Sm.f ~cuIwBo~cIod PntToNeed- >11-Chcinae, Aciricultural Z ,13,1 bà Canadian Ci 101 An executive meeting of ,atIdian Club of West Durhiam H orticul &M Farmers are takie sterner meý ters or ' isllpln( their land accon 'ame and Fish. third readig AI, 1 t- Ontario Legislatu enipOw S again Io tres Io theî >il! 69)i 30. 196e es "no . UIIT thielieai inlýwhi, ted at ten o'clock lu the morni, ni, edlaron, id '-,ý,ve ýn he aftE n without alli thev*Idence bei. ented. Mr. e e in adjournîng the rmeet-' Mr. E. R. Lovekin represented t1le Meeting Arrangements - MrJ. G. utggae isf1ndîiigs fromà- the eviçi-! 11>'nshp Coumcil at the meeting. Mr, Martin, Mrs. L Allin, Mr. Pidgeon. t~cepo idddur'ing 'th, -1,Y ofth G-rareesne thosposdt Speaker's Entertainnient - Mrs. G. lur;.I these remarks he stateci ýv' mve an d aiso a legai couneil re- -Mann, Mr. Rathburn, Mrs. Rt. Os- tha i ws lo te o fo thiego- nn Mr. S. Staples. borne, Mrs. K. Werry, evnnment at tis t7ine to br.ieak i mu-,2C eueral public show%,,ed consid- The f ollowing list of speakers has paiie nto rnialler municipalities erabile interest in the hearing- and been received by the corresponding but rather to formn amalgamations, for both tue morning aud afte-rnoou> secretary: Oct. 12, Ma.j. «en. Victor Her rferedtoth nergr ! a1 session more than tliree quarters fil- odilumi, Nov. 14, Grant Mac EAanl, -ville aud Trafalgar Township which led the main auditorium of the Town- Jan. 10, 1963, Dr. J. D. Griffin, April was recently accomplished. slip Hall. The~ senior ciass of the Or- 2nd, Brig. Stephen ,Longrigg. He urter tatd tat rom theono High School were present during Following are speakers suggested -f~tspreenedtha te ownhi ~the entire hearin. for vacant dates, Gordon Siclair, Ca re wsnegainigtheilîover 1 Whether or not the hearing willl beJ. P. MeGeachiie, Prof. Josely I Rod- Police Village and tiis lie said couiçi resumed ln Septemiber wili no doubtIgers, J. S. Duncan, Mavor Moore, be ispted Th~ q~esiQn li fepe on what course of agreemient Anne-Francis, not bc is sumisioeaquasion, e feloninw a be obtained between the jDiscussion of whether'tpo serve caf- and ahi fbinanii sin f tuntax Tow,,nship of Clarke and the 'Police 1fee at the close of the meetigs Was ayerasinanýlsvn o the Poic Vllge Village of Orono w>o have botit indi tabled until Faik. payersin the tPobotVilaest. catectd that they are willing to dscua;s Mrs. Werry will. be delegate to at- Heip and the tVillae shde Town- the proposais 'and set f orth by the tend the Bienniai Çonfereuce li Tor- gether to work out a more* equitablechrmnoteMuipaBad. ot- basis and to give protection to theý Villagýýe by setting up AgriculturalO o o H o s sT otA d P c mom4ng within a mfile or two mile rid-lt J jus of Orono. This lie said would set fO H reUr tA d F c ,pa buffer zone aroun'd the Police!-T V ,. Village. Hfe said the building by-la-W!1 ~ /n Prctr I we noit e anivswer n d gave ol y lw f okînd' ir ofr pro'tenasweisndw agaventekd The i~Peterborough raceway wasIJack dr-ove twogood races and with e3fprtset at the -wara prped g>ninvaded on 'Saturday night by another fifteen feet coud have turned for anco fpor4ian hewa soehat local horsemen when three Orono the second heat into first place. larg fo tU' atiipaed rowh o hormes started behind the startig lare for te aurticinjaîte at intîcedifernofacs.The Frec-For-All class sliowed the îïý gt tgeli(,rprir o te esup- Keith -West's horse, Happy Babe, spe7ed frtElte eëigwt h at tiin of the hearing to sec if they eau divnby Junior West, made its time being set at 2.11.4-5 by Mary not worlz out the problem. H-e again