tRI No. 4 Inre. ~ wihFxil a h lader of Group 4 rend a poem en- tild"Homre" and followed witb pr-,ayer. The meeting wvas held at tihe hom0f Lorna Atkins with 9 memi- bers present. Business was f ist deanit wt m-inutes of Martch meeting were rend1,i aýnd approved aýnd treasurer'S reporti ORONO 9 meeting in the f was received. New business and an- place after the1 nouncements were then dedIt wih.ah Benediction Discussions re ýtne meeting entered trwlcil into and it was moved by Mrs. XRob-jlunch served bý inson and seconded by L4or-a Atkins social chat. that tis meeting be dispensed With' _______ in view of the many activities in that HUS muonth. Look ta cbieese .In dalintein, mineraiss u eang with the last chapter of! less dishes, On the Study Book (Bible) Kathy a-cheeor thriee nounced that a new Bible Study furniishes nal Book would be ready for the opeing protein as a ne( ,ro-up to be entered ïn a league with ýewcastle and Bwavlewhich. ýones under the autharity of the ýakeshore Mýino)r Baseball Associ- tion. A number have offered their ser- icsto assist wvith the group and the lace on Monday evening. If your boy lihe o pkay hall be sure tao have un at the P'ark at 6:30 wheni everyýv )o will get an opportunity to play on ne of it-e local teamns. WESTERZN CROCODILE Two Uv crityof Oregon scen- tiats were scouting somne fossil bede i northi central Oregon to chart tours,. or somvsiting scienetists. Then thiey, wouind it, a group of boueýsan teethi in rock that had once been dlay. Thiey idenitifîed it as the skull and of ia prehistori.c crocodilJe -stimated between 45 and 60 uillioni years OIld. HEAD FUR THE SIGN1S... THE LÂKS ...ITHE [UN Ladies' Dresses New Summer (Jttonus arriving- every week. Coqme ini and look them over. Sizes rangé from e to Z4'/'2. They are PRICED Froîn $9.95 to $16.95 We hpavm a good seleetion of Spriug Dresses i ail sizes whlch we have redueed 1/3 o1 the regular price iorder to make room for the cottons. LADIES' NIGHTWEAR We havea new too!Capri and FBaby Doli Pyjamats, also Shortie C,*owns iii fine diip-dry c.otton. Thiere are plain shades o!f pmk an d blule w*lth datinty lace nd eyle-t trim as4 well as checks and floral designs. Sizes med- iumt arifilarge. PRICE$29 to $3.9â NI N ~à LADIES'KEDETTES Sevralstyesin cool Summner Shtoes, plain shades and stripes, ail washble Sies ~/to ei9. PRICE $2.95 to $3.95 LADIES' SHORTS Short or Jamaica Shorts in plain shades, stripes and Snovelty designs. Sizes 10 to 20 and 38 to 40. PRICE $2.59 - $4.95 liait aomel with S, M. and j LADIES' HALF SLIPS Slips o! fine drip-dry cotton with lace trim, als;o satin applique and lace trim. White oniy. îzes PRICE $1.95 - $2.95 Armstrong's Store Open Mr.- and Mrs. Alex Drumm-inond, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Druminond, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford, lKingston, are visiting with -Mr. and, S. 3. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. TaIima and family have movedl into their home àin Chur-ch St. south, recently purchased f rouf Mr. Carman Cornish. r. Len Haoey, ,er of the Or inadian Bank o ntly manageri itne near f'uture. Mrs. Annie Cornish has moved t( er apartment south of the Poest Of ce on. the Main Street. Raiuey's Barber Shop which is tý pen -with Ray B-rown being the bar er on May 28th has been completell decorated fer the opening. Last week Villagers enjoyed, aloný tii> others of the Province a most.un ýasonsable warm front which invadet Know Ontario better... it's agi yours! Ontario Depariment of Travel ani Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cat hca4l, Minister -ý - w lada __- ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Mail ta: Oiario Travel, A706 parliaimont ldgs., Toronto, Ontario ADDES.......... ......... i El t- M«AOREmF wEl ENE 1RG Y WITH The Man Who Kn,ýows Uthe People O f United Coimty parentage raised on a prairie f arîn ~Veteran of World War Il '~Mechanie with Trans Canada Airlines SD. V. A. trainect Iawyer STake A Stand For Toniorrow VOTE LIBERAL 3ARRISTER an. average d.Âey. ome haeflve, 11.w- e'ver, reported si'zes raxiging up ',o Iwo inches in dliameter. Some glass. 1was broken in .a f ew areas but allier-' wise little damage-bas been reported. jThe stormi bringing the hail soe coüuld be heard approaching, sounding similar to that of a flight of jet planes. BasebaLl For Tîies, Mondciy Basebaill for the Tikes, boys the age ofeleven and under will (pna h Orono park on Monciay night startinig at 6:30 p.m. Forty-one boys have en- olled to play basebail in this gro-Cp- and a large turnout is expected. It is being planned that two or three1 teams will be formed from this group andi these teamns will play a schedule dluring the summer amongst the- selves. Il is also expected that an ail-star teami will be chosen from the organizing of the group will take Stop in toda y at your-<ocak equipment hecldquarters Stutû's Pharrracy OEO)NOJ, ONT. pHiONE 16m 1 UNITED tCHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev B, E, Long SUNDAV, MAY 27 Orona o l~m Leskard -1:-15 p.m. Kirby - 9:45 a.ra. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orona -10a-.m Leskard- 1:15 p.m. Kirby -Il a. mrate tbi0; yearly hazard. THIS W(EEK AT ORONO 5c to $1 STORE MiAY 9 Days of Extra v alues MAY 17 to 23 See the large 4 page SaleBi STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGSIý fr I1[AI FUR and 1 at - c Open ANl Day WecineoGday N N N N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N s N N N N N N N N N N ~-.1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NS N N N N N N N N N N N N N.