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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1962, p. 2

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OILONO WEEKLI TULEs THURSDAY, TUNE 7th, 1962 inister Tours 'Urham Cconty John Diefenbaker, -veteran campalgn- Premier Leslie M. -f sweep throughi ~Durham çCounty le CNR station, Ministor «reet- ,t the Progres-1 mmittee roorns bis Iliree hour ýiîng Newtonville fie, Mr. Diofen- bv Reeve Earl Townshiv and wdwhicli swoled top over timne pro- e the mnotorcade -castie where the party exclianged âtut the same nom- ro Mrs. Diefenbiaker the P.C. candidace Mrs. Vivian.Both and Mrs. Viviani -il Tory bine and ai corsages of the utnrehearsed stop at the ,,,aven Nursing Home in Bowý- ,, inanvillo, the party arrived at the - to\-n bail where Mayer Ivan Hobbs ~ '-I~E O. T1570 extended a civie reception. Catching Approxiinatoiy 4 4/5 acres more or a noon hour crowd of -workors and - loue, located on the forth sido of school cbldren, the Prime M.Ninister Hiïghiway 401, one quarter mile east was enthuisiastically greeted by abolit ; of Newtonville, part lots 6 and 7, con-'60pepe tcession 1, Township 0f Carke, Ceunty 600 poelie.dvrdte n elu (L4 Durham.1 speech of the day after a morning of ,-ale to be held on the property at: ight-hearted conversation, posing for 1:30 P.M. D.S.T. I pictures and signing autograPbs. WEDNESDAY, JUNE l3thi, 1962 1 Mr. Diefenbaker in two appearanc- TERMS: $100.00 Cash or Certife es, one at the town hall and the other Choque at timeo0f sale, balance Pay- at the Qonservative committee romns, ýable in thirty days. (Cheques to bel put mn a strong plea for frocdom of triade payable to the Treaffl1rc? c f z7neech, mentioningig n particular at- Ontario). temipts made in Vanceuver andI PROPETY SAE NO.T-.061 ('elmsford to deny hlm this r'glt. He PROPETY SLE N. T-611. aiso made a forthright en'dorsement -A pproxrnately 2ý4 acres of land, more of the Durham candidate Dr. Vivin<, or lbus, located on the north side of hs evc oCnd!n h lighay 01, ne uarer mle estcause o! international peace ho tern- of Newtonville, part of lot 10, Cou- , ut uttnig û ession 1, Township of Clarke, County 'At uthe ocae ime heP'neMii SïleDtrhm.d nte rprt t ster had a word of trîbute 'to pay to - Sae t behel on he roprtyat: John James, former Liberai MP for -2:30 P.-M. D.S.T. -Diirbam, who, ho said, rýepresente.d WEDNESDAY, JUNE lSth, 1962 te very bouttyefpoicadff- -~TERMS. $100,00 Cash or- Certif led once te' bis own vlews and \lio d Choque at time of sale, balance pay- contribuited mucli to public life. able in thirty days. (Cheque t olie Pîmia h v ~"a 401 te Poý-t- snade payable to the Treasuf'0t of" Hope, Mr. ' Diefenbakter iYiýde an- - Ontario). other uins(Iicltdnjed stop at St. Mary~s PROPERTY SALE NO. T-OJ503 School in Port Hope where hoe was $ prxmaeySsacres, more or greetd 1 'vRev. L.cleary, Sister ý' eseý, Iocatod on the south side- of Vstaff ad pripil,fnthe eool. ii Hi-gbway ýv2, two and one quarter miiles:From1 thorýe ho proceeded te a civie eaist of Newcastle, part of lots 14 ana reception by Mayor Wiadyka and !5t, Concýession 1, Township of Carký, lcounty cf Durham. S- ale te ho held on the property at: 3:30 P.31. D.S.T.G G WgEDNESDAYI-, JUNE 13th, 1962 g ERILD BR W g TERMS: $5000ù Cash or Certif ied o Che<{ue at time of sale, balance pay- R .S.A. B.A.Sc. O.L 5 able in thirty days. (Choque to býeg OESINL NG EE g nad payable te the Treasurer of Cvl C,,. t -na r i o (cinarvol) u yr PROPERTY SALE -NO. T-01,502 Approximyateiy; 8 acres, more or ls lcated on, the southi side of Hig-vway. -Ztwo miles east of Newcastle, part ]ot 16, Concession 1, Township of 'C larke, County of Durham, Laie to b.e hold on the property aI: 4:00 P31. DJS.T. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1962 TERMS. $5000( Cash or Certified C7hoque at time o! sale, balance pay- t- able in thîrty days. (Choque te bic rriade payable te thoe Troasurer et ~0ntario), f~PROPERTY SALE NO. T.01504O -!ÉApprDxhmaei 71/s acres, more oýr - ess, -iocated on the north side ot. F HgbWay .2, twoý miles east of New- castie, part lot 17, Concession 2, TUown-shîp of Clarke, Counîy of Dur- S -ale teo be held on the, property at: 4:30 P.M. D.S.T. ? WEINESDAY, JUNE l3th, 1962 TERvS-: $100,01u Cash or Certified Chqeat tim'i 0f sale, balance pay- " ý b~ei thirty days. (Choque te lie jrmado payable te te Tre-asuror, ef -For furtliîer "inration pleaso con- Th'e A -uctieýnee, ~-Orono, Ontarie ~ Telephone: Oron 5-R-18 ~Hope DititOffice, 128 Hope St. Nrh rPort Hope, Ontarie,ý. Departrnent of HIIghways, Toroto Reglonai, Office, L- nsview, Ontaiýo. Tel1ephoite: 248-34,44 »EPARTMENýT OF HlIOHWAY7S Onai ad treo g12t Queen St Box 1659 g BomanvlleOntario g Telephone 623-7t,51 FORg PAI NFI NG -DECORA ji NGu gBUILDING -CUPBOARDS nfl REPAIR AND FINISH i g FURNITURE g Cali SDoUc SIMPSONg Phone208, ronio Cal] y 7 MlechanlicalCo acrt wvhoselnsal aind ,quaracntcees CARMAN Plumliing & Heatiolg Anoual FIower Annual F1o%Çers and Pot Plants by A. W. Rundie, Rundle's Garden Centre Oshawa An annual is a plant that completes its 1f e wîthin one year- that is it grows f rom seed and flowers and dies ia one year. There are many ways la which annuals can be used to improve the beauty of a home. A new home can use annuals for temporary beauty 1 ntil a permanent planting \of ever- greens and shrubs can De establislied. In more established. pantings, anau- ais can be used in perennial borders to add colour throughout the summnel when perennials eýre not as colourfol, since most perennials are Spring blooming. Low growing annuals aIre also veryT useful in the rock garden, for sumnmer colour. In the foundation planting of ever- greens and shrubs, the proper choicýe of annuais and pot plants, such as geranium&s or tuberous begonias cani aidd colour and if e to the f ront of your home from May until October. FloW-. ering shrub borders and group plant- ings cau be m% (de more attractive by uise of annitals until the shrutbs are large enoughito bloom and to fi the 3paces ieft between themn at time of, planting. Many annuals are grmwn for use as cut flowers to beautîfy the inside of the homne. These ,,wuid be best grown in row%,s in the 'kitchen garden in order flot to destroy the effeet by cutting them froni your dec- oration plantings. Probably the most comnion use for' annuals lu in beddlng or spociaiiy pro- pared for those plants alone. They are aiso plantod on top of tulips o. daffodils which have finished bioom- ing. These specially propared beds cau be 0f various shapes and sîzos in relation to your property. Plants cf one colour combination can bc used in this way Lo brixg nma,-» colour to your garden, Most of these plants can !)( started indboors fromr seed biut the av- erage gardener wiil be welavie to buy most of his plants already started. The sotting- out 0f these small plants wlould best be done on a cloud'y day or in the late afternoon or evei- ing and should lie watered wvith solui- able fertilizer. Aithougýh most annu- als wiii g-row in average soil you - should dig somne humus such as Deat~ moss or mainure loto the soil and add a com piete fertilizer wihwiii ýon-i tain nitrogen phospheric ,aeid :in! piolash. Arimals iii the rm-ost part arcI faiiy free from disease and jnso,ýts, but a, reguilarchk coud be maade to c-ontrol the,,se before its too late. Some 0f the best low growing an- are7 w ialys.sum, mauve alyssuiii, nuais for bordler and rock gardens aramlobelia, portullaca, tagettes French m narigold,5, pansios and vi- Somie of the lau vaietios for baCk-ý ground are: saivia, zinnia, Africa-nI maigid, ceosia, cleomne, lnicotinle1 