firýst stan,,' on Saturday niglit anc 1Jane P vhich won both ?.eats, Brace- entiphasized tLhe desirability 0of Agri- ca!frhwî nimrsiescn et, driven by G. Robrnson went off cuituraul zoning ini the immediate a-! aud third in the two heats of the L)tiei h is lett iih~xn ,a 0f Orono and1 poînted to the fact cas. oth heats went iu 2.21 witti In the last heat, the fastest of the tUai the Village lias been payîng at Flashiliglit F and Goldie Elg-in W. be niglit, Bracelet made a bid for the least 6 mnilîs too- Tuch. ing the winners. Happy Babe is enter- to u hbc n h tec ofn During thecoiurse o! the hearing e nth roCl erbyco i'SU in fourili pl1ace. týhe presenit public sehool set-up came up oniiJunie l6th. The horse is a fou. oduodo rn asae before the Badand here aigain the! year aIid aml imade its first start on od rw ! rn fn1r chairman- feu t tnt withi one-r9ox Saîurday. takiu 'g advantages of the races ii, ecwhools operatîug and with so w.any ýPeterboroug-h and especially to cheer ýdifferent and smail sections il-, oper- Jack Williams, with lis horse Happy1 on the local drivers. atio)n that it co,-ulcd not but be autiqua-ý Macý, woun île firýst he.ýat of the B3 class1 ted., Mr. Arreli said that in the ma-i: ina:timn-ýýo f 2 I8 n thl îe secondBROLN AI jorýiiy of reS thle !pûbiicechools edu- hatg iat 2.14.4-5 Atonic-Carledg- eoonFr on ho rs ac eai Dr. catio wasibeig coductd tîougl ed appyMace by a nose at the finish. EroolnFi nStra hnD f)eýn- coducte thru3lTaggart wlth Cecial's Hal took a tliirci aniBill Hooey with Cannie's Pride camne in fourth aodc fifthi in the- Free- Chlde BsAïW r F or. Ai LODNMEETi t rst à-or the locl( [irday evening i-lu raksLaý Salle t( aln timËo!2.10. :inbers Gýarden Main Sti The ý.act -also forbmos pa ered to nst hunt- spass on thi twlveperso , 1 medc ized drives against- given it birds or fishi witliot: '2 in te sent. Powers o., arreat a rperson; der this section to ov' .afly en, - ueh the contraver or water The act also for~ itten no- firearxms in certain n by the thle travelling publice oized by as a curb on targer* rural concessions. 3,1r. utliven said t taken to were more generaily new powers conferreX irani of amended iegislation arketing mucli inciscriminate r cent of lands. la now Farmers have au. their lands after obtaiii, 3 --f mo-re mental approval. gs To New uper: June i4thi"' firsi three oper ýl ' buy one - ripioyees are on staff a tour throxxgh the On~ trong IGA food mar- wlich was most enxûb ger is Iornée Bowifl At 6:00 p.m. a1 salwl nager is Dean Weat. served by îhe Orono U -. Women, in th~e Oddfe1¶oi PRO VIDEtables looked loively wil NTRE LAN rangements made by ti we need; this la the deners. At the head tab7 Now, lei's get "' ilunamaîl basket arrang Terry Kelly M4onday1 mad by the Juînior Gar ig Oshawa City C u-the meaî more appetizi: -ously to provide 2.0, eetwssoni on road soutix as ia terest was soandlu-tar ed $1,000,000 Osliawa commlnts were made i lA great deal o! credit of,+,,, ,,,,Fairlirother for lier u )an ail 01I. Mr. Armstrong's father weni into the hanniess business la 1880, and op- ened a general store inla19lai the building that now houses the IGA food market and dry goodasStorej Armstrong, who la one o! a f amily , 1 ten1, started iu the business 50 years ago. Rl-is t-wo sons are associated %vit hlmn lu Armstrong Stores Limitec ChiarIes (Ghuck) Armistrong la trlc presliexlt and William Jr.,, is secrc tary-treasurer. His dlaughter, Mar Aune, teaclies sdhool la Hamiltou. And William Armstrong, Sr., has three grandsons whom lie hopes wi Allan, onle S îusinel ~, 3 w Jr., h lu me- v testable mn