Oron ROO 1 TARIO, MAY 31, '1962 EigheenColts Entered' In Orono Derby, forhAn. ual Cir ber off -unn Lu a H - m Commer Colt De ywIých is tVo be ireld cI o o alio ê e o~ VIire Orono Vra"ýk (on ,une 16 have an- iuoun-ced a lis, f egténstarters for- Vsfeature. ýt AtP eI I'agh ine-tAtPterbo nrg hofrses, Celia's Bal, ow-.ne(îby Dr,P,. J. Tagggart and Happy Ba beowe by lKitihWest, iil was eently pur- chasedi by Keith fromi Harold Hooey. Thefoown are t-he lis ted start- 1.Beveý7rly Dillard, Eari Shea, Beth- any. :2. Sýusaira Piard, Foreýst Acres Far, H ialiburton. 3.Lucky Ridldell, Forest Aýcres Farmi, Halihurtan. 1. Doýnnas Dream, Orvan Brsthoiî01r, Uxb riîdg e. 5. Teddy Direct, E. & D. Thbom.pson, Peterborough. 6. Adîoo Grace, E. A. MacDonald, 'Peterborough. 7. Happy Babe, lKeith West, Oron).1 8. Black Betty, Warren Brown, Lindsay. 9. Heathier Grattan, Alex Forrest, Lindsay. 10. Star Mac, John F. Grahama, Lindsay. Il. Dazuiy Loojilavar, JTohn F. Gra-! ham, Lindsay. 12. Goldie Elg-In W., Irvin Warner, lqorwood, 13. IMerridale F., Stan Fife, Norwood 14. Ldae, Jack~ Waraer, Njorwoad.; 15. Celia's Hal, Dr. 'R. J. Taggart, 0OtOno. 16. Sundewnt Direct, Wm,. Prest, :Springbrook. 17. Wn 1 Direct, E. Brown. Oshawa I&. Frisco Grattan, Brethour Bros., &r'nderland. A1ýttention for horsemien and theýir ,folhIoers turned towards Peterboro on Saturday eveiinng when he weekly Saturday nilht racing openied at 1. 'rrow Park. Eighi heats off harness ralc3nig was billedi on the card ,vith thr ' e local horse" entered ln hree different events. More Notables T o commeea 62O Sweden's Joakimi Bonnier and Holbert off the U.S., tw o )f the woi top porsche drivers, have entered "Player' s 200" on June 9, Bonniei' is the f ifth driver from European circuit ta enter Cana, premier sports car race at Mosj- Ot0uer op drivers are Dan Gur tied for third ia the wxorld last y( Olivier Gendlebien off Belgium;à ten 'egory, an American living England; and lunes Ireland, a Sc man living in England. In the D class Dr. R. J1. Taggart IdieLaniîU- iapissa ger Ward are 9w of the Amierica with Celios Hall, ook a fourth -arid 1 eF.A.lt fcapohi sevcénth place lna n event that reachi- ers. This list announced -by the i ed Sundvm Drectwon ythgovernlng body off sports carsj hieats and is owned by B. Prest. stricted ta 38 driveris. And sevel Happy's Mac, owned aud driven by the 38 have retired. Jack Wlliamis, showed in both heats The addition off Bonnier and H( off the B. Class. These heats were won gv vgnzr fte"laeý by Babboy's Girl la times off 2.15 and, give oganiers off tVhs "layr--'t 2.16. Bobby's Girl is owned by M. Gý atotalofsvnofti it- I orcimo ff arate.est field ever assembled lu Cai Robby Robinson, dlviiug Bracehe lam the Fres-For-AII Class dirove te second place la the final heat with tn- race time being2.13.4 by Mary Jane P. Ia the first heat off the FreeFor-All Bracelet trailed ilu eîghth spot. Keith West withdrew iis horse frorn the race awalting more seasoning be fore entering into comnpetition. It is expected, that -the loQ9.l horse men wVl periudically be on the card at these Saturday night races which get underway at 8 p.iut owned by D. Dowsan, Port Perry and Vthe 1D61 winiier Fleetwood E. Gratta Cliapteri Mdeet' A The Orono District ,vere hosts of the the n ýJuioün Chapter on Moi ýredlit Unions of O051 ort Hope