#k*1TcàRs A Good Game -And Plays One Tool Rübert (Bobo> Belins-ky is a 2-yeýar-old p o o bustier wbo drives a red 1961 Cadiliac cc'n- vertible, d r i n k s champagne, wascashmere sport jaickets, an lasbis iitiiswovenito his unders'chorts. 1He is one of t he best pitchers la basebail, he s2ays. He isn't - yet - but he is ithe most confident and col'- ourful r o) o k i e since Lefty <Goofy) Goinez. ",Nobodly taught me nothing-," the Lo)s Angeles Angel left- bander adm-itted after defuating the Baltimiore Orioles, 2-0, wUt the American League's fîrsi ro- hitter in four.es "I tauiht myseif everything I know. 1I lad to teacli myseif a sýrewbvall to make up for the spitter thai 1 (.used la the inors." Against the Orioles and every cther teani bu lias fiaced this yeair, the 6-foot-2, .1877-pound ecrewball hasý put bis bis 61,ew pitcb and old fastball f0 excel- lent use. H.is record (5-0 - wvith a 1.70 earned-run average, best lu the Amierican Leag-ue) is startlingly per-fec-t; bis fempera,- ment is perfe,2tly startling. Wheni tlie no-bit game ended, the first thing Belinskyv said to bis mn ager, Bill Rigney, was:, "How about that for a rookie?-" M:a ger Rigney, fLhen tiecl for fou rth place, -grinned broadly. Signed by Pittsburgh 11 19,56, the New York-luorni, Trenitou raised pitcher drifted througb the minors for six seasons with- out mnaking mucli of an inipres- ,ion. Then the Angels bought buin for $25000 last y e ar. "I ziever got a bonus or nothing Hlke tat said Bobo, namyed <er middleweight boxer Bobo Oison ("We were both always, taking the count"). '<Bell, I was Jucky soniebody found me. i neve~r played ln higl aclool. You had to be a kooki to pl.ay on our team in Treniton. Everything was t 0o regimented for Bo I Clidn't like that 'Win for the Red and Black, siss, boom, bah' gttiff. If was a wsste o i ine. I wa-S Picking up good money husfling af the pool hall." This apring, Belinsky reported Ïx0 camp nine days late,,imnedi- aýtely called bis own press con- Perence, explained he lad been delayed because of a pool tour- sament, sud tbreateued to quit Cf Los Angeles didn'f raise bis salai-y frorn $6,000 f0 $7,000. The writers laughed; Angel general Manager Frecd Haney didn't. "Belinsky is a bug," lie s a i d. '*He cau take oui- offer or go *hoot pool." Belin sky wh o se sala-ry will Xutom-atically jump $1,00 if beo's ailil with the club June 15, took the offer. "In basebali, you got- la protect yourself ail fhe finie," lie said. "But,- you aiso gotta .play. 1Ifi-ed my bit sud lost, z0 1 sigiiad." Belins'ky stili isn't totally con- en."Al ile lcgYs-have beard bout my pool sud nobody'lI shoot me a ganile," the bustier - .omplained. "I guesas l'Il have ta qool that bit for a whule. I'nino saut. Prn just socially sharp." DRIVE CAREFTJLLY - fhe 11.yop saire may b. your owu THAI PREMIER- Field Mir.- shajl Soit Thcnirat is Thoi.. Iand's strong mon - premier. Sonny Prepares For The Big Bout Charles (Soxiny) Liston took a sip of hot tea and' jabbed a g i a n t finger at a black-and- w h ite poster showing ail thte heavweLtght chniip since 1730. "Whien I win thech - pioýnship, 1 want mypctr 1right here in the middle," ie said. 4'l went it biggYer than ail the o-thers and 1I want it with stars around it." After his first week of liglit training in the Catskilis, Liston, the troubled topi contender wh-o fight-s Floyd