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Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1962, p. 4

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fi IECIVE$880 IN BONUS TAPES WITII RECEIVE S4.00 IN BONUS TAPES '91T11 SIGA COFFEE - Sunny Mfollin b11. bag UORNED BEEF - Hereford 12-oz. Tin f MARIMALADE - Shirriff's Good Mjorning TEA BACS - Red Rose Orange Pekoe POLY CORN - Stokely Fancy F'rozen o k Pg.of~ P.E.I. POTATOES. - No. 1 Grade 1-b a (IRAPE MIX - Keen Instant 1-z te RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH fiIN JAVEX BLEACH - lquid, plstic jug 4o SUGAR - Red Pathi Granulated 10-lb. bag 3LDCHEESE - hryHl fdue 2o SnPOTATO P . fiofak rie > 55 '0,DETERGENT - Fab - 15e off Giant Size 2S-#DE. Ô" 1l.pkg, f fPOTATO CHIPS - Jfumptyý Dumpty 14-oz. COOKED HAM - Tablerite sliced 8-oz. pkg. OOTPSECetGtTb WIENERS- Tablerte Big 8 10:Z. pkg. 0jTOHAT CetGatTb POTATO SALAI) - IGÀ Royal Gnest f ILtiIt fi12-oz. Container C IGARETTES . Popniar Brands flt»n, o20ZO TOMAt-TOES - No. 1 Grade it-oz. cellù, tubie ~98C OO NGONIONS- No. 1 Grade 3-lb. celte f Keen Instant 13-oz btle O CARROTS - No. 1 Grade 3-1b. bag OChoce Newv Zealand Lamb Sale ...... ..... fiI 0'L .W vl 9 Fr Shoû r adut WblifornHa 1f g ip Ô - WWBole ouffm on 1fià' bax Ô ze 36's size 30's 23e 19C No-, 1 Grade Floridta CORN-ON-THE-ICO-B 5 for 39c Picti", EFFEcf1¶ý'7E my 30, 31, jupe 1, 2 We Reserve Thie Righlt to Limit quantities Qnuee's Royal Standard SLICED 15,oz. Tins PEACHES 4 for 49c Paramoutnt ,--size Tins COHOIE SALMON 2 for 85'c SALAD DRESSING 32 oz AG- Jar 'T.JC AYLMER CATSUP il-oz. Bottie 2for 33c success Crystail FLOOR WAX Z99C Bran - Grapenut Flakes - Suigar Crisp IPOST Cereals -ý 2-15C Do-llar Devalua-tfori Durham Progressive C-onservatijrve) cýandidate Dr. Percy Viviant likenedi Liiberal views on the dollar devalu-1 ation to a hdhd bogenian scare1 wben he spoke at a pot luck asuppe.- convened recently at the Queen's Ho,-1 tel by women of the Port Hope Pro-i ~gressive Conservative Association. "Their case is built oni the psychol- ogy-of fear," he said., 'We have nothing~ to fear by thaI Don't let anyone\ tell you we biave. stabilizaton 0 f the Canradian dollar. When we were children, -we. werea't afraid of the dark until someone iàt the ear ! te drk inoii lTin<T tion..aeur "We werenThe resultofabogunfoit vnate, Dr "We ere't arai o! ogemenVivlaii aid. Large borrow~were until somneone shouted 'BOO' at us1 tempteci to boi-row in the 'United State-s 'om aDdc COI'1L j hen Canadian imoney aoared abv "This is what the Liberals are doing American since interest parm-nts over the dollar, trying to turn. the were made correspondingîy smia-Uer. lights out into doorn ad gloom say- Amieiian money 1lookted into CanadaUi ing 'Boo' at every chance," the candi- raising the prée'iiums oni theCa- date siaid. dian dollar eveni higher; the LiberaZ "The change in the dollar does not tilbt moniey policy under Jamres n.yne need to raýse our, cost of living, if as Governior of the Bank of and voe don't live outside our încome," 'he mhade if inci-easingly difficuit to br stres~ed " 1~ )in Canada with the in-flated vl D-r. \ivian outlined somre