and Cobourg ;ented at the meeting. Mtvr. Robert Ingram vas the guest speaker ng, anxd gave and irt )n haow CUNA National lnions coast Vo coast ir events % ing bein. -wa on J dit Uni( rs, stateci D iff are Most rand Prrix of uermanci and orio. actory Formiula Que driver he, Boanier, prauounced b ýs one of tire f ew drivers or )ean circuit who looks like ,vood version off a sports ria camplete with beard. bezt was second Vo Ri ýe aiso entered lani e~P5 ký Junior enske ta a Revie-wing past winners of tire three . **~ tormer deribys there Îs Agate, thre The comimittee is expecting a 1959 w,ýinuer, ownsd by Ls.wrence ooa- show tlis year in the .-erby eyOrono. the 1960 winer, AnyBu plenty of keen competition. t'Orono Credit Union e Fire Demonstratioiv ,At Orono Is Educa'tiQno[- montmy U3 e it 1An ,interesting and eduçatipnýal $eni- i ionstratlion was conducted a, ýïeOr iawa Whiby, Mission tBand n«akls hrda -eg-we 'g were repre- Twny1~mes0 h xl~eson akIs hrdyevnp~re Twety ieber ofth Exlorrsthe Norhumiberland-Durham 'ir and Messeugers mqt in the basement Fighters held their monthIyj ;ýieëting off Hanifiltafl of the Orono Unitedj Church on Mo- in Orono. The deumonstration . wàsor-_ for the even-'cday afternoon. Valerie M%,ercer wa ganized and conducted by Superii iterestlng talk cJiairman for the meeting.. Propaie with the purpose of d~et LI helps Credit' Mrs. A. A. Drummond acconipan- ing firemen in the proper prOcedurLs in Canada and ida h in ortesiigofthet use in controfllng propane gas fire8, Mission Band. hymn. Vaierie .Mercer. ýand to' familiarize firemnen with tbhese; g a delicious presented the new Purpose which iwas 1procetlures. The denmonstration 9also, he thirty-four, repeated by the group present. "This pointed out that havmng a know)lledgel . ' ni Fthe'sWord- as ung ýoff this proceclure their is littie tc% feai were announe- G eke De JQnge took Up the collec- 1ýoisc ie.Tecr-nnao ig the Chapter: tion with Dale Challice readig the of the demaonstration stated that "thera 'lue 25th andiscriptures and ]a e F rrse, tewas nia neecd of panic of a gas fire ami on lcle t editation. Prayer was offered by that a propexrly trained lire depart - .D um inMrs. McLaren spoke to the children trdlling 5uch frs ____ u n the presentation f)f Ecitors The deiuoiitration 3rovej that Ehoughts and Joyce Lo~ng read a rid' t here exists no danger off an fKplDsior id l 252cen-die romWarl Frincjs of the storage tanks as each tanlk and 1Jlnt22eers- -jae Lji og lsagve the treas rype af tank is eqîiipped with a s . aety vl ite r oul n V Joy ep ot l th ga ve tstenasu r elease valve. This valvre r aes ga ï it vihot oart aggrt - as tha certan pressure la thle tank andý these vluïi- Te remaider ofthe metngpsressure is released tlhe Valveý ths adlier eai r th etigwscloses automatically. WIih a anlt *Sheanhe enjayed with games being condIucted coetabrigbudigVlpes Ive.q Mr, B.(4user.sure could inenease due te 4hýèat ~and the valve release gas couldl ignite -but deneriComp te I be eut off aýje prewvre *should be tbe purpose ofe t r c $nlnT Ioer~Sowpartaient, it was said, to eepte Spring Flowe Show tanks as . cool as possible tlwai hiilder- ardeners lield The disli garden class was off excel- ing the building Up of the pressure, Eay 24, iu the lent quality and here again thxe Pchid- and the escaping gas. [t was a1so ng with 25' ren displayed an imaginative and slvown ln he deuxonstratien that pro- present. beautiful array of entries. Ipane gas quielvly mixes wfth thie 'a< w~ith, the gar- In judgiug thie next class of eupv and and becomes non-combustible, ýatin,- prayer. s -1~ arranigemients, Mrs.