Patterson for the heavyweight titie in September, was s&premely confident. "F'il knock o ut Patterson in threc or four rounds," he said. "l'n juLst as fast and 1 hit harder. No fighter hits harder than me, The only way Patterson'd bounce up against me is with one of those *..those bouncing.. "Trampolines?" Suggested e "Trampoýiinesq," b a i dLitn smniling. At timnes smiling a nd serenc, Liston can also be su1lkinig and solemu. Unsweetenied by the pink petulila wallpaper in i roomn at The Iines hotel golf clubhouse, he was irritable the day afteir bis 3th birthday last month. He snapped at a sporýt- writer, shiouted at an adviser on the telephone ("Hlow cani you advise rire if you ain't hr?) and scowled at a gymr assisthant /"ho youwrkn for, mie or newý-spaper people"). In or out of the ring, Liston, C feet 1, 225 pounds, two prison terisi menacirig man. "He's got to give hel to sQmne- bodly," explained Teddy King, the assistant who -was scoided for nrot tiingr. Liston's workujut properly. "BUt when Sonny gefts angry, hie cools off fast. JU's a wonderful guy woI make a gre-at championi." Not everyonie considers Liston i woniderful. In. refusing liston aë license i April, the ,New York State Athletie Commiission stern- Iy announced: "The history of Liston's past associations pro- vides a pa'tternof suspicion " We cannot ignore the possibility that these lonigtimne associations continue to this day." Convicted of armed robbery in 1950 and of assauiting a policeman in IM56, Liston has aiso been ac- cused of being associated with Philadelphia racketeer Bliziky Palermo, heîr transparent f0 Frankie Carbo, boxîng's uftider- world czar. Liston lateiy hlias conifined hism assauit and battery fo the ring. Hle 110W as wor> 33 of 34 bouts, including 23 by knockouts, and has been the No, 1 challenger- for two years. "Liston wilbe the greatest figîter 1've ever foutghit," s a. ys Floyd Patterson. "EBis record s'peaks for itself." One- item on wihicb the record lis silent: Can the Phladeiphia strong nman take aà punch? , "I hope people n e ve find oujt," says Liston. Preparing for the biggest figbt of his Eife, Liston fortifies himnself wirth two meals a day (five strips of bacýon, tbree soft- boiled eggs,tw glasses of fruit juice, and two cups of tea for breakfast; 2 pounds of steak for dinner), walks 7 mnil1e s in 7.. pound shoes, shadoW boxes four rounds, and skips rope nine min- uites to a jazz recording of "Tht Night Train." For diversion, hie watcbes television, pitches nick- els- witb memnbers of his entour- agor standls on bis hewad. Sonie- tlues hie rides a red bicycl(-e. "The bike b ea It s walkingý,," lie said. "Someday 1,'m-1going to try to ride il to P!iiladelphia (dis- tance: 192 miles). If JI maike it, then l'Il know 'm lushpe Japariese Wrestling Recilly Kdis Folks Sbortly before 9 ocokone )nightL, Shiniroku Yoshida, 65, a City officiai in GUI, Japan, was hunched b3efore a neighbor's TV set, watching a Tokyo wrestling match betweeu Japanese pro "chami-pion" Rikidozan andl ai importec1, 4mericaz vîIHajn namn- ed ?red (Maneater) Blassie. Suddenly Maneater Bla7ss' head darted forward and hle clomnped a chunk out of Riki- dozan's beetling brow (or, pre- tended te). Blood poýuruod dowýn Riki's face, Just as sudeleniy, viewer Yosbiçla siumped forwýýard On the floor with a fatal cere- brai hemorrhage. At the