SecondI s-condi PETERBO W under agnet mjreet fort Sdaubt the b 1 haud. SB ride-T o-Be effort ltO11 a picureHonoured s worn by Miss Cynthia -Brutan, dauglter o! Mn. Cliffoxrd Bruton was honoiu'edi wiih a miscellaneous shower at 'the! -lame a! Mrs. James Biluton, last Fn-i - day evening wheu about a itozen gr ar testing fiends presented the bvd-ob ith [y -countrny a number o! loveiy gifla. An even-1 ed by the îug o! entertainment was orranged )f the U:i and île hostesses, Joan Bruton, Noaa - Adams and Lorraine Bruton served ndin thea deliclous lunch. diug A th ek pnevious, a pei'aoual and , oppoaeQi miscellaneous shawer was given Cyn- io o! nu- thia ph île home of Mrs. M~ark Mar- 1 r nfty chant of Bowmfanille where rela- tives etertaiued the bride-to-be. The 0 evening they are tian o! Park. a) an After everyvoue lad partaken o! DRIVER ILLED [cleliclous supper M--,. and M.Wr, Jeffrey Giles, about 38, o! Bow-1 Laird o! Bowmnanville showed mo manvileý, was kýilled early Suaday unusual and beautifufl pictures of loce whlien his car overturned on a countl'«Y' sc"ines, plant and ailnmal itfe. T! road 15 miles northrwest o! that town. 1pýicturIes were eutitied "-Quiet place-- He was atone. Police saîd there wler'e MnLirds oentary was' mn apparently no witnesses. A passing interesiing and brought to a close i-nooyit caledntuie, iLtibLut U d M h lr. Giles drove a ieady-mix con- iug. ýd crete tnuuck laToronto amdreturned -__________ e, to Bowmaiýnville on weekendis. Besidos (Ferrari), Jo Bonnier (Porscl' e- lis wif e Breta, lie leaves four daugli- G61? and EB h tolbert i(Povschý îB ry tens and two sons. The Amnerican contingent is hi Driversv 1961 national champion1 19 q Peske a! Gladwyne, Pa., ina Cl 19 or gD'reigIlýMaco and Jim Hall o! Me1c Te,2,, in a Champarral. Two thire, rid Ferrari Testa Rosswill be polit I M ospoi t Sturda'y iGeorge Reed and Waynie Bi, Ninieteeni foreiga drivers are if-, both O!fhiag.OthelAo eic cludied lu the field o! 30 for the lude Chuck FDietric'h, Sa1-'uusky Plue, ' M-0 ai Mospont, Ju(RIva MK 6); Sta Bi ntt va Thebet pot car field in the b e st teSpca)Hrb aye -p iars everasebd in Canada was: i ~oScdhe RS 61);und AanC fl- nnoucedtoday b ,y the Canadian J, Fr Wnh Tx Bida RacîgJrverýs Association organiz-1j mn). ens cf the race.,Ludwig Hintd!edn )1-- Inclu.ded are seven international ens Chaleg e Trophy Il] ner a: M0 drivers on the F. 1. A. restricted li orce st, te 3ade %v 12 Amnericans and il Catnadians. mvdu oaLts1,îec n- Negotiations are stili proceeding clhase-d fnomn Peter ily an afie rewith oee ther international star and-,aada-Aeicnwa ast several Americans have verbaihy a-i Canadian Grand Prix. rcd greed ta race. Other Canadliaus include Dani The international listi includes Po;,-,-a! Toronto (SadIen MIK5); Lred er Wand, winner o! the IndianapoLîs es, Toronto (Canistock Chev $p -500 ou Wednesdayq. Ward will drive a 1Rager de St. Croix, MLontreal Cooper Buick lu the "Piayer-'s 200" 100; rant Cairke, Tarouto, 30 one of lis rare sports car ape_ ane11500), Harry Eutwhistle, Hai d- Others are Dan Gurney (Lotus 191,i(Lotus XV >; John Cannon, Mor ,- Masten Greg-ory (Lotus 1) lve Jga ye;sdJmh on Gendebien (DaiLu), lunes Ireland 1Toronto (Porsche RS). Given For Construction e sday five feet lu dianietei vliich ýemnent walk ýaround stru a saucer shape pol )rono iapering f rom zero ai ,d ta to 18 inches lu the cei to be The contraci is to b4 don Constr~uction 0f h a 4 foot tle pool an( la to be of which la nc île bottomi tructian o! outer ede The wadir rea. wiii be fillec to M. mar's- the evening re ta the op( ln the paper wleý