- Rolph The demonstration inclu1ded the- ist'.ed 'theý was especýially pleased with the color1 building up of pressure in thesxzialler theïr scrap harmonies of both the flewers and the size tank and allowîng the valvc te eai ta fix up. containers. open, The escaping gas was ignited )the- Sr or-lZ'Mrs. Fairbrather then thanked Mrs. and as it escaped and burned flue ig this 'Satur- Roipli for hier excellent remarks, and. p jressure i the tank reduced te a ers will be -on jhoped the chîldren .woul rem~ember point w1Wbere the valve eut-off. as Tiff Cake Auction And Go. * pohiomyelitis vaccine werE given Vo- Irresidents off the United Coulties at -Carts for lst Day 0f Fai clînica froin May 14 tLe May 17,~ 1962.1 Plii"n ofth O«ono airpro j ddig sme sicetu he ometicThis is 60%,,off thie total popujlation, PlaningofftheOroo Far po- ddig sme siceta he ametiaa figure which is higher thani rnany cceecs with emphasis beig placed on .Sciencne division is a. special class other areas lu hs province. further activities for Friday. At a setUp this year for Banana Layer The miost signIficant and gratify-ý Director's meceting lasV week iV 'Was Cakes for which prize money has g response came frorn the preschool decde tata ane would be held been set up at $5.00. Further pari -adsiolcidetr ot~port- .,ni Friday nlght along with a, 50-50 Jars will have o be obtained fram ant segment off the populilrnk as fari draw. Anotirer feature, for Frlday af- fhe prize lisi but an auction oa' cakes as being carriers ïs conceraied.197% of ternoon will be Ga-Cart R.acýing which will be hield for this class and ever'Y- ec!hool children and 75%.roff preschool mxade its appearance at the~ fair som5 n s n will havea opportunity ta l chilciren recelved their oral Sabin 'tw yar aa.Friday night. pIoimLyelitis Vaccine, This is con- STire Fair Board were notified that The Paultry show, t his year, is ta0 s'dere3d Vo 1b a satisfactory level of 1 tire Clarke ' Tow-,nshilp Caunsil ilad undergo soins change with Vths pai:nt- Lmmnunizatîon lu these age groups,I p$assed a haîf holiday for ail schools in- and moving off the building Vo a hou1gh a hlg.her pre-schaol population ~in larkec for he Friday afternaon, new location. The list for' this dlvi- woýuld be preferable. 'September 7th. Tire Fair Board ace sion hias been reviseci with same ern- Bwvr only 4%off Vie adultaýj lippefful that Friday will bce-hlilren's phasýis belnrg placed for the ffancy r.eceiýved their first dose of Sabin. A[-; day an-d that schools wîll participate paultry breedlers. Included also ihg this is higirer than in somel in a parade on this day along wiVh he building will be a display off fancy areas. noue he less, il should haveý either activities. pigeons with somne fifteen breeis b-be much better. Dr. Borner hapesi Tirs Imperia] Bank off Commierce ing on display. tliiat when the clinics are heula V 'hsl tras otfsred tireBoard a tropiry wic A new member off hs Dairy CattPIfaîl 1ail those who didn't j7ecei-ve h, will be directed o a class byavthslCoumimittee, Robert Robinson. was l- fist dose, as well as those who did, Board somietime lu the future. troduced at hs meeting.