to Florida. It was decided at this mieetingtia the Club would not hold theirrgur monthly meeting during the mojnths ef June, July and August. Howecver ,r June the club la te cGonedueýt a Field Trip when they wifl be abie te taake outdoor pictures which no douibt ýwill be on exhibit at a future date, The Club has decided to loweýr ite rates f rom the present fee of $00 to $7.00 per year. The club novw hlas twvelve members and anyoneineet ed in this art are iore than welcom-re Lu attend. Contact may be made wi-Îtli Mr. A,. Van denHuevel, Orono. 30»0 TURN UP FOIZ FIRE WVORKS. IN PORT HOPE More than 3 jù00 spetators thironged the( Port Hope town park on Mon,'day nlighit to vitness the community -ire- works display stagedc( by the Port Hope Rotary Club. Abiggercrw than last ya en- sured moderate financial success cef thie venture. This year enough ti'ck-et9 were- sold to cover the cost of h show.ý A large portion of thie crowd -ý r-ived eanly to hear the Kiwanis -ziv- lers Band of Lindsay, an extra feýa- ture added this year to the even- *ng's ente rtainmien t. RAY BROWN SStarting INBnAyBER 29it Rainey'-,Bre Aep Mai Street, 0Ork;oo 1 ýWill be open full itie h'rUS.n-ý U hours. Corne We iviteyvou to ar) Coei n iythNv-1, liii. Esso BURNER SERVICE 9G