sanie momenit, 100 miles awaY, an eid- erly femaie wresýtling fan coilap- sed and died; a fa:rmer's wvife in shikoku sank into a coma f rom which she neyver reoovered. Wben Riki and the Manea3ter repeated the dental thrust a few d cays, later, two more Jap- anee v~wes cliasedand e-x- pired. The five datinluone weck refleet nof & ecaiJapane qucine]Lss abouit bioc>d but a very pca aans aso for wýrestlîng. Few Japanese wiil belueve the matches are rigged evern if they a -re toldi-andl they 1are aLýmost neyer told. This, rock- ribbed gullibility bas1F made a naticuial Bunysu e ut of the show\y, blubbcrY 1Rîk1idozan, and las endowved hlmi with the huge inconuie (for Japari) of $45,000 a year, If also makes the shedding of bis blood a heart--stopp)inýg shneck f0 lis worshippers. TV and wrestiing, prom-oters were finally forced by1, the deaths to owýn up to the charade., "We lin Japan are not accustonied to watch pro wreslling as a show," said a Nippon Television Co. spokesman, "so there's scnmetimes too niuch stimulation.ý" Even Riki was moved to hope aloud that his fans wouldl understand the resi nature of puropresx (pro wrastling)-ali good pro wvrestlers are e-qigrped with super -,]howm:ansh.ip," Just fin case that failed te calni fhe multitudes, Nippon TrV also deelared ifs intention io "be more careful in bandiing the camreras sud anniouncing." Q.How c o en soeI is s a ' S Aby CHICKS BRIAY ha$ Wmoat varletiea dual purpose, îrot ahi 1ment; daày.old,. and startoti $4 weeue old. Also Aines. Request Bast. Se e Ioç agent or write gray Hatch-. *ry, 120 Jo hn Norfh, l4emIlfon, Ont. BOOKS Educational bocks, Drawver 188, Fort et. Ontarîo. Engllah Grammiar andi Pnctuatlon e2.010. Your Pen and Your Vle - - deals with Banqueta, 'iroasta, Public Speaking,. Jud(ging Speeches, etc $2.00 Spec orrctIons minimum féee $100. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMPS ROLLING ACRES RANCH VARNEY, ONT. BOYS and girls, 5- 16 yrs., complete cam~p prograni, awimniisg pool, 3-4 lira, ridilcag daily included in f(ee 2 weeks, $105: 4 weeks, $200. SPECIAL TENCAMP JUNE 17TH -30TH GIRLSony 13 yrs. anid up Really live vith your horse. 1 wveek or 2 weeks. Write direct or phone Durham 307 W 2. BOYS, CAMP AIIsaw New Naturel Science Camp Boys 7-13 Conservation, Farmi Animais, Forestry. Also Swlnmmlng andi sports, etc. 9 CALLAIS AVE., DOWNSVIZ'A' ON'T. CH 9-4517 BUSINESS FROPERTIES FOR SALE SNACK bar wlth 3 bedrooni apartment, main corner, year round busineýss'15o0d or equivalent down. Mom'as na1ck Bar. Port Dihioiisie. WE 4-0012 BUILDING MATERIALS LET'S FACE IT To sheath and Insulate the outaide or face and Insulate the Inside of your Hlome, paru, MIlk bouse, Fruit & Vegetable storage, ec costa are hlgh. MIRO-CELL or THERMO-PLY will do both, one application, one price. -Mlro-cell is than 7c and Ther- mno-ply les than 11l1. per sq. ft. for standard 13,1for Aliail resîstant braad Refer Inquiries t. Thermo-Seal Insuletion Ltd. 232 WilIlIam St., London, Ont, Dstributora acrosCnd DEALERS WANTED FABULOUS Incomie for those ablé te recog0ize opportunlty Protected f ran. ,chise availahile for qualified dealer, hantiliog Our electric namie plate, Senti 5.00 for sample and tnforilation to: Box 6308, Medicine Rat, Aberta, EXPOITS WANTED EXPORT VOUR PRODUCTS TO US IN WESTERN NIGERI A READY mnadCie wears and asrti cloths hardapring, wheat