-ill Camne aut. Watch for information, Trrustees Completing Sidewalk Projeets Prepare For Incorporation Fiearing june 6thi Hugh 1 "Mr. Huggi E. I ltnlo, has been '2 Public Scho off the Oronio Sc taIke up bu i e' Septemiber. Mvr. Dykýe ha he pasV eleven have been as Pl, eli by hs Oron( aipplicants who pos;ition. Mr. D Vhriee years ila V Tire Orono Police Trustee-s met on [lie water thlat flows onto ýpra-,perties suc,1 ,ýh containers.i M.onday~ eveniug for theirc regu-lar lu this ares. R. Forrester stated that A letter was received frorux theOr The leN mneeting ' w'hen pepraîos er e hs engineer lhacirecommended that ono Chamber off Commerce ïaKng afirly made for the hearing lai connectian a roll cur-b be laid on he west side o0 th-at signs be placed on hs Main 8[.,l sx with incorporation on June 6Vh la Vhs Mill Street lu tis area VIo Milison Hill. noting that public wassh roomns exist Towvnship Hall, Orono, comm-rencing1 at the Orono Municipal Buildîng and at Vn aclok. Peset a Vhsmeeing J. L. Lowery reported -that the lis' ht ui ahom eoeeidr were r. Ky' Lye t ud Mr Harld of roaci work had been submnitted taULo Mackl'in off Marshrall, Macklin sud hs Roaci Superintendent anci that an ping busiesthes.lDue t s ck of Monagira Ltd., oronto.englacer had -viewed Cohbledîck St.poerfcltistrePlc Tute Mona-h,ý,n td.,Toroto.feit they could take no action aVin hs: -Durmng hs business session tlire sec- anci felt that it should noV be tarn up. cneta u htt os oî retary reported1 ths.t lalf off the fire 1Be stateci Vial another enginser is Vo only be barrowing trouble. agreeents bnci beýen renewed dvsVhste smim lahsfur A report was fileci from he OntarioTed that lie- reurainder were due a', hs The Police Truistees lu their request WVater Resources on a recent surveyl lic Schocl cnd-lof 'tire monVir. 'The secretary w as af roaci work haci asked that Cobble- md f ae atieOaoCek~ even yeaî lutritd e ebliVios Wroha nVdl, ret east froni Chiurcir stret1 he-p hisrucedto ebil hos wh-- ha no 1varions points and offallier streams iathn oe paici ancitirat tire final date off givingI be rebuilt sud hs engineer was re7h rs h eotsaeita h ru.' ,pratection for Viose not paid waujld be Porlngo hi ret survey fafleci Vo reveal any .apprec i- reVe June Stir, - 1H. M. Mercer stated that he had able pollution off ths watercourses but Or-ono lea H. M. MIercer reported thiat the Bor- been asked abutx~ putting- barrels on 1dEId suggest that another sui'vsy be is unders >ticullturai Society hiaci asksd for fur-1he street la which r'efuse cul'd be mde when conditions were more fav- oni hanci ther wark t o lbe dons at tire Main-MilI depositeci. He referred Vo such barrels jour-able. where th Street intersection sa that a proper somie years ago which he felV did floti -The secretary was instructeci Vo their gam project eould- be carrieci ouV. Thiis serve he purpose at Vial time. ÎR. seuci s leVIer Vo hs former Pire Chief Fromi ý to lie vnewed by hs Trustees along IFarrester suggests& that ths Village Bruce Mcrcer recoguizing iris work -; l be ci 'witir drainage on north Mill Street by4purchase same proper containers for for hs comni,-irity in hse apacity Off Minor La the home off K. Adamus. Il -,,as s5ug- tins purpose