adlvant- ue 0 f the Canadiani dollar,exrer agsh a cui rom the changeforJ omeIto tougb in :worktM - benefit to the tourist trade, Jicreaýse m'arkets. Western wotLad a flxedcurny Pie!'r1to Wold War One, th-is hd been bosed on, gold, but in later yeara,ç tbrough agreemient by nationlal ban3, 1 theli cur-rency was fixed in terns of' the United States dollar. T1he Interj- national Monetary Fund acte« as3 clearinig bouse. Ini 1950 in Liberal tîmes theCa- dhan dollar was worth 90 cents in US,. money. However, against the die Of the IMF. the govermient o)f.thait d3ay decided t0 let the dollarfla freely tIiiiking iM would benéfit pri- mar:y pro4llcers and enable them tz. take advantage of the Korean si'-ua in sconaryindustry in Canada witb the hope that at least onle sm-lall Sec- onar ndustry lmiglit coiil e to Pot Hope; less import[s mandmor god porting industries such as paperý pulp wbich were in difficulty tryinig'to conipete in w rld markets with ado- lar at a premiumi on the Unlited Stat',s1 T 1e membrler 0,-I f parliam--ent in the last Huse of Commons gave thilS brief description of the bi-st*4ry0ofthie1 Canadfian dcoillar to puit bis point ac-I ross. Until 1950, every counltry inth The Conservattive government c', gan te heedl the advîce of leading - dutiajKnists and other financialopn 'o ofxthe dollar again insteadI of t oin t o filoa t fre el.y. MOSSEXPE T,,TORACE A'AUN (From.pge1 left iad b qezn vuhbphal. The paayi tat developed from thec sever'e ibru'ise rontheriht ide of lhe bri i apidly dspern.Do tors expecr that ,te only possible ur manet pralsiswill affect the ting?- Socreds To Run Durham Cand i ate enehTomrs, 62, of MNlibrook, confirmed that he would be the Social Credit candidate for Duïrlam in Vie fortbcomning election. Mr. Toms stood as a Socred candi(idate i'n a four-corn- ered fil-lt foi, the riding in 19657 and polled 399 votes. His brighecst total wasf ini Port Hope wbiere be bad 93 votes,. Mr. Tomis vwns ýnominated Wedn,ýs-! day at Milbibroolt and beld an organ- îzation -meeting ai Rensbr1Ok whVerec be operates a fisb and gaine preserve. Bornr in Lorndon,' England, Mr. Tomsi- came to Caniada -10 years ago. He moved from Toronto to MilIlbrook msev- en yeairs ago. He is a w idower with Hi ae a miembe o the Social S Credit party in Toronto in 1954 afteri iavjng spent a year in ChUlliwack, B.C. He was assistant manager -)f one c:f Toront.osleading hotels before iýeteing the real estate buiniess. He served in the First Wor-ld Warî -'wth the( London Scottisb., Afti the war heo travelled exteT1s- ively abroad in India, Chi, Auistral--! ba andNe-w Zealand be-fore finally settilîng - inCaniada. SoilCredit goverumrent for Canaida "for the betemet f he cutya 1As soon as be< gets bis organi gation- ilisape, fthe canididate will address meeti'ngs througbout tne 3riding n-1 F ldn ort Hope, to 'our thýe 'ambj-er (0f candidtes coi prvosyhave beýn 1Dr). PryIy aPC., Port Hope; Russejli o~ Libera], iPort Hope ,ald r.Ele Couits, NDP, HampnJc'j. LICENSD PLUMBERS Tnhip Colour Kwil Llbby's Firoreu STRAW Califrnia No. 1 Gradle CELERYs si DTeder GIreen California N4. 1 Grade m,1ý

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