and cosmnos. Most annuals are sun- town c-ouncil and the greetîng of about 400 people. After signing the visirors' book, the Conservativé party leader made a f-ew lighthearted re- m rarks before going on to dinner. The afternoon scýhedule icue visits to Cobourg and Poterboroughi and an early departure fromi Port Hope Tuosday mrning. I New Features At Mosport Con testants and spectators alike are going to find improvements and innovations at Mosport Park, north of Orono, when the starter's flag drons on the first major racîng event of the 1962 season on Satuirday, June 9th. Theocasin illbetheseic.a tion of a most modeùrn control build- ing; and the ' ower, construction ef which has just been completed. Locateçl beside the 900 foot long row of pits at thc nortlh end of the track, the two-storey titruqture has been sponsored by Imperial 011 Limited, as a contribution to the growth and development of the fnation's automno- tive industry. ainnual "Player's 200", an internation- The four wails of this pulse-centre al sports car race which wili attract of Mosport rac4'-, are neariy al! some of the worhd's greatest racin., glass, while the roof is a series of iron drivers. A crowd ef more than 40,009 ioops. It contains facilities for pres i s expected to be in attondance from and radio personnel, a special roomi States. rooni, several offices and a fuliy- Amnong major imprevemnents at equipped first aid reom. This new addition to Mosport's fac- Mosport this year wili be the opera- ilities wili control the publie address system and wilh ho able to communi- ioving plants but liere are a fewi you cate with marshails at any point a- could try in a partial shade: petunias, round the track., Later on, ehectronic phlox, pansies, violas, loboias, colo- scoioboard and timer will be ln-, sia and vorbona. For furthor if~ stalied. mnation on -annuals just contact your Sxteriding 40 f eot aboiýe the track, local annouincer's booth atop the ' Ioo0-1 This article bas been brought t,3u1 oo, is comoaioïo you by the local members of the On- tw.o officiais. both ef whom i ii Mhve tarte Nut'serymian's Association, a - nunobstructed viow of practicalïy, GirI's Shorts and Matching- Blouses, Sizes 4 - 6x .........$1.98 and $2.98 Girl's Cotton Slacks, size 8 to 14, Matching Tops. Slacks priced $2.98. Tops $1.98 Boy's Shorts, 3 ta 6x, blue, browîý and green. Priced .............. 98c. Boy's Shorts with matkbing Shirt, red, hhe and gold. Size 2 - 6x. $1.98 and $2.98 Corne in and see aur large seleiction of Ladies' DRESSES, SHORTS, SLACKS, BEACH WEAR - len's Swim rntinus, size 30 42, ,gold, gr,,eeù, bluie asdbak 2.98 and $3.99 Boy's Swirn Trunks, size 8 to 16. black, hi e, green and orange ...... $1.98 M1en's Wo9rk Boots, cork soles andl heels, blacki and brown, size 7 to 12. ... ý. ..$8,95 T4 MS C~s-Çi;ONS LIMIT7D. Fashion Store for Men and Wo Men iE W ST L E - ONTARIO PERCY VIVIAN The Man For YOUR RidîngwY Ifssued by the Progressive Conservatîve Party JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER The Man For AIL Canada, ail Cf the 2-4-mile cirt Officia] openIng of the E sso Con trio1" building and tower will take place or June 23, when sorne of Amerlca's torp drlivers, who have competed i ttht gruelling "Indianapolis 500"1 will bcý on hand for the "Peterêborough-Inter. national stock car chairfplonship."1 "' Among -drivers expected to parti- pate for the $20,000 prize nmozey, wrlIý be the winner of the 1962 Xndianapei1ý- race, A. ï. Foyt, flouston, Texas,th 1961 winner Eddie Sacks, .Alntown., Pa., who placed second Iast year, ai%' Roger Ward of IndliapoUis, a IWOý winner. "OR ALI. YOUR BUILDING N~EEDS Garage, Kltchen cuphoards, etc. Brick, block and cernent work î N»,ew work and repaïr. i Phoneû: Oreno UR19 or mi1

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