and was given autirority (ire chiief. A letter is also Vo be sent Vo wt ihBcý gested Viat lu this latter niatter that to obtalu prices, If tire price cau be Superior Propane for their demon- Tholse in possibly a ditch cotild be rua west met iu the budget il is he intentioff stration at hs fire meeting lasV Itutherfo. aloýng Vthe lot lins o carry off niost off the Trustees Vo pujrchasie at lesst cvwo )Thurisday eveaing.1 Doug Pom off w ;oys lm To Basebali e prize winnsrs, hs ainle Schmnid; 2, Wendy Cox; 3,An Lafer thie firemnen return-ie.i Vo theý ut hs reasouis for her nette'Jorg-ens_,on. Town Ball where a discussýioný cenj. lour harmçony off tie Dishi Garden: 1, Dale Challice; 2, treci on setting up foamr ban'ks lu Vhs, loce off conitainer, hs Býill Caldwell; 3, Anniette Jorgenson. United Counties. This was left over .lents' and hs averall Cup and Saucer Arrangement: 1,utlsci-ieasVsaortof s ilyl ire dining table Elairie Schlmid; .2, DaIe Chiaîlice; 3 departnients had Vhs eqiulpment-,l te". Caro Am Cad-,,,elý 1use foam. __________________________ Lunch wvas served, B. t) k ' o B:N teni Gregory Vo Mosport. VoIc ime before going la for, th, i9 oprttion on his broken. nose Str Principal O fO rono Schoo1"cav'Iýt i tlito,;Il ewoltb L. Dyke off Atheus, O-in *Toronto for, hs Paer 0 fl-i NoV Vo race, off course, but e want hireci by heS .S. No. 'tT, o watc(h Ireland drivýe is car (a neL DI Board as priucipaljJ.îEZ .SS- Exa-ngnd erai, ufVsd chv l d Mr.es this co ing ' * trs say no and 1 feel hs same nway, w d ti s LÉS coi-i g Lo a c e A g a in w ,aljwant hlm Ltk e ,e t e sr - s eentecirng or Stirling iMess, rapidly ecvrig "Be's so anixious Vo geV back o yer f hihfv from injuries received Easter Mon-j raci'ng. A wueeký ago hle 'wabched Vhs incipal. He was chas- ,dayv in a crash at Goodwoodi, Englani, Dutch Gi'a-nd Prix o)n teievislo9n ar?, plas o esni hs rcig arerinit - 'almtas thugi e was lu io Board from ffifteen pln orsmbsrcn aee u~a o haci applied for the late su1mmer. tlk race.' Moss will be traserc joS -,ye as als oeen t en Gregory, manager off hs Bn. Tbomhls lHospital in ULnnhiwsl he ared foces. ishi ace, sai-ci by phone that doctors enci for final tetnn.Plans 'lien tipal s man'ied ithhve Voic i hm Moss won-'V be able Vo ýa1-Ifor, hlm1,1ta takze aswe oia , a oy ekhtandi a - attend hes "Pl:iyer",v200" at Mosport Il asu c) o i tJune 9. Sin(e be recovereil c nco ses Stirling lhaci wanted Vo accornpany jSirIing lbas been daily eerlsughs Vc-am miembers lanes Ireland ,and M- Cont;-inuec i onpage 4 ay evening, at the Orono Pub- ,rounds hirýty.-five.lboys el- andi under caine out for, o f basehaîl for Vhis ageli e boys were 4ividec inluo quic is sud will play lu a local %Va ;u duriug Vire summPer. IV - 100 od that hs boysi will bel Il Jiunior Gardeners Set impie For Clean- morning, May 26 aur in iauuehlug their first spri littie village off Orono paign off dean-up Orono, they a i'ather disreputable ta attack hs business secti f citizens. Aruxeci witI y oung menibers were quite ed up hs Main street, ta have several visitýrs aket ias, boxes andi nhovels, tures with movie cameras a1 e sur-prised onloaIkers:, and especiaîly Mr. Forrester ta sweep sud cdean Polarioid as they coulci vie, e, Jur V the; iWe mald a5150 like o elers Jkinci business amea who' Sar cluir. VOLUM2 Jvr~22 3 1 v M it Lti