flour. caustic soda, rueo, potatoos. onions, olectrie fans, ceramics, anti aluinniwares, tomato paste, sardines, oive alda 'od- liver oit BP-., gold aoTd clIver waa'es, wrist watches and dlocks, saluass mnusical Instrulments, portland cernent, alotor batteries. plywood. camieras hot, wator bottles, vaculin) flaslka. slioes, leatjergoods, tollet soaps BP., sewtng andi typewritlng machines. and Repre- ALL enquirles are to bo directeti to West Africa independence) Coy P O. Box 66, jb.goNgra ENGINES Jv-r 30 Nem and useti englue.s aa abe froni stocklinstaýllation and rebuilding LABCO EQUIPMEN7 LIMITED 41 Chawncey Ave,Trno1,Ot FARMS FOR SALE NEA Owu Sunt,30-0 ac-res -early land,. runnlng water, brick bouse, ail conveniences, banit barni, driving shedi, 100 acres bush. Price $23.000. Write or~ phone betweeu 7-8l a.oi., Henrv Ruhl RE 5,.0Owen Sotind, FR 6-7524. 100 ACRES, Sheiburne cistr-ct, oo ayloani, 3 acres bush, aIl workable with tractor barn )0t'x7tl' good stables wlth water. Impleanent shed, 9-roon, brick bouse wlth modemn convenienees. 30 rod froni hwy. 1 hr. f rom Toronto. This' earmi has averaîgeti over, 100 bus. graini to the acre for past 12 years. aud is outstandlng farmm luthée district. Close to town andi schools Firattimre offered for sale. For furthemrx,tu le ra contact D. S. Thompson, 22 Royal Yomrk Rd., MirJnico, Tlor. 14 CL 9-2l137, - ISSUE 22 - 1962 PEST CONTROLS KILLS THEM DY, MILLIONS Mosquitoes, Block Flies, Maths, Flies, Bugs or odorel Hurmiels electrIc lnsect.klI- Ina grîdî ornm fa ags any- whel Low prlcedi -fuîly automatlc I - worke 24 heurs% à day for about 10f ab mnitth. Oon't 4'suffer f rom insects a day longerl Send for illustrat.d circular n ow f0 Â.&F. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS a0 Stanley Ave, Toronfo 14, Ont. 1hMES FOR SALE BEFORE Y.OU SUY GET TH'E FACTS! Manuufaturedi MUuttart Homes Save you nioney C onsider se o f he fea tr e: Mlortgages Life-lnsured at no additlônL charge No mroney dw for most models low monthly paymnents Easy to assemble with pre-buili waIls and eglneeredl roof trusses. Many mdl to choose from, MUTTARI HOMIES ,%RES DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ;MANITO- BA, SASKATCHEWAN. ALBERTA AND BC. Write for free, lujtrated brochure f0: Muttart Homets. Boux953, Brantford, Ontario HORSE8 AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALI 2-yr.-olid Palominù registered quarter. horse stallon. hbeautifuIl ooi andci on. formation, 1 silver rmounited saddle, excelent con- dition 1 Nearîy tnew Germnan ailver 3addle and parade attachmnents. 1 3-yr -Oid Palormno Amrnelcan gaddlle- bred gelding. This is an exýeptional horse, registeredý 4 ways. Thia horse may be seen at Mïarkham. Tele-phone Uniomilile 69. ask for Mliss Rae- FOR quaýrte-rbürse and saddl" contact Box 321, Bellevýi1le. ont.. or call WO. 2-4034'B Balevie MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWÀ $1.23 Expess Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 8IAJISH- the forment of dry eczome raahes and weeplng skdn troubles. Post's Eczenia Salve wlifot disappoin.t you. Itching, scalng and burnlng ee. nia, aec, riingworm, pimples and foot eczema wlill respond readily to the stainless, qdorless ointmfent rogardlesm of how stubborr3 or hopeless thleyaem sent post Free on Recetpt of- Prcw PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSERY STOCK GOVERNMVENT certitled Lathem a eo. and ~ srraspberry plants $60.,ou er thousand, $7.00 per bUundred. Jamesp Radboumrne R 4 !Tara, Ontarlo. a s MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS Mone3y available for immnediate loess on FIrat and Second Mortgageia azne Agrieements for SaWe on vacant anid impvpr ropertyroidentIal, indus- trial, city suburbap and country, andi summer cottages. Fortyý years exper- ience. SUMMERLANU SECIIRITIES LIMITE» 112 Simncoe Street North, OSHAWA, Oniario. Phione 725-S56 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty Learn l*airdressing Pleasant dignlfied prof ession, goodj wages. 1'housands of successful Marvel Graduates Arnerica'a- Greatest Systemi lIILustrated Catalogue Prea Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 356 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branchies: 44 Ring. St W., liamllton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL OVERWEIGHT? Try the effective "Way.Les" i'ahlete Reduclng la imon)th's supply *7.ù00 Lyon's rulgs, Dept. 32. 471 Dan forth Ave.. Toronto SAVE 15% ON ALL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL lniciuding Vitaniains.. Cosmetica, Fer. fumes, Patents. & Injectables, etc. En. qudils invlted Lyon's Dru;. Dept M4. 47l Danforth, Toronto. TEECHERS WANTED TrEACHER vequired for September toý teach interiniediate grades in three- rooni achool ln North Cochrane Dis- trict. Minimum aalary '$3,000', annuai incronient $200 to maximum. State, experlence a ge and denonrination. Arthur G. Stiles, Sece-Treas., Cue Ont. Sclireiber Separate Scheel Board e- quires one lady teacher for Septem.i ber terne. SaIary achedule le 63 folîowr: Level 1 - $3,200 to $3 000 Level 2 - $3,400 t $5,200 I.evel S-$3,600 tf£5,500 L&veI4 -$3,Un to $6,000 Ineremrenta $2O0x5. thon $300 oryear to ira-xlzlsurn for ail levela. >eiu experience lin Ontarlo $200x,9 for ail APPlicântte piusewrite fe Mrb. G., Mulint, Schrelher; Onterit, stq'£ing quallicationas andi name of rvin Inapector. SPAIGEQUIPMENT H4AHN ALL PIJRPOSE JEtT SPRAYER g overs up te, 50 foot swath Includàee hand gun and .broad jet, pressure hoati and hoses. Complote with. Hahn 15 gal- ion1 pet minute self-prrliig pump (150 ibs. Pressure). For use ln field spray- Îng fence.rows, llvestock, washIng bufidings, etc. $120.00 complète. Spray- ers for every purposo. Write: Central, SPraYinig Equlpmnent, R. R. 4, Londo,,ý Ontario. VACATION RESORTS PAIGNTON HOUSE Moteln otae4nt Lakce Rosseau. M\uskoka. Open Junet 23rd. FOX complete information on asummrl 'vacation write for free colored foldetr or Phone Port ceriïng, 7ý5-3155 THE U.S. MARINES DROP IN - Membb&$ of the 1,800 ma4 in Thoilfond ore shown during "Opêt-ation Tukinqun" on lost month Five men aie carried in eoch helicop'ler ond dlý teri. CLASSUFIED ADVERTISUNO N CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD ASSOCIATION TI4IRD ANNUAL SALE 0F Carefully Selected and Governanent Inspected HORNED and POLLED HEREFORDS 10 BULLS 0 30 FEMALES Tested BÙliI Qualify for O.D.A. Premiums NEW COW PALACE, STOUFFVILLE, ONT. Sale Starts 1 p.m. - Wed., 6th June, 1962 Write fer catalogue fo W. O. ATKINSON, Auctio-neer or C. A. MONTGOMERY, Sec.-Treas. Stouffyilll, Ont. R.R. 2, Stouffville, Ont. 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N 'h N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N 'i N N N